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Supply Chain Management Initiative

Work Stream Pooled Directs Best Practice Case Enhanced Cooperation JP-N Cables - Siemens Turkey
Serap Mert (JP-N Cables Turkey)

For internal use only

JP-N Cables: Enhanced Competition for N-T 18 Iraq Project (Siemens Turkey)

Majority of Siemens Turkey PVO covered by Supplier A

Regular international JP-N Cables Meeting to enhance networking activities among cable purchasers@siemens Introduction and presentation of Global Players, Local Heroes and Challengers of cable market to JP-N meetings

Awarding of Siemens Turkey Project: N-T 18 Iraq with a PVO of 913.000EUR to Supplier B with a CNI of 89.000EUR (9,74%) Enforced competition on Turkish market Enhanced cooperation between JP-N Cables and Siemens Turkey Market Situation 2009
PVO Share Siemens Turkey 2009

Market Situation 2007

PVO Share Siemens Turkey 2007

Signing of Local Adoption Agreement to Master Purchase Agreement with Supplier B for Siemens Turkey to facilitate negotiations and to enhance competition Utilisation of Supplier B as a Challenger for the Turkish Market

Supplier A Supplier C

Supplier B Supplier D

Supplier A Supplier E

Supplier B Supplier C

Page 2


For internal use only Supply Chain Management Initiative

Our common goal

Realizing the full potential for the Sectors

Fully leverage all value creation opportunities for the company as a whole
Page 3 2009-06-16 For internal use only Supply Chain Management Initiative

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