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Media release

From the Member for Bundoora Tuesday 21st June 2011 BAILLIEU PLAYS POLITICS WHILE SCHOOL COUNCIL INTRODUCES BLANKETS FOR STUDENTS The School Council at Greensborough College will tomorrow consider amending its uniform policy to have students bring blankets with them to school due to the Baillieu Governments refusal to rebuild the school which has power supply problems. One of the many reasons that the school buildings need to be rebuilt is the inadequate power supply which necessitates the switching off of the schools heating system. As Melbourne heads into a cold winter, the school council at Greensborough College is set to incorporate blankets into its uniform policy. State Member for Bundoora, Colin Brooks says that he is shocked but not surprised that the School Council would take this drastic step to ensure students could keep warm due to the failure of the Baillieu Government to commence a rebuilding of the school. The previous State Labor Government had committed to rebuild the school however the new Liberal Government has refused to match the commitment and has said that it will instead focus on party-political promises made at the last election. Greensborough College is a great school with booming enrolments, great teachers and staff and a fantastic culture but it is in desperate need of an upgrade Mr Brooks said. Kids from my electorate should not have to bring blankets to school to keep warm. School upgrades and the rebuilding program should be funded on need, not purely on political considerations. Why should these kids be punished because of how their parents voted? Mr Brooks said that Ted Baillieus Minister for Education, Martin Dixon has refused to visit the school to see for himself the need for the schools rebuilding, despite being asked to do so as early as December 2010. Its time that the Premier stopped dithering and intervened in this embarrassing saga he said. The Baillieu Governments massive cuts to the education budget and its treatment of this school shows that Ted Baillieu doesnt understand working families and doesnt really support a first class public education system, Mr Brooks said.

Media contact: Colin Brooks 0488 383 864

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