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A special study submitted to the Department of Planning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Human Settlement Planning


APRIL, 2011.

Dr. K. O. Agyeman (Supervisor)

................................... Dr Immoro Braimah (Head, Department of Planning)

DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to Mum and Dad Mr and Mrs. Anarfi Mensah.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My greatest appreciation goes to the God Almighty who through his undeserved kindness and love granted me the needed strength, wisdom and knowledge to accomplish this work successfully. The successful completion of this work came about as a result of a massive contribution made by several people; without which the work would not have been materialised. I therefore, deem it necessary to express my profound gratitude to the following people. I first express my profound gratitude to my dynamic and hardworking supervisor of the Department of Planning, Dr. K.O Agyeman, who did not only encourage me to write on the topic but also, supervised and guided me through at no cost. My thanks also go to Mr. Kwabena Boafo Adom-Opare, his teaching assistance, who in diverse ways has contributed to the successful completion of this work.

I also express my gratitude to my Parents Mr. and Mrs. Anarfi Mensah. My appreciation further goes to my friend Mr.Evans Obeng Amofa who also contributed to the successful contribution in my work and Mr Charles Adjei at K.M.A who assisted me to administer the questionnaires for this work. To all others whose names cannot be readily mentioned, I am equally grateful to them.


ABSTRACT Waste Management and good hygiene are fundamental to health, survival, growth and development. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have set us on a common course to push back poverty, inequality, hunger and illness. Having a healthy urban environment sets a city on track for development. Kumasi Central Market (KCM) is currently experiencing poor Solid Waste Management. Improper way of disposing of solid waste, which in most cases clogs drains thereby creating conditions for disease vectors and posing health risks to inhabitants. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to establish the underlying factors affecting effective solid waste management in the KCM and suggest possible measures to tackle the problem. The study was to understand the solid waste situation in Kumasi Central Market. Administration of questionnaires to the store operators within the market enabled the researcher to understand the peoples assessment of solid waste condition in the area. In addition, the availability of solid waste facilities and services and the awareness of individuals about environmental condition in the market area were analysed. Furthermore, interviews were conducted in selected institutions and a private company involved in the Management of Solid Waste in KCM. These include the Waste Management Department, Town and Country Planning Department and Zoomlion Ghana Ltd. From the interviews, the challenges faced by these institutions and the company in managing solid waste KCM were revealed. The following key findings were established to be the factors affecting solid waste in the Kumasi Central Market: these are y y y y Lack of Waste bins in the K.C.M Inadequate supply of Skip containers at the refuse dump site. Indiscriminate dumping of refuse. Lack of routine collection of waste.

In the light of this problem enumerated above, the research recommended adequate supply of waste bins and skip containers, regular collection of waste, use of integrated solid waste management approach. There is the need for intensive public education to promote a positive attitude for management of solid waste in KCM. In addition, enforcement of the waste management bye-laws is also recommended to make every individual responsible for good management of solid waste in the Kumasi Central Market.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Dedication Page i ii iii iv ix x xi xii

Acknowledgement Abstract

Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Plates

List of Abbreviations CHAPTER ONE: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7

Background to the Study Problem Statement Research Questions

Objectives of the Study Justification

Scope of the Study

1.6.1 Geographical Scope 1.6.2 Contextual Scope 1.7 Methodology

1.7.1 Sampling Techniques

1.7.2 Mode of Data Collection and Source 1.7.3 Data Analysis and Presentation 1.8 1.9 Limitations of the Study Conclusion

Content CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 Introduction


9 9 9 10 13 14 15 15 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23

Concepts in Waste Management 2.2.1 Defining Waste

2.2.2 The Classification of waste

2.2.3 The concept of waste management 2.2.4 The goals of waste management

2.2.5 Some Options for Considerations in Management of Waste 2.2.6 The principles of waste management

2.2.7 Integrated waste management and the waste hierarchy 2.3 The Urban Solid waste problem in Developing Countries 2.3.1 Introduction

2.3.2 The Nature of the Waste Problem in Developing Countries 2.4 Urban Solid waste Management in Developing Countries 2.4.1 Introduction

2.4.2 Solid Waste Management Processes 2.4.3 Waste Generation 2.4.4 Storage 2.4.5 Collection

2.4.6 Transfer and Transport 2.4.7 Processing and Recovery 2.4.8 Disposal 2.5

Solid Waste Management in Ghana

CHAPTER THREE: PROFILE AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 3.2 Introduction 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31

Kumasi Central Market (KCM) 3.2.1 General Overview


Problems within the KCM

3.3.1 Poor Market facilities 3.4 Research Methodology 3.4.1 Introduction

3.4.2 Selection of the Study sites 3.4.3 Sampling Techniques Random and Cluster Sampling Purposive Sampling 3.4.4 Data Collection 3.4.5 Types of Data . Secondary Data Primary Data Collection 3.4.6 Preliminary Field Investigation 3.4.7 Face to Face Interview 3.4.8 Structured Questionnaire

3.4.9 Data Analysis and Presentation 3.4.10 Conclusion


Solid Waste generation and collection in the area for a three-year period (2008-2010)


4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

Types and Components of Solid waste generated in the area Drains and Pavement Cleaning Availability of waste bin

34 35 35 37 38 39 40

Disposal of waste by store Operators Secondary waste collection

Assessment of the Environmental condition of the market Awareness of KMA By-law on Sanitation in KCM

CHAPTER FIVE: 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 Introduction

FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ... 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 45 46

Key findings

Factors Affecting Effective Waste Management Unavailabilty of Waste Bins Inadequate Skip Containers and irregular collection of waste Poor Attitudes towards Waste Management by store Operators 5.2.2 5.3 Role of the Private stakeholder in the Management of Solid Waste Recommendations

5.3.1 Enforcement of Solid Waste Management Regulations and By-laws 5.3.2 Provision of Bin within the Market 5.3.3 Education through the media

5.3.4 Institutional Capacity for Improved Service Delivery 5.3.5 Regular Collection of waste

5.3.6 Monitoring of Activities of Service Providers 5.3.7 Organisation of Clean-up exercise


5.2.8 Future Research Issues 5.4 Conclusion

46 46 47 ... 51

Appendix References


LIST OF TABLES Tables Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Classification of waste Page 10 11 12 12 33 34 35 36 40

Sources and Types of Municipal Solid waste Material classification of waste

Classification of waste based on physical state of waste substances Solid waste generated and collected in the KCM Major components of waste generated Drains and Pavement Cleaning Availability of Waste Bin

Assessment of the Environmental condition of the market


LIST OF FIGURES Figure Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 4.1 Waste Management Hierarchy Model Key Elements of Solid waste management Awareness of the KMA By-Law Page 17 21 40

LIST OF PLATES Plate Plate 3.1: Plate 4.1 Plate 4.2 Plate 4.3 Plate 4.3 Map showing the location of Kumasi Central Market Garbage silted drain Page 25 37 38 39 39

Garbage scattered In front of shops Refuse dump site Zoomlion at Work


CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Throughout history all nations are confronted with setbacks of the management of solid waste. The common problem faced by all the developing countries, is the disposal of solid waste and availability of dumping grounds. In recent times environmental pollution has received more attention than ever before in Ghana and the world at large. Water and air pollution that used to be the major focus is now declining. (Gyankumah, 2002).The pollution of land surface by solid waste disposal has been neglected until recent years. Both the advanced and developing countries have now come to realize the need to manage solid waste disposal. The increasing concern about the environment has resulted in an intensified search for safe and viable solutions for handling solid waste. Solid waste management is one of the most important environmental related issues in Ghana.(Gyankumah, 2002).This can be attributed to the fact that solid waste if not properly managed would affect the entire nation by causing the outbreak of diseases which in effect will affect national productivity. It is the sole responsibility of every individual within Kumasi central market to ensure that solid waste in their respective sectors within the market is managed properly. This special study seeks to assess the Solid Waste Disposal (SWD) situation in Ghana and to identify prospects for improvement focusing on remediation of dumpsites and sanitary landfills. The paper will establish that the key problems with solid waste disposal in Ghana principally relate to problems with indiscriminate dumping, Increasing difficulties with acquiring suitable disposal sites, Difficulties with conveyance of solid waste by road due to worsening traffic problems and the lack of alternative transport options. Generally, rapid urbanization, poor financing capacity of local authorities, low technical capacity for planning and management of solid waste, weak enforcement of environmental regulations - which allow local authorities to flout environmental regulations without any sanctions have all contributed to compound the problem. The Ghanaian experience shows that within the existing socio-economic context,

manual systems are supreme. The challenge therefore is to develop and promote disposal systems that require a minimum level of mechanical equipment. The city (Kumasi) is estimated to generate about 500,000kg of solid waste daily based on the current projected population of 1,610,867 (2006). It is expected to go up by 15% by the year 2010 (KMA, D-Plan, 1996).The Waste Management Department of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly appears to be overwhelmed by the task of hauling all the solid waste produced in the city. The task is so daunting that KMA has become synonymous with Waste Management. These waste materials are bio non - degradable. This study assesses the existing state of solid waste management in Kumasi Central Market with the aim of identifying the major obstacles to its efficiency and the prospects for improvisation of the existing solid waste management (swm) system in the area. Also identifying the factors that contributes to the increase heaps of solid wastes within the market area and recommends ways to reduce these solid wastes. 1.2 Problem Statement Ghana as a developing nation is also facing problems with the management of solid waste despite the numerous strides advanced by the nations government, non-governmental agencies and even individuals to curb the situation, there are still cases of heaps of refuse across the nation which causes flooding in some areas and environmental related diseases: Although there has been a reduction in numbers due to some of the interventions made by some private institutions like Zoom lion There has been an increase in heaps of solid waste in Ghana due to an increase in population and also as results of technological advancement. Plastic bags, paper plates, caps are now disposal products due to technology and has resulted in excess increase in solid wastes in the metropolis especially within Kumasi central market. Many Ghanaian cities are facing serious problems in managing solid waste with rise in population and urbanization. The existing solid waste management system in the area is found to be highly inefficient. Primary and secondary collection, transportation, and open dumping are the only activities practiced; that is done in a non technical manner. The annual waste generation increases in proportion to the rises in population and urbanization.

