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Dear Co olleagues, In 2010 I signed a two yea contract extension which en in Aug ust of 2012.

I 0, ar t n nds had dis scussions with the Bo w oard of Education ab bout an ad dditional ex xtension, b I but have de ecided not to accept it. Its a very difficu decisio as I love Mentor v ult on e Schools and work s king with every one of you. I f e o feel very proud of wh we hav hat ve accomp plished tog gether in th past nin years. We have b he ne been rated excellent d t seven out of the last eight years and are in the midst of collaborat o l y e tive initiati ives which will assure us of continuing that excellen w nce. Finan ncially, we recovered d quickly from fisca emergen and du to aggr al ncy ue ressive cos saving in st nitiatives a and your he during negotiatio we are on solid f elp ons e financial fo footing for the next f few years. We all can be proud of the gro n d oundbreak king work we have d done in the e areas of mental health and anti-bully o h d ying initiat tives, espe ecially the adoption o of the Olw weus progr ram and diversity tra aining for all staff m members. We have made great improvements to our fac g cilities with the turf f h football fie eld, I Wing g, and aux xiliary gym ms. My deci ision to ma the ne school year my la year is due to my desire to ake ext y ast s y o spend more time with my family and to do som m f d mething a l little less stressfu ul! But, in the mean n ntime, I pla to work hard wit you duri an k th ing the 20 0112012 sc chool year to continu to move us towar reachin our visio of meet r ue e rd ng on ting and exc ceeding the instructi ional need of our st ds tudents, m maximizing all of our g r resourc ces, communicating with our stakeholde s ers, and pr roviding a safe learn ning environ nment for our studen o nts. Sincerely, Jackie Hoynes H
JacquelineA.HoynesP PH.D. Superinte endentofMentorSchools

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