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The Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code (Amendment) Adhiniyam, 2002

Act 31 of 2002

Keyword(s): Rights in Fruit Bearing Trees, Chotte Jhad Ka Jungle Amendment appended: 11 of 2003

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An Act lo amend tile Chhallisgarl~ Rcvenue Code, 1959 (NO. 20 01 19591. and
Be 1.

caactzd by tllc Chhattisgarh Lcgirlalurc in the 53rd Year of the rcpuhlic of India as

follnws :-

'fijs Adhiniyam may be callcd lhe Cllhaltisgarh Land Rcvcnuc code (Amendmcnt) Adhiniyam, 2002.
11 shaIl comc inlo force from thz dale or its.pubIicaiionin the Gazztle.

s h o d liUc and Cammencmlrnt.


Afierenlry (vii) of clause GI)of Subswtion (1) of Scction 2 of the Chhattisgarfi Land Revenue Code, 1959 (No. 20 of 1959), (Here in after reretrcd as [he Principal Act) he following entries shall be inserted aimely s

Iwcdan (1) (Zl).



(viii) (ix)


[i) X;

Ad in2 cardifolia Mitngyna parvifiora ~ e & n d i a ajuna Diospyros meImoxylon Grnelina 4xxcri

(Mundi) (Mufl) (Tendu)

A~nendmcnt in Ser239.

In Secrior~ of the Principal XCLfor rhe previous ~narginnl 239 headilig "righ~s in rlIJi( b t ~ iI u-ees p1:mted in unoccupied Iand" the lnargind I:eadi~l_c :&!its I I I ~ "I ~ Ir:iii h:xiag trees and orher rrccs plan~cd unoccupied h ! in i 2nd 13 hara ! - : r ~ ~ and r! R:I& J hrr;1lChhrrlc Jhad Ka Junglc" shall be suhstiu~rerl.

i~crtion c r Sub d .itcdioa (5) i n f i c h b



: r'ielrd.

k r ~ eSub-section (5) ol Section 239 ofrhr: Principal Aci, Ihc. Following Sub-seclion shall h e r namely :--


Permanent leasc for such Bhata Land, on wl~ich provisions oftheForcst, Conthe servnrion Act, 1980 (No. 69 of 1980) shall nor apply may be granted.



No bhurniswami-rightshall accrue c (he agreement holder or oFhis/herheir of rhe o Land of Bade JhadlChhote h a d Ka Jungle and on Ibe trees planled on the above land. The agreemen1 l~older hisher heir shall bz enlitled lo only u s u h c t of chc or
Anlendmen1 I Sec n iion241.


In the Sub-section (4) of Section241 oFthcPrincipal Act for thewords "One thousand rupees" the words "Fivz thousand rupees" shall k substinr~ed.


tie end of Subsection (5)of Sec&ian of the Principal: Act. h e foliawing 241, words shdl be added. namely :"However such person shall be required
to get

bis -land demarcated by b5e

competentauthority and to informin vrriling theRtvenueOfilcerand Range Forest O i having Jurisdiction atleasi 10 days before felling ofremoval of such trezs" K w

CfJHA7TISC;ARH ACT (No. 11 of 2003)'



An Acl to further a ~ n the Chli~Uisgirh d Land~ e v & u e Cqde.1959Wo. 20 of 1 5 ) 99.


Bg it dAc(edby rhe Chhattisgarh hgielgure in he fifty-founhyear of the Republic 6f hdia


& fo3lows : -


sliurtl'irlruud Cu~rl-




This Act may -2003.

. . .

called 111e Chl~atcisgarh &d Revenue Code (Amendment) Act,



Jr shall cnrneinh forcehorn 23rd Novtmbzr2001 flw~~ily,ihimlo v r r n b z r ~ w o ~ 'Thusand TIYO).




Amendment In Sertiun 3.


-~mtio1i3 ~ h i ~ a ~ t i s ~ i u c v 2d u c ~ o d e (No, 20of 1959) (Herein aftefrcred orhe ~h h n 1959 8s the Code) shalt k S U ~ tih& by t h folqwing : S ~ .
(1 )
- .

T h c shall b a ~ o u of ~eveoni Cl$iisgmh . ha& ~ d for .


r ~Aideot.

don 1 . 0

,a may deem fit. it

In addition to h e Prqident, Ihk Sete G o ~ e m m mayappint as rnaUymembers ~?


Section 10 of ibc Codc M be substimad by the foliowing. :-, I . .



'LO (I)

AU appeals, applicationsfoyrevision, rcvjew -and- other proceedings uod

Code pending before !he B o d of Rcvenue of Madhya madesh, dating Stateof Chhattisgarh on 319 Ociaber2002sh~l stand.msferredtoand,k and decided by the Board of Revenue ofChhaitisgarh.