There are many factors contributing to the indiscriminate disposal of waste within the market. These waste generated by commercial sources may contain a mixture of food waste, fabrics, paper oil, rubber, plastics, metal and wood. In some situations, bulky materials such as appliances, furniture, spare parts may be found within the market. This in a long run affects the neighbouring residents making them uncomfortable to live. This inefficient management of waste has led to the outbreak of environmentally related diseases like cholera, diarrhea, malaria, typhoid, dysentery. Some of the causes of these problems include; the peoples poor attitude and perceptions about solid waste management have contributed to the problem. Inadequate and inefficient of solid waste management equipment and personnel, inadequate logistics prevent the Waste Management Department from executing its duty effectively. Some of the areas within the market lack skip bins for dumping of refuse. This has resulted to heaps of rubbish within the market. Due to the influx of people from both rural and urban areas, the population within the market has become unmanageable as almost every visible space is as a selling point without any permission from the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. Effects of these solid wastes to the environment include; Refuse within and along roads caused by the informal economic activities destroys the aesthetic (beauty) nature of the market. Also choked gutters by refuse leads to flooding which destroys goods and structures and even the lifes of people. This problem can leads to environmental related diseases like cholera, malaria, typhoid and dysentery. The Waste Management Department and other private institutions are the one responsible for the management of solid waste around and within the central market. It is the aim of the research to ascertain why even with the existence of these institutions there are still heaps of refuse within the market 1.3 Research Questions The research will address the following questions. y y y How are these waste disposed to the final disposal site. What are the problems confronting the various institutions. How are the individuals within the market involved in decision making?

1.4 Objectives of the study


To establish the underlying factors affecting effective management of solid waste in Kumasi Central Market.

To examine the role of KMA in the Management of Solid Waste in Kumasi Central Market.

To examine the roles of the private stakeholders in the Management of Solid Waste in Kumasi Central Market.

To recommend appropriate intervention for effective waste management in Kumasi Central Market.

1.5 Justification This research will focus particularly at the central market. This is chosen because heaps of waste is found within that area. The research work examines ways of improving solid waste management in the Kumasi central market of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA). A descriptive cross-sectional study based on structured questionnaire will be used to gather data on the factors that affect solid waste management and the inhabitants such as geographical assess to dumping sites, public education and sensitization, equipment holding capacity of KMA and private service providers, and public health effects and make some recommendations to authorities, private sanitation agents and other stakeholders in improving the management of solid waste in Kumasi central market. This study will provide a critical and analytical perspective of the need for policy makers in understanding the need for a healthy environment to promote development .It will bring to light the views of the people in the market and why they should be involved in any plan implementation. It will also provide a basis and an insight to the state and NGOs as to consult the market women as beneficiaries of the project. Again, any future system for collecting and disposal of refuse will have to be geared to the total amount and quantity of material generated currently. Data collected will serve as spring board for the private sector to participate in waste management.

1.6 Scope of the study 1.6.1 Geographical scope Kumasi is a city found in the south central part of Ghana in Ashanti region. Kumasi is a city with a population of 1.6m and growing and is viewed as the commercial, cultural and transport centre of Ghana. It is located in the transitional forest zone and is about 270km north of the national capital, Accra. It is between latitude 6.35o 6.40o and longitude 1.30o 1.35o, an elevation which ranges between 250 300 metres above sea level with an area of about 254 square kilometres. The unique centrality of the city as a traversing point from all parts of the country makes it a special place for many to migrate. (K.M.A D-plan) 1.6.2 Contextual scope The scope will intensively describe the material flow of stream of waste from generation to final disposal. This comprises generation, collection, transportation and disposal and the various institutions responsible for the management of the waste. 1.7 Methodology The study will use various research approaches which are interviews with streets hawkers, market women, observation within and around Kumasi central market, questionnaires for various institutions, store operators and secondary data based on interplay of deskwork and field survey in order to obtain a sample representative population to work with and also the right amount of information to support the study. The following activities will however be considered in the research procedure: the data collection process, analysis and reporting format. 1.7.1 Sampling Techniques Simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques will be used. Based on these techniques store operators will be selected randomly to enhance the chance of element selected. Purposive sampling technique will be used based on the various institutions that will be needed for the project. The sample size will be determined by the following formulae;


=N 1+N( )2

Where n = sampling size N = total population e = margin of error N=9680 e = 10% = 9680 1 + 9680 ( 0.1 )2 =9680/1+96.8 =9680/97.8 n =98.9 1.7.2 Mode of Data Collection and Source The researcher will use a combination of primary and secondary data. The major source of data will however be from primary sources. The sources of the Primary data will be obtained from field survey using instruments such as interview guides, questionnaires and field observation. Primary data will be collected from Waste Management Department of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly and private stakeholders. Questionnaire administration will be conducted for the store operators, Zoomlion Gh.Ltd, KMA Waste Management Department and also interview the market women. This was to enable the study obtain information pertaining to waste generation, collection and disposal. Observation will be done within and around the market. Interviews will be conducted with field personnel, market women and information on the current practices on waste management extracted. Secondary sources include Kumasi Metropolitan Assemblys reports, documents, and news papers, internet and magazines.

The data collection instrument will be through the use of questionnaires. Both structured (Closeended questions) and unstructured (open-ended questions) will be used. Where appropriate, matrix and contingency questions will also be applied. The questionnaires will be administered through personal interviews. Interviews guides will also be used in some cases. 1.7.3 Data Analysis and Presentation. The Data Collected will be synthesized, Integrated and harmonized comprehensively to allow for a clear pattern of analysis and for ease understanding. Primary data (interviews, questionnaire) from the field and secondary data (internet, magazines, graphics) will be used in analyzing the project. Quantitative data will be coded, counted, categorized in tables and processed using a computer programme, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).


Limitations of the Study

Although the objectives of the study were well explained and understood by the respondents, certain sensitive questions such as means of disposing waste provoked hesitation in giving information by the respondents. Some respondents were not willing to give answers to some questions since they feared the Metropolitan Assembly would find out about some practices and implicate them. The researcher took time to explain the purpose of the study and thus eventually convinced the respondents to answer these questions.
There was also lack of cooperation from government agencies and departments as they refused to release some reports which were important for the study.

1.8 Conclusion The past approaches and strategies used in managing solid waste have led to the discrimination of solid waste around Kumasi Central Market. It must be emphasized that the way forward will not be easy due to economic resources. There is no doubt that solid waste management within urban areas especially in Kumasi central market has not produced the desire objectives. This therefore presents itself as a challenge for proper planning and management approach for the people in the urban areas to grow and live in a healthy environment.

With this project it will help reduce solid waste that are found within the market area in the sense that various institutions available will understand the need for community participation that is involving people within the market in decision making, and also educating them through medias.


This chapter presents a two-part review of the literature on solid waste management. The first section discusses some basic concepts related to waste management whilst the second part focuses on the urban solid waste problem in developing countries, discussing the nature and causes of the problem. 2.2 Concepts in Waste Management

2.2.1 Defining Waste Palmer (2005) observed that the term waste is frequently left as an undefined primitive in spite of its critical importance and frequently, a list of types of waste is substituted for the underlying definition. Definitions of waste are rather commonly found in such documents as dictionaries, encyclopaedia and technical reports of governments and organizations. For example, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines waste as the unwanted material or substance that is left after you have used something while the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles defines it as the unusable material left over from a process of manufacture, the use of consumer goods etc, or the useless by-products of a process Gilpin (1996) provides a more elaborate definition of the term waste. According to him, the concept of waste embraces all unwanted and economically unusable byproducts or residuals at any given place and time, and any other matter that may be discarded accidentally or otherwise into the environment. Gilpin also suggests that what constitutes waste must occur in such a volume, concentration, constituency or manner as to cause a significant alteration in the environment. Thus, apart from waste being an unwanted substance that is discarded, the amount of it and the impact it makes on the environment also become important considerations in defining waste. McLaren (1993) has also referred to waste as the unwanted materials arising entirely from human activities which are discarded into the environment. This notion that waste results hentirely from human activities is corroborated by Jessen (2002) who has noted that waste is human creation and there is no such thing as waste in nature where cut-offs of one species become food for another. On his part, Palmer argues that, there is no constellation of properties

inherent in any lump, object or material which will serve to identify it as waste an item becomes waste when the holder or owner does not wish to take further responsibility for it. As a default definition, Palmer (1998) suggests that any substance that is without an owner is waste. From the foregoing definitions and for the purpose of this research study, waste has been defined as when something it is no longer in use and fail to fulfill its purpose. 2.2.2 The Classification of Waste A number of criteria are usually employed to classify wastes into types including their sources, physical state, material composition and the level of risk associated with waste substances (Table 2.1). Such classification of waste provides a basis for the development of appropriate waste management practice.
Table 2.1 Classification of waste

Criteria for waste classification Sources or premises of generation

Physical state of waste materials Material composition of waste Level of risk (Source: Tchobanoglous et al 1993)

Examples of waste types Residential, commercial, industrial, municipal services, building and construction, agricultural Liquid, solid, gaseous, radioactive Organic food waste, paper and card, plastic, inert, metal, glass, textile Hazardous, non-hazardous

The source classification of waste is based on the fact that waste emanates from different sectors of society such as residential, commercial and industrial sources. A good example of the source classification was provided by the World Bank (1999) in a study in Asia which identified the sources of waste as residential, commercial, industrial, municipal services, construction and demolition, processing and agricultural sources (Table 2.2).


