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Kural 1: noun as well as Boluktan sonra as well as varsa nceki boluk NOUN olmaldr.

as well as yapsnda araya hibirey gelmez. Kural 3: ALTHOUGH-Still ilikisini unutma!!!! Ztlk balalarnn olduu ana cmlede: stil, nevertheless, nonetheless, was/were able to, but, yet, manage to olabilir. Kural 5: Suppose that kurallar geerli Supposing Provided that kurallar geerli Providing Kural 7: range vary vary differ IF yaps TYPE 2

Kural 2: ,and ,but ,so ,for yaplar ,yet ,then ,or /, nor ,whereas Kural 4:

(,) virglden sonra gelen

AND + so BUT + You may be, but even so MAYi grnce BUT ara!!!!!!!!!!!
condition in situtation in

Kural 6: A is B yaps varsa; A is B, thus only NGli olur. thereby generally Kural 8: So long as As long as sonras boluk % 100 fiil

IF yaps TYPE 2

IF yapsdr.

from A to B. from A to B. between A to B. from A.

As sfat as Sfat olan long ile kullanldnda iki eyin benzerliini yapmak iin kullanlr. My story is as long as your story. Kural 10: Now that Seeing that Cmle bana Anlam gelir. Inasmuch as : in that asn for Cmle bana gelmez dan in that (SVO gelir) = as regards (noun gelir) Kural 12: STILL 1. Tense sorularnda still grnce Present rense seilir. 2. Bala sorularnda Although/Even though/Though gibi bir bala seilir.

Kural 9: For+ noun Preposition olan FOR Because olan FOR

For+ SVO

Kural 11: THOUGH 1. Although/Even Though anlam. 2. Cmle sonunda kullanm ve yinede/ama anlam.
A friend of mine mine doru me olmaz.

Kural 13: WHLE gelirse, nne WHEREAS

Kural 14: Ana cmlenin sonuna virgl (,) gelir. So that+ that SVO ama bildirir. birleik yazlan so (yapabilmek iin) O kadarki sonu bildirir. Ksaltmas as to

1. zneler farkl, 2. Zamanlar ayn olmaldr. 3. Ztlk ister (but/however/ yet gibi)

so adj that such adj+noun anlamnda sebepthat ile yaplr. Kural 16:

Kural 15: Both . And.

sonra gelen fiil %100 oul fiil olur.

V1 gelirse kars have V3

By the time will have been Ving dan sonra


Not only .But (also). Neither.Nor. ksmdan sonra gelen Either.Or. tekil yada olur. Kural 17: Over + present sre Over + past sre perfect Hence far Thus far perfect cont. So far Kural 19: V2 DURING

ikinci zneye gre oul fiil

V2 gelirse kars V3 ad been Ving by the time= by the end of=by Kural 18: At the moment %1 At present 00 Presently am For the time being Vi n is Constantly g Now (now present perfect de olabilir) a

had h

future present

present perfect/ present


last year (belirli zaman)

last years (belirsiz zaman) have/has V3 Kural 21: in case lest fort the fear that SHOULD ister.

Kural 20: Before ve Until hari, bala taraf nce olan olay anlatr. (past zaman) When HAD V3, V2 yada V2, V2 Once After (present zaman) As soon as V1, will V1 yada have/has V3, will V1 Kural 22: On my own By myself ownlar on alr. selfler by alr.

htimaline karn, olursa diye, korkusuyla..

Kural 23: ANY: Olumsuz cmlede kullanlr ama cmleyi olumsuzlatrmaz. TOO: Olumlu cmlede kullanlr ve cmleyi olumsuzlatrr.

Kural 24: Any: herhangi bir Any doctor = herhangi bir doktor Some: tek /mutlak Some way= mutlak/tek yol

Kural 25: very (-)


Kural 26: very (-) only a (-) quite a (+) just a (-) a (+) Kural 28: __________ more beaitiful (comparative) even rather far much/slightly alot /a great deal/a little Kural 30: by %40 gelir. %li ifadelerin bana by
Litt le

only a (-) quite a (+) (a lot of) just a (-) a (+) Kural 27: __________ the most beatiful (superlative) The very by far best far and away quite very much Kural 29: UNUTMA: asas (+/-) (-) Cmle olumu (+) ise: I work _______ as much as Ali. twice/ three times/four times Cmle olumsuz (-) ise: I dont work _____ as much as Ali. quite

Kural 31: in case of NOUN in case SVO V1 have/has V3 should

_______ two million jobs almost/ all but saysal nearly/roughly nne bu approximately/about gelir. up to/as many as Kural 32: Gizli IF olan BUT var UNUTMA!!!!

bu ekilde ifadelerin yaplar


BU could/would/might V1 T V1

could/would/might BU T V2 HAVE V3

Kural 33: Ought ____to Have ____ to Has _____ to Are _____ to IF yapsdr Yet yada Also gelir.

