Hindi To English Dictionary

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A ,d] dbZ
A reference is invited dh vj /;ku vkdf"kZr fd;k tk jgk gS
A review in audit disclosed ys[kkijh{kk esa laeh{kk ls irk yxkuk
A.C. Mechanic okrkuqdwy fMCck esdSfud( okrkuqdwyu esdSfud
A.D. bZloh lu~
Aabbreviation laf{kIr :i] la{i] ladsr fpUg
AALCC Asian African Legal Consultative Committee

,f'k;kbZ vhdh fofo/k ijke'kZnk=h lfefr

AAP Anual Action Plan okf"kZd dk;Z ;tuk

Ab initio vkjaHk ls] vkfnr
Aback ihNs] pfdr] Hkpd
Abacus ,csdl@fxurkjk
Abaft ihNs] tgkt ds fiNys Hkkx dh vj
Abandon ifjR;kx djuk] NM+ nsuk
Abandoned assets ifjR;r ifjlaiRrfr;ka
Abandoned cargo ifjR;Dr eky
Abandonment ifjR;kx
Abandonment of works fuekZ.k&dk;Z dk ifjR;kx
Abase uhpk fn[kkuk] vour djuk] inkour djuk
Abash yfTtr dj nsuk
Abate mi'keu djuk( deh djuk( deh guk
Abatement deh] dVrh] NwV
Abatement certificate dVrh ek.k i=
Abatement of purchase money ; /ku esa deh] [kjhn dh jde esa deh
Abatement of rent fdjk;s@HkkM+s esa deh

Abatis >kM+cUn
Abattoir dlkbZ [kkuk] cwpM+[kkuk] o/k LFky
Abaxial vik{k] rus ls ijs
Abba vCck] rkr] firk
Abbess elaf{kIr djuk] NVk djuk
Abbreviation laf{kfIr
Abbreviations la{ksik{kj
Abdicable vf/kR;kT;
Abdicate in R;kx nsuk
Abdomen mnj] isV
Abduct vigj.k djuk] cyiwoZd Hkxkdj ys tkuk] Hkxkuk
Abduction vigj.k( Hkxk ys tkuk
Abecedarian o.kkZuqfed] kjfEHkd] t vHkh o.kZekyk lh[k jgk g
Abed iyax] fcLrj
Abele 'osrd
Aberrance foiFkxeu] vilj.k] mRe] vlkekU;rk
Aberration foiFkxeu] foiFku
Abestos ,csLVkWl
Abet nq"sf"kr djuk
Abettor nq"sjd
Abeyance kLFkxu
Abeyance, held in jd j[kh xbZ] vkLFkfxr j[kh xbZ
Abhor ls ?k`.kk djuk] ?k`f.kr le>uk] uQjr djuk
Abhorrence chHkRl] f?kuuk] ?k`.kk] uQjr
Abidance fuokl] ikyu] pyu
Abide rh{kk djuk] Lohdkj djuk] fVds jguk] vVy jguk
Abide by ikyu djuk] ekuuk
Abide by the rules fu;ea dk ikyu djuk
Abiding fpj LFkk;h] fVdk
Ability ;X;rk
Ability to invest fuos'k lkeF;Z@{kerk] iSlk yxkus dh {kerk
Ability to pay Hkqxrku@vnk;xh {kerk
Abiogenesis vthokr~] thoRifRr
Abiotic vtSo] fuZtho

Abirritant nkggj
Abirritate nkg 'kkUr djuk
Abject ?k`f.kr] v/ke] uhp
Abjuration l'kiFk R;kx
Abjure 'kiFkiwoZd R;kxuk ;k R;kx nsuk
Ablactation nw/kNqM+kbZ] LrU;R;ktu
Ablation viorZu] mPNsnu
Ablative viknku dkjd] iapeh
Ablaut viJqfr
Ablaze Tofyr] tyrk gqvk] t'khyk
Able ;X;
Able Seaman ;X; ukfod( ,cy lheSu
Abloom iqf"ir] Qyrk-Qyrk
Abluent {kkyd] viektZd
Ablush yfTtr
Ablution {kkyu] Luku
Ablutionary {kkyu
Ably ;X; jhfr ls] d'kyrk iwoZd] lQkbZ ls
Abnegate vLohdkj djuk] NM+ nsuk
Abnegator vLohdrkZ] vkReR;kxh
Abnormal vlkekU;] vlk/kkj.k
Abnormal increase vilkekU; o`f)
Abnormal method of finance foRri"k.k dh vlkekU;@vlk/kkj.k .kkyh
Abnormal termination vilkekU; Hkax
Abnormity vfu;ferrk
Aboard tgkt ij] tgkt esa] ir ij
Abode vkokl] fuokl
Aboil mcyrk gqvk
Abolish mBk nsuk] mUewyu djuk] lekIr djuk
Abolition mUewyu
Abolition of Zamindari t+ehankjh mUewyu
Abolition of posts ina dk var@dh lekfIr
Abolition of Zamindari tehankjh mUewyu
Abomasum prqFkZ vkek'k;

Abominable ?k`f.kr] cqjk] vf;

Aboriginal vkfnoklh
Aboriginal Welfare Officer Abstractor vkfnoklh dY;k.k vf/kdkjh la{ksidkj
Abort xHkZikr guk] fu"Qy] O;FkZ g tkuk
Abort timer foQyu dkyn
Abortion xHkZikr guk] Hkzw.kgR;k
Abound ls Hkjiqj guk
About ikl] pkj vsj] vklikl] yxHkx] pfyr] ds ckjs esa
Above ds ij] ds ijs
Above average vlr ls vf/kd
Above Board lansg ls f?kjs] fuPNy] fu"diV
Above cited ij m)`r
Above cited/above quoted mifj mn~/k`r] ij fn;k gqvk
Above given mifjfyf[kr] ij fn;k gqvk
Above mentioned mi;Zqr
Above par vf/kewY; ij
Above quoted ij m)`r
Above resolution be published in the gazette

mi;ZqDr ladYi Hkkjr ds jkti= esa dkf'kr fd;k tk,

Above said mi;ZqDr

Abracadabra chteU=] vuki 'kuki
Abradant vi?k"kZd
Abrade f?kluk
Abraham vczgke
Abrasion f?klkbZ] ?k"kZ.k] [kjap
Abrasive vio"khZ] vio"kZd
Abreast iafDrc)] cjkcj
Abridge de djuk tSls 'kfr( laf{kIr djuk tSls fjiVZ
Abridged report laf{kIr fjiVZ
Abridgement la{ksi.k( deh tSls 'kfr
Abroach [kqyk] xfreku] lf;
Abroad fons'k esa] ckgj
Abrogable fujkdj.kh;] fujkdj.k
Abrogate fujkdj.k
Abrogation fujkdj.k

Abroma myVdEcy
Abrupt vkdfLed] vpkud] :[kk
Abscess QM+k] fof/k
Abscissa Hkqt
Abscission viPNsnu] foxyu
Abscond iyk;u djuk] Qjkj guk
Absconder Q+jkj( Q+jkjh
Absence vuqifLFkfr( xSjgkft+jh( vHkko
Absence from duty dk;Z@M~+;wVh ls vuqifLFkfr
Absent vuqifLFkr] vueuk
Absent Debtor Qjkj nsunkj
Absent without leave fcuk NqV~Vh ds vuqifLFkfr
Absentee vuqifLFkfr( x+Sjgkft+j
Absentee allowance vuqifLFkfr HkRrrk
Absentee statement vuqifLFkfr&fooj.k
Absolute iw.kZ] laiw.kZ] fujis{k] ije
Absolute programming fujis{k ekns'ku@fujis{k ksxzkeu
Absolute address fujis{k irk
Absolute addressing fujis{k irkfHkxeu
Absolute and relative terms, In lexz vj lkis{k n`f"V ls
Absolute and unconditional iw.kZ vj 'krZjfgr
Absolute assembler fujis{k dksMkarjd
Absolute cell address fujis{k dksf"Vdk irk
Absolute cell reference fujis{k dksf"Vdk funsZ'k
Absolute code fujis{k dksM
Absolute coding fujis{k dksMu
Absolute command fujis{k lekns'k
Absolute contiction iw.kZ@laiw.kZ /kkj.kk@fo'+okl@R;;] iw.kZ n"k flf) fof/k
Absolute contract iw.kZ@laiw.kZ@fujis{k lafonk
Absolute conveyance iw.kZ@laiw.kZ gLrkarj.k
Absolute conviction iw.kZ@laiw.kZ /kkj.kk@fo'okl@R;;] iw.kZ n"k flf) fof/k
Absolute coordinate fujis{k funsZ'kkad
Absolute data fujis{k vkadM+s
Absolute discretion iw.kZ@laiw.kZ@ije foosd

Absolute error fujis{k =qfV

Absolute estate laiw.kZ@fuckZ/k laink
Absolute expression fujis{k O;atd
Absolute instruction fujis{k vuqns'k
Absolute Interest vkR;afrd fgr@iw.kZ fgr
Absolute law laiw.kZ@fuckZ/k fof/k
Absolute level dqy Lrj
Absolute loader fujis{k Hkkjd
Absolute location fujis{k fLFkfr
Absolute mode fujis{k fo/kk
Absolute monopoly iw.kZ ,dkf/kdkj
Absolute order fujis{k e
Absolute owner iw.kZ Lokeh] ,dek= ekfyd
Absolute ownership iw.kZ LokfeRo] ,dek= ekfydh
Absolute path name fujis{k iFk uke
Absolute property iw.kZ@laiw.kZ laifRr] iwjh fefYd;r
Absolute rent iw.kZ@laiw.kZ fdjk;k@HkkM+k
Absolute scarcity Hkkjh deh] vR;ar deh
Absolute term fujis{k in
Absolute title iw.kZ@laiw.kZ LoRokf/kdkj@vf/kdkj] iwjk g+d+
Absolute value iw.kZ@laiw.kZ@fujis{k ewY;
Absolute vector fujis{k lfn'k
Absolutely iw.kZr;k] fcydy
Absolutely necessary ije vko';d
Absolution fueqZfDr] {keknku
Absolve foeqr djuk
Absonant cslqjk] ddZ'k] csrqdk
Absorb vkesyu( vo'k"k.k djuk
Absorbed fufo"V] vo'kf"kr
Absorption varyZ;u] lafoy;u
Absorption of a company daiuh dk varyZ;u@lafoy;u
Absorption of company daiuh dk varyZ;u@lafoy;u
Absorption of credit _.k dk [kik;k tkuk
Absorption property vo'kks"k.k xq.k/keZ

Abstain fojr jguk

Abstemious ferkgkjh] la;eh
Abstersion viektZu
Abstinence ijgst] la;e] e|R;kx
Abstract lkj
Abstract book lkj&iqfLrdk
Abstract class vewrZ oxZ
Abstract contingent laf{kir vkdfLed O;; fcy
Abstract Contingent Bill laf{kIr vkdfLed O;; fcy
Abstract data types vewrZ vkadM+k :i
Abstract of account ys[kklkj
Abstract of cost ykxr&lkj
Abstract of estimate kDdyu&lkj] vuqeku&lkj
Abstract of teller's receipt x.kd dh jlhn dk lkj
Abstract of teller's receipts x.kd dh kfIr;a dk lkj
Abstract of tender fufonk@VsaMj dk lkj
Abstract of title LoRo&ys[k lkj] gd+ foys[k dk lkj
Abstract operation vewrZ laf;k
Abstract sheet lkj i=d
Abstract statement of disposed cases fuiVk;s gq, ekeya dk laf{kIr fooj.k
Abstract symbol vewrZ rhd
Abstract syntax vewrZ okD; foU;kl
Abstract syntax notation one vewrZ okD; foU;kl ladsru
Abstraction vewrZu
Abstractor lkjdrkZ
Abstruse nq:g] nqcZ/k] xw<+
Absurd vFkZghu( csrqdk
Absurdity vFkZghurk( csrqdkiu
Abundance pqjrk] foiqyrk] cgqyrk] cgqrk;r
Abundant pwj] Hkjiwj] cgqy
Abundant caution iw.kZ lko/kkuh
Abuse nq#i;x
Abuse of power 'kfr dk nq#i;x
Abuse of powers 'kfr;a dk nq#i;x] 2- lRrrk nq#i;x

Abuse of trust fo'okl@U;kl dk nq#i;x

Abusive xyr] vuqfpr] viekutud
Abusive language xkyh xyt
Abut ls lVk gqvk] ;k yxk gqvk] feyuk
Abysmal furyh;] vxk/k] vFkkg
Abyss vxk/k] xRrZ] jlkry
Acacia ccwy] dhdj] [j
Academic 'kSf{kd] 'kS{kf.kd
Academic council fo|k ifj"kn
Academic discussion 'kkL=h; ppkZ
Academic leave vdknfed NqV~Vh
Academic qualificat 'kS{kf.kd vgZrk( 'kS{kf.kd ;X;rk
Academic qualification 'kSf{kd ;X;rk
Academic record 'kSf{kd fjdkMZ( 'kSf{kd vfHkys[k
Academic session 'kS{kf.kd l=( f'k{kk&l=
Academic year f'k{kk o"kZ
Academician fo|kfon~
Academics fo|kfon~
Academy vdkneh
Acatalectic iw.kZinh
Acatalepsy vc/kxE;rk
ACB Agricultural Credit Board f"k _.k cMZ
ACB Apex Co-operative Bank f'k[kj lgdkjh cSad
Accede eky ysuk] Lohdkj djuk] feyuk
Acceded to Lohdkj fd;k x;k
Accelerando mRrjRrj Rofjr
Accelerate xfr ;k pky c<kuk] Roj.k
Accelerated depreciation Rofjr ewY;gkl
Accelerated progress rsth ls xfr
Accelerated testing Rofjr ijh{k.k
Accelerating premium Roj.k'khy hfe;e
Acceleration Roj.k
Acceleration of precis dhera dk c<+uk
Acceleration of prices dhera dk c<+uk

