2010 2011 Recruiting Partners

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Full-time positions accepted by MSCF students graduating in December 2010 as of January 18 2011 92% 18, 2011. have received offers. 82% (42/51) students have accepted offers. h i d ff (42/ 1) d h d ff

Company Company
AXA E it bl Life Insurance Company Equitable Lif I C Bank of America Merrill Lynch y Barclays Capital Barclays Capital BNP Paribas BNP P ib Paribas BNP Paribas BNP Paribas BNP Paribas BNY M ll Asset Management Mellon A tM t BNY Mellon Asset Management g Boston Consulting Group BTG Pactual Chicago Trading Company Chi T di C Citi Citi Citi Citi Ci i Citi Citi Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Ernst Young E t&Y Ernst & Young g Fannie Mae Fidelity Goldman Sachs G ld S h Goldman Sachs Infinium Capital Management Infinium Capital Management Latin A L ti American Reserve Fund i R F d Nomura Securities Nomura Securities Nomura Securities Nomura Securities S RBS Standard & Poor's UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) UBS (U i Bank of Switzerland) (Union B k f S it l d) UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) ( ) Volant Trading

Position Accepted
Junior Q J i Quantitative Analyst tit ti A l t Associate, Associate, Global Markets S&T Quant Associate Quant Associate Associate Associate A i t Associate - FI Structuring g Fixed Income Associate Fixed Income Trading Associate Quant Associate; Pareto Partners Q tA i t P t P t Vice President Consultant Quant Analyst Assistant T d A i t t Trader Analyst y Analyst STQA Program Associate Global M k A l Gl b l Market Analyst Quantitative Analyst Q antitati e Analyst S&T Global Markets Associate Global Markets Senior Analyst Valuation B i V l ti & Business Modeling M d li Valuation & Business Modeling g Financial Engineer Quant Analyst Analyst A l t Associate - Strategies g Financial Engineering Junior Research Analyst Portfolio M P tf li Manager Analyst y Fixed Income Quant Analytics Senior Analyst - Global Markets Analyst FICC S l A ly t Sales Analyst Associate Analyst, Analyst IBD Associate Associate A i t Equity Exotics Trading Analyst q y g y Trader

New York N Y k New York New York Hong Kong New York New York N Y k New York New York New York New York N Y k Boston Boston New York Chicago Chi New York New York New York Singapore Si New Ne York Hong Kong London Singapore New York N Y k New York Washington DC Boston London L d New York New York Chicago Bogota B t Singapore g p Tokyo Hong Kong Hong Kong Singapore Si g p New York New York Stamford Stamford St f d Hong Kong g g New York

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