As long as

Kural 34: cmle balamaz yanna gelir.


ki Fiil ounl sonra fiilin bir -m

ukla kendisinden S

A GH OU derece past alnr. TH

Kural 35: comparative and comparative yapsndan sonra present continous tense gelir. better and better gelir. more and more Kural 37: am/is/are V ing

gibi Kural 36: Kendisinden sonra NOUN gelir.


Anlam: e



Kural 38: so that in order that in order to so as to as to to Kural 40: Perfect Continouslar Never Have/has V3 Already Had V3 Just Will have V3den biri gelir. (perfect yaplar) Yet was/were Ving varsa When/While/Just as /As At this time Kural 42: OF ALL varsa superlative yap ara. C2 (can-could) M2 (may-might) W2 (will-would) VERB gelirrrrr..

Since Kural UNUTMA!

Since V2, have/has V3 V2, have/has been Ving ever since=since Kural 39: All+time gelir.

Earlier Cmle sonuna geldiklerinde HAD V3 alr. Before Once

Kural 41:
Had V3 varsa V2 ara!!! Had V3-Had V3 asla yan yana

gelmez. Had V3- was/were Ving ile asla yan yana gelmez. Would-Had Been Ving asla yan yana gelmez. V2-V2 yan yana gelir. was/were Ving- was/were Ving yan yana gelir.

Superlative bir yap bizi ounlukla Present Perfect tense gtrr.

Kural 43: V1- Have/Has V3 BUT varsa yan sadece AND ve yana gelir. Have/Has V3- Have /Has V3 sadece AND ve BUT (perfect yaplar asla varsa yan yana gelir. yan yana gelmez) Kural 45: nerme Cmlesi past ise kars en az V2 olmal. He said that __V2__(en az V2) nerme Cmlesi present ise kars en fazla V2 olmal. He say that ___V2_(en fazla V2) Kural 47: Cmle banda Neither geldiklerinde Only Hardly/Scarcely/Barely cmle DEVRK Not only olur. At no time No/None Cmleyi Never olumsuzlatr No sooner rlar. Kural 49: When/While/Just as/as (zaman anlam) AS anlam-gibi) anlam) Kural 51: Any longer Any more No longer (gemi) No more Much as/Just as/as (paralel

Kural ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

44: , . preposition bala place time

Boluktan sonra bunlardan biri varsa boluk %80 passivedir.

Kural 46: _________ ,

Bolua, That gelmez Noun clause gelmez Tolu ksaltma gelmez Adverbial clause gelmez f clause gelmez.

Kural 48: t is kalb t is first time second time t is time + to go t is time Ali ( ) + V2 )+ had V3 have/has V3

t was time Aye ( Kural 50: Just as Much as As

Bunlar like ayn anlama gelirler.

SVOSVO balarlar. ki
Like+ noun gelir.

Sadece As + NOUN gelirse olarak Because/Since/as (nk-iin anlamndadr. As + SVO gelirse gibi anlamndadr. Kural 52: Sonrasnda
zne yoksa V1 gelir

USED TO V1 ya gtrr.

would rather would just as soon would sooner

Not: ki SVO ya bir balala yada bir ksaltma ile balanr.

Sonrasnda zne varsa V2 gelir

Kural 53: t .. that PASSVE He . to They/she/we (it hari tm zneler) Kural 55: with (+) without (-) + noun IF (Type2/Type3) adverb adjective + Kural 57: NOUN NOUN VERB VERB Ving Ving HAD V3 HAD V3 ADV./ADJ. ADV./ADJ. AND BUT OR as though ZARF GZL

Kural 54: QUTEdan sonraki bolua what (wh sorular) a lot of verb superlativ e yaplar gelir. YES= Thats right Kural 56: Kyafetler N alr. (Men in black siyah giyen adamlar) Aksesuarlar WTH alr. (Women with red krmz takan kadnlar) Kural 58: NOT ..BUT Kalbna Dikkat: Merely But also Solely As well Only Too Bu yaplarda gelebilir..


