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References from: http://www.techrepublic.

9187 = /32 = 2^0 hosts (1 host) = /24 = 2^8 hosts (256 hosts) = /16 = 2^16 hosts (65,536 hosts) = /8 = 2^24 hosts (16,777,216 hosts) = /0 = all hosts
Subnet mask reference:
1) last octets for above from small host bit to large (i.e. last octet for /24,
/23, /22, /21, /20, /19, /18, and /17 respectively; and starting again, last oct
et subnet mask for /16, /15, /14, /13, /12, /11, /10, and /9):
255, 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 192, and 128
To get network address, and last IP in the subnet:
1) Need subnet mask and any IP address within that subnet (i.e.
2) "AND" the two above in binary:
00001010.0010100.11101101.00001111 (
11111111.1111111.11111000.00000000 ( <-- get this number f
rom subnet mast reference above)
00001010.0010100.11101000.00000000 = = network address
May also use Windows calculator to get above: <248> <AND> <237> = 232
3) To get last IP in the subnet:
i) count how many 0s are in the subnet mast octet (in this example, thir
d octet, since /21 subnet).
so, 3-0s in our example.
ii) 2^3 = 8.
iii) Now, take the network address subnet octet and add by 8 (i.e. 232 +
8 = 240). So, now we know the next subnet mask octet begins at M
inus 1, and you will get the last IP in the subnet (i.e. 240-1 = 239). The last
IP in the subnet is therefore

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