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Turrubiates Center for Environmental and Research Education, Duquesne University. 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15420, U.S.A. (412) 482-4913

ABSTRACT The energy consumed in buildings represents an important part in generation of greenhouses gases around the world. The major part of energy consumption in buildings is due to Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. The use of renewable energies as an alternative for reduction of fossil fuels consumption is more often in the race for stop climate change. Geothermal energy has been gaining terrain the last years in HVAC systems through Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP). However, in Mexico there is still much uncertainty with this application because there is no much information or background on these issues, making it difficult to decisions makers, in building projects, to give an opportunity to GSHP systems. This paper aims is to analyze GSHP systems and its applications versus conventional HVAC systems. For this case of study, a typical building located in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, will be studied; taking into account variables that have an influence in the process, using computer's simulation tools.

INTRODUCTION CURRENT AND FUTURE ENERGY SCENARIO IN MEXICO Day after day not only growing demand for electricity use around the world but also the need to meet those needs in a reliable, efficient and taking into account the care of the environment. Each country develops its own strategies of power supply based on their economic development. The annual growth rate (AGR) of global electricity consumption for the period 1994 to 2003 was 3%. In North America the AGR has been 2%, below the world average; taking to Canada, United States and Mexico an AGR of 1.4%, 1.9% and 5.7% respectively. The forecasts for world consumption are expected that developing countries are those who achieve the highest growth in electricity capacity in the coming years. In Mexico, electric service is in charge of the company Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) and it is this institution that regulates, through the Public Service Act Electricity (LSPEE) and Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE ) all matters concerning the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the country. The power supply is classified into five areas: Agricultural, Industrial, Residential, Commercial and Services. The Industrial sector is the most AGR presented with a 4.5% during the period 1994 to 2004, and accounted for 59.1% of total domestic supply for the past year. However, this sector is divided into two sub sectors, Big Industry and Medium Enterprises, which

accounted for 38.8% and 61.2% respectively of the total industrial sector. The residential sector is in second place, accounting for 24.9% of total consumption of generation in the country. Although only one institution is responsible for the electricity service in Mexico (CFE), it is divided into regions to better control. The Northeast Region has the highest growth has been in recent years in terms of power consumption, with 5.2% AGR. This is mainly due to the number of new industries and high temperatures in this region, increasing the use of air conditioning and refrigeration. Nuevo Leon is one of the states that belong to this region and is the largest consumer of electricity with 35% of the total energy supplied. The Projected growth in power in Mexico for 2015 is 5.2% AGR, with the Industrial Sector the fastest growing today. Unfortunately, the use of renewable energy technologies have a major development in our country in the coming years, compared with natural gas which is estimated to cover 51.8% of the source of electrical energy production by 2014. This national strategy and concern about the current problems in the environment, including climate change, makes us think of new ways to optimize the efficiency of energy end use. Buildings consume most of the energy industry and that is where we can find a good area of opportunity. The energy consumption in the operation of buildings is mainly due to heat gain by the low level of thermal insulation envelope, causing a greater demand for cooling. The work on the optimization of the thermal insulation of buildings is nothing new. But the use of alternative energy technologies for cooling them is becoming increasingly common around the world. In this paper, we analyze the potential of geothermal heat pumps (GSHP) as an alternative to the buildings in Nuevo Leon.

GSHP Ground Source Heat Pumps.

FIGURE 1.- Schematic Draw of a GSHP system for a house. Ground Source Heat Pumps are electrically powered systems that tap the stored energy of the greatest solar collector in existence: the earth. These systems use the earths relatively constant temperature to provide heating, cooling, and hot water for homes and commercial buildings.

