SSC Model Test 01

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l. Which number will corne in place of
(?) question mark?
(I) 36 (2) 21
(3) 30 (4) 11
2. Which amongst the following
represents the relationship between
'India', 'Patna' and 'Aligarh'?
2 3 4
3. Which number will complete the
number series given below?
2,9,28,65, ?
(I) 96 (2) 103
(3) 195 (4) 126
4. Which ofthe WOlds given in the options
cannot be made from the letters of
word given below?
Directions (5-6) : Each of the
questions given below contain three groups
of things. You are to select that diagram
which depicts correct relationship among
the three groups ofthings in each question.
(I) @:> (2) @>
o 0
(3) 0 (4)@O
5. Nephew, Cousins, Men
6. Earth, Mountain, Forest
7. Pointing to a man, a woman said, "His
mother is the daughter of my mother's
only daughter." How is the man related
to that woman?
(I) Son (2) Father
(3) Brother (4) Grandson
8. From the given, find out
one word which cartbe formed by using
the letters of the given word?
9. Arrange the following words as per
dictionary and choose the one that
comes second.
(I) Literacy (2) Literature
(3) Literary (4) Listen
10. Afterinterchanging and + 12and 16,
which one of the following equations
becomes correct?
(1) (80 x 16) + 16 60
(2) (16+4)+ 12 6
(3) (72 + 12) + 16 72
(4) (12 + 8) + 4 = 6
11. A person goes towards East five
kilometres, he then takes a turn to
South-west and goes 5 krn. lIe again
takes a tum towards North-West and
goes five kilometres, with respect to
the point from where he started, where
is henow?
(t) At the starting point
(2) In the North-East
(3) In the South-West
(4) In the East
12. Which one number is wrong in the
given series?
(I) 8 (2) 42
(3) 736 (4) 20
13. Arrange the following in a meaningful
logical order:
I. Study 2. Job
3. Examination 4. Earn
5. Appointment
(1) 13524 (2)12345
. (3) 1 3254 (4) I 3 542
Directions (14) : One statement is
given followed by two assumptions I and
II. You have to consider the statement to
be true even if it seems to be at variance
from commonly known facts. You have to
decide which of the given assumptions. if
any, follow from the given statement.
14. Statement: Likeamadrnan,Idecided
to follow him
Assumptions : I. I am not a mad
GLM -1 ) .
II. Mad mail dol.'!s
not follow
anything blindly
(1) Only I is implicit
(2) Only II is implicit
(3) Both I and II are implicit
(4) Both I and II are not implicit
Directions (15) : Two statement P
and Q are given followed by four
conclusions I, II, III and IV. You ha"e to
consider the two statements to be true even
if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. You have to decide
which ofthe given conclusions ifany. fonow
from the given statements.
15. Statements:
P. All fruits are vegetables.
Q. All Pens are vegetables.
I. Some fruits are vegetables.
n. Some Pens are vegetables.
111. Some vegetables are fruits.
IV Some vegetables are Pens.
(\) None of the conclusions foHow
(2) All the conclusions follow.
(3) Only I, II and IV follow
(4) Only III and IV follow.
16. Which numb'er should replace the
question mark ('1) in the following
(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) 6 (4) 8
17. What is the number missing from the
third target '!
(1) 9 (2) 12
(3) 24 (4) 15
18. In the following question, 0 stands
for any of the mathematical signs at
different places, which are given as
choices under each question. Select the
choice with the correct sequence of
signs which when substituted makes
the question as a correct equation.
16D80403 15
(I) - + (2) + +
(3) .;- - + (4) + - +
19. Arrange the foilowing words according
to the dictionary :
1. Educt 2. Eight
3. Elan 4. Each
5. Eater
(I) 4 5 1 '2 3 (2) 1 2 3 4 5
(3) 5 4 1 2 3 (4) 4 5 2 1 3
20. Which one set of letters when
sequnentially placed at the gaps in the
given letter series shall complete it ?
- av - ka - wk - vw
(I) kwva (2) wavk
(3) kavw (4) wavk
21. Find out a set ofnumbers amongst the
four sets of numbers given in the
alternatives, which is the most similar
to the numbers given in the question.
Given: (4, 9, 25)
(I) 4 25 36 (2) 9 16 25
m9 16 36 (4) 9 25 49
22. Find the missing number from the
given responses.
117 (25) 112
395 (?) 370
489 (289) 472
(I) 25 (2) 625
(3) 300 (4) 505 .
23. Ifin a certain code language 'SAAJAN'
is written as 'UYCHCL' then how will
'DEEWANA' be written in the same
24. From the given answer figures, select
the one in which the question figure is
hidden/embedded in the same
Question Figure
Answer Figures
25. Which answer figure is the exact mirror
image of the given question figure
when the mirror is held from the right
at PQ.
Question figure
Model Practice Set : 1
Answer Figures
(I) (2) (3) (4)
26. Among the four answer figures. which
one can be formed from the cut out
pieces given below in the question
Question figure
Answer figures
(1) (2) (3) (4)
27. How many letters of alphabet have
been used in the word 'SOPH
(1) II (2) 10
(3) 9 (4) 12
28. Which pair ofletters will come in place
of (?) question mark?
AB, CE, EH, GK, ?
(I) 1M (2) HM
(3) IN (4) IN
29. Identify the odd man out
(1) Victoria Memorial
(2) Vigyan Bhavan
(3) Taj Mahal
(4) India Gate
Directions (30-31) : Answer the
following questions on the basis ofthe figure
given below?
30. What is the number oftriangies in the
figure given above?
(1) 23 (2)24
(3) 27 (4) 28
31, How many squares are there in the
figure above?
