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North South University Business Ethics (BUS 401.

05) Fall 2010

Questions for the Article Analysis Assignment 1. a) Do you think there are any ethical issues in the way GrameenPhone (GP) has been
running its Village Phone (VP) programme? b) Do you agree with the suggestions in the articles that are more critical about the VP programme? c) What are these suggestions? 2. Prepare a list of arguments and counter arguments on both sides of this debate. 3. Are there other businesses in Bangladesh or elsewhere in the world that has similar CSR-like programmes that they utilize/exploit the way the critical articles are suggesting/accusing GP of doing? 4. If you think the management and utilization of the VP programme by GP are questionable, can you suggest steps from business ethics angle that can discourage organisations from doing similar things? If you do not think they are questionable, can you suggest something from business ethics angle that will discourage the critics?

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