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In a BO document, once the report is refreshed and we have data in the report, we can analyze the data by drilling

through filters to see only data that we want to see & analyze. We can analyze the data in 2 difference ways 1. Drill Filters at the top of the report (Can select only one value per filter).

2. Input controls at the left hand side of the report (have option to select multiple values).

To add a drill filter to the report

1. Click on Drill Filter Icon at top right corner.

2. Then this filter bar would appear on the top of the report. 3. For example to add a filter on Organization Name, click on the icon at the filter bar.

4. Select the object on which drill filter is needed. You can select as many objects as you need. Input Controls: 1. To add input controls to the report, select Input Controls Icon on bottom left hand side.

2. Then, you should be able to add the controls on which you want to filter the data. Here you can select multiple values for example Customer, Salesrep etc.

3. Click on New & follow steps to add an input control. Here you can select multiple values & click ok to reflect the result data. 4. You can click Reset to reset you selection.

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