Table 2.2: Sources and Types of Municipal Solid Waste Sources Typical waste generators Residential Single and multifamily dwellings


Stores, hotels, restaurants, markets, office buildings Schools, government center, hospitals, Prisons Street cleaning, landscaping, parks, beaches, recreational areas New construction sites, road repairs, renovation sites, demolition of buildings Heavy and light manufacturing, refineries, chemical plants, power plants, mineral extraction and processing Crops, orchards, vineyards, dairies, feedlots, farms


Municipal services

Construction and Demolition

Types of solid waste Food wastes, paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, glass, metals, ashes, special wastes (bulky items, consumer electronics, batteries, oil, tires) and household hazardous wastes Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes, glass, metals, special wastes, hazardous wastes Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes, glass, metals, special wastes, hazardous wastes Street sweepings, landscape and tree trimmings, general wastes from parks, beaches, and other recreational areas Wood, steel, concrete, dirt

Process (manufacturing, etc)

Industrial process wastes, scrap materials, off specification products, slay, tailings Spoilt food wastes, agricultural wastes, hazardous wastes (e.g. pesticides).


Source: World Bank/IBRD, 1999. In the Stakeholders Guide: Sustainable Waste Management, the UK Environment Council (2000) also employed source classification to identify the major sources of waste as municipal sources, commerce and industry, agricultural sources, demolition and construction activities, dredged spoils, sewage sludge and mining and quarrying operations. Classifying wastes by their sources is a useful way of determining the relative contributions of the different sectors of society to the waste stream and how to plan for their collection and disposal. Frequently, the material composition of the waste stream is also used to classify wastes into such types as

organic waste, paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, ceramics, textiles metal and inert waste (Table 2.3). An example of waste classification based on material composition was conducted by the Surrey County, UK in 2002/2003. An analysis of household waste streams in the county identified nine main types of materials: paper/card, plastic film, dense plastic, textiles, miscellaneous combustibles, glass, ferrous metal, garden waste and food waste

(, online). Table 2.3: Material classification of waste Waste type Examples Paper Newspapers, cardboards, office waste paper, magazine/glossy Plastics Bottles, expanded polystyrene, film plastic, other rigid plastics Glass Clear glass, green glass, amber glass, non-recyclable glass Metals Steel cans, aluminum cans, other ferrous, other aluminum Organics Yard waste-grass, yard waste-other, wood, textiles, diapers, fines, other organics Inorganic carpets, drywall, other construction and demolition, other inorganic Electronics Source: Surrey County, UK in 2002/2003

Using the physical state of waste substances, the materials in the waste stream can also be categorized into liquid, solid, gaseous and radioactive wastes. Examples of these types are shown in Table 2.4 Table 2.4: Classification of waste based on physical state of waste substances Waste type Liquid waste Solid waste Gaseous waste Examples Sewage sludge, waste water from bath house and kitchens Food waste, paper, plastic, metal, debris Factory smoke, vehicle exhaust smoke, fumes from burning waste dumps Radiation, uranium, plutonium, excess energy

Radioactive waste Source: DELM, 1993; US EPA, 2008

Furthermore, the potential health or pollution risk of waste materials is used to classify wastes into hazardous or non-hazardous waste (Table 2.1). On the one hand, hazardous waste refers to wastes with properties that make them potentially harmful to human health or the environment (DELM, 1993; US EPA, 2008). According to the United States Environmental Protection

Agency (US EPA) 2008, hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids, contained gases, or sludge and can be the by-products of manufacturing processes or simply discarded commercial products like cleaning fluids or pesticides. Because of their potential pollution danger, hazardous waste materials require rigorous and cautions means of disposal (Department of Environment and Land Management, DELM 1993). In the EPAs Hazardous Waste Listings (2008) the categories of hazardous wastes include ignitable waste, corrosive waste, reactive waste, toxicity characteristic waste, acute hazardous waste and toxic waste. Special waste is one type of hazardous waste which is usually so dangerous to treat, keep or dispose of that it requires special disposal arrangements (US.EPA, 2008). Examples include hard clinical waste such as human parts, contaminated swabs and sharps. On the other hand, non-hazardous waste does not pose a danger and can be dealt with easily, examples being inert materials such as uncontaminated earth and excavated waste such as bricks, sand, gravel and concrete slates (Environment Council, 2000). Waste can also be classified by whether it is biodegradable or non-biodegradable waste (Lapidos, 2007). The classification of waste into types, as discussed above, is very important for waste management planning. Among other things, it provides useful information that enables municipal authorities to organize waste management operations including the frequency and means of collection, and appropriate disposal methods. The developed countries have made great advances in waste data generation and analysis which have enabled them to improve waste management over the years. In most developing countries, however, even the most basic data on waste such as the quantities generated and composition of the waste stream are lacking, making it difficult to organise waste management effectively (Hardoy et al., 2001). 2.2.3 The Concept of Waste Management The business of keeping our environment free from the contaminating effects of waste materials is generally termed waste management (US EPA (2008)). Gbekor (2003), for instance, has referred to waste management as involving the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste including after care of disposal sites. Similarly, Gilpin (1996) has defined waste management as purposeful, systematic control of the generation, storage, collection, transportation, separation, processing, recycling, recovery and disposal of solid waste in a sanitary, aesthetically acceptable and economical manner while Schubeller et al. (1996) focus on municipal solid waste management which they define as the collection, transfer, treatment,


recycling, resource recovery and disposal of solid waste in urban areas. Baabereyir A. (2009) defined waste management as the practice of protecting the environment from the polluting effects of waste materials in order to protect public health and the natural environment. Thus, the priority of a waste management system must always be the provision of a cleansing service which helps to maintain the health and safety of citizens and their environment (Cooper, 1999). 2.2.4 The Goals of Waste Management Schubeller et al. (1996) stated the goals of municipal solid waste management as protecting environmental health, protecting the quality of the environment, supporting the efficiency and productivity of the economy and the generation of employment and income for people. On her part, Cointreau (2001) argued that the overall goal of urban solid waste management is to collect, treat and dispose of solid waste generated by all urban population groups in an environmentally and socially satisfactory manner, using the most economical means available In 1976, the United States Congress enacted the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) which authorized the EPA to regulate waste management and disposal practices. The goals of waste management that were set by the RCRA included:  the protection of human health and the environment from the hazards posed by waste disposal  the conservation of energy and natural resources through waste recycling and recovery reducing or eliminating the amount of waste generated, and  ensuring that wastes are managed in an environmentally-safe manner (RCRA, 1976) Similarly, the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency has noted that waste management is essential in the present day context for the following reasons (Ghana EPA, 2002):  To protect human health against waste-related hazards and risks  To prevent pollution of the environment and its natural resources like air, water and land  To produce energy which could be an alternative for the fast depleting fossil fuels and other conventional sources of energy  To make optimum use of the waste generated  For a better and sustainable future.