Acceleration period Roj.k vof/k

Acceleration time Roj.k dky
Accelerator Rojd] xfro/kd
Accelerator board Rojd i
Accent Lojk?kkr] mPpkj.k fpUg] cy] ygtk] mPpkj.k
Accent arrangement vfHkxe O;oLFkk
Accent authority vfHkxe kf/kdj.k
Accent charge vfHkxe 'kqYd
Accent class vfHkxe oxZ
Accent data base management vfHkxe vkadM+k lap; ca/ku
Accept Lohdkj djuk( ekuuk
Accept policy Lohdkj uhfr
Acceptability Lohdk;Zrk
Acceptable Lohdk;Z
Acceptable use Lohdk;Z mi;ksx
Acceptable use policy Lohdk;Z mi;ksx uhfr
Acceptance Lohfr] ldkj] ldkjuk
Acceptance for honour ekukFkZ ldkj@Lohfr
Acceptance for Honour (Supra Protest) ekukFkZ Lohfr
Acceptance is awaited Lohfr dh rh{kk gS
Acceptance limit Lohfr lhek
Acceptance of a bill gqaMh@fcy Lohdkj djuk@ldkjuk
Acceptance of bill gqaMh@fcy Lohdkj djuk@ldkjuk
Acceptance of deposits fu{ksi@tek Lohdkj djuk
Acceptance of offic in&Lohfr
Acceptance of office in&Lohfr] in Lohdkj djuk
Acceptance of tende fufonk dh Lohfr( VsaMj dh Lohfr
Acceptance of tender VsaMj@fufonk Lohdkj djuk@dh Lohfr
Acceptance rates Lohfr njsa
Acceptance region Lohdj.k {ks=
Acceptance register ldkj@Lohfr jftLVj@iath
Acceptance state Lohfr voLFkk
Acceptance test Lohfr ijh{k.k
Acceptance testing Lohfr ijh{k.k

Acceptance, Clean fucZa/k ldkj@Lohfr

Acceptance, Conditional l'krZ ldkj@Lohfr
Acceptance, Credit _.k@lk[k Lohfr@ldkj
Acceptance, General lkekU; ldkj@Lohfr
Acceptance, Partial vkaf'kd Lohfr@ldkj
Acceptance, Qualified l'krZ Lohfr@ldkj
Acceptances Lohfr;k
Acceptances book fcy Lohfr@ldkj cgh
Accepted for payment Hkqxrku ds fy, Lohr
Accepted pattern Lohr Lo:i@dkj
Accepting house ldkj ?kj] Lohfr x`g
Accepting institution LohdrkZ@ldkjh laLFkk
Accepting money on deposits fu{ksi@tek jkf'k Lohdkj djuk
Accepting state Lohfr voLFkk
Acceptor ldkjh] ldkj@Lohdkj djusokyk] frxzghrk
Acceptor of bill of exchange gqaMh@fofue; i= dk ldkjh@LohdrkZ
Acceptor's ledger ldkjh [kkrk
Access igqp
Access mechanism vfHkxe ;a=koyh@vfHkxe f;koyh
Access arm vfHkxe Hkqtk
Access authentication vfHkxe ek.khdj.k
Access authourity vfHkxe kf/kdkj
Access code vfHkxe dwV@vfHkxe dksM
Access control vfHkxe fu;a=.k
Access control byte vfHkxe fu;a=.k ckbV
Access control list vfHkxe fu;a=.k lwph
Access control matrix vfHkxe fu;a=.k eSfVDl@vfHkxe fu;a=.k vkO;wg
Access cost vfHkxe ykxr
Access environment vfHkxe ifjos'k
Access gap vfHkxe varjky
Access hop vfHkxe gkWi
Access index vfHkxe lwpd
Access line vfHkxe ykbu
Access matrix vfHkxe vkO;wg

Access method vfHkxe fof/k

Access method routine vfHkxe fof/k usedk
Access mode vfHkxe fo/kk
Access name table vfHkxe uke lkj.kh
Access path vfHkxe iFk
Access privilege vfHkxe fo'ks"kkf/kdkj
Access right vfHkxe vf/kdkj
Access scan vfHkxe eoh{k.k
Access security vfHkxe lqj{kk
Access server vfHkxe ifjlsod@vfHkxe loZj
Access structure vfHkxe lajpuk
Access time vfHkxe dky
Access unit vfHkxe ,dd@vfHkxe bdkbZ
Accessary lgk;d] milgk;d
Accessibility matrix vfHkxE;rk eSfVDl
Accessing flexibility vfHkxeu uE;rk
Accession jkT;kjg.k( inkjg.k( ifjxzg.k( vf/kfeyu
Accession rate gqaMh@fofue;&i= ifjxzg.k@vfHkkfIr nj
Accession register vfHkkfIr@ifjxzg.k] iath@jftLVj
Accessorial service lgk;d lsok@milk/kd lsok
Accessories mi lk/ku] lgk;d midj.k@miLdj
Accessory vuq"kaxh( milk/ku
Accessory licence vuq"kaxh ykblsal
Accessory products gRiknu@miRiknu
Accidence 'kCn:i
Accident nq?kZVuk( la;x
Accident and Emergency Department nq?kZVuk vj vkikr foHkkx
Accident frequency nq?kZVuk&vko`fRr
Accident insurance nq?kZVuk chek
Accident leave nq?kZVuk NqV~Vh@vodk'k
Accident policy nq?kZVuk ikfylh
Accident prevention movement nq?kZVuk&fuokj.k vkanyu
Accident proneness nq?kZVuk&o.krk
Accident, By la;x ls

Accidental vkdfLed
Accidental factor klafxd ro
Accidental profit vkdfLed ykHk
Accidents Investigation Officer nq?kZVuk vUos"k.k vf/kdkjh
Accidie fuf";rk] fujk'kk
Acclaim rkfy;ka ctkuk] t; ?k"k djuk] vfHkuUnu djuk
Acclimatisation ifjfLFkfr;a dk vuqdwyu
Acclimatization i;Zuqdwyu
Acclimatize ty ok;q okrkoj.k] ifjfLFkfr dk vknh guk
Acclivity p<+kbZ
Acclivous p<+konkj] mRso.k
Accolade vkfyaxu] iqjLdkj
Accommodate lek;ftr djuk] vuqdy cukuk] le>rk djkuk] Bgjkuk
Accommodated under suspense head mpar 'kh"kZ esa lek;ftr
Accommodation LFkku] txg] foRrh; fuHkko@lgk;rk
Accommodation draft vuqxzg MkV
Accommodation letter vuqxzg i=
Accommodation note fuHkko i=@uV
Accommodation paper fuHkko i=
Accommodation paper/bill fuHkko i=@gqaMh@fcy
Accomodation Officer vkokl vf/kdkjh
Accompanied baggage lgxr lkeku] lkFk dk lkeku
Accompanied, by ds lkFk] lfgr
Accompaniment layXy oLrq] laxr
Accompanist laxrdkj
Accompany ds lkFk pyuk ;k tkuk] lkFk nsuk] tM+uk
Accompanying letter lgi=
Accomplice lgkijk/kh] vfHk"kaxh
Accomplish iwjk djuk] lEikfnr djuk
Accomplished oh.k( lqlaLr( laikfnr
Accomplishment lEiknu] miyfC/k] n{krk
Accord le>rk( nku djuk( nsuk( esy [kkuk( vuq:i guk
Accord and satisfaction le>rk vj rqf"V
Accord approval to(accord sanction to ) i;k---d vuqefnr djs] i;k--- dks eatwj djsa

Accord approval to...=accord i;k---d vuqefnr djsa( i;k--Accord priority kFkfedrk nsuk
Accordance vuq:irk] leuq:irk] vuqlkjrk] nku
According tSls fd] ftruk] T;a&T;a] ds vuqlkj
According to ds vuqlkj
According to convenience lqfo/kkuqlkj
According to law fof/k ds vuqlkj
According to merit ;X;rkuqlkj] xq.kkuqlkj
According to rule fu;ekuqlkj
Accordingly rnuqlkj
Accost lEcf/kr djuk] NsM+uk] yqHkkuk
Accoucheuse lkfodk
Accounchement lo] lwfr
Account ys[kk] [kkrk] fglkc] fooj.k
Account Head ys[kk'kh"kZ
Account Abstract lkj ys[kk
Account book ys[kk cgh] cgh [kkrk
Account circle ys[kk eaMy
Account clerk ys[kk fyfid] ys[kk DydZ
Account code ys[kk lafgrk
Account Current Section pkyw ys[kk vuqHkkx
Account for fglkc esa ysuk] mRrjnk;h guk
Account for the proceeds vkxea dk ys[kk t[kk j[kuk
Account head ys[kk&'kh"kZ
Account heads ys[kk 'kh"kZ] [kkrk 'kh"kZ
Account heads, Nomenclature of [kkrk@ys[kk 'kh"kZa ds uke
Account holder [kkrsnkj] [kkrk/kkjd
Account in operation lf; [kkrk
Account jurisdiction ys[kk vf/kdkj {ks=
Account keeping ys[kk ikyu
Account month ys[kk&ekg
Account number [kkrk la[;k
Account of freight deposits HkkM+k tek ys[kk
Account of interest Demand C;kt ekax dk ys[kk

Account of Issues fuxZe ys[kk

Account of wages et+nwjh@osru dk ys[kk@fglkc
Account package ys[kk iSdst@ys[kk ladqy
Account payee vknkrk@ikusokys ds [kkrs esa
Account Return ys[kk fooj.kh
Account System ys[kk .kkyh
Account System, Double f}ys[kk i)fr
Account System, Single bdgjh ys[kk i)fr
Account, Adjustment lek;tu ys[kk
Account, Advances vfxze jkf'k@is'kxh [kkrk
Account, Annual okf"kZd ys[kk
Account, Bad Debts vkI; _.k ys[kk
Account, Bad Debts Reserve vkI; _.k vkj{k.k ys[kk
Account, Balance on ys[kk larqyu] 2- [kkrk ckdh fudkyuk
Account, Bank cSad [kkrk@ys[kk
Account, Banking cSad ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Blocked vo#)@fu#) [kkrk
Account, Brokerage nykyh ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Capital iwath ys[kk] iwathxr ys[kk
Account, Cash jdM+ ys[kk
Account, Clearance ys[kk'k/ku
Account, Close an ys[kk laoj.k] [kkrk can djuk
Account, Closing an [kkrk can djuk
Account, Commission deh'ku ys[kk
Account, Consignment ijs"k.k ys[kk
Account, Contract lafonk ys[kk
Account, Controlling fu;a=d ys[kk
Account, cost ykxr ys[kk
Account, Current pkyw [kkrk] pkyw ys[kk
Account, Dead fuf"; [kkrk
Account, Debt _.k ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Deficiency ?kVrh ys[kk
Account, Demand loan ekax _.k [kkrk
Account, Departmental foHkkxh; ys[kk

Account, Deposit tek [kkrk@ys[kk

Account, Depreciation ewY;gkl ys[kk
Account, Direct R;{k ys[kk
Account, Discount cV~Vk ys[kk
Account, Doubtful Debt lafnX/k _.k ys[kk
Account, Drawing vkgj.k ys[kk
Account, Exchange fofue; ys[kk
Account, Falsification of feF;k ys[kk cukuk
Account, Fictitious vk;&O;; ys[kk
Account, Final vafre ys[kk
Account, Finance foRrr ys[kk
Account, fixed Deposit lkof/k tek ys[kk
Account, Foreign fons'kh [kkrk
Account, Goods eky ys[kk
Account, Impersonal voS;frd ys[kk
Account, Income and Expenditure vk;&O;; ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Indemnity Insurance {kfriwfrZ chek ys[kk
Account, Individual O;fDrxr [kkrk
Account, Initial kjafHkd ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Interest C;kt ys[kk
Account, Joint la;qDr [kkrk
Account, Judicial deposit vnkyrh@U;k;ky;hu tek [kkrk
Account, Live lf; [kkrk
Account, Loro mudk ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Maintenance of ys[kk@[kkrk j[kuk
Account, Manufacturing fofuekZ.k ys[kk
Account, Mines [knku ys[kk
Account, Miscellaneous fofo/k ys[kk
Account, Multiple cost cgqfo/k ykxr ys[kk
Account, Mutual ikjLifjd ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Nominal vk; O;; ys[kk
Account, Non-resident vfuoklh [kkrk
Account, Nostro gekjk ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Open [kqyk ys[kk

Account, Operation ifjpkyu ys[kk

Account, Output cost mRiknu ykxr ys[kk
Account, Payee vknkrk ys[kk
Account, Personal oS;frd ys[kk
Account, Petty Cash [kqnjk jdM+ [kkrk@ys[kk
Account, Private futh ys[kk
Account, Profit Loss ykHk&gkfu ys[kk
Account, Profit Loss adjustment ykHk&gkfu lek;tu ys[kk
Account, Profit Loss appropriation ykHk&gkfu fofu;tu ys[kk
Account, Proforma QkeZ ys[kk
Account, Property laiRrfr ys[kk
Account, Public ljdkjh@lkoZtfud@yd ys[kk
Account, Purchase [kjhn@; ys[kk
Account, Purchase Ledger adjustment [kjhn@; [kkrk lek;tu ys[kk
Account, Real (Property Account) okLrfod laiRrfr ys[kk
Account, Realisation udnhdj.k ys[kk
Account, Receipts and Payments kfIr vj vnk;xh ys[kk
Account, Reconversion iquiZfjofrZr [kkrk
Account, Regular fu;fer ys[kk
Account, Remittance s"k.k ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Rendered Lrqr ys[kk@fglkc
Account, Reserve vkjf{kr fuf/k ys[kk
Account, Residuary vof'k"V ys[kk
Account, Revenue jktLo ys[kk] 2- vk;&O;; ys[kk
Account, Rough dPpk ys[kk
Account, Royalties suspense jk;YVh mpar ys[kk
Account, Running py ys[kk
Account, Salaries osru ys[kk
Account, Sales fch ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Sales Guard Book fo; fooj.k xkMZ iqLrd@fo; fooj.k [kkrk cgh
Account, Separate i`Fkd ys[kk
Account, Settled fuiVk;k x;k fglkc@[kkrk
Account, settlement ifj'k/ku ys[kk
Account, Single ,dy ys[kk

