LeGSB Challenge Budgets

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LDG Community Really Useful day Challenge format Title: Local Authority Budgets as Data What is it you want

to achieve/solve?: Publishing local authority revenue and capital budgets, as data, so that planned spending and income, can be visualised, compared, and accumulated for a region. Link to some key metrics for each expenditure heading to bring context and meaningful comparisons. Who is the audience?: Residents Journalists

What data sets are available/needed?: Local Authority budgets as data. ( Suppliers of Local Authority Ledger systems, have indicated that they are keen to work together to propose a standard for publication. ) CIPFA expenditure headings Administrative Body Identifiers and mereology ( i.e. What council is located within ( or overlaps ) which. localities

What are the apparent barriers to realisation (if any)?: CLG may class this as an official statistic and would] not want the data becoming available before they had QAd it. Submitted by : Paul Davidson CIO Sedgemoor District Council For Local e-Government Standards Body Mentor: * * The Mentor is the person who will attend the really useful day and support the development in all its stages. Mentors must commit to remove the barriers and look for synergies between other developments. Mentors do not need to be in place when the challenges is submitted they can be identified at a later stage

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