LeGSB Challenge Air Quality

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LDG Community Really Useful day Challenge format Title: Is Air Quality a problem where I live?

What is it you want to achieve/solve?: Publish Air Quality data collected by individual Local Authorities, and by DEFRA, in a form that can be joined up with similar data, and with other data such as Demographics Health Incidents Carbon Emissions Traffic Counts

... to highlight correlations, and to inform local people so that they can see if Air Quality is an issue that should be a priority in their area. This then could be an exemplar that might be applied to other types of data to enable people to lobby for changed priorities from the local public sector. Who is the audience?: Residents of a locality Those who suffer from the consequences of ( in this case ) poor air quality Those setting strategies and plans

What data sets are available/needed?: Air Quality readings from many Local Authorities Definitions of pollutants and corresponding units and levels Geographic Points and Spatial Queries Health incidents, Carbon Emissions, Traffic Counts etc

What are the apparent barriers to realisation (if any)?: Air Quality data appears to be published in many different forms from each Council, often related to the supplier of the data capture equipment. Not obvious where to source the related data from Ability to use Analytics and Spatial Queries to find the hot spots and correlations. Submitted by : Paul Davidson CIO Sedgemoor District Council For Local e-Government Standards Body ( LeGSB ) Mentor: * * The Mentor is the person who will attend the really useful day and support the development in all its stages. Mentors must commit to remove the barriers and look for synergies between other developments. Mentors do not need to be in place when the challenges is submitted they can be identified at a later stage

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