Account, Single Cost bdkbZ ykxr ys[kk

Account, Sinking fund investment fu{ksi fuf/k fuos'k ys[kk
Account, Sold ledger adjustment fo; [kkrk lek;tu ys[kk
Account, Special goods fo'ks"k eky ys[kk
Account, Sterling LVfyZax ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Stock LVkd ys[kk
Account, Store HkaMkj@lkeku ys[kk
Account, Subsidiary lgk;d ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Suspense lek;tuk/khu@mpar ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Take into fglkc esa ysuk
Account, Terminal lkof/k ys[kk
Account, Trading O;kikj ys[kk
Account, Trading Profit and Loss O;kikj rFkk ykHk gkfu ys[kk
Account, Trust VLV ys[kk@U;kl ys[kk
Account, Unoperated fuf"; [kkrk
Account, Value ewY; ys[kk
Account, Vostro vkidk ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Voyage leq;k=k ys[kk
Account, Wages etnwjh ys[kk
Account, Working vkof/kd O;kikj ys[kk@[kkrk
Account, Workshop odZ'kki ys[kk
Account, Write off an ys[kk cV~Vs [kkrs ysuk
Accountability mRrjnkf;Ro
Accountable tokcnsg( nsunkj( ys[kk ns;
Accountable articles lax.kuh; oLrq,a
Accountable for mRrjnk;h guk
Accountable person ys[kknk;h@mRrrjnk;h O;fr
Accountal ys[kk&t[kk
Accountancy ys[kk fof/k] ys[kk 'kkL=
Accountancy Business Statistics Department

ys[kk ,oa O;olk; lkaf[;dh foHkkx

Accountant ys[kkdkj] ys[kkiky

Accountant General egkys[kkdkj
Accountant General (A&E) egkys[kkdkj ys[kk ,oa gdnkjh
Accountant General (Audit) egkys[kkdkj ys[kkijh{kk

Accountant Member ys[kkdkj lnL;

Accountant on probation ifjoh{kk ij v/khuLFk ys[kk lsok ys[kkdkj
Accountant, Chartered pkVZMZ ,dkmaVsaV] lunh ys[kkiky
Accountant, Senior ofj"B ys[kkdkj
Accountants Officer ys[kk vf/kdkjh
Accounted for ys[kkc) fd;k x;k
Accounting ys[kk dk;Z@ys[kkadu
Accounting prudence ys[kkadu dq'kyrk
Accounting rate of return frQy ys[kkadu nj
Accounting standards ys[kkadu ekud
Accounting and finance ys[kkadu ,ao fok
Accounting arrangement ys[kk O;oLFkk
Accounting expenses ys[kk O;;] ys[kkdj.k O;;
Accounting finance system ys[kkadu fok ra=
Accounting keeping ys[kk ikyu] ys[kk j[kuk
Accounting machine ys[kk e'khu
Accounting objectives ys[kkadu ms';
Accounting of cash jdM+ dk fglkc djuk
Accounting period ended..... -----d lekIr gqbZ ys[kkof/k
Accounting period...ended d lekIr gqbZ ys[kkof/k
Accounting policies ys[kkdj.k uhfr;k
Accounting practice ys[kk jhfr
Accounting rule ys[kk fu;e
Accounting service function ys[kkadu lsok Qyu
Accounting System ys[kkdj.k .kkyh
Accounting systems ys[kkadu ra=
Accounting unit ys[kk ;wfuV@,dd@bdkbZ
Accounting Work ys[kkdj.k dk;Z
Accounting year ys[kk o"kZ
Accounts ys[kk vuqnku
Accounts branch ys[kk 'kk[kk
Accounts Clerk ys[kk fyfid
Accounts Department ys[kk foHkkx
Accounts General Section (A ys[kk lkekU; vuqHkkx , ,.M t+h

Accounts General Section (A & G)) ys[kk o lkekU; vuqHkkx ,- ,.M t+h-
Accounts keeping ys[kk ikyu] ys[kk j[kuk
Accounts of individuals oS;fDrd [kkrs
Accounts of partnerships lk>snkjh [kkrs
Accounts of receivers x`ghrkva@fjlhoja ds [kkrs
Accounts of States jkT; ys[ks
Accounts of Trusts U;klh [kkrs
Accounts of union la?k ys[ks
Accounts Officer ys[kk vf/kdkjh
Accounts payable ys[kk ns;
Accounts receivable ys[kk vfHkxzk
Accounts Section ys[kk vuqHkkx
Accounts Structure ys[kk lajpuk
Accounts, Books of ys[kk iqLrdsa@cgh [kkrs
Accounts, Budgetary ctV ys[ks
Accounts, Capital and Revenue iwath vj jktLo ys[ks
Accounts, Closed can [kkrs
Accounts, Commercial okf.kfT;d ys[ks
Accounts, Dead fuf"; [kkrs
Accounts, Foreign fons'kh ys[ks@[kkrs
Accounts, Initial kjafHkd ys[ks
Accounts, Live pkyw ys[ks@[kkrs
Accounts, Manipulation of ys[kkva esa gsj Qsj djuk
Accounts, Organisation of ys[kkva dk laxBu
Accounts, Post and telegraph Mkd&rkj ys[kk
Accounts, reconciliation of ys[ka@[kkra dk lek/kku@feyku
Accounts, Setting of ys[kkva dk ifj'k/ku
Accounts, Statement of ys[kk fooj.k
Accounts, Verification of ys[kk lR;kiu
Accoutere lfTtr djuk
Accoutrement lkt&lTtk
Accoutrements lTtk] lkt&leku
Accredit R;kf;r djuk
Accreditation R;k;u

Accredited r;kf;r] vf/kr] ekU;

Accredited (as corr R;kf;r
Accredited correspondent R;kf;r frfuf/k
Accreditee m/kkj&ik=] R;kf;rh
Accrete c<+uk] tqM+ tkuk
Accretion vfHko`f)
Accrual mip;] n~Hkou
Accrual basis n~Hkou vk/kkj
Accrual of interest C;kt dk n~Hkko@mip;
Accrue mifpr@n~Hkwr guk
Accrued mifpr] n~Hkwr
Accrued expenses mikftZr O;;
Accrued holiday n~Hkwr@mifpr NqV~Vh
Accrued Income n~Hkwr@mifpr vk;
Accrued income expenditure n~Hkwr@mifpr vk; vj O;;
Accrued interest n~Hkwr@mifpr C;kt
Acculturation laLfr&lae.k
Accumbent ysVk gqvk] ewykfHkeq[k] frfLFkr
Accumulate lafpr djuk] lafpr guk
Accumulated Balance lafpr 'ks"k
Accumulated goods lafpr eky
Accumulated losses lafpr gkfu
Accumulated Profit lafpr ykHk
Accumulated Stock lafpr LVkd
Accumulating reproducer lap;h iqu:Riknd
Accumulation lap;] lap;u] tek guk
Accumulative measures lap;h mik;@;kl
Accumulator lapk;d
Accumulator register lapk;d iath
Accumulator shift instruction lapk;d foLFkkiu vuqns'k
Accuracy ;FkkFkZrk( ifj'kq)rk
Accuracy control character ifj'kq)rk fu;a=.k larhd
Accuracy control system ifj'kq)rk fu;a=.k ra=
Accuracy of statement dFku@fooj.k dh ;FkkFkZrk@'kq)rk

Accuracy test 'kq)rk@'kqf) ijh{k.k

Accurate ;FkkFkZ( lgh( Bhd( ifj'kq)
Accurately ;FkkFkZr% ;FkkFkZ :i ls
Accursed vfHk'kIr] 'kkfir
Accusable vfHk;T;
Accusation vfHk;x] vfHk;tu
Accusative deZ dkjd] f}rh;k
Accusatorial vfHk;tdh;
Accusatory vfHk;xkRed
Accuse n"kkji.k djuk( vfHk;x yxkuk
Accused vfHk;qDr
Accustome vknh ;k vH;Lr cukuk] vknr Mkyuk
ACD Agricultural credit Department f"k _.k foHkkx
Ace bDdk Js"B fr;xh
Ace pilot mR"V ekxZn'khZ] mR"V ik;yV
Acentric vdsafr
Acephalous vk'kh"khZ] vf'kjLd] usr`Roghu
Acerbate dVq cukuk] fp<+uk
Acerbity [kVVkiu] dlko
Acetate 'kqDrh;
Acetic 'kqfDrd
Acetification 'kqDrhdj.k
Acetify dk fljdk cuk nsuk] [kk cuuk
Acetone 'kqDrk
Ache ihM+k] nnZ
Achieve iwjk djuk] kIr djuk] lQy guk
Achievement miyfC/k
Achromatic o.kZghu] vo.kZ
Achromatism vo.kZrk
Acid [kVVk] vEy] rstkc] dlVh
Acid test ratio vEy ijh{k.k vuqikr
Acinus vf"Byd] d"Bd
Acknowledge kfIr Lohdkj djuk( ikorh nsuk
Acknowledge character vfHkLohdkj larhd

Acknowledge frame vfHkLohdkj se

Acknowledge receipt ikorh nas] kfIr lwpuk Hkstsa
Acknowledge receipt of the letter i= dh ikorh Hkstsa
Acknowledge with thanks for the contribution

;xnku ds fy, /kU;okn nsrs gSa

Acknowledged vfHkLohfr] kfIr lwpuk sf"kr

Acknowledged as debt _.k ds :i esa Lohr@ekU;
Acknowledged operation vfHkLohr pkyu
Acknowledgement ikorh] kfIr lwpuk] jlhn
Acknowledgement card ikorh@jlhnh dkMZ
Acknowledgement due ikorh lfgr] jlhnh
Acknowledgement form kfIr lwpuk QkeZ
Acknowledgement frame vfHkLohfr se
Acknowledgement has already been sent ikorh igys gh Hksth tk pqdh gS

Acknowledgement of source lw= dk mYys[k] lw= dh vfHkLohfr

Acknowledgement policy vfHkLohfr uhfr
Acknowledgement receipt ikorh jlhn@ipZhZ
ACL access control list , lh ,y@vfHkxe fu;a=.k lwph
Aclinic vur
ACM , lh ,e
Acme ijkdk"Bk] pje fcUnq
Acne eqgklk
Acock frjNs] vD[kM+iu
Acolyte osnh&lsod] vuqpj] ifjpj
Aconite egjh
Acorn cktQy
Acosmism vfo'ookn
Acotyledon vchti=
Acoustic /ofud] Jo.k
Acoustic coupler /ofud ;qXed
Acoustic coupling /ofud ;qXeu
Acoustic delay line /ofud foyac ykbu
Acoustic digitizer /ofud vadd
Acoustic memory /ofud Le`fr@/ofud eSeksjh
Acoustic modem /ofud ekWMse

Acoustic signal /ofud ladsr

Acoustic storage /ofud HkaMkj.k
Acoustical coupler /ofud ;qXed
Acoustical sound enclosure /ofud /ofu ifjos"Bd
Acoustician /ofu'kkL=h
Acquaint ifjp; ;k tkudkjh kIr djuk] voxr djuk
Acquaintance ifjp;( ifjfpr O;fr
Acquest miyC/k lEifRr
Acquiesce eu Lohfr
Acquiescence eu lEefr ;k lgefr
Acquirable kI;] ki.kh;
Acquire vfHkxzg.k@kIr djuk
Acquired in satisfaction of cl nkoa dh iwfrZ esa kIr
Acquired in satisfaction of claims nkoa dh iwfrZ esa kIr
Acquirement vtZu] miktZu] ;X;rk
Acquisition vfHkxzg.k] vtZu
Acquisition of assets vkfLr;a@ifjlaifRr;a dk vtZu@vfHkxzg.k
Acquisition of business dkjckj dk vtZu@vfHkxzg.k
Acquisition of land Hkwfe&vtZu] Hkwfe vf/kxzg.k
Acquit n"keqDr djuk
Acquittal n"keqfDr] fjgkbZ
Acquittance Hkqxrku] foeqfDr] csckdh
Acquittance roll osru i=] osru iath
Acquittane HkjikbZ( Hkqxrku( fuLrkj.k fof/k
Acre ,dM+ {=Qy] jdck
Acreage {ks=Qy
Acrid frDr] rhrk] dVqfrDr
Acridity frDrrk] dVqrk
Acrimonious mxz] dVq] p.M
Acritical ladVghu
Acrobat dykckt
Acrobatics dykckth
Acrolith dk"Biy eqfrZ
Acronym ifjo.khZ 'kCn

Acropetal vxzkfHklkjh
Acrophobia mRraxrk&Hkhfr] Mj
Across ikj] ml ikj] vkjikj] vkM+k] frjNk
Across the board lHkh Lrjksa ij
Acrostic ifjo.khZ dkO;
Act dk;Z] dke vf/kfu;e] dk;Z djuk
Act (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Ac

