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SPSS WebApp Framework™

Improve decision

making throughout

your organization by

deploying custom Web

applications powered

by SPSS analytics

Improve decision making with
predictive Web applications
What if everyone in your organization could analyze your valuable data in the way that makes
the most sense for them? Imagine how much decision making and return on investment in
data would improve if everyone could perform the analysis they need on demand.

In the past, sophisticated data analysis tools were only usable

by analysts. Decision makers had to send requests for business
intelligence to analysts and wait for results — often resulting in
frustrating analytical bottlenecks. These delays just keep getting
worse with the increasing floods of data through most organizations
and the need for more decision making information. Analytical
bottlenecks greatly damage your bottom line as valuable data
goes under analyzed and decision makers lack the information
needed to make the best decisions about the future.

Deploy custom Web applications

powered by SPSS
SPSS WebApp Framework is a platform for quickly deploying
custom Web applications that are powered by SPSS analytics.
These analytical applications help solve business problems by
putting interactive business intelligence in the hands of decision
makers. SPSS WebApp analytical applications make it easy to
interactively analyze data using the full power of SPSS historical Empower decision makers throughout your organization to make better decisions by
and predictive analytical techniques. SPSS WebApp applications providing them with real-time business intelligence via the Web.
are also true thin-client — all that users need is a Web browser
and a connection to the Internet or their intranet. Many other
Web-based analytical tools require the installation
of desktop software or browser plug-ins.

Gallup saves time and money with SPSS WebApp

The Gallup Organization uses SPSS WebApp to provide SPSS WebApp to develop a Web-based data access and
analytical solutions to its customers around the world. Gallup, analysis application for Gallup clients.
one of the world’s largest management consulting firms, helps
organizations improve business performance by analyzing “The flexibility of the SPSS WebApp architecture makes it
and understanding human attitudes and behavior. adaptable to specific user needs,” said Eldin Ehrlich, Gallup
system engineer. “Gallup has long been an advocate of
One of Gallup’s goals is to provide easy and immediate access providing the right tool to the right user, and SPSS WebApp
to information. Gallup faced some typical barriers when trying fits in perfectly with this goal. SPSS WebApp enhances our
to meet this goal: time-consuming data preparation and clients’ analytic experience through its ease-of-use and the
distribution, hardware and software incompatibility and lack ability to create client-specific functions which greatly reduce
of sufficient computing resources on the client end. To overcome user errors, saving both time and money.”
these barriers, Gallup and consultants from SPSS Inc. used
 The flexibility of the SPSS WebApp architecture makes it adaptable to specific user needs.

WebApp fits in perfectly with this goal.

Gallup has long been an advocate of providing the right tool to the right user, and SPSS
– Eldin Ehrlich
System engineer

Custom Web applications make SPSS

analytics usable by anyone
Decision makers need to be able to analyze data in a way that
makes sense to them — so they have the real-time business
intelligence needed to make the best decisions. With SPSS WebApp
Framework, everyone in your organization — regardless of their
analytical expertise — can analyze data whenever and wherever
they want using a Web browser. With analysis in the hands of decision
makers, you get the highest return on your data investment
because your data are used at every critical point of decision
making to help solve the problem at hand.

SPSS WebApp applications are customized for people with any

level of analytical expertise so they get the targeted information
they need to make the best possible decisions. This gives you the
potential to focus everyone connected to a business problem on
Create the exact application each person needs — from one-click applications for executives
finding a solution using the exact analytics they need, in the way to applications for managers, such as the one shown here, with more options for easily
they need them. Deliver problem-solving intelligence — from defining the analysis. The user can choose variables for analysis, the form of analysis
historical reports to predictions — via customized Web interfaces, and drill-down layers within the rows and columns. The results of this analysis will be a
presented in an interactive table.
so people get what they need with a short learning curve at a
minimal cost to your business.

Solve business problems

with focused applications
Applications built with SPSS WebApp are highly customizable —
giving you the flexibility and openness to meet user needs and
help solve business problems, including those related to:
■ Customer attraction

