Prayer For The Board Exam

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Etu Libres-Elsisura, Jr.

BSN RN Communicable Disease Nursing Psychiatric Nursing

For Jesus, I Will Shine and Win the Race!

I know, dear Lord Jesus that you entrusted me with a special mission. You know the reason I am here. You have a wonderful plan for me. I have a goal to achieve. I have a task to accomplish. With trust and unfaltering faith: I will work for you. I will live my life for you. With you in my heart and mind: Even if I am bypassed for promotion, I will use my talents to the fullest and continue to give my best efforts; Even if my suggestions are not accepted, I will cooperate with them. I firmly believe that you wanted me to succeed. I trust that you will help me achieve my goals. So Dear Jesus, I promise to work for you and for others. I will neither look for scapegoats nor ask for special treatments. Lord Jesus, Please keep me from getting discouraged. My shortcomings are not a reason for me to give up, BUT A CHALLENGE TO IMPROVE MYSELF. My deficiencies are not an excuse to back out BUT AN INSPIRATION TO MOVE FORWARD. My failures are not a reason to step out, BUT AN OPPORTUNITY TO STAND UP AND CONTINUE STRIVING! My defects are not an excuse to go down BUT AN ENCOURAGEMENT TO GROW AND GLOW. O Lord Jesus, let me GIVE YOU MY BEST, I WILL SHINE AND WIN THE RACE FOR YOU!

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