It can be concluded from the above that the main objective of waste management is to protect public health against waste-related hazards and risks, and to maintain ecosystem services by preventing the pollution of the natural environment and its resources such as land, water and air as well as the aesthetic quality of the environment. The objectives of waste management are also in line with the goals of the Millennium [Ecosystems] Assessment (MA), the United Nations 2005 study of the consequences of ecosystem change for human wellbeing. 2.2.5 Options for Considerations in Management of Waste To achieve the goals of municipal solid waste management, it is necessary to establish sustainable systems of solid waste management which will meet the needs of the entire urban population including the poor. The systems put in place for solid waste management must be appropriate to the particular circumstances of the city and its various localities. To achieve sustainable waste management, such a system must harness and develop the capacities of all stakeholders in the waste sector (Schubeller et al. 1996) including civil society, businesses, private sector waste companies and government agencies. Due to their low technical, financial and managerial capacities, most municipal authorities in developing countries fail to achieve the goals of waste management and are, therefore, unable to achieve the basic objective of waste management which is to protect public health and the natural environment against waste pollution (Hardoy et al., 2001; Pacione, 2006)

2.2.6 The Principles of Waste Management The principles of waste management, as identified by Schubeller et al. (1996:19), are to minimize waste generation, maximize waste recycling and reuse, and ensure the safe and environmentally sound disposal of waste. This means that waste management should be approached from the perspective of the entire cycle of material use which includes production, distribution and consumption as well as waste collection and disposal. While immediate priority must be given to effective collection and disposal, waste reduction and recycling should be pursued as equally important longer-term objectives (Schubeller et al., 1996). Cointreau (2001) has also identified ten principles that should guide a sustainable and integrated solid waste management programme. Such a programme should: 1. Be supportive of good governance


2. Provide economic service delivery 3. Establish cost recovery mechanisms for long-term financial sustainability 4. Conserve natural resources 5. Embrace public participation 6. Foster environmentally appropriate technologies and sites 7. Seek appropriate levels of source segregation, recycling and resource recovery 8. Conduct strategic facility planning and development 9. Build institutional capacity 10. Invite private sector involvement In line with Gilpins (1996) notion of waste management, this means that waste management involves much more than the practical organization of waste collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. While these are important aspects of waste management, several other issues are equally important including good governance, public and private sector participation (Cointreau, 2001). The waste management situations in most developing countries show that the goals and principles of waste management are far from being achieved (Schubeller et al., 1996; Hardoy et al., 2001; Pacione, 2005).This principles are very important in this research study when the various institutions involved in management of these waste put these principles into practice, since its will help minimize waste generation, maximize waste recycling and reuse, and ensure the safe and environmentally sound disposal of waste in Kumasi Central Market. 2.2.7 Integrated Waste Management and the Waste hierarchy In recent years, the concept of integrated waste management (IWM) has become popular as a new approach to waste management. As defined by the World Resource Foundation (WRF, cited in Environment Council, 2000), IWM refers to the use of a range of different waste management options rather than using a single option. In other words, IWM is an approach which relies not only on technical solutions to the waste problem, but on a wide range of complementary techniques in a holistic approach. The approach involves the selection and application of appropriate technologies, techniques and management practices to design a programme that achieves the objectives of waste management (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993). The concept of IWM seems to have emerged from the realization that technical solutions alone do not adequately address the complex issue of waste management and that there is the need to


employ a more holistic approach to waste management. As argued by Rhyner et al. (1995), a single choice of methods for waste management is frequently unsatisfactory, inadequate, and not economical. Use of an integrated approach to managing solid waste has therefore evolved in response to the need for a more holistic approach to the waste problem. In this approach, all stakeholders participating in and affected by the waste management regime are brought on board to participate in waste management. Furthermore, issues such as social, cultural, economic and environmental factors are considered in the design of an IWM project (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993; Rhyner et al., 1995; Schubeller et al., 1996)

These elements most commonly associated with integrated solid waste management are waste prevention, waste reduction/minimization, re-use of materials and products, material recovery from waste streams, recycling of materials, composting to produce manures, incineration with energy recovery, incineration without energy recovery and disposal in landfills in that order of priority (Durham County Council, 2007: online) These elements of IWM are frequently formulated into a waste hierarchy model which Girling (2005) has described as a penny-plain piece of common sense that places the various strategies for waste management in order of environmental friendliness, from best to worst. As shown in Figure. 2.1, waste reduction are placed at the top to show that the best way to deal with waste since waste cannot be prevented from its production and, where this is not possible, to produce less of it. At the other extreme, disposal is placed at the bottom to show that it should be the last resort among the strategies for waste management.


Fig. 2.1: Waste Management Hierarchy Model Since waste cannot be prevented, it can be recycled and re-use so that as more waste is produced it is put to a use to prevent problems related to waste management. This module is very important since as often as waste is produce it can be recycled or pass through the necessary processes before disposing it. 2.3 The Urban Solid Waste Problem in Developing Countries

2.3.1 Introduction Rapid urbanization which occurred in the developed world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is now underway in the developing parts of the world (Songsore, 2004; Tannerfeldt and Ljung, 2006). In Asia, Africa and Latin America, cities are growing rapidly, fuelled by large-scale ruralurban migration and natural increases within the cities (Songsore, 2004). According to Hardoy et al. (2001), the urban population in these regions grew more than fivefold from 346 million in 1950 to 1.8 billion in 1995, and even though Asia and Africa are relatively less urbanized, they both have very large urban populations and rapidly growing cities (Songsore, 2004). The rapid urbanization which is currently occurring in the developing parts of the world has many positive impacts including economic growth and modernization but it is also accompanied by problems of a social, economic and environmental nature. Thus, while cities in these countries grapple with socio-economic problems such as poor shelter, unemployment, poverty and misery, there are also mounting environmental problems including poor sanitation and water quality, slum development and a worsening solid waste situation which, among other problems,

have become great challenges to municipal authorities (Kwawe, 1995; Hardoy et al., 2001; Pacione, 2005). In particular, the urban solid waste situation in most poor countries is worrying. Most cities in the developing world are, therefore, drowning in waste (Chazan, 2002). The appalling solid waste situation in the worlds poor cities has attracted attention even at the global level. To address the waste problem confronting the world under the UN Resolution 44/288, four major programme areas was identified which were:  Minimizing wastes  Maximizing environmentally sound waste reuse and recycling  Promoting environmentally sound waste disposal and treatment  Extending waste service coverage In most cities in the developing world, the poor environmental sanitation created by the waste situation militates against the achievement of the major objective of solid waste management which is to protect human health and the environment from the hazards posed by waste (RCRA, 1976; Schubeler et al., 1996; Hardoy et al., 2001). Also, achievement of many of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) depends on maintaining clean and healthy human settlements. For example, reducing child mortality (MDG 4), improving maternal health (MDG 5), reducing malaria and other environment-related diseases (MDG 6) and ensuring environmental sustainability (MDG 7) are directly affected by the quality of waste management. Furthermore, effective and sustainable waste management will promote the attainment of the remaining MDGs. 2.3.2 The Nature of the Waste Problem in Developing Countries While data is generally lacking in the waste sector of developing countries, available studies on the topic suggest that solid waste management in generally characterized by inefficient collection methods, insufficient coverage of the collection systems and improper disposal of municipal waste (Onibokun and Kumuyi, 1999; Hardoy et al., 2001; Pacione, 2005). Major urban settlements are, therefore, characterized by waste accumulations and poor environmental sanitation (Habitat, 1997; Onibokun and Kumuyi, 1999; Hardoy et al., 2001; Pacione, 2005; Palczynski and Scotia, 2002). In 2002, the United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (UNHabitat) raised concern about the solid waste situation in poor country cities in the following


words: The need for the collection and disposal of solid waste in urban settlements is far from adequately recognized. Uncollected refuse accumulates in drains, roads and open spaces, disrupting community life and creating additional problems in the operation of other public services (Habitat 2002). In many Third World cities, writers suggest that large proportions (between 30 and 50 percent) of the solid waste generated by the residents are never collected for disposal and end up rotting on the streets, in drains and in streams (Hardoy et al., 2001; Pacione, 2005; Ali, 2006). Hardoy et al. (2001) for instance have reported the extensive lack of solid waste collection in cities across the developing world. Pacione (2005) has also commented on the lack of provision for urban waste management in poor countries and the resulting poor environmental conditions in the cities. According to him, most poor city governments have great difficulty regarding the collection and safe disposal of solid wastes. He estimates that between one third and one half of all solid waste generated in Third World cities remains uncollected and the collection rate could be as low as 10 20 percent in some cases. Depicting a similar picture of the problem, Cointreau (2001), has estimated that in some cases, up to 60 percent of solid waste generated within urban centres in poor countries remains uncollected and such refuse accumulates on waste lands and streets, sometimes to the point of blocking roads


Urban Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries

2.4.1 Introduction The term solid waste management has been viewed differently by various authors. Kumah (2007) defines solid waste management as the administration of activities that provide for the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of waste. However, Tchobanoglous et al (1993), provide a more comprehensive definition of solid waste management. According to them, solid waste management is that discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics and other environmental considerations and that is also responsive to public attitudes. Therefore, if solid waste management is to be accomplished in an efficient and orderly manner, the fundamental aspects and relationships

involved must be indentified and understood clearly (Tchobanoglous et al, 1993). On the basis of this solid waste management incorporates the following: source separation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste in an environmentally sustainable manner (Tchobanoglous et al, 1993). These elements have been illustrated in Figure 2.2 below. Figure 2.2 Key Elements of Solid Waste Management

Waste Generation



Transfer and Transport

Processing and Recovery

Final Disposal

(Source: Tchobanoglous et al 1993)

2.4.2 Solid Waste Management Processes

As shown in figure 2.2, the key elements in solid waste management include: waste generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing and recovery and final disposal. This means that when waste is generated it is first stored in either dustbins or skips. It is then collected and finally disposed of in landfill. Also, when waste is collected it can be transferred from small collection equipment like the tricycle to a bigger truck for final disposal. On the other hand, waste collected can be processed and recovered for materials to be reused. 2.4.3 Waste Generation Waste generation encompasses those activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of value and are either thrown away or gathered together for disposal (Momoh and