FIGURE 2.- Measurement of temperatures for different depths. GSHP can be categorized as having closed or open loops and those loops can be installed in three ways: horizontally, vertically, or in a pond/lake. The type chosen depends on the available land areas and the soil and rock type at the installation site. These factors will help determine the most economical choice for installation of the ground loop. For closed loop systems, water or antifreeze solution is circulated through plastic pipes buried beneath the earth's surface. During the winter, the fluid collects heat from the earth and carries it through the system and into the building. During the summer, the system reverses itself to cool the building by pulling heat from the building, carrying it through the system and placing it in the ground. This process creates free hot water in the summer and delivers substantial hot water savings in the winter.

FIGURE 3.- Closed loop system. Open loop systems operate on the same principle as closed loop systems and can be installed where an adequate supply of suitable water is available and open discharge is feasible. Benefits similar to the closed loop system are obtained.

FIGURE 4.- Open loop system.

APPLICATIONS GSHP systems can be applied for both heating and cooling for buildings, pools, to melt snow and ice, and also for industrial process. Residential A GSHP system can be installed in a residential structure of any size, anywhere, whether it is singlefamily or multi-family. GSHPs can be installed on almost any size lot: under lawns, landscaped areas, driveways, or the house itself. An existing house can be retrofitted with a GSHP using the ductwork that is already there. Your dealer/installer will be able to determine ductwork requirements and if any minor modifications are needed. Home builders and homeowners can both take advantage of the special financing that is offered in many locations on a GSHP either through the utility or manufacturer. The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have both endorsed ground source heat pump systems as among the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly heating, cooling, and water heating systems available. In a 1993 report, the EPA concluded that geothermal technologies represent a major opportunity for reducing national energy use and pollution, while delivering comfort, reliability and savings to homeowners. HOPE CROSSING, Oklahoma. Hope Crossing is a 217 home development by Central Oklahoma's Habitat for Humanity (COHFH) in Oklahoma city. This is a showcase large-scale demonstration of affordable low-energy housing and all the houses will be certified in LEED by USGBC. The project utilizes ground source heat pumps, lowenergy building construction techniques and solar energy consumption by 60 to 80 percent from current practice. GSHP systems provide homeowners with year-round comfort in a mixed-humid climate area of the country that presents substantial humidity throughout the year and requires significant heating and cooling. GHSP systems also provide high-efficiency performance and much lower utility bills, increasing the affordability of the homes. GSHP Benefits: Lower utility costs: The GSHP system is projected to save 50 to 75 percent of the traditional heating and cooling costs. Improved comfort: Residents have the benefit of heating and cooling from the quit and clean

geothermal system. Reduced maintenance: Since there is no outdoor equipment, damage from weather is eliminated. All routine maintenance performed inside. Vandalism: All equipment is located inside, minimizing the risk of vandalism and theft.

Commercial GSHPs are a cost effective, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly way of heating and cooling buildings. Both the DOE and the EPA have endorsed the technology. GSHPs reliably deliver quality air-conditioning and heating, on demand, in every season. GSHPs are appropriate for new construction as well as retrofits of older buildings. Their flexible design requirements make them a good choice for schools, high-rises, government buildings, apartments, and restaurants--almost any commercial property. Lower operating and maintenance costs, durability, and energy conservation make Ground Source Heat Pumps the smart choice for commercial applications.

SOILS CLASSIFICATION IN MEXICO. According to the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI) in Mexico the systems of classification and description of soils that are based on the 1988 version of the soil classification FAO/UNESCO/ISRIC. The soil classes considered and the corresponding areas that are reported were calculated based on the most recent estimate of the land area of the country (INEGI, 1999). Thus, relevant information is presented on the surface of the dominant soils at national level and also by state, in addition to the main features thereof. The following chart shows the dominant soil classification in the country.

FIGURE 5.- Soil classification in Mexico.

NUEVO LEON Nuevo Len is a state located in northeastern Mexico. It borders the states of Tamaulipas to the north and east and San Luis Potos to the south, and Coahuila to the west. To the north, Nuevo Len accounts for a 15 kilometer (9 mi) stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border adjacent to the U.S. state of Texas. The capital of Nuevo Len is Monterrey; other important cities include Guadalupe, Santa Catarina, San Nicols de los Garza, and San Pedro Garza Garca, all of which are part of the Monterrey Metropolitan area.