,dkf/kdkj rFkk voj/kd O;kikfjd O;ogkj vf/kfu;e

Act (of Parliament) lalnh; vf/kfu;e

Act in good faith ln~HkkoiwoZd dk;Z djuk
Act of Commission or Omission rkr
Act of God nSfod R;] nSor
Act of honour ldkjuk
Act of insolvency fnokfy;siu dk R;@dk;Z
Act of misconduct vukpkj] vopkj] dnkpkj
Act of ommission an Hkwy&pwd
Act of party ikVZhZ dk R;@dk;Z
Act of providence nSoh R;
Acting dk;Zdkjh] dk;Zokgh] vfHku;] f;k'khy
Acting (as in `acti dk;Zdkjh
Acting allowance dk;Zdkjh HkRrk
Acting appointment dk;Zdkjh fu;qfDr
Acting as agent vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV ds :i esa dk;Z djuk
Acting in discretion Lo&foosd ls dk;Z djuk] foosdkuqlkj dk;Z djuk
Acting in good faith ln~Hkko ls dk;Z djrs gq,
Acting in his discretion Lo&foosd ls dk;Z djrs gq,
Acting in official capacity vkf/kdkfjd :i ls dk;Z djuk
Acting Lance Daffadar ,fVax ykal nQknkj
Acting Service dk;Zdkjh lsok
Actinic fofdj.k'khy] fdj.k f;k'khyrk
Action dkjZokbZ] dk;Z] f;k
Action against defaulter pwddrkZ@O;freh ds fo:) dkjZokbZ
Action as at `A' above ij *d* ds vuqlkj dkjZokbZ dh tk,
Action at once please i;k Qju dkjZokbZ djsa
Action committee dkjZokbZ lfefr

Action cycle f;k p

Action has already been taken in the matter

bl ekeys dh dkjZokbZ dh tk pqdh gS

Action has not yet been initiated dkjZokbZ vHkh 'kq: ugha dh xbZ gS
Action is required to be taken early 'kh?kz dkjZokbZ visf{kr gS
Action line f;k js[kk
Action may be taken accordingly rnuqlkj dkjZokbZ dh tk,
Action may be taken as proposed ;Fkk Lrkfor dkjZokbZ dh tk,
Action message f;k lans'k
Action plan dk;Z ;tuk
Action programme f;kRed dk;Ze
Action programme (p dk;Z ;tuk
Action project dk;Z ifj;tuk
Action proposed Lrkfor dkjZokbZ
Action routine f;k usedk
Action specification f;k fofunsZ'k
Action, Follow-up vuqorZhZ dkjZokbZ
Action, line of dk;Z fn'kk
Action, Remedial mipkjh dkjZokbZ
Actionable claim dkjZokbZ ;X; nkok
Activate lf; djuk
Activation lf;.k] mRiszj.k
Activation function lf;.k Qyu
Activation record lf;.k vfHkys[k
Activator lf;d
Active lf;( f;k'khy
Active area lf; {ks=
Active capital lf; iwath
Active cell lf; lsy
Active configuration lf; foU;kl
Active control lf; fuak=.k
Active data dictionary lf; vkadM+k dks'k
Active database lf; MsVkcsl
Active DBMS lf; Mh ch ,e ,l
Active end lf; var@lf; Nksj

Active file lf; lafpdk

Active hub lf; gc
Active index lf; lwpdakd
Active learning lf; vf/kxe
Active light lf; dk'k
Active line lf; ykbu
Active link lf; dM+h
Active loans lf; _.k
Active master file lf; /kku lafpdk
Active master item lf; /kku en
Active matrix display lf; eSfVdl n'kZ@lf; vkO;wg n'kZ
Active name table lf; uke lkj.kh
Active node lf; fuLian@lf; uksM
Active object lf; y{;
Active Partner lf; Hkkxhnkj
Active port lf; }kj
Active process table lf; ; lkfj.kh
Active reference table lf; lanHkZ lkj.kh@lf; funsZ'k lkj.kh
Active satellite lf; mixzg
Active segment table lf; [kaM lkj.kh
Active sensing lf; laosnu
Active server page lf; ifjlsod i`"B@lf; loZj i`"B
Active service Tutorial lf; lsok chekafdr@thoukafdd
Active societies lf; lfefr;ka
Active star lf; rkjd
Active station lf; sU
Active storage lf; HkaMkj
Active termination lf; lekfIr
Active trade balance vuqdwy@dkedkth O;kikj 'ks"k
Active transaction lf; ysunsu@f;k dyki
Active value lf; eku
Active window lf; foaMks@lqf;k f[kM+dh
Activist deZB dk;ZdrkZ( lf;rkoknh
Activities, Follow up vuqorZhZ dk;Z

Activity lf;rk] f;kdyki

Activity loading dk;ZHkkj@dk;Z Hkkj.k
Activity level lf;rk Lrj
Activity ratio lf;rk vuqikr
Actor vfHkusrk] drkZ
Acts of commission and omission Hkwy&pwd
Actual okLrfod
Actual address okLrfod irk
Actual Aquittance okLrfod jlhn
Actual code okLrfod dwV@okLrfod dksM
Actual cost okLrfod ykxr
Actual cost of transporting ifjogu dk okLrfod O;;] okLrfod ifjogu&O;;
Actual cost of travelling ;k=k dk okLrfod O;;] okLrfod ;k=k&O;;@[kpZ
Actual damages okLrfod gtkZuk@uqdlku
Actual data transfer rate okLrfod vkadM+k varj.k nj
Actual decimal point okLrfod n'keyo fcUnq
Actual establishment expenses okLrfod LFkkiuk O;;
Actual estate LFkkoj lEifRr
Actual expenses okLrfod O;;
Actual green weight gjs rackdw dk okLrfod otu
Actual hours okLrfod ?kaVs@dk;Z&le;
Actual instruction okLrfod vuqns'k
Actual key okLrfod dqath
Actual pecuniary okLrfod vkfFkZd
Actual possession okLrfod dCtk
Actual price okLrfod ewY;@dher
Actual produce okLrfod mRikn@mit
Actual proprietor of land okLrfod Hkw&Lokeh] tehu dk vlyh ekfyd
Actual rent okLrfod@vlyh fdjk;k@yxku
Actual strength okLrfod deZpkjh la[;k
Actual time okLrfod dky
Actual Total Loss okLrfod dqy gkfu
Actual Travelling expenses okLrfod ;k=k O;;
Actual User okLrfod miHkrk

Actual wage okLrfod et+nwjh

Actual work time okLrfod dk;Z dky
Actually due payable oLrqr% 'k/; vj ns;
Actuals okLrfod vkadM+s
Actuals and targets okLrfod vkadM+s vj y{;
Actuals there against mldh rqyuk esa okLrfod vkadM+s
Actuarial chekafdd
Actuarial calculation chekafdd@thoukafdd x.kuk
Actuarial department chekafdd@thoukafdd foHkkx
Actuarial investigation chekafdd@thoukafdd vUos"k.k
Actuarial liability chekafdd@thoukafdd nkf;Ro
Actuarial valuation chekafdd@thoukafdd ewY;kadu
Actuary chekadd] chekfoK] thoukadd
Actuate o`Rr djuk] iszfjr djuk] pkyw djuk
Actuation signal orZd ladsr
Actuator orZd
ACU Asian Clearing Union ,f'k;kbZ lek'k/ku ;wfu;u
Acuate uqdhyk] d'kkxz
Acumen fonX/krk] d'kkxzcqf)
Acute uqdhyk] iSuk] rh{.k] d'kkxz] prqj] rhoz] ?kj] U;wu
Acyclic vph;
Acyclic graph vph; xzkQ@vkys[k@ys[kkfp=
AD Authorised Dealer kf/kr O;kikjh
Ad hoc rnFkZ
Ad hoc bonds rnFkZ ckaM
Ad hoc committee rnFkZ lfefr
Ad hoc indent rnFkZ ekxi=
Ad hoc loans rnFkZ dtZ+@_.k
Ad hoc treasury bills rnFkZ jktd"k i=@Vst+jh] fcy@[kt+kuk fcy
Ad infinitum fujof/k( vuar rd
Ad infinitum (L) fujof/k] vuar rd
Ad interim varfje rj ij
Ad valorem ewY;kuqlkj] ;Fkk ewY;
Ad valorem duty ;FkkewY; 'kqYd] ewY;kuqlkj 'kqYd

ADA (Language) ,Mk daI;wVj Hkk"kk

Adactylous vaxqfyghu
Adage dgkor] ydfDr
Adagio /khjs&/khjs
Adam`s apple daB ef.k VsaVqvk
Adamant ctz
Adapat vuqdy djuk] cukuk
Adaptability vuqdwyuh;rk
Adaptable vuqdwyuh;( :ikarj.kh;
Adaptation :ikarj.k] vuqdwyu
Adapter vuqdwyd@vuqdwfy=
Adapter address vuqdwyd irk
Adapter device vuqdwyd ;qfDr
Adapter device driver architecture vuqdwyd ;qfDr pkyd lajpuk
Adapter segment vuqdwyu [kaM
Adaptive vuqdwyd
Adaptive channel allocation vuqdwyh .kky fu;ru
Adaptive color model vuqdwyu o.kZ fun'kZ
Adaptive differential (ASPCM) vuqdwyu foHksn
Adaptive integration vuqdwyh lekdyu
Adaptive maintenance vuqdwyh vuqj{k.ku
Adaptive routine protocol vuqdwyh usfedk:Vhu ksVksdkWy
Adaptive routing vuqdwyd vuqekxZ.k
Adaptive sampling vuqdwy frn'kZu
Adaptive spatial subdivision vuqdwyh vodkf'k; miHkktu
Adaptive transversal vuqdwyh vuqLFk
ADB Asian Development Bank ,f'k;kbZ fodkl cSad
ADC to the President jk"Vifr ds ,- Mh- lhADC(Aid-de-Camp) ,- Mh- lhAdd tM+uk
Add file ;ksx lafpdk
Add in program ksxzke vf/k;ksx
Add mode ;ksx fo/kk
Add operation tksM+@;ksx laf;k

Add strip ;kst ih

Add time ladyu dky
Added entry ;ksftr fof"V
Addend ;ksT;
Addenda ifjf'k"V
Addenda Payment vuq'ks"k Hkqxrku
Addendum vuq'ks"k
Adder ;td] tM+usokyk
Adder subtracter ;kstd O;dyd
Addict O;luh] yfr;k
Addicted to noise /ofu O;luh
Adding machine tM+ e'khu( ;x ;a=
Addition ;x] tM+
Addition and altera ifjorZu rFkk ifjo/kZu( ifjorZu( ifjo/kZu
Addition and alteration ifjorZu rFkk ifjo/kZu] ifjorZu&ifjo/kZu
Addition attribute ;kst xq.k
Addition record ;ksx vfHkys[k
Addition table ;ksx lkj.kh
Additional vij] vfrfjDr
Additional articles vfrfjDr vuqPNsn] vfrfjDr oLrq,a
Additional assessment vfrfjDr dj&fu/kkZj.k
Additional asset vfrfjDr ifjlaifRr@vkfLr
Additional authorisation vfrfjDr kf/kdj.k
Additional banking facilities vfrfjDr cSafdax lqfo/kk,a
Additional benefits vfrfjDr ykHk
Additional capital vfrfjDr iwath
Additional character fof'k"V larhd
Additional charge vfrfjr Hkkj
Additional charges vfrfjDr Hkkj
Additional Chief Engineer vij eq[; bathfu;j( vij eq[; vfHk;ark
Additional Chief Planner vij eq[; ;tukdkj
Additional collecti vfrfjr olwyh
Additional Commissioner vij vk;qr
Additional Countervailing duty vfrfjr frdkjh 'kqYd

Additional credit accommodation vfrfjDr foRrh; fuHkko@lgk;rk

Additional demand vfrfjDr ekax
Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 19

vfrfjD+r miyfC/k;ka vfuok;Z fu{ksi vf/kfu;e] 1974

Additional Excise Duties in lieu of Sales Tax

fo; dj ds ,ot esa vfrfjr mRikn 'kqYd

Additional expenditure vfrfjDr O;;

Additional Funds vfrfjr fuf/k;ka@jde
Additional grant vfrfjr vuqnku
Additional informat vfrfjr lwpuk( vfrfjr tkudkjh
Additional Invoice vfrfjr chtd@bUok;l
Additional pay vfrfjr osru
Additional requirements vfrfjDr vko';drk,a
Additional requirements for past liabilities igys ds nkf;Roa d fuHkkus ds fy, vfrfjr jdesa

Additional resources, Mobilisation of vfrfjDr foRrh; lk/ku tqVkuk

Additional Secretary vij lfpo
Additional Station Director vij dsa funs'kd
Additional Surcharge vfrfjr vf/kHkkj
Additional Tax vfrfjr dj
Additional ways and means advances vfrfjDr vFkZik; vfxze
Additions & Alterations ifjo/kZu rFkk ifjorZu
Additions Alterations ifjo/kZu rFkk ifjorZu
Additions and alterations ifjo/kZu&ifjorZu
Additions to pay osru ds vfrfjr miyfC/k;ka
Additive ;xkRed
Addl. Accountant General vij egkys[kkdkj
Addl. Dy. Comproller & Auditor General (H)

vij mi&fu;a=d&egk&ys[kkijh{kd eq[;ky;

Addl. Dy. Comproller Auditor General (H)

vij mi&fu;a=d&egk&ys[kkijh{kd eq[;ky;

Addl. Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General (Report St

vij mi&fu;a=d&egk&ys[kkijh{kd frosnu jkT;

Addl. Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General (Rly)

vij mi&fu;a=d&egk&ys[kkijh{kd jsyos

Addl. Dy. Comptroller and Auditor General (Report

ij mifu;a=d&egk ys[kkijh{kd frosnu dsUh;

Addl. Dy. Comptroller Auditor General (Report Sta

vij mi&fu;a=d&egk&ys[kkijh{kd frosnu jkT;

Addl. Dy. Comptroller Auditor General (Rly)

vij mi&fu;a=d&egk&ys[kkijh{kd jsyos

Addle lM+k] [kkyh

Address irk] vfHkHkk"k.k] lac/ku] ekui=] vfHkuanu i=
Address (Complaint to) d f'kdk;rsa Hkstuk