Oladebeye, 2010). According to UNEP (2009), in 2006 the total amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated globally reached 2.02 billion tones, representing a 7 per cent annual increase since 2003. It is further estimated that between 2007 and 2011, global generation of municipal waste will rise by 37.3 per cent, equivalent to roughly 8 per cent increase per year (UNEP, 2009). The programme also says that, as per WHO estimations, the total health-care waste per person per year in most low income countries, is anywhere from 0.5 kg to 3 kg. That notwithstanding, the causes of this increased should have enumerated by the organisation and therefore, has not exhausted the issue on discussion. It is accepted that solid waste generation is increasing at a faster rate globally as indicated by UNEP and this is confirmed by Mensah and Larbi (2005) concerning solid waste generation in Ghana. 2.4.4 Storage Tchobanoglous et al (1977) explain storage to mean where solid waste is stored before it is collected. It could be stored in a skip or dustbins and not thrown away indiscriminately. According to them, storage is of primary importance because of the aesthetic consideration. 2.4.5 Collection The element of collection includes not only the gathering of solid waste, but also the hauling of waste after collection to the location where the collection vehicle is emptied ( Kreith, 1994). According to Kreith (1994), the most common type of residential collection services in the United States include curb, setout-setback and backyard carry. According to the USPS (2000), in the city of Thimphu in Bhutan the collection of solid waste from households, commercial set-ups was done in concrete receptacles placed at strategic points and conveyed by trucks/tractors. Accordingly, there were concrete bins and containers provided at various locations from where the waste was lifted for disposal. Individual bins/containers were also placed alongside the shops in certain areas, which were emptied directly into the trucks/tippers. This prevents people from dumping waste indiscriminately. On the other hand, the building of these concrete bins and containers may be expensive to do in Ghana and for that matter TAMA.


2.4.6 Transfer and Transport According to Kreith (1994), transfer and transport involves two steps: (1) the transfer of wastes from the smaller collection vehicle to the larger transport equipment and (2) the subsequent transport of the wastes, usually over long distances to the final disposal site. 2.4.7 Processing and Recovery The element of processing and recovery includes all the technology, equipment, and facilities used both to improve the efficiency of other functional elements and to recover usable materials, conversion products or energy from solid wastes (Tchobanoglous et al, 1977). In the recovery, separation operations have been devised to recover valuable resources from the mixed solid wastes delivered to transfer stations or solid waste processing plants (Tchobanoglous et al, 1977). 2.4.8 Disposal It is the ultimate fate of all solid wastes whether they are residential wastes collected and transported directly to landfill site. Having explained the various elements in the diagram by some authorities, the next section analyses in further details the final disposal methods of solid waste. Several methods of solid waste management have evolved over the years. These methods according to the Centre for Environment and Development (2003) vary greatly with types of wastes and local conditions. For the purpose of this analysis, this section is divided into early practices of managing solid waste and contemporary methods of waste management systems. These solid waste management processes are very important to this research study since they explains the need for the various institutions involved in managing these waste generated in the study area. 2.5 Solid Waste Management in Ghana Ghana typifies most Sub-Saharan African countries with respect to dearth of reliable data on the management of solid waste (Anomanyo, 2004). According to Edoho and Dibie (2000), this situation can hardly be attributed to absence of policy and institutional frameworks. Most possibly, the Ghanaian situation is a result of failure of established frameworks to manage human, physical and financial resources so as to achieve desired objectives. Since independence in 1957, Ghanas environmental policy, like that in most SSA countries has followed European models, with market friendly, large scale industrial development (Issahaku, 2000). Ghanas

regulatory authority, the Environmental Protection Council (EPC) was created in 1974, followed by the enactment of the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) Law 116 in 1985, later replaced with PNDC Law 207 of 1988 which made District Assemblies responsible authorities for matters relating to environmental management (Edoho and Dibie, 2000). Despite the creation of the EPC in 1974 there was no formal procedure for environmental assessment in Ghana until 1994, when the EPC changed into the Environmental Protection Agency through an Act of Parliament. This became necessary with the establishment of a full fledged Ministry of the Environment charged with policy issues at the national level (Ahorttor and Asiamah, 2000). Earlier in 1988, Ghana established its Environmental Action Plan, a policy document that dovetailed into Ghanas Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) which strongly emphasized sustainability in agriculture, forestry, mining and manufacturing. Despite these strides, core issues bordering on sustainable management of development processes remains largely unaddressed in any concerted manner to date (Issahaku, 2000).



This chapter presents the profile of Kumasi Central Market (KCM) and the Research Methodology 3.2 Kumasi Central Market (KCM)

3.2.1 General Overview The Kumasi Central Market (KCM) within the Kumasi Metropolis is said to be one of the largest urban open daily markets in Africa and the surrounding business area is one of the busiest economic centres in the country (Integrated Development Consultant,1991). The market was built in 1924, about 87 years ago and is situated in the subin constituency. KCM covers 25 hectares and has 119 original blocks of stalls/stores, laid out in back-to-back rows (Integrated Development Consultants, 1991). Currently KCM can boast of about 10,000 stores (Acheampong, 2010). Plate 3.1 below shows the location of Kumasi Central Market.

Plate 3.1: Map showing the location of Kumasi Central Market

Source: Town and Country Planning Department March, 2011



Problems within the KCM

3.3.1 Poor market facilities One of the biggest problems of the Central Market is the lack of basic facilties like waste bin etc. The market is unsanitary, plagued by flooding and dilapidated structures. Revenues generated from specific facilities in the Kumasi Metropolis are not earmarked for their maintenance. The problems arise in assessing maintenance priorities, where the market traders are excluded from the process. The Kumasi Central Market serves some 200,000 (Integrated Development Consultant,1991) people on a daily basis but has neither public standpipes nor toilets. The nearest toilet is located outside the market some about half a kilometer away, a problem for both customers and traders. The market is prone to all sorts of accidents but no health post or clinic operates within the market boundaries. Despite these problems and the fact that the KMA is not living up to its responsibilities, the traders continue to pay their tolls and rents for fear of being ejected from the market. Drainage problems also pose sanitation hazards in the market. The main drain that passes through the city centre winds through the market. During rainy seasons, drains in the market are choked, causing flooding. Business drops during flooding, as do incomes. In light of this and the lack of response of the KMA to fix the drainage problem, many traders move out of the market during the rainy season, selling their goods from unauthorized locations on the streets. ( Integrated Development Consultants, 1991)

3.4 3.4.1

Research Methodology Introduction

The thrust of this chapter describe the procedures as well as the techniques of gathering data for the study on Kumasi Central Market. The data for the study were gotten from two main sources. That is primary and secondary. The primary data were obtained from identified institutions and store operators. The data were extracted through structured questionnaire administration. Another technique that was employed in gathering primary data was physical survey and observations of the selected area. The

secondary data on the other hand, were obtained through the review of relevant reports and documents from literature that are related in issues with regards to the subject matter of the study. 3.4.2 Selection of the Study Sites The Kumasi Central Market (KCM) is said to be one of the largest urban open daily markets in Africa and the surrounding business area is one of the busiest economic centres in the country. Since this is not the only commercial centre where heaps of refuse are found within the Kumasi Metropolis, three possible study locations emerged from the preliminary investigation that are confronted with the solid waste crisis. All the major commercial centres in Kumasi including Adum, Race Course and K.C.M face equally tragic waste situations that need to be investigated. After establishing that the waste menace was common to all the commercial centers, K.C.M were selected based on the most hit solid waste problem in the area. 3.4.3 Sampling Techniques The following sampling techniques were employed to select the respondents for the study. These were; cluster, random and purposive sampling. Random and cluster sampling Random sampling was used in the selecting of the store operators since each member in the sample frame which is the store operators has an equal chance of being selected and Cluster sampling applied since Kumasi Central Market is very large and its vary expensive to administer the whole store operators. The study utilized the cluster and random sampling technique to select respondents. In adopting this, the following process was followed: 1. Layout of the study area was obtained from the T&CPD of the K.M.A. 2. The layout was divided into clusters. 3. Each cluster was assigned a number from 1 to 6 based on how the market has been distributed. 4. 3 out of these 6 clusters were randomly picked for the exercise. 5. All the store operators within the selected clusters were therefore interviewed

27 Purposive sampling Purposive sampling technique was used to select the key stakeholders in waste management within the study area. As the name implies, in trying to adhere to the objectives of the study, respondents who can answer the research questions best are selected. In this case, these key stakeholders had the necessary information, adequate knowledge and experience on solid waste management in the study area. Below is the type of data collected from each key stakeholder. Market Manager y Number of stores within the market

Waste Management Department and Zoomlion Ghana Ltd.: y y y y y y y Types and components of waste generated. Quantity generated. Mode of collection. Provision of dustbins. Availability of waste management equipment. Frequency of collection. Disposal site.

