2 Steps of The Research Process

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Steps of the Research Process

Step How

What should I study? - Chose a Research topic with Interest; Ways to develop interest State your research title. - State the objectives: statement, question, OR Hypothesis: A tentative explanation for something. (Answer to how? and why? Form dependent and independent variables definitions(constitutional & operational)

Gain personal experiences doing research. Read literature (journals, books), refer to your courses notes. Conduct your instructors. Notice inconsistencies in previous researches. Read theories on your topic. Consider personal experience, think of exceptions,

Identify the variables you will examine.

Look to previous researches to see how others have defined the same or similar variables. Identify a sample Decide whether your research question seeks to describe, allow prediction, or identify causal relationships. - Choose observational and corelational designs for description and prediction. Choose a research design. - Choose an experimental design for a causal research question. - Choose a single- case design when seeking to understand and treat a small group or one case. - Choose a quasi- experimental design for a causal research in settings where experimental control is less feasible. Identify the potential risks and benefits of the research and the ways in which participants welfare will be Evaluate the ethics of protected. your research Submit a proposal to an ethics review committee. Seek permission from those in authority. Collect and analyze Get to know the data. data; form conclusions. Summarize the data .

Report research results.

Confirm what the data reveal. Present the findings at a specialize conference. Submit a written report of the study to a refereed journal,

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