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Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology


On p.7 l.9 classes should read classes On p.123 l.14 participants should read participants On p.314 Discussion question (d) should read What problems of data analysis are encountered in studies in which two or more independent variables have two or more levels? On p.461 the ticks and crosses for the first four items are the wrong way round. Down the page, this should read not .

In the presentation of the sample lab report (pp.469-476), the placement of the page breaks may confuse students who try to imitate this report. As indicated on pp. 464 and 465, the only essential breaks are between (a) the Title page and the Abstract, (b) the Abstract and the start of the Introduction, (c) the end of the Discussion and the References, and (d) the References and the Appendices. On pp. 464 and 465, Title and Figure 1 Figure caption should be in courier font.

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