3.4.4 Data Collection After carefully considering the research questions, the nature of the data needed for the analysis and the prevailing conditions on the research field, it became evident that the best way to collect adequate data for the research would be a combination of the methods of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. This is because some of the data required were qualitative in nature and could best be obtained through interviews while others were quantitative and thus, could be elicited by means of questionnaires. Qualitative data are data were obtained through interview guides and observation whiles Quantitative data were also obtained through questionnaire administration. Furthermore, aspects of the data were physically observable and could be gathered through direct field inspection or observation. There was also a range of published information including newspaper articles and other publications that could yield useful data for the study. In view of this, it became useful to combine different methods from both qualitative and quantitative

approaches in my attempt to gather the data needed for this investigation. The study, therefore, employed interviews, well-structured questionnaires, field observation and documentary analysis, drawing upon the strengths of these different methods to improve the quality or validity of the data. 3.4.5 Types of data Secondary and primary data played a key role in obtaining substantial information for the study. Secondary Data Substantial relevant secondary data on elements of solid waste management have been gathered and reviewed thoroughly to understand what has already been done in the field of solid waste management. The Secondary data is important to provide a frame and direction for the study. Secondary data were obtained from books, articles, journals, publications, newspapers and internet sources on solid waste management to review literature. These were analysed in chapter two. Secondary data were also obtained from the Zoomlion Ghana Ltd, Waste Management Department of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. The data obtained include objective of waste management by the Assembly, strategies, activities, time frame, implementing agencies, collaborators and indicative cost. Primary Data Collection Primary data were collected through preliminary field investigation, key informant interviews, questionnaires survey and Observation. These are further discussed in the sub-sections below. 3.4.6 Preliminary Field Investigation According to Yin (1982), observations are a form of evidence that do not depend on verbal behaviour, and the method enables the investigator to observe the phenomenon under study directly. The phenomenon under study, solid waste, is one which lends itself to direct field observation. Thus, in addition to questionnaires and interviews, field observation was done as part of the data collection exercise. This involved the observation of solid waste situations and other conditions that could affect solid waste management in the study areas such as the layout of area and road access within the KCM. The field observation involved scouting through the study area to assess the following. y Solid waste collection skips.

y y

Dustbins in the study area Dump sites.

In the course of the field observation, photographs were taken of waste scenes such as market litter, waste storage containers, the dump sites. This was included in the analysis of data gathered from the field. This process weighed the problems and guided the formulation of questionnaire survey and interview schedule. The exercise enabled me to gain first-hand knowledge of the solid waste situation in the study area including the solid waste disposal habits of the people, the level of solid waste disposal services available, the collection, transportation and disposal and the management of solid waste.

3.4.7 Face to Face Interview Interviewing is a useful way of collecting qualitative data because the technique is introspective and allows respondents to report on themselves, their views, their beliefs, practices, interactions and concerns (Freebody, 2003).The interview technique was employed to obtain data from the following key stakeholder groups as far as solid waste management is concerned in the study area. These were: y y y y Market Manager, KCM Town and Country Planning, Kumasi Waste Management Department of KMA Zoomlion Company Limited

3.4.8 Structured Questionnaire The questionnaire for the KCM survey was developed to cover an aspect of the objectives of the study which was to investigate issues concerning solid waste generation and disposal practices, availability and type of solid waste disposal services, payments for solid waste disposal services, store operatiors perceptions about the solid waste situations in the KCM and how the situation could be improved. The survey questionnaire was well-structured, containing both open-ended and closed-ended questions. The closed-ended questions required the respondent to make choices from alternative responses while the open-ended questions provided space for them to give their own answers to questions. An advantage of the questionnaire was that while the closed questions


made the questionnaire easy to complete, the open-ended questions provided the opportunity for respondents to give more detail information about the issues being investigated. 3.4.9 Data analysis and Presentation Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered for the study using questionnaires, interviews, field observation and documentary sources. The data were coded and fed into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 14.0. for Windows) software. Analysis was undertaken to generate a descriptive picture of the data gathered. The data were processed into statistical tables and charts for interpretation and discussion. Simple percentages and means were used to analyse the quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire administration. The qualitative data from interviews conducted with all other categories of respondents were analysed manually by making summaries of the views of the respondents and supporting these with relevant quotations that captured these views, supported with data from documentary sources and my own field observations of the waste situations in the two case-study cities. The analysis (presented in the next chapter) is organised under themes derived from the data and the research questions that guided the entire investigation.

3.4.10 Conclusion Data were collected from two main sources namely secondary and primary. Field investigation, face to face interview, questionnaire survey were employed to gather primary data. The sampling techniques used were cluster sampling, random and purposive sampling. Data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitative using tables, bar graphs, pie charts and pictures.



This chapter analyses the data collected from the study area through preliminary field investigation, questionnaire survey and face-to-face interviews. In all, 99 respondents were surveyed and interviews were carried out with on key institutions including the Market Manager of the study area. (Refer to appendix I for details of the Questionnaire ). Data were collected on the following issues:  Solid Waste generation and collection in the area for a three-year period (2008-2010).  Types and components of solid waste generated in the area.  Drains and Pavement Cleaning  Availability of Waste Bins in the area  Disposal of Solid Waste by Shop owners  Secondary solid waste collection  Assessment of Environmental Condition of the Market  Awareness of KMA By-law on Sanitation in the KCM These are discussed in the sub-sections below.

4.2 Solid Waste generation and collection in the area for a three-year period (20082010) Historical data on amount of solid waste generation and collection provides the basis for city authorities to strategically formulate effective management tools for handling the solid waste. The figure below illustrates the total solid waste generation and collection in the study area over a three year period. It can be observed from the 3-year data that, a yearly solid waste generation of 450,167 tons was recorded culminating into a daily solid waste generation of about 1233 tons. On the other hand, a yearly solid waste collection of 365,000 tons was registered. This translates into a daily waste collection of about 1000 tons leading to a deficit of 23.3 percent of uncollected waste daily in the Market. The analysis further shows that, the total solid waste generated between the years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 increased by 20 percent and 25 percent respectively. Considering the 3-year period, the total solid waste generation had increased by 50 percent. Moreover, with the 20 percent

increase in solid waste generation between 2008 and 2009, there was a corresponding increase of 25 percent in the waste collection. However, with a 25 percent increase in solid waste generation between 2009 and 2010 there was a 20per cent increase in waste collection. It can also be seen from the Table 4.1 that, out of the total waste generated in the study area, a proportion of 80 percent, 83 percent and 80 percent were collected in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. It can be deduced from the foregoing analysis that KMA has not been able to meet their expectation with regards to the solid waste generation in the KCM and has led to pollution of the environment and its natural resources like air and land. Further, the uncollected waste poses environmental health hazard, impact negatively on the quality of the environment and ultimately affect productivity of the economy. It can be concluded that the main objective of waste management of protecting public health against waste-related hazards and risks, and maintaining ecosystem services by preventing the pollution of the natural environment and its resources such as land, water and air as well as the aesthetic quality of the environment is far-fetched within the study area This also underscores the need for KMA to examine its methods in waste collection within the study area. This study corroborates studies by Onibokun and Kumuyi, 1999 which suggests that solid waste management in developing countries is generally characterized by inefficient collection methods. Table 4.1: Solid waste generated and collected in the KCM Year Total waste generated (Tons) 365,000 438,000 547,500 450,167 Total Waste collected (Tons) 292,000 365,000 438,000 365,000 Percent of waste collected (%) 80.0 83.3 80.0 81.1

2008 2009 2010 Average

Source: Waste Management Department, KMA



Types and Components of Solid waste generated in the area

Knowledge on types and the components of solid waste generated will inform management to use the appropriate method to effectively deal with the various components in solid waste. Methods such as source separation, recycling, composting can be used depending on the component of waste generated. According to the Waste Management Department, the commonest types of waste generated in the area were Greens, Vegetables, Fruits, food waste and ashes. These components are shown in table 4.2 below. Table 4.2: Major Components of Waste Generated Component Percentage Generated (%) Greens/vegetables/Fruits 44.0 Plastics 3.52 Fabrics/Textiles 3.2 Paper/Cardboard 3.1 Bottles 0.64 Metals 0.64 Rubber 0.3 Miscellaneous(Ash, Food, Sand) 44.6 Source: Waste Management Department, KMA Table 4.2 above shows that, the two most waste generating components in the KCM were waste from Greens/Vegetables/Fruits and Misc (Ash, Food, Sand). Whereas the former constituted about 44 per cent, the latter accounted for 44.6 percent of all the components of waste generated in the area. Together, they contribute 88.6percent of solid waste generated in the market. The least component of waste generated was rubber representing 0.3 percent. The table above shows that KCM has a high proportion of Greens/vegetables/Fruits and Miscellaneous (Ash, Food, Sand) which these components can be combined as organic waste and low proportions of materials which are recyclables (papers/cardboard, rubber, metals, etc). This implies also that the organic waste can be used for compositing and hence use as fertilizer for agricultural purposes. The high composition of organic waste implies a high rate of putrefaction and hence a potential odour nuisance.



