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1) This is a fun book to read.

correct b) was c) were d) am e) does


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2) Can you pick the right verb for this sentence?


John ______ outside. A. playing B. plays C. play

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John plays outside.

3) Which of the following contains a correct pronoun?

A. A hill is next to them. It is very steep. B. Jeff rides his new bike. Him rides it down the block. C. Rickie gets on the plane. They are very excited about his trip.

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Think about what or who the pronoun represents.

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A hill is next to them. It is very steep. A hill= It

4)Name the nouns Please give me the candy.

5)Choose the correct pronoun.

Speed bumps help to slow are down cars. found in many parking lots. A. It B. You C. Them D. They

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Think about what or who the pronoun represents.

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Speed bumps help to slow down cars. They are found in many parking lots. bumps = They

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