AUappeals, applicatipns-forrevision, review and olher r p . m d i n g s d f f . ~ Code peridin$ as cn 23rd November. 2002 b c f o -~ the: Coymissiolim 'AdditionalCommissioners,shall slsnd transferredm and. k h a dand decided i the Board of Revem~e., I
Pmvidrd t h ~all bnna fide dwisions, prtlcredings and wtions taken d , t the Co~~uniszioncrs Ihc Additional Cbwdssioners appointed under thc cJ. or after the 32nd Novemkr. 2002 lill rhcy relinquishul oftice, shall bc dacmed l o b legel a d valid.



.rbe following wordb appearing in Section I 1 of Lhe Codc shall he omitted Commissioner (including Additional co-issioners);

Amendment in Swlion 11.


Seclion 14 of tht Code shall k o i n i ~ e d .

~ m n d r n r n in t Lion I . S



Subsection (2) OF section 29 . . Code shall bc ornilled. .. . of tbe

fImwbrds "Commis~ioricr, nappearingin Sub-seciion (2)of section 30 of h e code shall be a

omitted. 10. (1)

(c) -of Subswtion (1) of Section 44 of the Code, for the word h "~ommissibncr" words "Board of RevenuV shall be substimted Ihe

Amcndrnenl In Section 9 .

In cIause (g) of sub-section (1) OF Scc lion 44, of thiCode (hc word. "Commissioner or the" shall be omilted. . .


In clause (i) of (2) q l ~ e c t i i n bf thccodc for the wdrd "Cornmi44. ssionif the woids-"B?$ of Revenue"shall bi substituted.


1 1:

Subsection @) of ~ ~ t i 47.oflhe y b n
. .
S I $ S C C I ~ O ~ C { ~ )of

e s h d be omitted;
, ,

Amtodmimnl in Setrlon 47.


~ecrion . . M e shall k sp&tihted by h e foiowhg : 49.of be -

. : "(3) &ftcr .hcai?g. paties, the Appellq~Aulhority may & n f ~ vary 'or ~ , r$vk'w. lhc, qrdcr y p p l d yqind; or-may take sucli addilional evidcnrsc as it may considcr n&~~fo<. p+ng ils order. . , -. .

- -

Amdndmeal in ! k Uoh 49.



, ..

. .

pmy ickc-@bt

y y ~ ~ v i . q .afficei,. . {, .k . - sybobordiirale it." . . .lo .

. - .

ifit kpp&le
. .


~ullmiity shah Aol rcmmd-hk'casefor disposal by' .

. .



::: ~ i . ~ ~ ~ s kxi). ?f'"S 4 o n 50 of tip


h e C d g the words "or ~om&ssio~cr" ~-tncnl iki~ 50. a .~.~ n g ~ 6 . f o r e - woids.:'orthe Senlemcnl Cooiinissioier': shall be omla*. e the. . . . .. - , . -. .. ... . .
' '



' '


qf &epmviro t-6~",bwtion.(l)S&ti&p 50-dthe of e e ; he words"!C~i-$hjssioner appehng k cc the, words "Ih& ort' f i- Settlement . . - . ., . .~o&@i$sionerH shill .b ,. . . . omit~&. , . . . - . ' , . , . .. . .- , . , ,. . . . , a .. hdi& ~ i ) - & f th&pvis& subsection (ljifsection 50 &heheCodethk&o;ds

msib<ii&e(c) af=lFur-(i)
.; I

T o m i j s ~ ior.".ap*g o~ shallbeomitled.. - .

before the words, ':he SettIemmtCoeione,."


() 4

. (2) of ~ x t i 6 r$of the-cd~ words "the Commi; the ssioner or" appearinghfoh tho words~"lhe Wernent Commissioner";shall k

In cIa& (i) of Sub-tioi



Inclause (ii) o&$ubsalion (2) of ~ e tion 50 of the Cde, the words "theCornmic ssioo&ar"appeariog before the words "he Seltlement Corrunissioner." $ha11be omitled.
. In clause (iii) of Subsectiw~ (2)-of Soclion 50 of the C d e h e word "Commissioner"appearing beforc the words, "Seltlcrneol Commissioner,"and rhe words "he Commissioner or" appearing kfom the wards "heSeo(lement Qmmis sionef shalI-be omittad.



In clqusc (iv) of S u b - a t i o n (2) ofSeclion50 ofhecode, thc words " h e Commissioncr or" appearing before the words " h e Selrlemcnl Commissioner"shall be ornitled.


in SIX-


lion 51. Amendment i SCCn Lion 114-A.

In clause (i) ofh e proviso of Subsection ( I ) of thesection 5 1 of Ihe Code Ihe word "Commissioncr" appearing before he words, "Sclllcment Commissioner"shall be mined.



In Seclian 1 14-4 of Ihc Code,for themarginal heading "I3 hoo Adhikar Avam Rin Pustika" thc new marginal heading " Kisan -Kilabnshall be substituted.
In Sub-seclion (11, (2) and (3).of Section IlCAaf the Code, for he words "Bhoo Adhikar Avaq Rin PusLika", wherever it occurs h word "fisan Kitabdshall bc e subsrimled.

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