(I) 8 (2) 7
(3) 5 (4) 4
32. What will come in place of(?) question
mark in the figure given below?
8 . 4

(l)M (2)1
(3) H (4) V
Directions (33-35) : In the number se
ries given below which number will come at
the question mark?
33. 2,6, 12,20, 30, 42, ?
(1) 38 (2)40
(3) 42 (4) 56
34. 5, 3, 6, 2, 7, I, ?
(1) 2 (2) 0
(3) 6 (4) 8
35. 2,7, I L 8,13,17,14, \9,23,?
(I) 22 (2) 18
(3) 20 (4) 25
36. What will come at the question mark
in the given letter series.
(I) IKZ (2) RKY
(3) RLZ (4) RKZ
Directions (37-41): In each of the
following questions, three words are given.
The relationship that exists between the
words to the left of (::) the symbol should
also exist between the third word and a word
in the options. This is your answer.
37. Insect: Disease:: War: ?
(I) Army (2) Defeat
(3) Arsenal (4) Destruction
38. Bismillah Khan: Shehnai :: Birju
Maharaj: ?
(I) Sitar (2) Kathak
(3) Music
(4) Bharatnatyam
39. Wheel: Orange':: Circle:?
(I) Cylinder (2) Square
(3) Parabola (4) Cube
40, Book: Cover: : Painting: ry
(l) Example (2) Wall
(3) Colour (4) Frame
41. Float: Sink:: Boat: ?
(1) Ship (2) War
(3) Submarine (4) Missile
Directions (42-46) : Select the one
which is different from others,
42. (1) Hen (2) Cow
(3) Cub (4) Bitch
43. (I) West (2) Drink
(3) Top (4) Mound
44. (I) Dollar (2) Litre
(3) Yard (4) Inch
45. (1) Sword (2) Gun
(3) Knife (4) Dagger
46. (I) Truck (2) Scooter
(3) Tempo (4) Cart
Directions (47-49) : In each of the
questions below there are or should be two
terms to the left of (::1 the symbol and to
the right of the symbol. The relationship
that exists in one pair of terms is also there
in the other pair of terms. But a term is
GLM -2
Model Practice Set: 1 11------------
missing in each ofthe pairs, which you have
to find out from the given options.
47. ?: CEIG :: LNRP : OKUM
(3) FHFJ (4) ABLD
48. KLQM: CFMK :: NRPT : ?
(I) FUR (2) HUH
(3) FLTM (4) RLTM
49. UPN: KMOQ:: ?: XVTZ
(l) YSUV (2) SVWY
(3) VTWY (4) YSUW
SO. Which amongst the sets given in the
options is like the set given below?
Given Set: (26, 5, 2)
(l) (36, 6, 3) (2) (10 I, 10, 3)
(3) (18,4,2) (4)(66,8,3)
51. Who among the following is known for
work in the field ofremoval ofbonded
(I) Medha Patekar
(2) SwamiAgnivesh
(3) Mamta Banerji
(4) Deepa Mehta
52. Who has united all the Sikhs and
founded a kingdom in the Punjab ?
(l) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(2) Guru Teg Bahadur
(3) Guru Gobind Singh
(4) Guru Nanak Dev
53. Which of the following industries
provide employment to the largest
number of people?
(1) Iron & Steel
(2) Cotton Textiles
(3) Jute Industries
(4) Fertilizers
54. Whieh of the following problems is not
encountered in Indira Gandhi Canal
Command Area?
(l) Increase in Soil Salinity
(2) Aeolian Silting ofthe Canal
(3) Progressive Water-logging
(4) Decline in Water Supply
55. Hydroelectric Project is located at
(1) Pykara (2) Korba
(3) Debari (4) Halded
56. In recent years there have been a
tendency for the sugar industries to
move from North to South India. Which
of the reasons for this is incorrect?
(1) Higher sucrose content oftropical
varieties ofsugarcane
(2) The growing and harvesting
seasons are longer
(3) Factory are in a Cooperative
Sector which are quite efficient in
the South compared to North
(4) None of these
57. In NeMon's third Law, the action and
rcaction forces:
(I) act on different bodies
(2) act on the same body
(3) are not always equal
(4) are always equal
58. The technique of recording and
reproducing three dimesnsional image
of objects is known is :
(1) Audiography
(2) Lexicography
(3) Holography
(4) Photography
59. Fruit development without fertilization
is called--
(I) Apogamy (2) Porogamy
(3) Polycarpy
(4) Parthenocarpy
60. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the Lists.
List I
Research Institute
(A) Central Arid Zone Research Centre
(B) Central Research Institute for
Dryland Agriculture
(C) Thermal Power test centre
(D) National Dairy Research Institute
List II
I. Jhansi 2. Karnal
3. Jodhpur 4. Hyderabad
(I) 2 3 1 4
(2) 1 3 4 2
(3) 3 4 I 2
(4) 4 3 2 I
61. Opium is a plant product obtained from:
( I) Dried Leaves
(2) Dried Latex
(3) Roots
(4) StemBark
62. The Sagar University has been renamed
(I) Goud University
(2) Rajiv Gandhi University
(3) Dakshineshwar University
(4) None of these
63. The Vice President discharges the
duties ofthe President during his illness
for a maximum period of:
(I) three months
. (2) six months
(3) one year
(4) Indefinitely
64. Which one ofthe following courts can
a citizen move for the enforcement of
Directive Principles ofState Policy?
(I) The Supreme Court
(2) The High Court
(3) Both (I) and (2)
(4) None ofthese
65. The special status of Jammu &
Kashmir implies that the State has:
(I) a separate defence force
(2) a separate Constitution
(3) a separate judiciary
(4) All of the above
66. The party system in India can be
described as .