Drains and Pavement Cleaning

The study further investigated into group of persons responsible for cleaning the pavement in front of their shops and drains and the frequency with which they are cleaned. It can be observed from Table 4.4 that, all the respondents ensure that the pavement and drains are cleaned every day. Table 4.3: Drains and Pavement Cleaning How often do you see it cleaned Everyday 37 62 99

Drains and Pavement Cleaning Myself Private Individuals Total

Percent 37.4 62.6 100

Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market March, 2011 The analysis further shows that, out of the 99 respondents, 62 representing 63 percent hired private individuals to clean the pavement and drains everyday whilst 37.percent undertook the exercise themselves. This shows that, the respondents are aware of importance of keeping their environment clean. However, from the field observation, it was found that most of the drains were choked with garbage. By contrasting these two observations, it can be deduced that although the respondents confirmed cleaning the drains and pavement, the efficiency and effectiveness of that exercise is questionable. 4.6 Availability of Waste Bin

An interview with the Market Manager revealed that lack of waste bins within the KCM was a major problem. Table 4.5 below presents availability of waste bin and their location.


Table 4.4: Availability of Waste Bin Location of waste bin On the Not In the shop pavement applicable 6 0 22 0 0 71

Availability of waste bin Yes No

Total 28 71 99

6 22 71 Total Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market March, 2011

Out of the 99 respondents, 28 representing 28 percent had waste bin whilst 72 percent responded in the negative. It is a worrying situation as majority of the respondents did not have waste bins. The salient question is where do all these people deposit their waste? From a reconnaissance survey undertaken, it was observed that most of the drainage facilities in the study area were choked with refuse and has led to perennial flooding in the KCM over the past years. It is an undeniable fact that, such people empty their waste in such drainage facilities. Further analysis showed that, out of the 28 respondents that had waste bins, 21 percent placed their waste bins in the shop whilst 79 percent placed it on the pavement. All the respondents indicated that there were no public waste bins in the KCM. The unavailability of the public waste bins has fuelled indiscriminate dumping of waste within the study area. The study also revealed that the indiscriminate dumping could be attributed to the negative attitudes of the people towards waste disposal. From plate 4.1 below, it can be observed that the drain is choked with refuse and plastic waste. The dumping of waste in the drains can easily cause flooding as it reduces the efficiency of the drain. This is because when the drain is choked with waste, it will block water that is flowing thereby causing flooding. This can easily affect nearby shops in the area. Additionally, this may cause malaria through stagnated water and pollute the environment.


Plate 4.1: Garbage silted drain

Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market April, 2011 4.7 Disposal of waste by Store Operators

The disposal of solid waste is one of the functional elements in the management of waste. This response was sought primarily to ascertain the involvement or contribution of the shop operators to the irregular disposal of solid waste in the study area. It was found that, all the respondents dispose their waste or empty their waste bins in front of the shop after close of work. This was done with the anticipation that the hired persons will collect the waste early in the morning. This attitude of the shop owners is very appalling and highly contributes to the unkempt nature of the central market. Again, silting or blocking of drainage channels are largely affected as those solid waste find themselves in drains during nighttime downpour. Plate 4.2 clearly depicts indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste in front of shops by the shop owners.


Plate 4.2: Garbage scattered in front of Shop

Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market April 2011 4.8 Secondary waste collection

The survey further showed that all the respondents in the study area dumped their solid waste in skips for onward collection by ZoomLion Ghana Ltd (ZL). The skip site is located within the study area near Aboabo station. A visit to the site showed four skip containers that have been provided by Zoomlion Company Limited. The shop owners were charged an amount of 20p or more depending on the size of the solid waste collected by ZL. Most of the residents complained about the insanitary condition of the area. It is an undeniable fact, regular waste collection is an important exercise in solid waste management, (Lapidos 2007). However, the frequency and urgency with which the skips were emptied by Zoomlion was not encouraging. The survey indicated that the wastes were collected three times a week. Looking at the size of the KCM and the contribution of waste from the neighbouring communities, it was therefore not surprising that the skips normally overflowed with solid waste leaving a mountain of waste at the site. This rendered the surrounding in a very unhygienic condition. Plates 4.3 and 4.4 show the dump site at Aboabo station and the operation of Zoomlion respectively.


Plate 4.3: Refuse dump site

Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market April, 2011 Plate 4.4: Zoomlion at Work

Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market April, 2011 4.9 Assessment of the Environmental Condition of the Market

The survey also sought the assessment of the environmental condition of the market by the respondents. A total of 94 respondents representing 95 percent indicated that the market was


dirty. Out of this, about one-third of respondents indicated that the market was very dirty. Ironically, 5 percent said the market was clean. Table 4.7 presents the respondents assessment of the environmental condition of the market. Table 4.5: Assessment of the Environmental condition of the Market
Degree of cleanliness of Environment Clean Dirty Very Dirty Total Number of Respondents 5 64 30 99 Percent 5 65 30 100

Source: Field Survey, Kumasi Central Market March, 2011 The analyses indicate the failure of the KMA to strategically manage the solid waste menace in the Central market. It further indicates the deteriorating environmental condition in the KCM. The appalling environmental condition poses threat to human health with respect to waste-related hazards and risks. Again, the tendencies of breeding diseases such as typhoid, cholera, chicken pox which are sanitation-related diseases aggravate. 4.10 Awareness of KMA By-law on Sanitation in KCM

The awareness of the respondents to the KMA by-law indicating that every individual is responsible for cleaning the pavement around his/her business premises and the immediate surroundings including the drains were investigated. Out of the 99 respondents, 26 accounting for 26 percent responded in the affirmative. Majority 74 percent of the respondents were not aware of such provisions in the KMA By-laws. Figure 4.3 illustrates the percentage distribution. The obliviousness of such provision by the respondents defeats the Integrated Waste Management (IWM) approach which brings on board all stakeholders participating in and affected by the waste management regime. As argued by Rhyner et al. (1995), a single choice of methods for waste management is frequently unsatisfactory, inadequate, and not economical and therefore the use of a more holistic approach to managing the waste problem has been found to achieve much more results. It is therefore important, for the KMA to involve the shop operators on any strategies geared towards arresting the solid waste crisis in the KCM.


Figure 4.3 Awareness of the K.M.A By-Laws

Yes 26%

No 74%

In summary, the underlying factors effecting the effective management of solid waste included: lack of waste bins, indiscriminate dumping of solid waste, irregular collection of waste among others the types of waste generated in the Kumasi Central Market include the following: Greens/vegetables/fruits, Plastics, Fabrics/Textiles, Paper/Cardboard, Bottles, Metals, Rubber and Ash/Food/sand with Ash/Food/sand as the major component of waste. The study further reviews the poor environmental condition within the KCM and the danger its poses to human health. Again the involvement of the shop operators in solid waste management by the K.M.A was found to be non existence as was evidenced in their unknowingness of the K.M.A bye-law on sanitation. The next chapter therefore, summarises the key findings, recommendations and conclusion of the study.


CHAPTER FIVE FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction In the Kumasi Central Market indiscriminate dumping and irregular collections of solid waste are the key problems in solid waste management. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to establish the underlying factors affecting effective waste management in the KCM and suggest possible measures to tackle the problem. Below are the key findings of the study. 5.2 Key Findings In the light of the preceding analysis, the research objectives that formed the basis for this study are revisited. The major findings thus, are summarized under the following research objectives. 5.2.1 Factors affecting effective management of solid waste in K.C.M Unavailability of Waste Bins Unavailability of waste bin supply was a major factor affecting waste disposal in the KCM. The survey established that about 71 per cent of respondents have no access to waste bins for disposing their waste. Additionally, the survey also established that all the respondents deposit their waste or empty their waste bins in front of their shops after close of work for onward collection by the hired private waste collectors. This behaviour has contributed to the deplorable environmental condition within the area. Again, drainage channels were observed to be silted or blocked as most of these solid wastes were deposited in those channels during night time down pour. It is therefore not uncommon to experience the perennial flooding of the market in the raining season. Inadequate Skip Containers and Irregular Collection Inadequate supply of skips coupled with bi-weekly collection was found to have encouraged indiscriminate dumping of waste at the site by the hired private individuals, store operators and the neighbouring communities. The survey revealed that the skips normally overflow with solid waste living a mountain of waste at the refuse site. This has rendered the surrounding in an unhygienic condition.
42 Poor attitudes towards Waste Management by Store Operators. Education is another important factor which should be looked at waste management. Most of the store operators had not obtained any educational serminar organized in effective waste management. It is believed that this had contributed to the insanitary nature of the market. It is therefore important that as part of the contractual obligation of the service providers and Waste Management Department, there should be a collaboration between these institutions to periodically educate the store operators concerning the need for disposing waste at the right place in order to maintain the market clean. Majority 74 per cent of the store operators were not aware of the KMA By-Law which obliges every individual to clean the pavement around his/her business premises and the immediate surroundings including drains. It is therefore imperative for the information unit of the KMA to educate the store operators of such provision. Knowledge of such provision and with strict enforcement would keep the market free from filth 5.2.2 Role of the Private Stakeholders in the Management of Solid Waste. The participation of private stakeholders in the management of solid waste in the study area is very paramount because of the increasing rate of solid waste generation which has overwhelmed the waste management department of K.M.A in managing them. This waste confirmed by the amount made (23 percent) of uncollected waste bins daily in the market. The survey revealed that, Zoomlion Ghana Ltd were the one responsible for the collection, transportation and disposal of the solid waste from the refuse dump site to the final disposal site. It was found that, there was irregular collection of waste by Zoomlion Ghana Ltd at the refuse dump site. It is therefore important to the Waste Management Department to effectively monitor the operations of Zoomlion in order to address the solid waste menace in the K.C.M 5.3 Recommendations