Address (Vb) irk fy[kuk] Hkk"k.k nsuk] lac/ku djuk] lacf/kr djuk
Address all concerned loZlacaf/kr d fy[kk tk,
Address book irk iqLrd
Address bus irk cl
Address calculation sort irk dyu NkaV
Address code irk dwV
Address command irk lekns'k
Address computation irk vfHkdyu
Address constant irk vpj
Address conversion irk :ikarj.k
Address data irk vkadM+k
Address effective Hkkoh irk
Address field irk {ks=
Address file irk lafpdk
Address format irk la:i
Address free program irk jfgr ekns'k
Address generator irk tud
Address interlacing irk varxzFku
Address line irk iaf
Address mapping irk frfp=.k
Address mapping table irk frfp=.k lkj.kh
Address mark irk fpu
Address mask irk vkoj.k
Address modification irk vkifjorZu
Address of welcome vfHkuanu i=
Address pointer irk ladsrd
Address register irk iath
Address resolution irk fo?kVu
Address resolution protocol irk fo?kVu ksVksdkWy
Address signal irk ladsr
Address size irk vkeki
Address space irk LFkku
Address space identifier irk LFkku vfHkKkid
Address stop irk fojke

Address strategy module irk ;qfDr ekWM;wy@irk fof/k ekWM~;wy

Address trace ifjp; vuqjs[k@irk vuqjs[k
Address translation irk vuqokn
Address translator irk vuqoknd
Addressability irk;ksX;rk@lacks/kuh;rk
Addressability measure irk;ksX;rk eki
Addressable irk;ksX;
Addressable horizontal position irk;ksX; {kSfrt fLFkfr
Addressable point irk;ksX; fcUnq
Addressable position irk;ksX; fLFkfr
Addressable register irk;ksX; iath
Addressable storage irk;ksX; HkaMkj.k
Addressable vertical position irk;ksX; /okZ/kj fLFkfr
Addressed memory irk;qDr Le`fr@irk;qDr eSeksjh
Addressed to ds uke] d lacf/kr
Addressee ikusokyk] sf"krh
Addressee's instructions ikusokys@sf"krh ds vuqns'k
Addressee's receipt ikusokys@sf"krh dh jlhn
Addressgraph irkys[kh
Addressing irkfHkxeu@ irk vfHkxeu
Addressing character irkfHkxeu larhd
Addressing interrupt irkfHkxeu varjk;u
Addressing loop irkfHkxeu ik'k@irkfHkxeu ywi
Addressing virtual memory irkfHkxeu vkHkklh Le`fr@irkfHkxeu vkHkklh eSeksjh
Addressless irkjfgr
Addressless instruction format irkjfgr vuqns'k la:i
Addressograph irkys[kh
Addressographer Operator irkys[kh pkyd
Adduce is'k djuk
Adduct vfHkorZu djuk
Adeism vnsookn
Ademption fo[k.Mu
Adenectomy xzfUFkdrZu
Adenoid xzaF;kHk

Adept fuiq.k] n{k] fo'"kK

Adequacy i;kZIrrk
Adequacy criteria i;kZIrk fud"k@i;kZIrk dlkSVh
Adequacy of data vkadM+a dh i;kZIrrk
Adequae wage i;kZIr et+nwjh
Adequate i;kZIr
Adequate consideration i;kZIr frQy
Adequate depreciation i;kZIr ewY;gkl O;oLFkk
Adequate reason i;kZIr dkj.k
Adequate security i;kZIr frHkwfr@lqj{kk
Adequately i;kZIr :i ls
Adequately banked i;kZIr cSafdax lsokva ls ;qDr
Adhere fpiduk] tqM+ tkuk] vuqlj.k] djuk] MVs jguk
Adhere to ij n`<+ jguk( ij tes jguk
Adherence vuqorZu
Adhesion fpidko] fu"Bk
Adhesive vklatd
Adhesive stamp vklatd LVkai
Adhesive tape vklatd Vsi( psid Vsi
Adhibit yxkuk] nsuk] fnykuk
Adhoc rnFkZ
Adhoc adjustment rnFkZ lek;tu
Adhoc benefit rnFkZ ykHk
Adhoc Indent rnFkZ ekaxi=@baMsaV
Adhoc Tribunal rnFkZ vf/kdj.k
Adiabatic fLFj"e
Adinfinitum fujof/k] vuUr rd
Adinterim vUr%dkyhu] vLFkk;h
Adipocere 'koflDFk
Adipose pchZ] olk
Adit igqp] os'k
ADJ , Mh ts
Adjacency fudVrk] lehirk
Adjacency channel layXurk .kky

Adjacency domain layXu Mksesu

Adjacency matrix layXurk eSfVDl@layXurk vkO;wg
Adjacency node layXurk vklafFk
Adjacency structure layXurk lajpuk
Adjacency subarea layXu mi{ks=
Adjacent ik'+ZoLFk( vklU+u( fudVLFk
Adjectival oS'"kf.kd] fo'"k.kkRed
Adjective fo'"k.k
Adjoin yxk guk
Adjoint layXu
Adjourn LFkfxr djuk] dke jduk
Adjournment LFkxu] dk;Z&LFkxu
Adjournment motion LFkxu Lrko( dke jd Lrko
Adjudge Bgjkuk U;k;fu.kZhr djuk fof/k
Adjudgement U;k;fu.kZ;
Adjudicate vf/kfu.kZ;u
Adjudication U;k;fu.kZ;u
Adjudication of claim nkos dk vf/kfu.kZ;
Adjudication Order vf/kfu.kZ;
Adjudicator U;k;fu.kkZ;d
Adjuration vfHk'kiFk] vuqu;
Adjust lek;tu djuk
Adjust text mode lek;ksT; ikB~;ka'k fo/kk
Adjustable extent lek;ksT; foLrkj
Adjusted lek;ftr
Adjuster lek;td
Adjusting lek;td
Adjusting Account lek;td ys[kk
Adjusting account register lek;tu ys[kk jftLVj@iath
Adjusting entry lek;td fof"V
Adjusting Journal entry lek;td tuZy fof"V@banjkt
Adjusting Ledger entry lek;td [kkrk fof"V@banjkt
Adjustment lek;tu
Adjustment account lek;tu ys[kk@[kkrk

Adjustment allowance lek;tu HkRrk

Adjustment bond lek;tu ckaM@ca/ki=
Adjustment by transfer varj.k }kjk lek;tu
Adjustment case lek;tu dk ekeyk
Adjustment mechanism lek;tu O;oLFkk
Adjustment of accounts ys[kk&lek;tu] fglkc cSBkuk
Adjustment on a liability basis ns;rk ds vk/kkj ij lek;tu
Adjustment on liability basis ns;rk ds vk/kkj ij lek;tu
Adjustment on paper dkxth :i esa lek;tu
Adjustment procedure or method lek;tu dk;Zfof/k@f;kfof/k
Adjustment Register lek;tu jftLVj
Adjustment scale lek;tu eku
Adjustment transaction lek;tu ysu&nsu
Adjutage VaVh
Adjutant ,M~+tqVsaV
Adjutant General ,btqVsaV tujy
Adjuvant lgk;d
Adlibitum ;FPN
Admeasure vko.Vu djuk] ckV nsuk
Admin 'kklu
Adminicle lgk;d
Administer 'kklu djuk] nsuk] fnykuk 'kiFk
Administer oath 'kiFk fnykuk
Administered price funZsf'kr dher
Administering autho 'kklu kf/kdkjh
Administering authority 'kklh kf/kdkjh
Administration 'kklu] ca/k
Administration And Publicity Division 'kklu vj pkj Hkkx
Administration bond 'kklu ckaM
Administration of ;tuk d ykxw djuk
Administration of Export promotion scheme

fu;kZr lao/kZu ;tuk dk f;kUo;u

Administration of Evacuee Property Act, 1950

fu"kar lEifRr 'kklu vf/kfu;e] 1950

Administration of Export promotion scheme

fu;kZr lao/kZu ;tuk dk f;kUo;u

Administration of f fuf/k 'kklu

Administration of j U;k;&'kklu
Administration of rules fu;ea dk ykxw djuk
Administration Officer 'kklu vf/kdkjh
Administration Reforms Commission 'kklfud lq/kkj vk;x
Administration Secretriat(e) 'kklu lfpoky;
Administration Section 'kklu vuqHkkx
Administration, Business O;olk; ca/k
Administration, Financial foRrh; 'kklu
Administration, General lkekU; 'kklu
Administration, Letter of O;oLFkk@'kklu i=
Administrative 'kklfud( 'kklh( 'kkldh;
Administrative abil 'kklu&;X;rk
Administrative ability 'kklfud ;X;rk
Administrative Account 'kklfud ys[kk
Administrative action 'kklfud dkjZokbZ
Administrative appr 'kklfud vuqenu
Administrative approval 'kklfud vuqenu
Administrative approval may be obtained 'kklfud vuqenu kIr fd;k tk,

Administrative arrangement 'kklfud ca/k@O;oLFkk

Administrative Audit 'kkldh; ys[kkijh{kk
Administrative Authority 'kkldh; kf/kdkjh
Administrative cadre 'kklfud laoxZ
Administrative control 'kklfud fu;a=.k
Administrative conv 'kklfud lqfo/kk
Administrative convenience 'kklu lqfo/kk] 'kklfud lqfo/kk
Administrative data processing 'kklfud vkadM+k e.k
Administrative depa 'kkldh; foHkkx
Administrative department 'kklfud foHkkx
Administrative devices of carrot an stick 'kklu ds nke vj naM mik;
Administrative devices of carrot and stick 'kklu ds nke vj naM mik;

Administrative domain 'kklfud kar

Administrative expenses 'kklfud O;;] 'kklfud [kpZ
Administrative func 'kklu&dk;Z( 'kkldh; dk;Z
Administrative head 'kklh /kku( 'kklfud /kku

Administrative Implication 'kklfud fufgrkFkZ

Administrative insp 'kklfud fujh{k.k
Administrative instruction 'kklfud vuqns'k
Administrative management domain 'kklfud ca/ku Mksesu
Administrative meas 'kklfud mik;
Administrative mini 'kklh ea=ky;
Administrative office 'kklfud dk;kZy;
Administrative officer 'kklfud vf/kdkjh
Administrative operation 'kklfud pkyu
Administrative operator station 'kklfud pkyd dsUn
Administrative price funZsf'kr ewY;
Administrative receipts 'kklfud kfIr;k
Administrative Reforms Wing 'kklfud lq/kkj Lda/k
Administrative sanc 'kklfud eatwjh
Administrative Sanction 'kkldh; laLoh] fr@eatwjh
Administrative Section 'kklu vuqHkkx( 'kklh vuqHkkx
Administrative services 'kklfud lsok,a
Administrative support system 'kklfud lgk; ra=
Administrative syst 'kklu i)fr
Administrative System 'kklu .kkyh@i)fr
Administrator 'kkld
Administrator General egk'kkld
Admirable LrqR;] 'kaluh;] mR"V
Admiral ,Mfejy
Admire 'kalk djuk] vknj djuk
Admissibility xzkg+;rk( Lohdk;Zrk
Admissible xzkg;] Lohdk;Z
Admissible expendit xzkg; O;;
Admissible expenditure Lohdk;Z O;;
Admissible under rules fu;ekuqlkj Lohdk;Z
Admission os'k] vfHkLohfr
Admission committee os'k lfefr
Admission fee os'k 'kqYd
Admission form os'k lfefr

Admission temparaire iqufu;kZrh vk;kr

Admission test os'k ijh{kk
Admission with permission vuqefr ysdj Hkhrj vkb,] vuqefr ysdj vanj vk,
Admission, form os'ki=

os'k djus nsuk( vanj vkus nsuk( Lohdkj djuk( fo"V djuk( nkf[ky djuk( nkf[kyk nsuk

Admit an appeal vihy xzg.k djsa

Admit card os'k i=( os'k i=d
Admittance os'k
Admitted fo"V( nkf[ky( Lohr
Admitted debt Lohr _.k
Admitted in evidence lk{; ds :i esa Lohr@ekuk x;k
Admix feykuk
Admixture vf/kfeJ.k] feJ.k
Admonition HkRlZuk
Adnate layXu] vuqyXu
Adnominal laKkRed
Adobe dPpk edku
Adobe acrobat ,sMksc ,skscsV
Adobe photoshop ,sMksc QksVks'kkWi
Adobe postscript ,sMksc i'pfyfi@,sMksc mkjfyfi
Adolescence fd'kj voLFkk] ;ou
Adolescent fd'kj
Adopt viuk;k] vaxhdj.k
Adoptee nRrrd
Adopter vuqdwyd
Adoption vaxhdj.k( nRrrd&xzg.k( xn ysuk
Adoption of incorrect rate xyr nj dh viukuk
Adoption of society lfefr dk Lohdj.k@vaxhdj.k
Adoptor nRrrdxzkgh
Adorable vkjk/;
Adoration vkjk/kuk
Adore vkjk/kuk djuk] iwtk djuk
Adorn dh 'kHkk c<+kuk] lokjuk
ADP , Mh ih

Adrema Operator ,Msek pkyd

Adrenal vf/ko`Dd
Adrift b/kj&m/kj cgrk gqvk
Adroit n{k] prqj
Adscititious vfrfjDr] vfHkx`ghr
Adsorb vf/k'k"k.k djuk
Adsorption vf/k'k"k.k
Adulate pkiywlh djuk
Adullteress vU;xkfeuh] ijiq:"k xkfeuh
Adult <+( o;Ld
Adult Education Officer <+ f'k{kk vf/kdkjh
Adult franchise o;Ld erkf/kdkj
Adult Messenger o;Ld lans'kokgd
Adult School Teacher <+ fo|ky; f'k{kd
Adult suffrage o;Ld erkf/kdkj
Adulterant vifeJd
Adulterate vifeJ.k@feykoV djuk
Adulterated vifefJr] feykoVh
Adulterated food feykoVh [kk|@vU+u] vifefJr [kk|@vU+u
Adulteration feykoV] vifeJ.k
Adulterer vU;kxkeh] ijL=hxkeh
Adultery tkjdeZ( O;fHkpkj
Adumbral Nk;ke;] lk;knkj
Adumbrate :ijs[kk Lrqr djuk] iokZHkkl nsuk] Nk;k nsuk
Adust >qylk gqvk] tyk gqvk] mnkl
Advalorem ;FkkewY;
Advance vfxze] is'kxh] m/kkj] _.k] vfxze nsuk@nku djuk
Advance acceptance of tender VsaMj@fufonk dh vfxze Lohfr
Advance account vfxze ys[kk
Advance Accounts vfxze ys[ks
Advance banking mU+ur cSafdax
Advance booking vfxze cqfdax
Advance copy vfxze fr
Advance Entry vfxze fof"V@banjkt