(l) SingJ e Party
(2) Bi-party
(3) Multi-party
(4) A mixture ofall these
67. Match the List-I with List-II aDd select
the correct answer cpde from the given
A. Fakhr Mudabbie
B. Ata Malik luwaini
C. Minhaj Siraj
D. Zia Uddin Barani
1. Tarikhi-Feroz Shahi
2. Tabaquat-i-Nasiri
3. Adab-ul, Hardb Lawai Shujat
4. Tarikh-i-laham Gusha
(.1) A4, B-2, C-3, D-l
(2) A-I, B-3; C-2. D-4
(3) A-3, B-4, C-2. D-I
(4) A-3, B-2, C- L D-4
68. Who among the contemporary Muslim
writers criticized Alauddin for his
disregard ofreligion ?
(1) Barani
(2) Amir KhusfQ
(3) AI-beruni
(4) Minhaj Siraj
69. Which of the following statements is
(I) The third battle of Panipat sealed
the fate ofMaratha supremacy in
(2) The foreign invasion in the Punjab
failed to suppress the authority
of the Sikh Chiefs.
(3) Guru Arjun Dev developed the
Gurumukhi Script
(4) The Sikh Misls were organised on
the principles of autonomy
70. Match the authors with their creations :
(A) Michael Madhusudan Dutt
(B) Subramanyam Bharati
(C) Pyarchand Mitra
(D) Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
I. Swatantra Pattu
2. Grihadaha
3. Krishna-Kumari
4. Alaler Gharer Dulali
(1) A-3, B-4. C-1. D-2
(2) A-2, B-1, C-3. D-4
(3) A3, B-1. C-4, D-2
(4) A-3, B"2, C4, D-l
71. The Congress Was passing through
midnight gloom, and Gandhiji himself
withdrew from politics altogether,
devoting himself to his social
programme. This refers to which period
ofindian National Movement?
(I) Failure ofRound Table Conference
and its aftermath
(2) Post Non-Cooperation Phase
(3) World-wide depression of 1930s
(4) None oftbese
72. Which of the following Acts formally
introduced the principle of elections
for the first time?
(I) The Indian Councils Act, 1909
(2) Governments ofIndiaAct, 1919
(3) The 1935 Act
(4) India Independent Act, 1947
73. With whom was Sardar VaHabhbhai
Patel often equated?
(1) Bismark (2) Cavour
(3) Mazzini (4) Garibaldi
74. In which year did broadcasting start in
(1) 1927 (2) 1929
(3) 1941 (4) 1931
75': As per new norm, to be a world grand
master (chess) a player must win (?)at
(1) 27 games (2) 28 games
(3) 29 games (4) 30 games
76. The first Indian who has been
appointed as a Reuter'S Trustee is
(I) Arun Shourie
(2) Dr. Kedarnath Singh
(3) Mammen Mathew
(4) Dr. Sushi! Kumar
77. Which of the following is not a cause
of low productivity in Indian
(I) Mechanisation
(2) Inadequate inputs availability
(3) Sub-division and fragmentation of
. land holdings
(4) Poor Finance and Marketing
78. WDlch of the following is a Selective
Credit Control method ?
( I) Bank Rate
(2) RBI directives
(3) Cash Reserve Ratio
(4) Open market operations
79. The Reserve Bank ofindia (RBI) was
established in
(1) 1935 (2) 1947
(3) 1949 (4) 1951
80. Which of the following taxes is not
shared by the Central Government
with the States?
Model Practice Set : 1
(l) Union excise duties
(2) Customs duty
(3) Income tax
(4) Estate duty
81. Fiscal Policy is connected with:
(1) Exports and imports
(2) Public revenue and expenditure
(3) Issue of currency
(4) Population control
82. Neil Armstrong put foot on the moon
on July 21, 1969. Who accompanied
(I) Aldrin
(2) Alexi Leonov
(3) Bladimir Titov
(4) Edward White
83. Which of the following were the
principal aims ofFirst Five-Year Plan?
(1) Sell-sufficiency in foodgrain
(2) Rehabilitate Indian economy
shattered by second war and
(3) Development of basic and heavy
(4) Minimum Needs Programme
84. Structural Unemployment arises due
(1) Deflationary conditions
(2) Heavy industry bias
(3) Shortage of raw material
(4) Inadequate productive capacity
85. Cataract is a disease of the eyes that is
due to-
(I) A defect in the optic nerve
(2) An inflammation in the eye
(3) Opacity of cornea
(4) Opacity of lens
86. . With which of the following games is
the term 'Chinaman' related?
(1) Cricket (2) Hockey
(3) Tennis (4) Football
87. A pungent odour or the smell of a fine
perfume is interpreted in the brain in
(1) Cerebrum
(2) Cerebral hemispheres
(3) Temporal cortex
(4) Cerebellum
88. Match the following:
A. C.R. Das
B. Vallabhbhai Patel
C. Abdul Ghaffar Khan
D. Maulana AK. Azad
l. Barodoli Satygaraha
2. Swarajist
3. Khilafatist
4. Khudai Khidmatgar
GLM -4
(l) A-2, B-1, C4, D3
(2) A-2, B-4, C-I, D-3
(3) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
(4) A-2, B-1, C-3. D-4
89. Gunpowder is a mixture of
(I) TNT and Sand
(2) TNT and Charcoal
(3) Sulphur, Charcoal and Sand
(4) Sulphur and Nitrate
90. Ramanuja founded a new school of
Vaishnavism against the increasmg cult
(1) Formalism
(2) Romanticism
(3) Mysticism
(4) Solipcism
91. Which ofthe following statements are
(a) The relation betwecn Nepal and
British India were never cord ial
(b) Nepal was a buffer state between
India and Tibet or China
(c) Bhutan maintained an independent
foreign policy
(d) The British had no imperialistic
designs on Tibet
(I) Only b (2) b&c
(3) Only d (4) a&c
92. Match the following:
A. Himadri B. Shivalik
C. Himachal D. Sahyadri
I. Outer Himalayas
2. Inner Himalayas
3. Middle t-limalayas
4. Western Ghats
(1) I 2 3 4
(2) 4 2 3 I
(3) 2 I 3 4
(4) 2 4 3
93. Whose signature do the Indian ten
rupee notes contain?