FIGURE 6.- Location of Nuevo Leon State in Mexico. ECONOMY Highly industrialized, Nuevo Len possesses a standard of living similar to that of countries such as Croatia, Slovakia or Poland. In 2007, the per capita GDP of the state was similar to that of the Asian Tiger of South Korea and even higher than that of some European Union states such as Slovakia and Hungary. At $26,658, it was the highest GDP per capita (PPP) of any Mexican state (not counting the Federal District), and was therefore higher than the Mexican national average (2007 GDP per capita (PPP) national average was $14,119). One of its municipalities, San Pedro Garza Garca, has the highest income per capita in Mexico. It is also home of powerful conglomerates, such as Cemex (third largest cement company in the world, after Lafarge and Holcim), Bimbo (bakery and pastry), Maseca (food and grains), Banorte (the only highstreet bank in Mexico wholly owned by Mexicans), ALFA (Sigma, Alestra, Nemak, Alpek and Hylsa (recently bought by Ternium), i-service (HelpDesk), Vitro SA (glass), FEMSA (Coca-Cola in Latin America), and Cervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma (brewers of Sol, Tecate, XX, Bohemia, Indio and Nochebuena). Nuevo Len also boasts a rich agricultural core, called the "orange belt", which comprises the municipalities of Allende, Montemorelos, Hualahuises, General Tern and Linares. Small but productive investments have been transforming traditional harvests (mainly based on orange and cereals) into agroindustrial developments that are producing increasing revenues for the local economy. In contrast with the relative wealth of industrial Nuevo Len and the orange belt, the Southern part of the state (municipalities of Galeana, Aramberri, Zaragoza, Doctor Arroyo and Mier y Noriega) remains rural and less productive. Most of The South of the state is at the mercy of a very dry weather that represents a major hurdle for agriculture and livestock.

As of 2007, Nuevo Lens economy represents 11.4% of Mexicos total gross domestic product or 105 billion USD. Nuevo Len's economy has a strong focus on export oriented manufacturing (i.e. maquiladora / INMEX). As of 2005, 431,551 people are employed in the manufacturing sector. Foreign direct investment in Nuevo Len was 1,213.1 million USD for 2005. In recent years, the state government has been making efforts in attracting significant investments in aeronautics, biotechnology, mechatronics, information and communication technologies fields with the creation of the Research and Technology Innovation Park PIIT (Parque de Investigacin e Innovacin Tecnolgica), a technology park oriented in the development, innovation and research of sciences. The project is one of the key strategies within the Monterrey, international City of Knowledge program. The park is located in the municipality of Apodaca, part of Greater Monterrey at the 10 km of the highway to Monterreys International Airport. It consists of a total surface area of 70 Ha (172 acres), half of it already committed to R&D centers. The other 35 Ha (86 acres) are available for research and development centers, and for businesses that meet the Parks objectives. CLIMATE Nuevo Len has many biomes, which is why it has different climates. Some areas in the mountains are very cold in winter and temperate in summer. In the northern part of the state the climate is arid as a result of the proximity to the Chihuahuan desert. Extreme high temperatures of 47 C or more occur on the desert areas while winters are short and mild. In Monterrey the climate is semi-arid with extreme hot summers and mild winters. There is very little rainfall throughout the year, usually about 500 mm or less. According to this information, the classification of soils in the state of Nuevo Len is: TYPE OF SOIL CALCISOLES LEPTOSOLES VERTISOLES KASTAOZEMS REGOSOLES SURFACE (km) 32708 21067 7691 1923 1353 STATE PERCENT 50.52 32.54 11.88 2.97 2.09

TABLE 1.- Most common type of soil in Nuevo Leon. Based on this information, we can obtain the thermal conductivity of these soils using tables to implement a simulation of the case studies.