Advance freight vfxze@is'kxh HkkM+k

Advance increment vfxze osru&o`f)
Advance interactive executive mUur varj f;k dk;Zikyd
Advance Ledger Posting Machine ,MokUl ystj ifLVax e'khu
Advance micro devices (AMD) mUur ekbks ;qfDr
Advance networks and service mUur usVodZ vkSj lsok
Advance of pay vfxze osru@is'kxh osru
Advance of pay vfxze osru@is'kxh osru
Advance on consignment ijs"k.k ij vfxze@_.k
Advance pay vfxze osru
Advance payment vfxze@is'kxh vnk;xh
Advance program to program communications

mUur ksxzke'klapkj

Advance remittance vfxze s"k.k

Advance repayable frns; is'kxh
Advance sample vfxze frn'kZ( vfxze uewuk
Advance schedule vfxze vuqlwph
Advance Schedules vfxze vuqlwfp;k
Advance SCSI programming interface (ASPI)

mUur Ldslh ksxzkeu varjkQyd

Advance set up option mUur O;oLFkk fodYi

Advance Tax vfxze dj
Advance to Contractors Bsdsnkja d is'kfx;ka
Advance value vfxze ewY;
Advance, Adjustable lek;T; vfxze@is'kxh
Advance, Clean frHkwfrjfgr@cstekurh@fucZa/k vfxze@_.k
Advance, Collateral laikf'+oZd m/kkj@vfxze
Advance, Emergent, Petty vkdfLed QqVdj vfxze@is'kxh
Advance, Forest ou is'kxh
Advance, Interest-bearing C;kth vfxze] C;kt lfgr vfxze@_.k
Advance, Interest-free fcuk C;kt@C;kt jfgr vfxze@_.k
Advance, Irrecoverable v'k/; vfxze@_.k
Advance, Permanent LFkk;h vfxze@_.k
Advance, Portfolio vfxze fuos'k lwph] vfxze lafoHkkx
Advance, Recoverable olwyh ;X; m/kkj
Advance, Repayable frns; vfxze@_.k

Advance, Revenue jktLo m/kkj

Advance, Seasonal eleh vfxze@_.k
Advance, Special fo'ks"k vfxze@_.k
Advance, Standing LFkk;h is'kxh
Advance, Takavi rdkoh m/kkj
Advance, Temporary vLFkk;h vfxze@_.k
Advance, Ways Means vFkZik; is'kxh
Advanced Accountancy mU+ur ys[kk fof/k@'kkL=
Advanced communication service mUur lapkj lsok
Advanced data mUur vkadM+k
Advanced data communicated control procedure

mUur vkadM+k lapkj fu;a=.k i}fr

Advanced increment vfxze o`f)( vfxze osru o`f)

Advanced informatjon system mUur lwpuk ra=
Advanced Level Telecommunication Training Centre

mPp Lrjh; nwjlapkj f'k{k.k dsa

Advanced optical character reader mUur dkf'kd larhd ikBd

Advanced peer to peer networking mUur lekUrj usVofdZax
Advanced research projects agency mUur vuqla/kku ifj;kstuk ,tsalh
Advanced scientific computer mUur oSKkfud vfHkdfy=
Advancement mU+ufr] xfr
Advances against bills payable ns; fcya ij vfxze
Advances against gold ornaments and bullion

Lo.kkZHkw"k.ka@lus ds xgua vj cqfy;ua ij vfxze

Advances against import bills vk;kr fcya ij vfxze

Advances against imports bills vk;kr fcya ij vfxze
Advances against pledge of stocks eky@LVkd dh fxjoh ij vfxze
Advances Section m/kkj vuqHkkx
Advances to disbursers laforjda d is'kfx;ka
Advances to exports fu;kZr ds fy, _.k@vfxze
Advances to intermediaries fcpfy;a d _.k@vfxze
Advantage ykHk( Qk;nk( HkykbZ
Advantage Comparative rqyukRed ykHk
Advantage, Comparative rqyukRed ykHk
Advantageous ykHkn] ykHkdj
Advection vfHkogu
Advent vkxeu

Adventure lkgl djuk] tf[ke] thoV

Adventurous lkglh] tf[ke Hkjk
Adverb f;kfo'"k.k
Adversary foj/kh
Adverse frdwy
Adverse clearing balance frdwy lek'k/ku 'ks"k
Adverse comment frdwy fVIi.kh
Adverse developments frdwy xfrfof/k;ka@?kVuk,a
Adverse entry frdwy banjkt( frdwy fof"V
Adverse party fri{kh
Adverse remarks frdwy vH;qfDr;ka] frdwy fVIif.k;ka
Adverse report frdwy fjiVZ
Adverse variances frdwy lj.k
Adversely frdy Hkko Mkyuk
Adversity nqHkkZX;] xjhch
Advertise foKkiu nsuk( foKkfir djuk
Advertised sale foKkfir fch
Advertised tender foKkfir fufonk( foKkfir VsaMj
Advertisement foKkiu
Advertisement Account foKkiu ys[kk
Advertisement Manager foKkiu ca/kd
Advertising foKkiu
Advertising Assistant foKkiu lgk;d
Advertising Standards Authority foKkiu ekud kf/kdj.k
Advice ijke'kZ] lykg] lwpuk
Advice awaited lykg dh rh{kk gS
Advice book lwpuk iqLrd@cgh
Advice note lwpuk i=( laKkiu i=
Advice of despatch s"k.k dh lwpuk] Hkstus dh lwpuk
Advice of payment Hkqxrku@vnk;xh dh lwpuk
Advice of transfer varj.k lwpuk] cnyh] gLrkarj.k@LFkkukarj.k dh lwpuk
Advice Slip lwpuk ipZh] laKkiu ipZh
Advise ijke'kZ nsuk] lykg nsuk
Advise accordingly rnuqlkj lwfpr djsa

Advise telegraphically rkj ls lwfpr djsa

Adviser lykgdkj] ijke'kZnkrk
Adviser (Advisor) lykgdkj
Adviser (or) lykgdkj
Adviser of Factories QSDVjh lykgdkj( dkj[kkuk lykgdkj
Adviser Soil Conservation Hkwfe laj{k.k lykgdkj
Advisor lykgdkj
Advisory lykgdkj
Advisory board lykgdkj eaMy@cMZ
Advisory commission lykgdkj vk;x
Advisory committee lykgdkj lfefr
Advisory council lykgdkj ifj"kn~
Advisory panel lykgdkj ukfedk
Advisory Service lykgdkj lsok
Advocacy odkyr( i{k&leFkZu
Advocate vf/kork( ,ModsV( i{k&leFkZu
Advocate General egkf/kork
Adynamia futhZork
Adytum xHkZx`g
Adze clwyk
AEAC All India Export Advisory Committee

vf[ky Hkkjrh; fu;kZr ijke'kZnk=h lfefr

Aegis laj{k.k
Aeolotropic fo"kefnd
Aeon dYi ;qx
Aerate gok Hkjuk] gok esa j[kuk
Aerated okfrr
Aerated Water Factory Chairman okfrr ty dkj[kkuk pktZeSu
Aerated Water Factory Chargeman okfrr ty dkj[k+kuk pktZeSu
Aerated Water Factory Manager okfrr ty dkj[kkuk ca/kd
Aerator okrd
AERC Agricultural Economic Research Centre

f"k vkfFkZd vuqla/kku dsU

Aerial ,fj;y( vkdk'kh( gokbZ

Aerial photo gokbZ QV
Aerial survey gokbZ loZs{k.k

Aerobic djrc
Aerodrome gokbZ vM~Mk
Aerolite mYdk'e
Aeronautical oSekfud
Aeroplane foeku( gokbZ tgkt+
Aeruginous uhygfj
Aesthesia laosnu'khyrk
Aesthete lanZ;&laosnh] lUn;Zikld
Aesthetic lUnZ;ijd( lq:fpiw.kZ
Aesthetic sense lan;Z c/k
Aestival xzh"edkyhu
Aestivate xzh"e fcrkuk
Aethere bZFkj
Aetiology gSrqdh] jxgsrq foKku
Afar nwj rd ls
AFC Agricultural Finance Corporation f"k foRr fuxe
Affability feyulkjh] ltU;
Affable feyulkj] Hkzn
Affair ekeyk] dk;Z] dke] selacU/k
Affair, Settlement of an ekeys dk fuiVkjk@fuiVku
Affairs ekeys] dk;Z
Affairs of the Union or the State la?k ;k jkT; ds dk;Z@ekeys
Affect Hkko Mkyuk( Hkkfor djuk
Affection vuqjkx] Lusg] o`fr
Afferent vfHkokgh
Affiance exuh] okXnku] Hkjlk] opu
Affiche b'rgkj] foKkiu
Affidavit 'kiFki=] gyQ+ukek
Affiliate lac) djuk] lac) laLFkk
Affiliated college lac) egkfo|ky;( lac) dkWyst
Affiliated societies lac) lfefr;ka
Affiliating univers laca/kd fo'+ofo|ky;
Affiliation laca/ku
Affined lEc)

Affinity vuqjfr( fookg laca/k

Affirm iqf"V@frKku djuk
Affirmation frKku] iqf"V
Affirmative ldkjkRed
Affix yxkuk
Afflatus mRsj.kk
Afflict nq%[k nsuk] d"V igqpkuk
Affluence kpq;Z] cgqrk;r] okg] vehjh
Afford nku djuk( nsuk( leFkZ guk
Afforestation ou&ji.k
Afforestation Officer ou&ji.k vf/kdkjh
Affranchise erkf/kdkj nsuk
Affray naxk] gaxkek
Affreightment eky&lafonk
Affricate Li'kZla?k"kZ
Affront viekfur djuk
Affusion vfHkflapu
Afganistan - Afghani vQxkfuLrku - vQxkuh
Afield [r ;k j.k{= esa
Afire Tofyr] mRrsftr
Aflame Tofyr] nhIr
Afoot iSny] tkjh] pkyw
Aforesaid iwoZdfFkr] iwoZDr
Aforethought iwoZfopkfjr
Afortiori lqrjka] Li"Vrj] vfrrjkaHkkoh
Afoul dh my>u esa iM+uk
Afraid Hk;Hkhr] Mjk gqvk
After ihNs] ckn esa] ds vuqlkj
After adequate consideration leqfpr fopkj ds ckn
After consultation with ls ijke'kZ djds
After crop mRrj lL;] ckn dh Qly
After date frfFk i'pkr] rkjh[k ds ckn
After image i'p frfcac
After issue tkjh gus ds ckn

After making allowance ed nsus ds i'pkRk

After market i'p cktkj@i'; foi.ku
After perusual ns[k ysus ds ckn] voydu ds ckn
After sale service fch ds ckn dh lsok
After sight n'kZuRrj] ns[kus ds ckn
After taking into account the result of discussion ea=ky; ds frfuf/k ds lkFk gq, fopkj foe'kZ ds ifj.kkea d /;ku esa j[kdj

After taking into consideration all aspects of the

ekeys ds lHkh igyqva ij fopkj djus ds ckn

After the expiry of dh lekfIr ij

Afterdate frF;qRrrj
Aftereffect mRrjHkko
Aftermath ifj.kke
Afternoon vijkgu( nigj ckn
Aftersight n'kZuRrrj
Again nckjk] blds vfrfjDr] fQj ls
Again and again ckj&ckj@ckjEckj
Against ds fo:)] foijhr] ds lkeus
Against all risks laiw.kZ tf[ke jfgr
Against public interest ydfgr@tufgr ds fo#)
Agamic v;qXed
Agape eqWg ck,] frHkt
Agaric ddjeqRrk] [kqeh
Agate xesn] vdhd
Age vk;q] mez] o;] thoudky
Age entry vk;q fof"V( mez dk banjkt
Age for suffrage erkf/kdkj vk;q
Age limit vk;q lhek] o; lhek
Age of compulsory retirement vfuok;Z lsok fuo`fRr dh vk;q@mez@o;
Age of retirement lsokfuo`Rrfr vk;q
Age of superannuati vf/kof"kZrk vk;q
Age of superannuation vf/kof"kZrk@fuorZu vk;q@mez@o;
Ageing iqjkuk g tkuk] thtZu] dky Hkkou
Agency vfHkdj.k( ,tsalh
Agency agreement vfHkdj.k@,tsalh le>rk@djkj
Agency and Branch Cash Book ,tsalh rFkk 'kk[kk jdM+ cgh