Good Solid Waste Management is a precondition for good health and for success in the fight against poverty, hunger, and also increase in productivity. It is also central to human rights and

the personal dignity of every human being. The effective management of Solid Waste requires strategies that bring about fundamental change in how people perceive Solid Waste in the city and service delivery. The solid waste generators, Service Providers and Managers all have a part to play to ensure good Solid Waste Management in Kumasi. The following recommendations are offered based on the issues identified during the analysis of the data collected. 5.2.3 Enforcement of Solid Waste Management Regulations and Bye-Laws The study revealed that the principal cause of the poor Solid Waste Management conditions in Kumasi can be attributed to the poor attitude of the people towards Solid Waste. Voluntary compliance cannot be relied on to ensure that solid waste generators engage in good management of solid waste behaviour in Kumasi. People know what constitutes good management of solid waste practices but they would just not engage in good solid waste practices. KMA has to make conscious effort to implement and enforce the solid waste regulation and bye-laws in Kumasi. The KMA Task Force should be reinstituted and empowered to arrest solid waste offenders. They can effectively do their work with collaboration from the Kumasi Central Market. The Assembly has to collaborate with the Judiciary to establish Solid Waste Tribunals. Enforcing the bye-laws would result in compliance and cost savings for the Assembly and they can then invest more in the provision of solid waste bins and other solid waste facilities and equipments since objectives seeks to establish the underlying factors affecting effective management solid waste in the KCM, when these enforcement of the bye-laws are been regulated its will improve upon the effective management of solid waste in Kumasi Central Market. 5.2.2 Provision of Bins within the Market The study revealed that pedestrians litter anywhere due to the unavailability of solid waste bins on streets and at vantage points. Adequate investment should be made in the provision of waste bins within and around the market. Business owners should be encouraged to place waste bins in front of their business, and the WMD of K.M.A must ensure that the solid waste management company responsible for such areas empties the waste bins regularly. This would reduce the amount of solid waste disposed of on within and around the market. The WMD alone cannot provide the needed equipments such as bins, tractors. Zoomlion Ghana Ltd should be encouraged through incentives to provide the necessary equipments.


5.2.3 Education Through the Media The study revealed that there had not been any educational programme organized by K.M.A Waste Department about the need for solid waste minimization. Therefore there should be an educational programme organized by the Waste Management Department through the media, especially the radio station within the market, campaigning on the good ways of minimizing solid waste and ensuring that solid wastes are not left in front of shops after close of work. This would ensure that store operator, market women understand the concept of solid waste disposal, the health and economic benefit that can be accrued from engaging in good solid waste practices. 5.2.4 Institutional Capacity for Improved Service Delivery The study revealed lapses in the service provision of Zoomlion Ghana Ltd. The frequency and urgency with which the skips were emptied by Zoomlion was not encouraging due to inefficient skip containers within the refuse dumpsite. Due to the important role played by Zoomlion in improving the management solid waste in Kumasi Central Market as identify from the objectives to examine the role played by the private institution. The company may need assistance in acquiring the needed equipment to provide effective management within the market. This can be done through partnership with other stakeholders. The banking sector could also play an important role in providing low cost loans for solid waste improvements to these companies to help them secure the necessary tools, adequate staff and equipment to be effective in their activities. 5.2.5 Regular Collection of Waste There should be regularity of waste collection by Zoomlion Ghana Ltd. particularly the refuse dump site in Aboabo station to avoid heaping and over flowing of skips with solid waste. At least, solid waste should be collected daily in these areas since they generate a lot. There should be regular monitoring of waste collection by the Metropolitan Assembly. This will keep the place constantly clean and prevent any possible outbreak of communicable diseases such as cholera and typhoid. 5.2.6 Monitoring of Activities of Service Providers The study revealed lapses in the service provision of the private waste management companies. The Assembly has to institute effective monitoring of the management of solid waste activities of the private waste management companies, and sanction companies that do not meet quality

service standards. This can be done through regular visits to sites where the service providers operate, by the KWMD staff to assess work done. This would ensure that effective work are done. 5.2.7 Organisation of Clean up Exercise The study revealed that, a daily waste generation and collection were recorded with a deficit of 23 per cent of uncollected waste daily in the market. The market manager in collaboration with the K.M.A Department should organise a clean up exercises at least the last Saturday of every month to keep the market tidy. This will not only keep the market tidy but reduce the deficit of solid waste left in the market. 5.2.8 Future Research Issues

Admittedly, the study has barely has barely identify factors that is affecting the effective management of these wastes which was gathered through the questionnaire administration and observation from the store operators. Race course is also exhibiting the characteristics of these problems related to KCM and factors affecting the effective management of waste. It is therefore essential that more empirical studies are done to establish the occurrence of such phenomenon in the metropolis 5.4 Conclusion

In the study, the following objectives were set to be achieved. The first objective was to establish the underlying factors affecting effective solid waste management in the KCM and suggest possible measures to tackle the problem. Therefore, the survey established that the factors affecting effective solid waste management were lack of waste bins, indiscriminate dumping of refuse, lack of routine collection of waste and poor methods of waste management. The second objective was to examine the role of KMA in the management of solid waste is to monitor the Zoomlion. The survey revealed that the role of KMA in the collection and disposal of solid waste is to ensure effective solid waste management through daily collection and disposal of the waste. However, this was woefully inadequate as there is always a backlog of uncollected waste which has worsened the environmental condition within the KCM. Thirdly, the research seeks to examine the roles of the private stakeholders in the disposal of solid waste. The study revealed the involvement of Zoomlion Ghana Ltd in managing solid and the engagement of unidentified private individuals. However, this was poorly executed as most of the collected wastes were dumped in nearby drainage facilities.

To effectively tackle the problems enumerated, the following measures are recommended.  Provision of adequate skips and dustbins  Regular collection of Waste  Use of Integrated Solid Waste Management Approach  Creation of environmental awareness through education of the shop owners

 Enforcement of Solid Waste Management Regulations and By-Laws

If the above recommendations given are well taken and implemented, it will bring about effective solid waste management; ensure a clean environment and curb any possible outbreak in the Kumasi Central Market.


APPENDIX 1 QUESTIONAIRE FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF K.M.A Name of Respondent.. Position of Respondent.. Name of Interviewer.. Date of Interview. Contact Number

1. What major role does the K.M.A Waste Department play in managing solid waste in Kumasi Central Market? 2. Which private agencies are involved in Solid Waste Management in Kumasi Central Market apart from the Waste Management Department of K.M.A? 3. Which of these type of solid waste is the highest generated? (a) Bottles (b) Paper/Cardboard (c) Fabric (d)Fabric /Textiles (d) Plastics/Polythene (e) Specify 4. What is the average quantity of solid waste generated within Kumasi central market daily? (a) 1000 tonnes (b)2000-4000 tonnes (c)above 5000 (d)Others specify 5. What is the average quantity of solid waste generated within the various years ? Year 2008 2009 2010 Total waste generated Total waste collected

6. How many refuse dump sites are there in Kumasi Central Market and where are their location?


7. Who manages the refuse dump sites at Kumasi central market? (a) K.M.A Waste Department (b) Zoomlion (c)The Assembly (d) others, specify... 8. Where is the location of the final disposal sites? 9. How is solid waste managed at the final disposal sites? 10. What are the problems confronting this Department?


APPENDIX 2 QUESTIONAIRE FOR STORE OPERATORS 1. Where is your source of supply from? KCM region 2. Who is responsible for cleaning the pavement in front of your shop and the drains? KMA Zoom Lion myself Other (please specify) ______________ Race course Techiman Outside the

3. How often do you see it cleaned? everyday 4. every three days once per week No On the pavement other (please specify) _________

Do you have a waste bin? Yes

5. Where have you placed the waste bin? In the shop 6. Who provided the waste bin? Bought it myself 7. Zoomlion KMA


If no, why dont you have a waste bin?

__________________________________________________________________ 8. If no where do you and your customers dispose your litter? In front of the shop 9. On the street/pavement Other ______________

How much do you pay for waste disposal/collection? ___________________

10. How often do you pay for the waste collection? Daily weekly monthly yearly other (please specify) _________ money collectors

11. Whom do you pay to? KMA Zoomlion

Private individual collectors

12. What is your assessment of the environmental condition of the market? Very clean Clean Dirty Very dirty No

13. Do you have public waste bins within the market? Yes

14. Are you aware that according to the KMA bye-laws, every individual is responsible for cleaning the pavement around his/her business premises and the immediate surroundings including the drains? Yes No

15. Do you organize any clean up exercise in this section of the market. Yes/No If yes how often (a) Daily (b)Weekly (c)Monthly (d)Yearly (d) Not at all


16. What is your general assessment of the environmental condition of solid waste within the market? Very clean Clean Dirty Very dirty

17. What can the waste authorities do to ensure that people engage in good solid waste practices? _____________________________________________________________________


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