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Oral English Test SPM 2009

1.Lim Sez Kien (47) IC NO:920426-14-5007 2.Chong Chui Yee(19) 921209-14-5558 3.Pai Shi Jin(30) 920708-14-6390 Group No:12 Class:5ARen Model4 Activity:Making and responding to complaints Topic: Making and responding to complaints after receiving a fine for parking in a restricted place. Task:There are parking bays in front of the railway station in your town.There areno parking meters.You are fined RM70 for parking there.You then go to the Municipal Council to complain .Write out the dialogue between you and the officer.
Lim:Good morning .I wish to find out why I an fined for parking in front of the railway station. Chong:Im sorry .This counter is only for paying fines.If you want to complain,you have to go to the fifth floor of the Timesquare. Lim:But that is another building some distance from here.It is not easy to go there. Chong:I cant help you here.That is the procedure. Lim:What should I do? Chong:You have a choice.I can reduce your fine by RM30 and you pay here.Or you can go to Timesquare ,state your complaint and see what the officer there says. Lim:OK,Ill go to Timesquare.It is not fair to impose the fine on me.I have not done anything wrong and I dont want to pay the fine. Chong:Okyou have go to timequare ,there can reduce your fine to RM20. (15minutes later at timesquare) Lim:Good morning,I was fined for parking in front of the railway station.I wish to know why I am fined. Pai:Im sorry .You cant park there unless you are waiting in the car. Lim:But there is no sign about this rule. Pai:Are you waiting any ppl in here?

Lim:No. Pai:Im sorry.From this month,the rules have been changed.I can reduce your fine to RM20. Lim:That no problem. Pai: Then,you have to go back to the Municipal Building to pay the fine . Lim:Ok,Thank you. Pai:Youre welcome.

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