(I) Governor of RBI
(2) Chairman, SBI
(3) Finance Minister, GOI
(4) Finance Secretary. GOI
94. The Shencottah gap is located in :
(1) Aravalis (2) Western Ghats
(3) Vindhyas (4) Himalayas
95. The term 'Regur' refers to :
(1) Laterite soils
(2) Black cotton soils
(3) Red soils
(4) Deltaic alluvial soils
96. The comptroller and auditor-general of
India is appionted by the
(I) President
(2) Vice-President
(3) Prime Minister
(4) ChiefJustice ofindia
.... '
Model Practice Set : 1
97. The Chief Minister :
(I) Should not be a member of the
. State Legislature
(2) Must be a member of the State
(3) Must be a member Qf the
Legislative Council
(4) Must be a member of the

98. Who among the following is author of
"Red Rruth and Pouring Rain'''?
(I) Anita Desai
(2) Vikram Chandra
(3) Khuhwant Singh
(4) R. K. Narayanan
99. The recommendations of the Finance
Commission are :
(I) Binding on the President
(2) Not binding on the President
(3) Generally accepted as a matter of
(4) Accepted or rejected by the
Government according to its
100. On which one ofthe following subjects
Naresh Chandra Committee has
submitted its recommendations?
(1) Directtaxes
(2) Indirect taxes
(3) Disinvestment in PSU
(4) Corporate Governance
101. The compound interest on any sum at
5% per annum for two years is Rs.
328. What would be the simple interest
on the same sum, for the same time at
the same rate?
(I) Rs.320 (2) Rs. 322
(3) Rs.325 (4) Rs. 326
102. A shopkeeper bought a chair, whose
marked .price is Rs. 600, at two
successive discounts of 10% and 20%.
What is the gain or loss percentage if
he sok! it at Rs. 5401 .
(1) 20% loss (2) 25% profit
(3) 30% profit (4) 5% loss
0.796x 0.796 - 0.204 x 0.204
103. 0.796-0.204 is
equal to
(I) 0.408 (2) 0.59
(3) 0.592 (4) 01.0
104. IfA: B = 5 : 9 and B : C = 3 :.8, then
A : B : C is equal to
(I) 5:9:8 (2)5:9:24
(3) 15: 9 : 8 (4) 5 : 3 : 8
105. The average age ofaclass of35 students
is 15years.lfthe age ofateacheris also
included, the average age increases by I.
What is the teacher's age?
(1) 36 years (2) 41 years
(3) 51 years (4) 56 years
106. If the difference between the S.l. and
C.I. on a certain amount at ]00111 per
annum for 2 years is Rs. 20, then the
sum is-
(1) Rs. 4000 (2) Rs. 2000
(3) Rs. 1500 (4) Rs. 3000
107. In an election, 2 candidates
participated. One of them got 60% of
the valid votes and won by a margin of
1800 votes. The number ofvalid votes
(I) 4,500 (2) 3,000
(3) 1,080 (4) 9,000
108. Shankar started a business with an
investment of Rs. 45,000. After four
months, Gopal also joined him after
investing Rs. 30,000. lethe profit at
the end of year was Rs. 13,000, the
difference between the shares ofprofits
of Shankar and Gopa1 is
(I) Rs. 7,000 (2) Rs. 3,000
(3) Rs. 4,000 (4) Rs. 5,000
109. Ratio of length and breadth of a
rectangular plot is 5 : 3. If area of the
plot is 540 sq. ft. the difference
between length and breadth
(l) 35 ft. (2) 24 ft.
(3) 12 ft. (4) 14 ft.
110. Profit on selling the watch at Rs. 820
is equal to loss on selling it at Rs. 650.
What is cost price ofthe watch?
(I) Rs. 720 (2) Rs. 750
(3) Rs. 800 (4) Rs. 735
111. Sum of digits in a two digit number is
9. The difference between the digits is
3, which one ofthe following may be
one of the numbers?
. (1) 42 (2) 24
(3) 63 (4) None of these
112. Nirmal's marks in science are 20 less
than 60% of his marks in science and
Maths. If his total marks are 250, how
many marks did he get in Maths ?
(I) 150 (2) 130
(3) 120 (4) 170
113. 90 ems long pieces have to be cut from
a 226 m long rod. How many probable
pieces can be cut?
(I) 250 (2) 300
(3) 220 (4) 280
114. What will be the simple interest on Rs.
2500 at 6% per annum for 5 yearS?
(I) Rs. 150 (2) Rs. 700
(3) Rs. 750 (4) Rs. 3250
US. Two candidates contest an election.
Winner got 60010 ofthe votes and won
by a margin of 144 votes. How many
votes were polled 1
(1) 720 (2) 480
(3) 360 (4) 240
116. A's salary is 35% ofthat ofB's salary. B's
salary is 40% ofthat ofC's salary. If their
total salary is Rs. 19,250. the difference
betv-een A's and B's salaries is-
(J) Rs.3,250 (2) Rs. 3,500
(3) Rs.325 (4) Rs. 7,500
117. 50% pages ofa book are white. 40% of
the remaining pages are green.
