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Upgrades in Ship Technology

A. From unreliable to reliable ship. B. From slow to fast ship. C. Inconvenient to convenient transportation D. Low to high number of passengers. E. Unsafe to Safe transportation.

Larger at 269 meters than many tallest buildings of the day She was as high as an eleven storey building Titanic carried 329 first class, 285 second class and 710 third class passengers with 899 crew members Under the care of very experienced

A.Size of the Ship Height of the Ship Accomodation: 9 decks Number of Passengers 329 passengers in the first class 285 passengers in the second class 710 passengers in the third class 899 crew members B.Capability to Feed a Small Town Massiveness of the food carried by the ship 40,000 fresh eggs 36,000 apples 111,000 pounds of fresh meat 2,200 pounds of coffee

A. Consideration of the Ship as The


Ability to float despite flooding in the two decks


A.Incoordination of the messages as its circumstances

y Location of the messages y Number of messages that was seen y Lack of formal procedures y Lack of knowledge from a new piece of


B. Ignorance of the signs towards path of danger

y Increase in speed of the ship y Acknowledgement of the inevitable danger y Increase of speed of the ship during the pilgrimage y Conceitment from previous experience y Tolerance of the accepted practices y Ignorance of the possible options

A. Insufficient lifeboats

B. Unrevised regulations C. Rejection of a safety proposal D. High priority on design

VI. Misjudgments of the Impending Disaster

A. Belief that Titanic was unsinkable B. Captain of the ship didnt brief his crew C. Late responses from the crew D. Half full boats

A. Failure of using of Dishes Rockets B. Operation on Wireless Operator C. Use of Flashing Morse Lamp

IX. Improvements on Safety Procedures

A. 24 hours wireless operation B. Crew training C. Proper lifeboat drills D. Lifeboat capacity for all on board E. International ice patrol

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