Leche Flan

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Ingredients Caramel: 1 cup white sugar 1/8 cup water 1/8 white vinegar Flan 8 egg yolks cup

p sugar 1 cups fresh milk Recipe: 1. Preheat oven to 350F. Fill a 13x9 roasting pan halfway with water. Let heat inside the oven while it preheats. This is the water bath. 2. Meanwhile, mix ingredients for caramel in a heavy-bottomed sauce pan. On medium heat, stir until sugar has dissolved. Once mixture boils, do not stir. Let mixture boil until it becomes a light golden brown. Immediately drizzle the caramel into a 9x5 loaf pan or into 2 llaneras. Tilt the pan(s) so that the caramel completely covers the bottom(s).

Photo by Lori Baltazar 3. In a bowl, thoroughly mix the flan ingredients. Strain mixture into the prepared pan(s). Place mixture into pan(s). Cook in the water bath for 40 minutes, or until 1 hour. A knife inserted in the middle of the flan should come out clean. 4. Cool the flan still in the water bath at room temperature for 30 minutes. Remove from the water bath and un-mold onto a platter. Lori Baltazar is the whiz behind the popular food blog, Dessert Comes First.

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