Remaining t 50 pages are yellow. How
many green pages are there?
(l) 100 (2) 250
(3) 150 (4) 500
118. Mamta purchased 4 pens and 3 pencils
for Rs. 46. Sony purchased 3 pens and
5 pencils for the same runount. One
pencil costs
(I) Rs. 2.00 (2) Rs. 4.00
(3) Rs. l.50 (4) Rs. 4.20
119. Lengtli ofa 27 sq. mt. rectangular plot
is 3 times its breadth. Time that will be
taken in walking on its boundary at 2
(I) 30 sec. (2) 34 sec.
(3) 20 sec. (4) 43 sec.
120. Kundan purchased 16 kg. wheat at Rs.
9.40/kg. and 25 kg. wheat at Rs. 8.50/
kg. He sold th mixture of both
varieties at Rs. 8.95/kg. What is the
gain or loss?
(\) Profit ofRs. 4.05
(2) No profit no loss
(3) Profit ofRs. 5.00
(4) Loss ofRs. 7.50
121. If 4th ofa number is 72, what will be
its -rd?
3 .
(l) 54 (2) 96
(3) 192 (4) 180
122. A and B can separately complete a
work in 6 and 3 days respectively. If
both work together, work will be
completed in
(1) 4 days (2) 5 days
(3) 7 days (4) 2 days
123. Simple interest on a sum ofRs. 25,000
is at the rate of 6% for the first two
years and 9% per annum thereafter. If
the sum is kept for 5 years and if the
tax on the interest more than Rs. 2500
is 20% of that runount, the income ta.'{
will be
(I) Rs. 10,750 (2) Rs. 1,450
(3) Rs.2,150 (4) Rs. ),80.0
Model Practice Set : 1
124. If the sum of digits in the two digit
number is 7 and product is 12, the
difference between digits is
(I) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 8
125. 35 students and the class teacher is to
be contributed equally for a picnic fund.
School has agreed to contribute '4
of the amount. Ifthe required amount
is Rs. 4,200, each student's share wiII
(1) 87.50 (2) 116.67
(3) 3.90 (4) 146.70
126. A sum has to be distributed among
Praveen, Kunal and Vikas in the ratio
2 : 3 : 5. IfVikas's and Kunals shares
together are ks. 1,500 greater than
Praveen's share, Vikas's share is
(I) Rs. 1,000 (2) Rs. 1,500
(3) Rs.2,500 (4) Rs. 1,250
Directions (127-131) : Following
table shows the production of T.V. sets in
various industries from 2005 to 2010.
Answer the following questions based on
the table.
T.V. sets production in
2005 25 16 32 8 19
2006 17 18 40 7 9
2007 15 27 39 9 10
12 23 41 13 II
2009 20 14 40 5 21
2010 21 12 46 4 18
127. What was the per cent decrease in
production of D from 2009 to 20 IO?
(I) 20 (2) 25
(3) 50 (4) 80
128. The ratio of production of industry A
in 2009 and 2005 and 2007 taken
together, is equal to
(1) 1:2 (2)2:3
(3) I: 1 (4) 1 : 4
129. What per cent is the total T. V.
production in 2005, of the average
production during the period, 2005
(i) 116.8 (2)115
(3) 101.35 (4) 121
130. Which year has seen the highest
(I) 2008 (2) 2010
(3) 2007 (4) 2009
131. Which industry is the leading producer?
(I)C (2)B
(3) D (4) A
Directions (132-136) : Following
graph shown wheat production, in thousand
tonnes from 2005 to 2010. Answer the
question given below.
of wheat
(in 1000
132. What is the percent increase in
production in 2006 as compared to
(I) 45 (2) 37.5
(3)52 (4)51
133. Which year's production is 50% ofthe
sum of production of2005 and 2010?
(1) 2005 (2) 2007
(3) 2009 (4) 2010
134. If the production during 2010 is more
than the average product of the given
years., which is the minimum
production during 20I O?
(1) 1,04,000 tonnes
(2) 1,34,000 tonnes
(3) 1,21,000 tonnes
(4) 1,00,900 tonnes
135. How many years production is more
than the average production?
(I) Three (2) Two
(3) One (4) Four
136. Sum of production during 'odd' years
is how many times that of the 'even'
(I) 1.8 times (2) 8 times
(3) 2.5 times (4) 0.68 times
137. Mukesh's and his daughter's present
ages are in the ratio 3 : I. Five years
hence, the ratio will be 7 : 3. What is
the daughter's present age?
(I) 10 years (2) 15 years
(3) 5 years (4) 18 years
138. Sum of three consecutive nmlthers is
332 more than the middle number. What
is the middle number?
(1) 164 (2) 166
(3) 168 (4) 170
139. When the S.P. of a commodity was
decreased by 15%, its sale increased
by 20%. What was the effect on sales?
(1) 2% increase (2) I % increase
(3) 2%decrease (4) None of these
GLM - 6 .,
140. Which ofthe following is in descending
3 1 2 2 I 3
(1) 4' 2' 3 (2) 3' 2' 4"
2 3 I
(4) None of these
(3) 3 4 2
141. When a commodity was sold for Rs.
44. profit registered was 10%. What
was the cost price?
(I) Rs. 39.60
(2) Rs.41.00
(3) Rs.40.00
(4) Cannot be determined
142. lfthe difference between a number and
its 5
th is 72, what is the number?
(1) 60 (2) 120
(3) 29 (4) 42
143. What should come in the place of
question mark? in the following series?