■ Cross-selling and up-selling

■ Customer retention

■ Market research

■ E-government

■ Healthcare reporting

■ Institutional research

■ Expense and revenue forecasting

SPSS WebApp applications are easy to customize — allowing for a wide range of
applications to be built that make the most sense for the end user. Here a user is presented
with pre-published results of analysis in an interactive table on their home page. Such
customization takes less than 15 minutes.
Power decision making with
the broadest range of analytics
To solve business problems — and turn data into results — you Miami Herald maximized marketing ROI
must use many types of data in many ways. Different tasks and The Miami Herald used SPSS analytics to focus its marketing
different data types require different analytical techniques. You programs to generate the highest possible response and return
need various types of historical analytics to see where you stand. on investment. To increase profitability, the Herald used data
And you need a wide range of predictive analytics to see where mining techniques, such as segmentation and customer profiling,
you are going and make decisions that positively impact the future. to focus marketing efforts on the households most likely to be
SPSS WebApp Framework contains the best and broadest range of stable, profitable customers.
analytical techniques available to provide both of these perspectives.
American Airlines increased customer loyalty
Turn data into results with SPSS analytics AMR, parent company of American Airlines, gets to know its customers
SPSS WebApp enables you to build applications powered by any better by learning from survey data with SPSS analytics. Since
technique available in SPSS, ensuring that you have the exact adding SPSS analytics to its systems, AMR’s consumer research
capabilities you need — from clustering and crosstabs to regression department has increased productivity by 300 percent. And that
and charting. Other analytical application frameworks don’t even increased productivity helps AMR improve loyalty.
come close to giving you all of the techniques you need to solve
business problems in an easy-to-use environment. Direct Wines boosted customer value
The world’s largest mail order wine company, Direct Wines, used
Leading organizations choose SPSS for the breadth and depth of SPSS analytics to increase customer value with targeted cross-
analytics needed to generate the highest return on data. SPSS selling, marketing and loyalty programs. This has helped Direct
WebApp provides decision makers throughout your organization Wines expand its business significantly. As Jon White, customer
with the power of SPSS analytics within focused Web applications. database analyst, explained, “We could not have grown as a
company without SPSS.”

SPSS WebApp analytical workflow SPSS WebApp Framework improves the

analytical workflow in your organization
with access to a wide range of data
sources and analytical applications
tailored for decision makers at any level
of analytical ability. These Web-based
applications provide real-time business
intelligence to improve decision making
and help solve business problems.

Data warehouse






SPSS file 0.2


SPSS WebApp server

Real-time business
San Francisco Heart Institute saved $500,000 per year
Using SPSS analytics, the San Francisco Heart Institute has analyzed
hundreds of data elements, tracking physician performance and
patient outcome for more than 20,000 patients and physicians
since 1985. As a result, the institute saved $500,000 per year,
improved the quality of care and operated more efficiently.

Yuba College improved student retention and pass rate

by five percent
Yuba Community College used SPSS analytics to match student
capabilities with curriculum — improving student retention and
graduation rates by five percent. SPSS analytics also helped the
college receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant funding
with analytical results that illustrated the predicted outcome of
each potential funding scenario.

First Community Housing improved quality of life for residents

With SPSS analytics, First Community Housing (FCH) was able
to improve the quality of life in its developments by increasing
resident employment in high-demand industries, reducing gang
participation and increasing social interaction between residents.

Austereo provides executives with

instant access to analysis
Austereo, Australia’s largest network of commercial radio
stations, is implementing a solution based on SPSS
WebApp Framework to provide executives across the
entire network with immediate access to valuable audience
data. The move will open up instant analysis and reporting
capabilities to program, music and marketing directors and
sales people throughout Australia — even those working
from remote locations.

“In the radio industry, we must be able to react quickly
when there are sudden changes,” said David Kidd,
Austereo’s general manager of entertainment research.
“We collect so much important information, but at present The appeal in using SPSS WebApp is
there are only a few of us who can produce additional
analysis and reports. Leveraging SPSS WebApp will that it is based on SPSS analytics and
accelerate this delivery of information and make it more

readily available to a larger number of users. contains all of its great data mining
“The appeal in using SPSS WebApp is that it is based on capabilities.
SPSS analytics and contains all of its great data mining – David Kidd
capabilities,” explained Kidd. “The customization will General manager
Entertainment research
ensure that the data mining, crosstabbing and filtering in
SPSS WebApp will be much easier than anything our end
users have ever had before.”
Generate high returns on your
IT investment with low costs
SPSS WebApp Framework is designed for a high return on IT Reduce your implementation cost per desktop
investment with a low total cost of ownership. SPSS WebApp makes Customized SPSS WebApp applications are distributed via the Web
it easy and cost-efficient to build custom applications for your and accessed using a Web browser — so you don’t waste time
organization. Because SPSS WebApp uses a standard framework, installing software on individual workstations. This lowers your
custom applications can be built without the time-consuming cost per desktop and helps maximize return on investment.
development and high implementation costs of other solutions.
Customized Web applications
Maximize returns — minimize IT headaches lower training costs
SPSS WebApp minimizes the demands on IT departments and Thanks to SPSS WebApp’s standard framework, applications are
maximizes return on investment with easy installation, low training easily built to cater exactly to each end-user’s skill level and
requirements and low ongoing maintenance. SPSS WebApp’s true analytical needs. By tailoring information to the user, you minimize
thin-client architecture means that there is no need for your IT training needs and their associated costs.
staff to install any software on the user’s desktop. The centralized
system and data make administration easy and ensure that all Tailor the look and feel of SPSS WebApp
users have the latest and greatest information at their disposal. Make interacting with SPSS analytical technology as intuitive as
possible by tailoring SPSS WebApp applications to match the look
and feel of existing Web sites — or any look that’s familiar to the
end user. Application developers have complete control over colors,
logos, layout and interaction. Standard “looks” are included to get
you up and running quickly.

Keep data in context with XML

SPSS WebApp applications use XML for metadata to keep data
in the right context throughout the analytical process — from
accessing data for analysis to formatting the results. This makes
SPSS WebApp applications compatible with other applications
that use XML in the same way.

SPSS WebApp online administration tools allow administrators to remotely control and
change properties of categories, documents, access and more. All online administration
is available through a browser-based, thin-client interface.