Ardk yaplar ister Kural 59: (zneler ayn) (zne farkl, tense ayn) ALTHOUGH WHLE/WHEREAS However, In contrast, Nonetheless, Conversely, Nevertheless, On the other hand Even so, JUST AS/MUCH AS/AS Still, Yet on the contrary (zneler ayn, cmlelerden biri olumsuz) Kural 61: Like Hate + Would like + to Ving V1 Dislike Economics/Mathematics + S Bilim dallar s ile de bitse S alr.

Kural 60: GZL F !!! (YOKSA) must Will ought to Would V1 should Would Have had better or, or else, ; otherwis e, V3


Kural 62: So Such balamaz Whether That If

iki ayr cmle balar. iki ayr cmle

iki ayr cmle balamaz iki ayr cmle balar. Prepositiondan sonra

if ve that gelmez.

Kural 63: SO= e anlamllar: Therefore As a consequence/ consequently Fort this reason As a result Thus/Hence Accordingly That is why Kural 65: FOR= e anlamllar: Because Since As Inasmuchas On the grands that Seeing that/now that/in that Kural 67: On/upon cmle banda ise DEVRK olur. WHEN/AS SOON AS ile e anlamldr.

Kural 64: AND = e anlamllar: As well as Besides Moreover Furthermore Also n Addiction Further Kural 66: Subjunctive yaplardan SUBJUNCTVE!!!! sonra should V1 Its crucial kullanlmaktadr. Should Its important kullanlmadnda ise Its significant filin yaln hali kullanlr. Its vital importance Should V1 yada should significance atlr ve sadece V1 urgency gelir. Kural 68: SVO+ as well ayndr. SVO +too ile

I love pizza. I love cake, as well. is of-are of have got/has got is to-are to must Kural 69: the question this NOUN isimden sonra noun + like this Kural 71: Zarf+isim = byle bir ey yok Zarf+sfat = the most beatiful Zarf+zarf = Zarf+sfat+isim = significantly benefical information Sfat+isim = red book such as gibi. like this when a single man would live used to live Kural 72: Kiiye zg sfatlar OF alr.. th oughtless of Nesneye zg sfatlar FOR alr gemie iaret gemiteki alkanlk gemiteki alkanlk like Kural 70: Utmost= The Most Utmost+ isim The most+ sfat too

Kural 73: The reason for my failure is the exam itself. 1.fiil The reason why I failed is the exam itself. 1.fiil 2.fiil Kural 75: Gerund (Ving) ile balayan zneler daima tekil fiil alr ve saylmazlar. Teaching students is hard. oul zne olmasna ramen Kural 77: Be going to V1 planlanm eylem Will V1 olas eylemler gelecekte

Kural 74: Press: medya Depress: zmek Oppress: fiziksel ikence Repress: eziyet ektirmek Suppress: bastrmak Compress: sktrmak Kural 76: The number of is (tekil fifl) The number of stories in this book is ten. A number of are (oul fiil) A number of stories were interesting.

Kural 78:

too sfat to sfat enough to gelecekte olmas sfat to V1 gelir. to (in order to/so as to) the first to Go+Ving go fiilinden sonra tense ne the second to olursa olsun Ving gelir. rne go fishing go visiting k go dancing go playing Kural 79: Kural 80: Sahiplik sfatlarndan sonra gelen yap ING (Gerund) Most of the members paid their dues without my asking them. ahs zamirlerinden sonra gelen yap TO V1 (infinitive) I told him to come early. Kural 81: So MUCH noun that MANY Such A LOT OF FEW noun that LITTLE I think I hope Ve Emir cmleleri WLL ister.

akin to=similar to

Kural 82: dependent on independent of indepence from dependence on reliance on am is + likely to=may are

Kural 83: If only = I wish Present bir ey kullanlmaz. (PAST) (Type2) (Type3) I wish
Could V1 Would V1 modallar kullanlr. Could have V3

Pasiflerde Kural 84: UNUTMA! n sonra to Cmle to gelir. ve V1 ile balama z.

zneler ayn ise would kullanlmaz.

Preposition dan sonra Ving gelir. Prepten sonra Fiilden sonra f, why, that V3l ksaltma gelmez. gelmez.

