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forFATHERS project

forFATHERS project Fall/Winter 2011 Exhibition: forFATHERS project is taking submissions for our exhibition opening October 2011. This exhibition will All artwork submitted will be presented On August ___, ten artists are selected and invitations are sent to our potent and refined mailing list of galleries, curators, dealers, patrons, etc. The deadline for submission is ________. forFATHERS project: forFATHERS project exhibits the lifestyle of fatherhood through photography, film, and all other artistic mediums, used as a visual aid to celebrate fathers. In our collaboration with the artist community, we expose your work to our continually growing community of parents, galleries, curators, art lovers, etc. Participation: Apply by becoming a member, making an online submission, or by mail. By mail we accept any media of reproduction: slides, digital files, photographs, etc. Do not send originals. Media will be returned if a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) is included. For more information go to apply by mail. Deadline: Date: ___________ All entries must be mailed by the ____, or received online on or before that date to be considered. In the case of a failed upload, you will be contacted to resubmit via email, regardless of the deadline.

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