CASE OF STUDY Medium House type in Nuevo Leon. According to the report of the Current Status of Housing in Mexico 2009, in the country more than 26'180,793 houses which is estimated to Mexican cities are growing at a rate of 20,000 hectares annually. The homes in Mexico are classified as follows: TYPE OF HOME Economic Popular Social Medium Residential Residential Plus SINCE $299,866.00 $363,171.00 TO $299,866.00 $363,171.00 $583,072.00

$583,072.00 $1,082,848.00 $1,082,848.00 $2,598,835.00 $2,598,835.00 Further

TABLE 2.- Range of Mexican homes costs per type. (Values in Mexican Pesos). For the case study of a typical household in the region of the state of Nuevo Leon, will take the considerations of a qualifying home Medium with typical materials of construction and related climatic data according to the Kppen classification. The decision in taking this type of home for simulations is because it is one of the most common models in current construction and demand due to de economical situation of the country. ELEMENT MATERIAL THICKNESS (m) Walls Mortar Concrete block Plaster Concrete Mud-block Plaster 0.013 0.150 0.013 0.050 0.100 0.013


TABLE 3.- Characteristics of the parts and materials used in construction.

Material Density Cp Thermal Conductivity (kg/m) (J/kg-K) (W/m-C)

Concrete block 2300 Mud-block Concrete Mortar Plaster 2225 2000 2800 900

1000 960 1000 896 1000

1.63 0.5 1.13 0.88 0.25

TABLE 4.- Properties of materials used in construction.

FIGURE 7.- Distribution of climatic zones of Mexico according to the Kppen-Geiger classification.

For the analysis of this case study will examine the heat transfer. First you determine the heat load of the house by computer simulations with EnergyPlus software and graphic user interface Design Builder software, taking into account all the heat gains due to closures and infiltration, and then propose a design for a heat exchanger heat pump using the GLHEPRO software for data previously calculated. DESIGN BUILDER DesignBuilder features an easy-to-use OpenGL solid modeler, which allows building models to be assembled by positioning, stretching and cutting 'blocks' in 3-D space. Realistic 3-D elements provide visual feedback of actual element thickness and room areas and volumes and there are no limitations on geometric form or surface shape. It is the first comprehensive user interface to the EnergyPlus dynamic thermal simulation engine.

ENERGY PLUS Energy Plus is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model energy and water use in buildings. Modeling the performance of a building with EnergyPlus enables building professionals to optimize the building design to use less energy and water.

GLHEPRO GLHEPRO was developed as an aid in the design of vertical borehole-type ground loop heat exchangers used in geothermal heat pump systems. While GLHEPRO may be used for residential

system design, it is aimed at commercial systems. The heat exchanger may be composed of any number of boreholes arranged in various configurations. This software is based on the methodology developed by Eskilson at the University of Lund in Sweden.

The house model selected will be elaborated using the Design Builder tool according to the information gathered. It has two levels described as follow: 1. Level 1: Living room, dining room, kitchen and restroom. 2. Level 2: Three dorm rooms and one bathroom.

FIGURE 8.- Model of housing type medium for case of study (90 m). For this simulation in particular was not considered the influence of other buildings for the heat transfer analysis, being the principal of these factors the shadow of neighbor houses on the studied house. The frontal face is located at east. Data of a typical week in summer will be used for cooling design.