2 I I 1.5 3 7.5 ?
(1) 22.5 (2) 1.5
(3) 18.75 (4) 11.25
144. Ratio of girls and boys in a school is
4: 5 respectively. Ifthere are 200 girls
less than the number of boys, how
many boys are there?
(\) 200 (2) 1200
(3) 1000 (4) 2000
145.298.993% of 44.87 is approximately
equal to:
(I) 140 (2) 125
(3) 135 (4) 130
146. Rajesh and Vinod started a business
by investing Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 22.500
respectively. In what ratio, should they
distribute the profits?
(I) 1: 3 (2) I : 4
(3) I: 2 (4) 2: 3
147. A carpet measuring 26 x 19 mts. was'
purchased for Rs. 68666. What is the
cost per sq. mt.:
(1) Rs.139 (2) Rs. 2641
(3) Rs. 1525 (4) Rs. 145
148. Simple interest on a sum Aat 60% per
annum for period C is Rs. 300 and S.L
for sum B is Rs. 200. What is the
difference between A and B if time
period for B is 5 years and rate is 10%
per annum?
(1) Rs. 200 (2) Rs. 400
(3) Rs. 300 (4) Rs. 600
149. Length ofa rectangular plot is twice its
breadth. Ifthe area of this plot is 3200
sq. mt. what is its breadth?
(l) 80 mts. (2) 20 mts.
(3) 40 mts.
(4) Cannot be determined
Model Practice Set : 1
150. [54676 [32451 - {23124 (314 +
9178)}] will be equal to :
(I) 35857 (2) 32677
(3) 19714 (4) 54777

Directions (151-155): In the following
questions read each sentence to find out
whether there is any error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part ofthe sentence. The
number ofthat part is the answer. (Ignore the
errors of punctuation, ifany)
151. He could make (1)/ them accepted his
proposal (2)1 because he was quite (3)1
familiar with their practice. (4)
152. She was so (1)/ emotional stable that
(2)1 she was not moved (3)/ by their
decision to suspend her. (4)
153. Though the tribal had poor, (I)I they
donated (2)1 a huge sum for (3)1 setting
up a hospital. (4)
154. We requested them to (1 )1 leave their
homes and (2)1 camped on a hiIl (3) 1
with the other people. (4)
155. He feels that (1)1 I cannot imagine (2)1
what a space station (3)1 would be
looked Iike. (4)
Directions (156 -160) : In questions
156 to 160 a group offour words are given.
In each group one word is misspelt. Find
the misspelt word.
156. (I) Emargency (2) Delegate
(3) Mandatory (4) Appreciate
157. (I) Responsibility(2) Acquisition
(3) Retalietion. (4) Ample
158. (I) Dependable (2) Existence
(3) Equality (4) Imovable
159. (I) Emperor (2) Prominent
(3) Interogate (4) Notification
160. (I) Audible (2) Repeatation
(3) Bandage (4) Ferocious
Directions (161-165) : Pick out the
most effective word from the given words
to fill in the blank to make the sentence
meaningfully complete.
161. He is the author of.. ...... books of very
high quality.
(I) mightily (2) numerous
(3) empowered (4) glaring
162. Suresh concurred ......... my views on
all matters.
(I) by (2) to
(3) for (4) with
163. They ......... settled their long standing
(l) amicably (2) forcefully
(3) obviously (4) punctually
164. We should not ............. our wealth
(I) yield (2) render
(3) associate (4) exhibit
165. I am ........ to bed due to illness for the
last two months.
(I) sentenced (2) accustomed
(3) confined (4) adapted
Directions (166-170): Out of the
four alternatives, choose the one which can
be substiiuted for the given words/sentence
and indicate it by blackening the appropriate
rectangle (_) in the Answer Sheet.
166. Occurring at irregular intervals in time
(I) epidemic (2) endemic
(3) temporal (4) sporadic
167. To keep a great person or event in
people's memory
(I) communicate
(2) commensurate
(3) commemorate
(4) commiserate
168. To agree to something
(I) assure (2) assent
(3) adapt (4) adhere
169. A person who. withdraws from the
world to live in seclusion and often in
( I) iconoclast (2) recluse
(3) sage (4) priest
170. A lover of books
(\) bibliomaniac (2) bibliophile
(3) bibliographer (4) bilingualist
Directions (171-175): Apart of the
sentence is underlined. Below are given
alternatives to the underlined part at (l),
(2) and (3) which may improve the sentence.
Choose the correct alternative, In case no
improvement is needed, your answer is (4).
171. The workers looked run down.
(I) happy (2) relaxed
(3) exhausted
(4) No improvement
172. The relatives comforted the old man
whose wife had died.
(1) sympathized with
(2) pitied
(3) consoled
(4) No improvement
173. They obtained the top secret
information by wrong means.
(1) clever (2) fraudulent
(3) bad
(4) No improvement
174. His speech was broadcasted over the
radio last Thursday.
(l) was broadcast
(2) had been broadcast
(3) has been broadcast
(4) No improvement
GLM -7 )"
175. Both the mother in laws welcomed
the newly weds with garlands of
(I) mothers-in-Iaws
(2) mother- in- law
(3) mothers- in- law
(4) No improvement
Directions (176-180) : Read the
following passage carefully and answer the
questions given below it.
To analyse industrial opportunities
developing countries should regard industry
as based either on natural raw materials or
on partly or fully finished materials. Most
ofthe industries based on raw materials could
be classified as heavy industries. Most of
the industries that use materials that are
processed to various degrees could be
classified as light industries. But another
name, basic industries more accurately
describes the operations that depend on raw
natural resources: they are basic in the sense
that they are the starting point in the
process ; they convert natural resources into
materials used for making mother product.
