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June 22, 2011

Sir Bob Damasco BSCS2A Teacher Greetings! The Computer Science Society will hold its first General Assembly tomorrow, during 4:30-5:30 PM (activity hour) at the MM Auditorium B. Unfortunately, this event is conflicting with your class. We are requesting your approval to excuse your Computer Science Students so that they may attend the said event. There will be a checking of attendance at the venue and in line with that, we shall provide you with the list of students who were able to attend the assembly. We hope for your kind consideration. In St. La Salle,

Franz Kessler Sarmiento CSS Secretary Noted: Mr. Raymund Trespicio CSS Moderator Endorsed: Mr. Carnit George Cordova Chair Computer Studies

Wilfredo Bibar Jr CSS President

Mr. Jim Decripito Computer Science Coordinator

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