Agency arrangements vfHkdj.k ca/k@O;oLFkk] ,tsalh ca/k@O;oLFkk

Agency charge ,tsalh [kpZ] vfHkdj.k Hkkj
Agency commission ,tsalh@vfHkdj.k deh'ku
Agency Credit Journal ,tsalh sfMV tuZy@,tsalh tek tuZy
Agency function vfHkdj.k@,tsalh dk;Z
Agency Ledger ,tsalh [kkrk
Agency loans vfHkdj.k m/kkj@_.k
Agenda dk;Z&lwph
Agenda is sent herewith dk;Zlwph lkFk Hksth tk jgh gS
Agent vfHkdrkZ] ,tsaV
Agent, Auctioneering uhykeh vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, Clearing fudklh vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, Clearing and forwarding fudklh vj s"k.k ,tsaV
Agent, Commission vk<+fr;k] deh'ku vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, Del Creder vk'+oklh ,tsaV
Agent, Exporting fu;kZr vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, Forwarding vxzs"k.k vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, General lkekU; ,tsaV
Agent, Importing vk;kr vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, Particular fo'ks"k ,tsaV
Agent, Selling fo; ,tsaV
Agent, Sole ,dek= vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent, Special fo'ks"k ,tsaV
Agent, Travelling ;k=k vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV] lQjh vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Agent's discretionary powers vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV dk foosdkf/kdkj
Agent's ledger vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV [kkrk&cgh
Agewise valuation of stock eky@LVkd dk vof/kokj ewY;kadu
Agglomerate ,d=] lafpr djuk ;k g tkuk
Agglutinate fpidk;k gqvk] ;xkRed
Aggradation Hkwfeo`f)
Aggrandisement foo/kZu( vfrdFku
Aggrandize foo/kZu djuk] c<+kuk
Aggravate Hkkjh dj nsuk] xaHkhj cukuk
Aggravating xaHkhj dkjd

Aggravation vio`f)( xq#rj guk

Aggregate iw.kZ;x( dqy
Aggregate data rate leqPp; vkadM+k nj
Aggregate deposits dqy tekjkf'k;ka
Aggregate expression leqPp; O;td
Aggregate function leqPp; Qyu
Aggregate Income dqy vk;
Aggregate object leqPp; y{;
Aggregate operator leqPp; ladkjd
Aggregate Pay dqy osru
Aggregate value dqy ewY;
Aggregation leqPp;( lewg
Aggregative jkf'kdj.kh;] ;xkRed
Aggressive vkked
Aggrieve nq[k% ;k d"V nsuk
Aggrieved vlarq"V] O;fFkr] vkrZ
Aggrieved party vlarq"V i{k
Aghast HkpDdk] vkrafdr
Agile Qjrhyk] n{k
Agio cV~Vk] c<+rh
Agio-premium c<+rh@cV~Vk hfe;e
Agist HkkM+s ij pjkuk

fgykuk] ijs'kku djuk] vkUnyu djuk] mRrsftr djuk] foj/k djuk

Agitation vkanyu
Agitator vkanyudkjh
Aglet ?kq.Mh
Aglow nhIr
Agmark ,xekdZ
Agnail xydk
Agnate lfi.M] ln`'k
Agnomen miuke
Agnostic vKs;oknh
Ago igys] cgqr igys
Agog fody] mRlqd

Agon ukV;&fookn
Agonic vd.k] 'kwU;fnDikrh
Agonistic [y&dn fo"k;d] f=e
Agonize rM+iuk] lrkuk kZ
Agony ?kj O;Fkk] ;U=.kk] la?k"kZ
Agoraphobia foo`r&LFkku Hkhfr] Mj
Agrarian f"k Hkwfe laca/kh
Agrarian law f"k Hkwfe fof/k( f"k Hkwfe d+kuwu
Agrarian policy f"k Hkwfe uhfr
Agrarian reform f"k&Hkwfe lq/kkj
Agrarian reforms f"k Hkwfe laca/kh lq/kkj
Agree lger guk] jkth guk] Lohdkj djuk
Agree with `A' above eSa ij d ls lger gw
Agreed lger] Lohr
Agreed assessment lger fu/kkZj.k
Agreed case Lohr ekeyk
Agreed statement of facts Lohr rF;&dFku
Agreed to lgefr gS
Agreed to in principle fl)kUr :i ls@fl)kUrr% Lohr@ekuk x;k
Agreement djkj] vuqca/k i=] lgefr] jt+keanh] le>rk
Agreement form djkjukek( vuqca/k i=
Agreement to sell fch djkj
Agrestic nsgkrh] xzkeh.k
Agricultural accounts f"k ys[ks
Agricultural advances f"k _.k@vfxze
Agricultural and rural economy f"k vj xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk
Agricultural bank f"k cSad
Agricultural Commission f"k vk;x
Agricultural commodities f"k i.;@oLrq,a
Agricultural credit f"k _.k] f"k lk[k
Agricultural Credit Advisor f"k lk[k lykgdkj
Agricultural Credit Corporation f"k _.k fuxe
Agricultural Credit Department f"k _.k foHkkx
Agricultural Credit Society f"k _.k lfefr

Agricultural debt f"k _.k

Agricultural depression f"k eanh
Agricultural development f"k fodkl
Agricultural econom f"k vFkZ'kkL=
Agricultural economics f"k vFkZ'kkL=
Agricultural economy f"k vFkZO;oLFkk
Agricultural engineering f"k bathfu;jh
Agricultural environment f"k i;kZoj.k
Agricultural expert f"k fo'ks"kK
Agricultural extension f"k foLrkj
Agricultural extension service f"k foLrkj lsok
Agricultural farm f"k QkeZ
Agricultural finance f"k foRr
Agricultural forecasting f"k laca/kh iwokZuqeku
Agricultural geology f"k Hkw&foKku
Agricultural holdin tr
Agricultural holding f"k tr
Agricultural implements f"k midj.k@vtkj
Agricultural Implements Specialist f"k midj.k fo'ks"kK
Agricultural improvement f"k lq/kkj@mU+ufr
Agricultural income f"k vk;] [ksrh ls vk;
Agricultural inputs f"k fufof"V;ka
Agricultural labour f"k Jfed] [ksfrgj et+nwj
Agricultural land f"k Hkwfe
Agricultural law f"k fof/k
Agricultural machinery f"k ;a=@e'khusa] [ksrh dh e'khusa
Agricultural market f"k foi.ku
Agricultural market report f"k eaMh fjiVZ
Agricultural marketing f"k foi.ku] [ksrh dh mit dh gkV&O;oLFkk
Agricultural Marketing Advisor f"k foi.ku lykgdkj
Agricultural Marketing Directorate f"k foi.ku funs'kky;
Agricultural operations f"k dk;Z
Agricultural output f"k fuxZr( f"k mRiknu
Agricultural planning f"k vk;tuk

Agricultural policy f"k uhfr

Agricultural policy circulars f"k uhfr fo"k;d ifji=
Agricultural Price Index f"k ewY; lwpdkad
Agricultural Prices Commission f"k ewY; vk;x
Agricultural produce f"k mit] f"k iSnkokj] [ksrh dh mit@iSnkokj
Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 19

f"k mit Js.khdj.k vj fpUgkadu vf/kfu;e] 1937

Agricultural Produce Cess Act, 1940 f"k mit midj vf/kfu;e] 1940
Agricultural production f"k mRiknu
Agricultural production finance f"k mRiknu foRri"k.k
Agricultural productivity f"k mRikfnrk@mRikndrk
Agricultural products f"k mRikn] f"ktU; oLrq,a
Agricultural profit f"k ykHk
Agricultural property f"k laifRr
Agricultural purpose f"k ;tu
Agricultural purpose allowance f"k ;tu ed NwV
Agricultural Refinance & Development Corporation
Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation

f"k iqufoZRr vj fodkl fuxe

f"k iqufoZRr vj fodkl fuxe vf/kfu;e] 1963

Agricultural Refinance Corporation f"k iqufoZRrr fuxe

Agricultural Refinance Development Corporation

f"k iqufoZRrr vj fodkl fuxe

Agricultural rent yxku

Agricultural requisites f"k laca/kh vko';drk,a
Agricultural Research and Education Centre

f"k vuqla/kku vj f'k{kk dsa

Agricultural Research Statistics Institute f"k vuqla/kku lkaf[;dh laLFkku

Agricultural revolution f"k kfUr] [ksrh dh i)fr;a esa kafr
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board f"k oSKkfud HkrZh cMZ

Agricultural society f"k lfefr] "kd lekt

Agricultural Stabilisation Fund f"k fLFkjhdj.k fuf/k
Agricultural stage f"k voLFkk@pj.k
Agricultural statistics f"k lkaf[;dh] f"k laca/kh vkadM+s
Agricultural strategy f"k dk;Z&;tuk
Agricultural year f"k o"kZ
Agriculture f"k] [ksrh] [ksrhckM+h
Agriculture and allied activities f"k vj lac) dk;Z
Agriculture Officer f"k vf/kdkjh

Agriculturist "kd] fdlku] f"k foKkuh

Agriculturists' Loans Act, 1984 "kd m/kkj vf/kfu;e] 1884
Agro Service Centre f"k lsok dsU
Agro-based industries f"k&vk/kkfjr m|x
Agro-biology f"k tho&foKku@tSfodh
Agro-climatic regio f"k&tyok;q ns'k
Agro-economic features f"k&vkfFkZd y{k.k@fo'ks"krk,a
Agro-Foresty f"k&okfudh
Agro-implements f"k&midj.k
Agro-industries f"k m|x
Agronomical f"kr foKku laca/kh
Agronomist lL; foKkuh
Agronomy lL; foKku
Agrostologist ?kklfoKkuh
Aground HkwxzLr
Ague twM+h] 'khrToj] flgju
Ah gk;] vkg
Ahead vkxs
Ahull fu"iky
AIC Agro Industries Corporation f"k m|x fuxe
Aid lgk;rk( enn
AID Agency for International Development

vUrjkZ"Vh; fodkl ,tsalh

Aid and advice lgk;rk vj lykg

Aid. Consortium lgk;rk la?k
Aide lgk;d
Aided lgk;rk kIr
Aided (as "school") lgk;rkkIr
AIDIS All India Debt and Investment Survey

vf[ky Hkkjrh; _.k vj fuos'k loZs{k.k

AIFF (audio interchange file format ) ,SQ JO; fofues; lafpdk la:i
Aigrette cxyk
AIHB All India Handicrafts Board vf[ky Hkkjrh; gLrf'kYi cMZ
Aileron lgi{k
Ailing chekj
Aim fu'kkuk ck/kuk] y{;] ms';

Aiming circle la/kku o`r

Aiming field (aiming symbol ) la/kku {ks=
Aiming symbol la/kku rhd
Air ok;q] gok
Air Adviser gokbZ lykgdkj
Air base foeku LFky
Air borne trade foeku okfgr O;kikj@gokbZ O;kikj
Air cargo gokbZ eky
Air Chief Marshal ,;j phQ+ ek'kZy
Air Commodore ,;j deMj
Air conditioned sle okrkuqdwfyr 'kkf;dk Js.kh
Air conditioning okrkuqdwyu
Air- Conditioning Mechanic okrkuqdwyu esdsfud
Air Consignment Note foeku ijs"k.k i=
Air Controller gokbZ fu;a=.k( ,;j daVyj
Air Coordinator gokbZ leUo;h( ,;j dvkWfMZusVj
Air Craftman ,;j kVeSu
Air crew foekudeZh( ,;j w
Air Defence Commander gokbZ j{kk dekaMj
Air Despatcher gokbZ s"kd
Air Field Safety Operator gokbZ eSnku laj{kk pkyd( ,;j QhYM lsVh vkWijsVj
Air force ok;q lsuk
Air Force Local Audit Office ok;qlsuk LFkkuh; ys[kk&ijh{kk dk;kZy;
Air Force Station ok;qlsuk dsa
Air freight gokbZ eky&HkkM+k
Air Gunner gokbZ riph
Air Headquarters ok;qlsuk eq[;ky;
Air hostess foeku ifjpkfjdk( ,;j gLVsl
Air Intelligence Unit gokbZ vklwpuk ,dd
Air journey gokbZ ;k=k] foeku ;k=k
Air layering xwVh cka/kuk
Air mail gokbZ Mkd
Air Mail Account gokbZ Mkd ys[kk
Air mail bag gokbZ Mkd FkSyk

Air mail envelope gokbZ Mkd fyQ+kQ+k

Air Mail Inspector gokbZ Mkd fujh{kd
Air mail letter gokbZ Mkd i=
Air mail post card gokbZ Mkd iLVdkMZ
Air mail service gokbZ Mkd lsok
Air mail stamp gokbZ Mkd fVdV
Air mail transport charges gokbZ Mkd ifjogu Hkkj
Air Marshal ,;j ek'kZy
Air mosaic ok;q ekst+Sd
Air Officer Commanding ,;j vQ+lj dekafMax
Air Officer In-Charge ,;j vQ+lj bapktZ
Air Officer on Special Duty fo'ks"k M~+;wVh ok;q vQlj
Air route gokbZ ekxZ
Air strip gokbZ iV~Vh
Air Survey Draftsman gokbZ loZs{k.k uD'kkuohl
Air traffic gokbZ ;krk;kr
Air Transport Liasion Officer gokbZ ifjogu&laidZ vQ+lj
Air Vice-Marshal ,;j okbl&ek'kZy
Air worthiness mM+u ;X;rk
Airborne computer system ok;qokfgd daI;wVj r=a
Aircommand gokbZ deku
Aircondition okrkuqdfyr
Air-conditioning Supervisor okrkuqdwyu i;Zos{kd
Aircraft ok;q;ku
Aircraft Examiner ok;q;ku ijh{kd
Aircraft Inspector ok;q;ku fujh{kd
Airfield gokbZ {ks=
Airman ok;q lSfud( ,;jeSu
Airport foekuiRrru
Airport From of Advice gokbZ iRru lwpuk i=
Airport From of Advice gokbZ iRrru lwpuk i=
Airport Health Organisation foeku iRrru LokLF; laxBu
Aisle ik'oZohFkh] jkLrk
Aitch gdkj