Manufacturing must start with raw
materials. Deriving from animal vegetable
or mineral origin. Without manufacturing
the uses ofthe natural raw materials in their
original form are few. Industrial products
can be divided according to the three stages
of manufacturing : basic, intermediate. and
final. In some these stages occur in
different factories at separate locations. The
samples industries combine two or even all
phases in one factory, process. For.f!xample,
the sugar industry often starts by crushing
the sugarcane and ends with processed sugar
packaged for the individual customer. Most
industries produce a partially finished, or
intermediate product that goes to other
factories to be made into final products. A '
basic metal factory, 'for instance, will make
steel from iron ore, the steel will then be
sent to a metal assembling factory, which
may take either a final product or parts for
an .assembly industry.
Raw material industries, unlike
industries in the advanced phase of
manufacturing, usually require large
operatfon to reduce product costs per unit.
called "eeonomics ofscale". Steel factories,
cement operations. Pulp paper mills and oil
processing facorihes are examples of such
raw material industries. However, some raw
mat.erial industries such as those involved
in food processing. do not have great
economics of scale. The large heavy
industries usually require extensive capital
investment, but create relativity little
Model Practice Set : 1
IRheaV"j industries, the trend
is clearly towarc.->inore automatic machine
process that steadily reduce employment
opportunities. These industries produce
more than can be absorbed by the markets
that exist in many developing countries.
Consequently, they often manufacture their
products for the international export market.
176. Big operations ofraw material industry
help in................ ..
(1) bringing down per unit cost.
(2) producingfortheneedofotherindustly
(3) exporting the products
(4) improving the quality ofproducts.
177. Which of the following is the main
reason of heavy industry exporting its
(I) They produce quality goods at
cheaper prices.
(2) They achieve 'economics ofscale' .
(3) They require huge capital investment.
(4) They produce more than the local
178. Which of the following is true about
the three stages ofmanufacturing ?
(I) All the three always take place in
different factories.
(2) All the three always take place in
the same factory.
(3) The three stages proceed in a
particular order.
(4) Most of the industries deal in the
first stage
179. Why is the processing of raw
materials required'? To .............. ..
(1) convert it into usable form
(2) itchieve industrial growth
(3) meet the needs of industries
(4) generate employment
180. "Economics ofScale" is mainly adopted
by .......... ..
(I) Basic Industries
(2) Light Industries
(3) Intermediate Industries
(4) All the Industries
Directions (181-185) : In questions
181 to 185 the 1 st and the last sentences of
the passage are numbered S] & S6' The rest
of the passage is split into four parts and
named P, Q, Rand S. These four parts are
not given in their proper order. Read the
passage and find out which of the four
combinations is correct. Then find the
correct answer.
181. S!. We speak today of self
determination in politics.
P. So long as one is conscious of a
restraint, it is possible to resist it
or to bear it as a necessary eviF and
to keep free in spirit.
Q. Slavery begins when one ceases to
feel the restraint and it depends
on if the evil is accepted as good.
R. There is, however, a subtler
domination exercised in the sphere
ofideas by one culture on another.
S. Political subjection primarily
means restraint on the outer life of
S6' Cultural subjection is ordinarily of
an unconscious character and it
implies slavery from the very
(1) RSPQ (2) RSQP
(3) SPQR (4) SPRQ
182. S!. Music, like literature, is an art that
deals with sound.
P. Literature makes use of words
which are sounds.
Q. They also have meanings.
R. And the writer must be concerned
with the effect produced by the
sounds he uses.
S. But words are not only sounds.
S6' They refer to specific things other
than themselves such as objects
and ideas.
(1) PRSQ (2) PSQR
(3) RPSQ (4) SRPQ
183. S!. Why then, do sharks attack?
P. "The only way a shark can wafl1
you is with its mouth and teeth,"
says Baldridge.
Q. In murky water it may simply be
a case of mistaken identity.
R. Snork bumps and open mouthed
slashings are ways of trying to
frighten you off.
S. But the most persuasive
explanation is that they perceive
their victim as a threat.
S6' Attacks of this kind may be
generated by a swimmer who
unwittingly interrupts a courting
procedure, trespasses in a shark's
territory and cuts off its escape
(3) QPRS (4) QSPR
184. S!. The essence of democracy is the
active participation of the people
in government affair.
P. When the people are active
watchmen and participants, we
have that fertile soil in which
democracy flourishes.
Q. This democracy ofours is founded
upon a faith in the overall
judgement of the people as a
GLM -8
R. When the people do not
participate, the SpIrIt of
democratic action dies.
S. When the people are honestly and
clearly informed, their common
sense can be relied upon to carry
the nation safety through any
S6' By and large it is the actual practice
of our way of life.
(3) RPSQ (4) SPQR
185. S!. We do not know whether the
machines are the masters or we are.
P. They must be given or rather 'fed
with coal and given petrol to drink
from time to time.
Q. Already man spends most of his
time looking after and waiting upon
R. Yet he has grown so dependent on
them that they have almost
become the masters now.
S. It is very true that they were made
for the sole purpose of being
man's servants.
S6' And if they don't get their meals
when they expect them. they will
just refuse to work.
(1) RSPQ (2) RSQP
(3) SPQR (4) SRQP
Directions (186-190): In the
following questions, some idioms, phrases
and sayings have been given in bold at the
question places. Each of these is followed
by four options of its meaning or sense.
Choose the one from the four as the right
meaning or sense ofeach idiom or phrase or
186. When the servant tried to make the
matter clear he got a flea in his ear.
(I) to get a rumour
(2) to get a severe scolding
(3) to be oppressed with ear-ache
(4) to be advised in one's ear
187. He was entrusted with some secret
plans, but he let it all hang out.