OUTCOME OF ANALYSIS The data of the simulation using for the heating and cooling design is showed in the follow chart. Also, the amount of CO produced in the operation of the house's HVAC system.
New Result Set - CASA MEDIA, Casa Media
EnergyPlus 10 5 0
Temperatura del Aire Temperatura Radiante Temperatura Operativa Temperatura de Bulbo Seco Exterior Electricidad del Espacio Iluminacin

27 Jul - 2 Ago, Horario

Bombas del Sistema Electricidad Enfriadora (Electricidad) DHW (Electricidad)


40 35 30 25
Acristalamiento Muros Techos (int) Suelos (int) Suelos sobre terreno Particiones (int) Cubiertas Puertas y rejillas Suelos (ext) Vent Natural Int Aire exterior Bombas Iluminacin General Computadoras + Equipos Ocupacin Ganancias Solares por Ventanas Exteriores Calentamiento Sensible de Zona Enfriamiento Sensible de Zona

0 -10 0 -10 -20 200 100

Direccin del Viento Enfriamiento sensible Enfriamiento Total


5.0 2.5 0.0 6 4 2 0 Jul 2002

Vent. Mec. + Vent. Nat. + Infiltracin

28 Dom

29 Lun

30 Mar Hora/Fecha

31 Mie


2 Vie

3 Sab

FIGURE 9.-Simulation of a typical week in summer. The analysis of calculation shows a high load for both, heating and cooling. This is over the average loads in a typical house but the explanation is due to the influence of neighbor houses is not consider for this case.
Temperatura y Ganancias de Calor - CASA MEDIA, Casa Media
EnergyPlus 40 35 30 25
Acristalamiento Muros Techos (int) Suelos (int) Suelos sobre terreno Particiones (int) Cubiertas Suelos (ext) Vent Natural Int Infiltracin Ext Vent Exterior Iluminacin General Computadoras + Equipos Ganancias Solares por Ventanas Exteriores Enfriamiento Sensible de Zona Puertas y rejillas Ocupacin Temperatura del Aire Temperatura Radiante

30 Jul, Sub-horario
Temperatura Operativa Temperatura de Bulbo Seco Exterior


50 0
Enfriamiento sensible Enfriamiento Total

0 -5 -10 -15 -20

Humedad Relativa

45 40 35 30
Vent. Mec. + Vent. Nat. + Infiltracin

3 2 1 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Tiempo

FIGURE 10.- Temperatures and heat for a typical summer week.

OUTCOME OF LOADS CALCULATIONS Heating Design = 15.620 kW Cooling Design = 27.920 kW Based on these values obtained, we use the library of GLHEPRO to select a heat pump and calculate the values of GSHP system design. The heat pump selected was the ClimateMaster RE08@17GPM_3200CFM. The soil average temperature it is not available for Monterrey but according to researchers, normally this temperature can be considered adding 1.4 C to the average temperature from the location. The array selected for this heat exchanger in particular is a 3x2 with 3m of spacing between each borehole taking into account the the average space in a typical house for garden.

FIGURE 11.- Temperature profiles for a typical array of 3x 2 heat exchanger. Once the information needed for the GLHEPRO is gathered, the simulation is run expecting to have the depth suggested for each borehole and also the electrical consumption.

GLHEPRO -- Output file ----------------------------------Active borehole length, m = 82.04 Borehole diameter, m = 0.11 Borehole spacing, m = 3 Borehole Geometry : RECTANGULAR CONFIGURATION : 6 : 2 x 3, rectangle Soil Type currently used : Thermal conductivity of the ground, W/(m*K) = 2.8 Volumetric heat capacity of Ground, kJ/(K*m^3) = 2400 Volumetric heat capacity of fluid, kJ/(K*m^3) = 4173.36246853979 Undisturbed ground temperature, C = 24 Borehole thermal resistance, K/(W/m) = 0.175 Fluid type currently entered : 0% Pure Water Mass flow rate of the fluid, m^3/s = 1.99600175346264 Density of the fluid, Kg/m^3 = 998.1006868 Heat Pump Selected : ClimateMaster RE08@17GPM_3200CFM ************************************************************************* Results ************************************************************************* Borehole Information

--------------------Each Borehole Depth, m = 120.01 Total Borehole Depth, m = 720.07 Distance between borehole centers, m = 003.00 Average Temperature -------------------Maximum Average Temperature, C = 028.11 at month 236 Minimum Average Temperature, C = 020.46 at month 01 Peak temperature ----------------Maximum Peak Temperature, C = 032.23 at month 235 Minimum Peak Temperature, C = 014.44 at month 01