 The SPSS WebApp Framework provides an extensible development platform that should
appeal to both ISVs and IT departments. Now developers can create customizable, Web-based

analytical applications that can leverage the complete SPSS product line’s predictive,
reporting and OLAP functionality. – Andrew Braunberg, Senior analyst
Data warehousing, Current Analysis Inc.
Control data access ■ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol: the SSL protocol is the
SPSS WebApp’s centralized system and security administration de facto standard for encryption of traffic between Web servers
give your IT department complete control over which end users and browsers. The SPSS WebApp server is SSL ready — allowing
have access to data — as well as which databases they can use. you to apply another level of security to sensitive data and
SPSS WebApp applications access relational databases via JDBC analysis traveling between distributed users over the Web.
and ODBC drivers and read native SPSS (SAV) files.
Develop customized applications quickly
Secure your applications and easily
To protect your organization’s analyses, the SPSS WebApp security Building SPSS WebApp applications is an easy task with a short
suite includes three forms of security: learning curve for anyone familiar with Web scripting languages.
■ Authentication: through user IDs and passwords, SPSS WebApp An application developer need only know HTML, JavaScript and
enables organizations to control access to WebApp applications JSP fundamentals and SPSS syntax. The developer builds SPSS
and data. Facilitate authentication by using native SPSS security WebApp applications using one or a combination of the analytical
tools, an existing Windows NT domain, LDAP — or a combination techniques available within the SPSS product line. Java developers
of any of these authentication systems. can also extend SPSS WebApp applications by adding whatever
■ Authorization: SPSS WebApp provides document and category- functionality users need, such as integration with another Web-
level authentication assigned at the end-user level. You select based application.
who can list and access applications and view published reports.

SPSS WebApp Framework architecture SPSS WebApp Framework is specifically

designed to distribute analytical applications
and interactive, Web-enabled content. The
www system is based on Sun Microsystems’
Java™ 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE™). J2EE
is an industry-supported standard used for
Tier 1 – user interface
defining and creating multitiered applica-
Information tions in which all processing takes place
consumer on a server.


Tier 2 – middleware
Publishing reports
Application server
Administrative tasks
Enterprise JavaBeans™
Security services Web server
Session management
Load balancing
Analytical server
Analytical applications
Administration Administration server

Tier 3 –
Document/XML storage
Metadata SAV file Data
User directory Warehouse
Model builder/Analyst
Data for analysis
SPSS WebApp Framework system requirements
SPSS WebApp Framework You can use your existing database or you can
SPSS WebApp Framework requires at least install an additional database. Microsoft SQL
one server that meets the following minimum Server 2000 is optional, but it is included on a
requirements. Additional processors, faster separate CD-ROM as part of the Windows product
processors, and more RAM will improve package. You must install the database on the
performance. server before you install SPSS WebApp Framework.

■ 512MB RAM Web client

■ Minimum 700MB drive space SPSS WebApp Framework delivers standard
■ Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server, Microsoft HTML pages to end users. The following browsers
Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Sun™ are supported:
Solaris™ 2.7 or higher
■ 2 CPUs with 500MHz or faster processors
■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows
■ A graphics adapter with 800x600 (SVGA) or
■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Macintosh®
higher resolution, capable of displaying at
■ Netscape Communicator 6.2
least 256 colors
■ A network adapter running TCP/IP Note: SPSS WebApp should also work with
newer versions of the browsers above. Testing
Database was conducted, however, using the versions
A database is required as part of the SPSS specified above.
WebApp Framework installation. SPSS WebApp
uses a database as a repository to store settings Note: for the best display, we recommend that
and other information. The following databases end users run Internet Explorer on a machine that
are supported: uses the Microsoft Windows operating system.

■ Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 (included with

SPSS WebApp Framework for Windows 2000
Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server) Accelerate ROI with SPSS consultants
■ Oracle 8i,™ version 8.1.7
SPSS consultants focus more than 30 years of experience
See the database documentation for system with more than 250,000 organizations worldwide on helping
you solve your business problems. Our consultants offer a
Note: SPSS WebApp Framework should work wide range of help with your SPSS WebApp applications —
with other versions of the databases listed above,
including Microsoft SQL Server 7.0; it was tested, from assisting your application developers to implementing
however, with only the listed versions. complete business intelligence solutions based on SPSS
WebApp Framework. If your in-house application developers
need help getting your SPSS WebApp applications into
the hands of decision makers as quickly as possible,
accelerate the process and your return on investment with
SPSS consulting.

Learn more about SPSS

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About SPSS Inc.

SPSS Inc. (Nasdaq: SPSS), headquartered in Chicago, IL, USA, is a multinational computer software company providing technology ®
that transforms data into insight through the use of predictive analytics and other data mining techniques. The company’s solutions
and products enable organizations to manage the future by learning from the past, understanding the present, and predicting
potential problems and opportunities. For more information, visit

SPSS is a registered trademark and the other SPSS products named are trademarks of SPSS Inc. All other names are trademarks of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. © Copyright 2002 SPSS Inc. SWAF2BRO-1202PA

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