Virgld en sonra Ving-V3 gelir.

Kural 85: Kural 86: Only if= if (devrik) Not: Only if cmle bamda ise, ikinci ksm devrik olur. ikinci ksm
When Once Will V1 Not: If cmleleri her iki taraf V1-V1 dnda As soon as

lk ksm V1

If only= I wish (Type 2/Type 3)

have/has V3

asla ayn tense olmaz. Kural 87: BUT FOR FOR ALL +noun If it hadn been for Almost If it werent for Practically (Type 2/Type3) Kural 89: Recent Recently +noun In spite of Despite

Kural 88: ALL BUT For all *Despite *In spite of *Notwithstanding gelir.
Despite ve in spite ofdan son ra Ving de gelir.

sonra noun

*SVO gelecekse the fact that alrlar.(For all hari) Kural 90:

sadece have/has V3 have/has V3 V2


+ which + whom +whose

that which= what Kural 91:

where = preposition+ which (from which hari) Kural 92:

WHEREB means of which Y

E anlamls: by

At the moment am/is/are Ving At that moment V2

A system, a method, a scheme gibi ad beklerini izleyen bir balatr.

Kural 93: THAT smin yanna gelir sfat yanna gelir (adjective clause) clause) noun+that SVO verb+that SVO S yada V eksik olmal olmal Kural 95:
At the moment=now/ at present (zaman zarf)

Kural 94: fiil yada (noun

When hari via=by way of soru We went to Mersin via Konya. ekleri iki via versa = yada tam tersi SVO balama z.

SVO tam Kural 96:

The moment=when (bala)

Whatever Whenever + Whereever

MAY gelir. Thats why= because Thats right= yes

Kural 97: Zaman gelmez. balac tarafna yaplar gelmez. Until=Till When=While=As=Just as Whilst Kural 99: Since
Zaman hari balacnn dndaki cmleye


Kural 100: Sre varsa been Ving (for two hours) have/has V3 Ving have/has Ving will have have/has been had been

been Ving gelmez

Kural 101: gerektirir. When I When I first first The last ile e anlaml.
time The last time


Yani perfect continuous yaplar tercih edilmeli Kural 102: lgi balalarnda zaman uyumuna dikkat!!!!! Although V2 yesterday, V2. Although will V1 next week, V2 yesterday. Although past, past. present, present. Zaman uyumu ara.

Kural 103: havent/hasnt V3 STI (stillden sonra have LL done olumlu olamaz) I have done., I still havent done.. . V1 yet can do is doing Kural 105: TAQ Question Sentence Connectorn iine gre I had worked hard;however, I failed, didnt I? Adverbial clausenin dna gre After I had worked hard, I managed, didnt I? Kural 107: Verb Adjective Idea Opinion O (what/who) (what/who) Kural 109: smin yanna gelen ksaltma have V3l olmaz Virglden sonra tolu ksaltma gelmez. Verbn yanna V3l ksaltma gelmez. Whin yanna tolu ksaltma gelir (why hari) Cmle yanna Cmle bana Kural 111:
SVOda n oluan V3 basit bir cmled e

Kural 104: I hope that I promise that I hoped that I promised that will V1 would V1

Kural 106: Get Allow Force

(sb) to V1

(smt) V3 Make Let (sb) Ving Have Kural 108:

Would rather than Would prefer rather than Would rather much Would just as soon Would sooner Than sadece comp. ile kullanlr .

That Whether + SVO (tam cmle) If


parative yapdr

Kural 110: Cmle sonuna gelen yaplar; , TOO olumlu cmlede (de, da) , EITHER olumsuz cmlede (de, da) , YET perfect yapda olumsuz (de, da) , AS WELL olumlu cmlede (de, da) INSTEAD yerine anlamnda SVO, SVO, Though/Afterwardsbala olarak Kural 112:

tolu ksaltma gelmez. V1 V2 Will V1 Have/has

Yani ana zamanlar kullanlr

Currently Constantly For the time being Ving gelir Forever ncreasingly Always

am is are

Kural 113:

Seenekte Am/Is/Are Ving Was/were Ving varsa

Kural 114: Aylar in alr. Gnler on alr. Yllar in alr. Ay+gn on alr. (gnler baskndr) on April 28th in 1968
in the world on the earth at Ramazan on Ramazan day