TABLE 5.- Report of the GLHEPRO simulation. ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS OF GSHP SYSTEMS. The mainly economical factors to consider for a GSHP project are: High cost of installation. Significant energy savings. Incentives for energy savings. Special funding schemes. Payback period. According to a study realized by Alabama University, the cost of excavation is the highest factor in a GSHP system. Average cost of GSHP: Horizontal: US$675/kW Vertical: US$680/kW The difference against a conventional HVAC system is around 350-450 US$/kW.

FIGURE12.- Comparison of total cost between conventional and GSHP systems.

CONCLUSION It is evident the difference between conventional and GSHP systems initial costs. But the 30 60% savings in maintenance and operations makes the payback of this invest shorter. In some cases this payback period can be 2 years. The proposed use of GSHP systems in buildings Mexican is definitely a viable alternative not only because it reduces power consumption but also because it contributes to reducing global warming by using a renewable energy source. It is necessary to validate the results obtained through simulations, measurements and field trials to have a smaller margin of error. The greatest barrier, undoubtedly, that these systems have to overcome before being used in a manner common in Mexican society is the cost of investment. If there is evidence that the investment is recovered in a few years depending on the type of project, the initial investment is what is hindering the development of these methodologies. To overcome these barriers, we must work to amortize financing mechanisms such investment costs of these technologies. In Mexico there are just a few federal programs that begin to stimulate the use of these means of financing. One is the Green Mortgage (Hipoteca Verde) and the other is the Integrated Urban Development (DUIS). A recently developed another system that will soon begin work on this type of technology: HOUSING PROGRAM SPECIFIC SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE. CONAVI in 2008 introduced the Specific Program Sustainable Housing Development on Climate Change as part of the activities of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of Kyoto Protocol. This program, unique in its kind worldwide, will benefit not only of Certified Emission Reductions of CO2 or carbon credits, but actively incorporate the country's housing sector in international efforts to mitigate climate change. The objectives of this program include, among others: establishing guidelines for sustainable energy and environmental policies and actions promoted, financed or implemented by government agencies and private entities planning guidelines to promote the sustainability of housing development, and generate additional funding housing through the Certificate of CO Emissions Reduction. In April 2009 was developed a methodology that will allow the calculation of the baseline, the monitoring procedure and conditions of additionality. This methodology is oriented housing developments that incorporate various combinations of technology for energy efficiency and finally has been approved by the UN (CDM Executive Board). If it would be possible taking advantage of this program considering the high CO GHG reductions due to the better insulation and use of GSHP systems in Mexican houses, making more efficient buildings in Mexico would be both, possible and profitable. Finally, much depends on all of us that we continue to not only develop but also as a society calling these technological alternatives that can meet our current needs without compromising those of future generations.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Tcnicas Energticas Avanzadas, Dr. Javier Uchuengua, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, 2006. Bombas de Calor Geotrmicas, Jos Miguel Corbern, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, 2008. Estado Actual de la Vivienda en Mxico 2009, Primera Edicin, Gobierno Federal, 2009. Prospectiva del Sector Elctrico 2005-2014, Secretara de Energa, 2006. Gua de la Energa Geotrmica, G. Llopis y V. Rodrigo, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, 2008. Spitler, J.D. 2000. GLHEPRO -- A Design Tool For Commercial Building Ground Loop Heat Exchangers. Proceedings of the Fourth International Heat Pumps in Cold Climates, Conference, Aylmer, Qubec. August 17-18, 2000. Programa Especfico Para El Desarrollo Habitacional Sustentable Ante El Cambio Climpatico, Primera Edicin, CONAVI, 2008. Metodologa para la aplicacin adecuada de aislamiento trmico para viviendas mexicanas, Benjamn Zamudio, Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, 2010. WEBSITES

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