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Managers can be considered a different class in the society. Taylor thought that there should be someone that would know how to calculate, to manage y They calculated the most efficient way of doing a task and provided detailed instruction to achieve the task y An army of specialists: specialist for the tolls, the best motion and time etc y In the days of Taylor work was not a creative process, everything was prescribed in a document and the worker simply follows the rules y Scientific management and bureaucracy: y A bureau(a office) with papers, documents, records, books .a pile of documents (Weber) y Also individual judgement is to be replaced with established rules, laws and formulas y SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT The development of a science for each form of work with rigid rules for each motion in a specified time period The standardisation and mathematical perfection of all implements and working conditions everything is precise and calculated. Mass production: every product has to be the same as the previous, the need to be uniform. Careful selection and training of the workforce. Make the worker feet the standards and the rules. If he can t face the conditions he is eliminated. The work is quick and physical. Constant supervision of all the tasks by the manager. It is a key process and has many forms nowadays. The workers are not to be trusted because of the soldering. Equal division of work and responsibility between management and employees. A managerial task is equally hard and important. Intimate cooperation between managers and employees. Enforced standardisation of methods. There are many workers that can replace the ones that don t fit.  The worker becomes a wooden man, an automaton. Doing the same thing again and again. The link of this idea with aliena tion, estrangement.  Gilbreth method: waste management  Nowadays there exist automation; the robots are doing the work that is boring.

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