Zaman balalarndan when/while/just as/as aranr. Because, Although gibi sebep balalarnn iine gelir. Kural 115: BETWEEN iki ey arasnda

Kural 116: HOW? by/through WHY to / for

ok Kural 117:
Throughout ve/has V3 In SRE During Over

AMONG saysnn ka olduunu bilmediimiz ey arasnda

after= afterwards=subsequent to=in the wake of

Kural 118: Ha
+ Regarding As to noun Concerning

ABOUT (ilgili/alakal) anlamndadr. Thats to say=yani

Ha ve/has been Ving Kural 119:

in conclusion all in all to sum up olarak/ zetle to summarize in summary n short

Kural 120: Sonu


Bu yaplar cmlesinde dier her

paragrafn ilk n brief yer almayp To be brief yerde olabilirler. Kural 121:


Kural 122:

Cmle banda sadece whether kullanlr, if kullanlmaz.

Much (-/?) Many (-/?)

A lot of (+)

Whether Jack is happy is certain. I dont know whether/if Jack is happy.

Too much kullanmlar Too many

eklinde bir tamlama iinde ise olumlu cmlede olmal.

Kural 123:
Because +SVO Because of +noun

Kural 124:
I dont know _____ if/ whether/who/how/why I know _____ that


As a result, As a result of, +SVO +noun Thanks to +noun + Vingli ksaltma + noun caluse


Kural 125: CMLE SONUNDA..

too, as well, so,as

Kural 126:
APART anlamnda. FROM Olumlu cmlede and Olumsuz cmlede except anlamnda. SADECE NOT: as if/as though fiilin yanna gelir.


either, neither, nor (-) CMLEDE also CMLEDE

HEM (+) HEM (-)

Kural 127: V1 ile Because grubu have/has V3

asla yan yana gelmez That which= what Althoughbalalar hari

Kural 128:
ADJ CLAUSE olan When Where Why 1. 2. Preposition ile kullanlmaz. Arkalarndan asla Verb gelmez.

Kural 129:

Kural 130:
WH yaplarda ksaltma to ile yaplr. (why hari) Process + by which Mean + by which


The whole book Kural 131: Unless= If not

All time All books ztlk isterler Even if

Olumsuz her iki Even

Kural 132: Someone Anybody Everything Nowhere

one- body = they

Unless iine olumsuz yap almaz. cmle varsa Olumsuz yap kar tarafta olur. tarafta da olur. Unless (+), (-). if (-),(-).

thing-where= it

Everybody is at home, arent they?

Kural 133: Boluktan sonra sfat yada zarf varsa: How adjective However adverb No matter how How iki ayr cmle balamaz. Kural 135:
SO bir sonucu gsterir cmle banda kullanlmaz. Ancak So.that devrik cmlede cmle bana gelir. So beautiful is she that.

Kural 134: past now 1982 1982

until 1982 since 1982 (1982e kadar) (1982den beri) Kural 136:
Diyalog sorularnda Whatl sorulara genellikle Well ile cevap verilir. Prepositionlardan sonra if/whether /that gelmez.

Kural 137: Everytime=Whenever %100 S. Present Whenever/Everytime+past, I met Ali wheneverV1 to Van. used to I go Ancak , would V1 Whenever I went to Van, I would visit it. Kural 139:
Cmlede bir fiil olur, ikincisi ksaltmadr.

Kural 138: Be likely to= may Modal+V1 (present modal) Be able to= can Be going to= will Modal+have/has V3 Be supposed to=should ( past modal)
Used to=would

Have to/have got to=must Kural 140:

Go fiilinden sonra tense ne olursa olsun Ving gelir. fishing Go Go camping Go dancing

ki isim birleirken araya of alr.

Prepositionlarda n sonra gelen yap inglidir. (to hari)

Kural 141:
Very X Too FARKI Veryok (very expensive ok pahal ama alnabilir.) Too ar ok (too expensive ok pahal almam imkansz)

Kural 142: ZELLKLE anlamnda zarflar: Mainly Chiefly Specifically Predominantly Virglden Primarily sonra THAT Especially gelmez Principally Mostly Kural 144:
fden sonra will gelmezzzzzz.

Kural 143:
Gerund ile balayan zneler students is hard. daime tekil fiil alr . Teaching

Zaman uyumuna dikkat et!!!!

Anlam btnln sorularnda tense deiiklii varsa zaman zarfna bak (now/recent)

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