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PART ONE The examiner is going to ask you some questions. Please answer the questions in as much detail as possible. If you dont understand a question, please ask the examiner to repeat it. o o o o ? ? ? ? ? ? 4min 1,5min 2,5min


PART TWO Task One Look at pictures A and B. Choose one of the pictures and describe it. The following ideas may help you. Task Two Look at pictures A and B and compare them. The following ideas may help you. what is similar/the same what is different atmosphere your preferences


Task Three ? PART THREE Task One In task one you are going to speak on your own. The following ideas may help you. your personal preferences Task Two In task two, you are going to talk about PART FOUR In part four of the exam, the examiner and you are going to talk together. Imagine the following situation. The examiner is going to play the role of and will start the conversation. The following ideas may help you.


5min 3,5min



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