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Seventh Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 431 - ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 MARKS Answer ALL questions. PART A - [ 10 X 2 = 20 MARKS] 1. The radiation resistance of an antenna is 72ohms and loss resistance is 8 ohms. What is its directivity, if the power gain is 16? 2. Define Half Power Beam Width. 3. State the principle of pattern Multiplication. 4. What are the conditions to obtain and fire array pattern? 5. Mention any two applications of helical antenna. 6. What is far field radiation? 7. Calculate the power gain of an optimum horn antenna approximately with a square aperture of 10lamda on a side. 8. Give each two examples for wide band and narrow band antennas. 9. What is the critical frequency for reflection at vertical incidence if the maximum value of electron density is 1.24 X 10E6 cmE-3? 10. What is MUF? PART B - [5 X 16 = 80 MARKS] 11. (a) (i) Define and explain in detail the terms "gain", "directivity" and "effective length" of an antenna. [8 MARKS] (ii) Derive Friis' transmission formula. [8 MARKS] [OR] (b) Define and explain the terms "radiation intensity", "effective aperture" and "self impedance" of an antenna. Derive the above parameters. [16 MARKS] 12. (a) Derive an expression for the array factor of a uniform linear array of N(odd number) equally spaced and equally excited identical isotropic elements. [16 MARKS] [OR] (b) Using the principle of Multiplication of patterns, sketch the horizontal pattern of four vertical antennas spaced one quarter wavelength apart and having progressive phase shift of 90degree between the elements. [16 MARKS] 13. (a) Derive the near field and far field electric and magnetic component of lamda/2 dipole antenna. [16 MARKS]

[OR] (b) Write notes with neat diagram on: (i) Loop Antenna [8 MARKS] (ii) Helical Antenna [8 MARKS] 14. (a) Explain fully the operation of Yogi - Uda array. What are its advantages? Why is this antenna referred to as a super gain antenna? [16 MARKS] [OR] (b) (i) Explain the various types of Horn antennas. [10 MARKS] (ii) Estimate the diameter and the effective aperture of a paraboloidal reflector antenna required to produce a nulls beam width of 10degree at 3GHz. [6 MARKS] 15. (a) (i) Explain the structure of the ionosphere with neat diagram. [10 MARKS] (ii) Define radio horizon. What is the radio horizon of a television antenna placed at a height of 166m? If the signal is to be received at a distance of 66Km, what should be the height of the receiving antenna? [6 MARKS] [OR] (b) Explain the following: (i) Critical frequency [5 MARKS] (ii) Virtual Height [6 MARKS] (iii) Skip Distance [5 MARKS]

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