Discussion Board Rubric

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Discussion Board Rubric Dr. Cheryl L.

Criteria Critical Thinking Outstanding 5 Demonstrates High Level/Consistent Mastery of Critical Thinking Elements (Universal Intellectual Standards) in postings: Clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, logic, significance, fairness. Consistently and respectfully Identifies errors/fallacies or questions critical thinking in postings of peers in the learning community. Postings meet all the criteria for the posting at a high level, demonstrate uniqueness, are well developed (depth and detail), rich in content, opinions are supported with evidence, and provide new insights to the learning community B Proficient 4 Substantial/Freque nt Evidence of Achievement of Critical Thinking Elements (Universal Intellectual Standards) in postings, some standards lacking achievement Frequently provides evidence of noticing potential errors or inconsistencies in critical thinking offered in postings to the learning community. C Average 3 Occasional/Inconsist ent Evidence of Achievement of Critical Thinking Elements (Universal Intellectual Standards) in postings, numerous standards lacking evidence of achievement. Does not offer queries to members of the learning community members when inconsistencies in critical thinking are evident in postings. D Below Expectations 0 Rudimentary/ Superficial Evidence of Application of Critical Thinking Elements in postings, does not demonstrate identification of errors or fallacies or inconsistencies in critical thinking in any posts by members of the learning community. Critical Thinking not achieved Points


Postings meet all the criteria for the posting, demonstrate good quality work but may not offer a fresh perspective, lack depth or detail, opinions are sometimes unsupported with evidence, are not rich in content and may not provide substantially new insights to the learning community

Postings do not meet all the criteria required for the posting, demonstrate basic work, reflect others beliefs or unsupported opinions accurately with few new perspectives or insights for the learning community

Postings demonstrate superficial work, nonoriginal thought, unsupported opinion, depth and detail totally lacking, no new insights offered to the learning community




Posting are in as required and in a very timely fashion. Postings presented early in the discussion. Postings presented throughout the discussion. Demonstrates evidence of clear connections to: previous & current RN BSN program content, previous and current postings, and reallife situations, nursing practice/profession situations, current events Few grammatical or stylistic errors, Cites others material when appropriate, Respectfully addresses all members of the learning community in a positive manner, Uses APA format when appropriate

Postings are in as required, may not be in early enough to add significantly to the learning community, or does not post throughout the discussion Demonstrates evidence of connections but connections lack depth or thoroughness

Postings are in as required, some posted without allowing for response time from the learning community

Evidence of connections limited, vague generalities presented

Misses discussion deadlines , some discussion elements missing, time management interferes with significant contributions to the learning community Evidence of connections lacking, connections made are irrelevant

Several grammatical or stylistic errors, Cites other s material when appropriate, Respectfully addresses all members of the learning community in a positive manner, Occasional errors in application of APA format

Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors, Errors interfere with content for learning community, Cites others material when appropriate, Respectfully addresses all members of the learning community in a positive manner, Obvious errors in application of APA format

Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors makes clear understanding impossible, Addresses members of the learning community disrespectfully, distastefully or in a negative manner. Lack of APA format.

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