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Present Simple

Francisco de Jess Uribe Villanueva Salvador Gonzalez Antonio Contreras

} This

simple action can express in the present, is the tense of this (and not perfective aspect) expressing habitual action, ie, habits, routines in daily life. It differs from the present perfect in the latter has perfective aspect, and the continuous present in which the other has progressive aspect.

Present Simple
Structure affirmative : Subject
I You We

eat need buy

apples help a car

} If

The third person singular verb adds an s

Structure Negative:
I You We she
} The

+ Auxiliary Denial +
don't don't don't does

eat need Buy

+ Object
apples help a car

third person singular is also different in the

interrogative and negative s not

Structure Interrogative:
Auxiliary + Subject + Verb + Object?

Do Do Do does

I you We she

eat need buy

apples ? help ? a car ?

} Other

additions to the sentence (place, time, etc..) are usually placed at the end of it: I eat apples at lunchtime. the complement of place goes before the snap of time:

} Normally,

I eat apples at home at lunchtime.

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