(1) to be unsuccessful in one's pursuit
(2) to reveal everything
(3) to mishandle the situation
(4) to release a hOrrIble experience
188. The manager assured me that he would
not breathe a word about the matter.
(l) not to pennit an unceremonious
(2) not to accept any bribe to reveal a
(3) not to make anybody worried
about anything
(4) not to reveal the secret matter
Model Practice Set : 1
189. She is not liked by anyone in the
company because she behaves like a
nosey parker, meddling in every one's
(I) one who acts against the general
(2) one who looks down upon others
(3) one who is wicked by nature
(4) one who takes interest in others
190. Though he is nice by heart and nature,
but everybody is often disinclined to
associate freely with him because he is
to pap everybody with hatchet.
(I) to try to cover up defects
(2) to be indisposed
(3) to do favours in an unpleasant
(4) toconc1ude anything unsatisfactorily
Directions (191-195) : In the
following questions, certain word is printed
in bold at each of the question place and
against each four options of its meaning are
given. You have to choose the word which
has the right meaning or sense of the word
from each group of four words.
(I) permanence (2) valuation
(3) difference (4) consistency
(1) accept (2) conceal
(3) yield (4) isolate
(I) transient (2) unbearable
(3) severe (4) pleasant
(I) ugly (2) splendid
(3) expert (4) arrogant
(1) blooming (2) alert
(3) irritable (4) uncertain
Directions (196-197) : Choose the
word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning
to the word given in bold.
(I) propulsive (2) unresponsive
(3) concern (4) disposed
(I) contend (2) negligible
(3) superficial (4) plenty
(I) challenge (2) complain
(3) conform (4) compete
(I) tactful
(2) violent
(3) faithful (4) false
(I) inadequate (2) immature
(3) uncomfortable (4) unconcerned
1. (3) 2. (I) 3. (4) 4. (3)
5. (1) 6. (2) 7. (4) 8. (I)
9. (I) 10. (4) 11.(1) 12.(4)
13. (I) 14. (I) 15. (4) 16. (2)
17. (4) 18. (2) 19. (I) 20. (I)
21. (3) 22. (2) 23. (I) 24. (3)
25. (I) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (4)
29. (2) 30. (4) 31.(1) 32. (2)
33. (4) 34. (4) 35. (3) 36. (4)
37. (4) 38. (2) 39. (3) 40. (3)
41. (3) 42. (3) 43. (2) 44.(1)
45. (2) 46. (4) 47. (I) 48. (I)
49. (4) 50. (2) 51. (2) 52. (I)
53. (2) 54. (3) 55. (I) 56. (4)
57. (2) 58. (3) 59. (4) 60.(3)
61. (2) 62. (1) 63. (4) 64. (4)
65. (2) 66. (3) 67. (3) 68. (I)
69. (3) 70. (3) 71. (2) 72. (\)
73. (1) 74. (\) 75.(1) 76. (3)
77. (I) 78. (2) 79. (l) 80. (2)
81. (2) 82. (I) 83. (I) 84. (4)
85. (3) 86. (1) 87. (2) 88. (\)
89. (2) 90. (\) 91. (2) 92. (3)
93. (1) 94.(2) 95. (2) 96. (\)
97. (2) 98. (2) 99. (3) 100. (4)
101. (I) 102. (2) 103.(4) 104. (2)
105. (3) 106.(2) 107. (4) 108. (4)
109. (3) 110.(4) 111. (3) 112. (3)
113. (I) 114. (3) 115. (1) 116. (1)
117.(1) 118. (4) 119. (4) 120. (I)
121. (3) 122. (4) 123. (2) 124. (3)
125. (I) 126. (4) 127. (I) 128. (1)
129. (3) 130. (2) 131.(1) 132. (2)
133. (2) 134. (4) 135. (1) 136. (4)
137. (1) 138. (2) 139. (I) 140. (4)
141. (3) 142. (2) 143.(1) 144. (3)
145. (3) 146. (4) 147. (I) 148. (4)
149. (3) 150. (I) 151. (2) 152. (2)
153. (\) 154.(3) 155. (4) 156. (l)
157. (3) 158. (4)
]59.(3) 160. (2)
161. (2) ]62. (4)
163. (I)
164. (4)
165. (3) 166. (4) ]67. (3) 168. (2)
169. (2) 170. (2) 171. (3) 172. (3)
173. (2) 174.(1) 175. (3) 176. (I)
177. (4) 178. (4) 179. (I) 180. (1 )
181. (3) 182. (I) 183. (3) 184. (3)
185.(4) 186. (2) 187. (2) 188. (4)
189. (4) 190. (3) 191. (4) 192. (4)
193. (I) 194. (2) 195. (3) 196. (2)
197. (3) 198. (2) 199. (3) 200. (4)
1. (3)
The relationship of the numbers
facing each other in the circle is as
(0)3 + 3 = 3
(1)3 + 3 = 4
(2)3 + 3 = \\
(3)3 + 3 = 30
2. (1) Both 'Patna' and 'Aligarh' are
cities in India.

Patnu 0
3. (4) (1)3 + \ = 2
(2)3 + \ = 9
(3)3 + I = 28
(4)3 + I == 65
(5)3 + I = 126
(3) In the word 'TEMERITY' there
is a Y, which is not there in the
main worct"MISTEMPER'.
5. (I)

All nephews are men (male). But.
all men are not nephews. Some
men are cousins. Some nephews
are COUSinS.

) Forest

6. (2)
Mountains and forests are parts
ofearth. Some mountains may be
Some forests may be
GLM -9

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