Aitchbone iqs dh gh
Ajar v/k[kqyk] fpM+fpM+k
Akimbo dej ij gkFk j[ gq,
Akin lEcU/kh
Ala i{kd
Alabaster fly[kM+h
Alacrity rRijrk
Alamode QS'kuscqy
Alarm vkin ladsr( [krjs dk ladsr( vykeZ( vkrafdr djuk
Alarm Signal fitting [krjk ladsr tqM+ukj fQfVax
Alary i{k
Alas gUr] gk;
Alate li{kd
Alb 'osrRrjh;
Albania - Lek vYckfu;k - ysd
Albeit ;|fi
Albescent 'osrk;
Albinism jatdghurk
Albino jatdghu] lqjteq[kh
Albumen 'osrd] lQsnh
Alchemist dhfe;kxj
Alcohol ,YdgkWy
Alcoholic liquor ef|d is;
Alcove 'kF;kd"B] vkyk] dat
ALDA Agricultural Labourers Development Agency

f"k Jfed fodkl ,tsalh

Alder vkYMj] fHknqj

Alderman ij&eq[;
Aldus page maker ,YMl ist&esdj
Ale fc;j
Aleatory HkkX;;k/khu] la;x
Alee vuqokr kZ
Alembic HkHkdk
Alert pdk] lrdZ] lko/kku
Alert box lpsr isVh

Alertness ltxrk
Alexander fldUnj
Alfalfa xjkjh
Alfresco ckgj
Algae 'oky
Algebra chtxf.kr] chtkoyh
Algebraic eigen value problem chth; vkbZxueku leL;k
Algebraic integration chth; lekdyu
Algebraic language chth; Hkk"kk
Algebraic manipulation chth; ifjpkyu
Algebraic manipulation language chth; dyu Hkk"kk
Algebraic oriented language chtksUeq[kh Hkk"kk
Algebraic shift chth; foLFkkiu
Algebraic sign convention chth; fpu ifjikVh
Algol feature ,sYxkWy y{k.k
Algol programming ,YxkWy ekns'ku@ksxzkeu
Algorism n'keyo&.kkyh
Algorithm vYxksfjn~e] dyu fof/k
Algorithm computability ,YxksfjFe vfHkdyuh;rk@,YxksfjFe daI;wVuh;rk
Algorithm associative language ,YxksfjFe lkgp;Z Hkk"kk@dyu fof/k lkgp;Z Hkk"kk
Algorithm classification ,YxksfjFe oxhZdj.k@dyu fof/k oxhZdj.k
Algorithm complexity ,YxksfjFe tfVyrk@dyu fof/k tfVyrk
Algorithm language ,YxksfjFe Hkk"kk@dyu fof/k Hkk"kk
Algorithm routine dyu fof/k usedk@,YxksfjFe usedk
Algorithm theory ,YxksfjFe fl)kar@dyu fof/k fl)kar
Algorithmic analysis ,YxksfjFe fo'ys"k.k@dyu fof/k fo'ys"k.k
Algorithmic approach dyufo/kh; mixeu
Algorithmic decomposition ,YxksfjfFed fo?kVu
Algous 'oky tSlk
Alias mQZ+
Alias name mQZuke
Aliasing ,fyvklu
Alibi vU;=&fLFkfr

Alien vU;ns'kh;
Alienable vU;lakE;
Alienation vU;lake.k
Alienation Officer vU; lake.k dk;kZy;
Aliform i{kkdkj
Alight mrjuk] ikuk] mTtoy
Align lh/k cka/kuk] lh/k feykuk] lajs[k.k djuk
Alignment lajs[k.k
Alike ln`'k] rqY;] leku
Alike, Proposals are Lrko leku gS] Lrko ,d tSls gSa
Aliment vkgkj] Hktu
Alimony fuokZg&O;;
Aliped i{kinh;
Alive thfor] orZeku] lf;] ltho
Aliweb ,sfyosc
Alkalescence {kkjhHkou
Alkali {kkj] [kkjk
Alkanet esgnh
All lc] lHkh] leLr] lkjk
All clear Signal iw.kZ fuckZ/krk ladsr flxuy
All concerned should note loZ lacaf/kr uV djsa
All Days Milk Stall Manager iw.kZ fnolh; nqX/k dsa ca/kd
All inclusive cost loZlekos'kh ykxr
All India average vf[ky Hkkjrh; vlr
All India Institute of Medical Science vf[ky Hkkjrh; vk;qfoZKku laLFkku
All India Institute of Physical Medicine Rehabilit

vf[ky Hkkjrh; Hkfrd v"k/k ,oa iquokZl laLFkku

All India Institute of Speech Hearing vf[ky Hkkjrh; okd~,oa Jo.k laLFkku
All India Newspaper Editors Conference

vf[ky Hkkjrh; lekpkji= laiknd lEesyu

All India Radio vkdk'kok.kh

All India Railwaymen's Federation vf[ky Hkkjrh; jsyos deZpkjh egkla?k
All India Rural Credit Service Committee vf[ky Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k lk[k lsok lfefr

All India Service vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsok

All India Services vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsok,a
All India Services Act, 1951 vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsok vf/kfu;e] 1951

All India Services Regulations (Indemnity) Act, 19

vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsok fofu;e laj{k.k vf/kfu;e] 1975

All other goods not elsewhere specified vU;= fofufnZ"V fd, x, lHkh vU; eky
All right signal vck/krk ladsr
All rights reserved lokZf/kdkj lqjf{kr
All risks lHkh@dqy tf[ke
All steel coach bLikrh fMCck
Allay 'kkUr djuk] de djuk
Allegation vkji] n"kkji.k
Allege vkji yxkuk
Alleged vfHkdfFkr
Alleged disparity rFkkdfFkr vlekurk@fo"kerk@varj
Alleged embezzlement dfFkr xcu
Allegiance fu"Bk
Allegorical yk{kf.kd] vkU;fDrijd
Allegretto voqr
Allegro qr
Allergy R;wtZrk( ,ythZ
Alleviate gydk dj nsuk] de djuk
Alley xyh] ixM.Mh] ohfFkdk
Alliaceous y'kquh] y'kqux/kh
Alliance eS=h] laca/k
Allied lEc)
Allies fe= jk"V
Alligation feJ.k
Alligator ,sfyxsVj
Alliterate vuqkl guk
Allocable income fofu;T; vk;
Allocable surplus vkoaVuh; vf/k'ks"k
Allocate fofu/kku djuk] fu/kkZfjr djuk] Bgjkuk] ckVuk
Allocation fofu/kku] caVokjk] vkoaVu] fofu;tu] fu/kkZj.k
Allocation of busin dk;Z fu;ru
Allocation of expenditure O;;@[kpZ dk fofu/kku
Allocation of expenses O;; dk fofu/kku@fu/kkZj.k [kpZ dk caVokjk
Allocation of sample size uewuk&vkdkj dk fofu/kku@fu/kkZj.k

Allocation strategy module fu;ru ;qfDr ekM~;wy@vkoaVu ;qfDr ekM~;wy

Allocation structure fu;ru lajpuk
Allocution Hkk"k.k] mins'k
Allogamy ijfu"pu
Allonge i`"Bkadu ipZhZ] cspku ipZhZ
Allot vkoaVu djuk
Allotheism vU;nso&iwtk
Allotment vkoaVu] fu;ru
Allotment Book vkcaVu iqLrd
Allotment letter vkcaVu&i=
Allotment Money vkcaVu jkf'k
Allotment of debentures fMcsapja dk fu;ru@vkoaVu
Allotment of fund fuf/k vkcaVu
Allotment of funds jkf'k@fuf/k dk vkoaVu
Allotment Officer vkcaVu vf/kdkjh
Allotment order vkoaVu vkns'k
Allotment Return vkcaVu fooj.kh
Allotment Sheet vkcaVu 'khV
Allotment Supervisor vkcaVu i;Zos{kd
Allotment, Letter of vkoaVu i=
Allotment, Return of vkoaVu fooj.kh
Allotrope vi:i
Allotropy vi:irk
Allottee vkoafVrh
Allow btktr nsuk( vuqefr nsuk
Allow an appeal vihy eatwj djuk
Allowable vuqKs; Lohdk;Z
Allowance HkRrk] NwV] xqatkb'k
Allowance Admissible vuqKs; Lohdk;Z@xzkg+;
Allowance, Arrears of 'ks"k ns; HkRrk] HkRrs dh cdk;k jkf'k
Allowance, Bad climate frdwy tyok;q HkRrk
Allowance, Capital jkt/kkuh HkRrk
Allowance, Charges dk;ZHkkj HkRrk
Allowance, Children larku HkRrk

Allowance, Children education larku f'k{kk HkRrk

Allowance, City uxj HkRrk
Allowance, City Compensatory uxj frdj HkRrrk
Allowance, Closing ys[kkcanh HkRrk
Allowance, Clothing oL= HkRrk
Allowance, Clothing/Uniform oL=@onZh HkRrrk
Allowance, Compassionate vuqdaik HkRrrk
Allowance, Compensatory friwjd HkRrk] eqvkot+k@frdj HkRrk
Allowance, Conveyance lokjh HkRrk] okgu HkRrk
Allowance, Cycle lkbfdy HkRrk
Allowance, Daily nSfud HkRrrk
Allowance, Dearness egaxkbZ HkRrk
Allowance, Depreciation ewY;gkl NwV@ed
Allowance, deputation frfu;qfr HkRrrk
Allowance, Diet Hktu HkRrrk
Allowance, Duty M~+;wVh HkRrrk
Allowance, Entertainment Lokxr&lRdkj HkRrk] vkfrF; HkRrk
Allowance, Equipment miLdj HkRrk] lkt&lkeku HkRrk
Allowance, Extra duty vfrfjr M~+;wVh HkRrrk
Allowance, Extra Shift vfrfjr ikjh ed
Allowance, Family ifjokj HkRrk
Allowance, Foreign fons'k HkRrk
Allowance, Halting fojke HkRrrk
Allowance, Hill igkM+ HkRrrk@ioZrh; LFkku HkRrrk
Allowance, Horse (Conveyance) ?kM+k okgu HkRrrk
Allowance, House rent edku fdjk;k HkRrk
Allowance, Households x`gLFk HkRrrk
Allowance, Indian Army Hkkjrh; lsuk HkRrrk
Allowance, Marriage fookg HkRrrk
Allowance, Mileage ehy HkRrrk
Allowance, Motor Car eVj dkj HkRrrk
Allowance, Non-practising sfDVl&canh HkRrrk
Allowance, Office dk;kZy; HkRrrk
Allowance, Officiating LFkkukiU+u HkRrrk

Allowance, outfit lTtk HkRrrk

Allowance, Outstation ckg; LFkku HkRrk
Allowance, overseas leqikj HkRrrk
Allowance, Overtime le;ifj HkRrk
Allowance, Permanent travelling LFkk;h ;k=k HkRrrk
Allowance, Project ifj;tuk HkRrrk
Allowance, Sumptuary lRdkj@vkfrF; HkRrrk
Allowance, Travelling ;k=k HkRrk
Allowance, Uniform onZh HkRrrk
Allowance, Winter 'khr HkRrrk
Allowed time vuqer le;
Alloy feJ /kkrq
Alloy cast steel feJ <yoka bLikr
Alloy iron feJ ygk
Alloy steel feJ bLikr
All-purpose computer loksZn~ns'kh; vfHkdfy=
Allude ladsr djuk
Allure yqHkkuk] yHku nsuk] ek;k
Allusion ladsr] b'kkjk
Alluvial dNkjh] ty<+
Alluvion dPN] ck<+] vkIykou
Ally fe=] cU/kq] l[kk] feykuk
Almamater viuk dkyst ;k fo|ky;
Almanac iapkx i=] frfFki=] tarjh
Almightiness loZ'kfDreku
Almirah vyekjh
Almond cknke
Almost k;%] djhc&djhc] yxHkx
Alms fHk{kk] Hkh[k
Aloe vx:] vxj] ?khdWokj
Aloft ij] ps ij
Alone vdsyk] flQZ] dsoy] ek=
Along ds lekukUrj] lkFk] yEckbZ esa
Aloof vyx] nwj

Aloud ps Loj esa] tj ls

Alow Msd ds uhps
Alp iorZf'k[kj
Alpha ,sYQk
Alpha Numeric Punch v{kjkadh; iap
Alpha test ,sYQk ijh{k.k
Alphabet ddgjk] o.kZekyk
Alphabetic v{kjkRed@o.kkZuqfe
Alphabetic character set v{kjkRed larhd leqPp;
Alphabetic character v{kjkRed larhd@o.kkZuqfed larhd
Alphabetic character subset v{kjkRed larhd mileqPp;
Alphabetic code v{kjkRed dwV@v{kjkRed dksM
Alphabetic order o.kZe( vdkjkfne
Alphabetic shift v{kjkRed foLFkkiuk
Alphabetic string v{kjkRed J`a[kyk
Alphabetic word v{kjkRed 'kCn
Alphabetical indexi o.kkZuqlkj lwph;u
Alphabetical slip v{kj ipZh
Alphabetization o.kkZuqe.k
Alphageometrics o.kkZT;kfefrdh@v{kjT;kfefrdh
Alphamosaic vYQkekst+sd
Alphanumeric v{kjkadh;
Alphanumeric character v{kjkadh; larhd
Alphanumeric character set v{kjkadh; larhd leqPp;
Alphanumeric code v{kjkadh; dwV@v{kjkadh; dksM
Alphanumeric coded character set v{kjkadh; dqfjr@dksfMr larhd leqPp;
Alphanumeric data v{kjkadh; vkadM+k
Alphanumeric display device v{kjkadh; n'kZ ;qfDr
Alphanumeric edited character v{kjkadh; laikfnr larhd
Alphanumeric field v{kjakdh; {ks=
Alphanumeric instruction v{kjkadh; vuqns'k
Alphanumeric keyboard v{kjkadh; dqath iVy@v{kjkadh; dh&cksMZ
Alphanumeric sort v{kjkadh; NVkbZ
Alphanumeric storage v{kjkadh; HkaMkj.k

Alphanumerical keyboard device v{kjkadh; dqathiVy ;qfDr@v{kjkadh; dh&cksMZ

Already vHkh] vHkh rd] igys ls
Also Hkh] lkFk gh
Alt vkYV
Alt hierarchy vkYV inkuqe
Alt key vkYV dqath
Altar osnh] osfndk
Altavista ,sYVkfoLVk
Altazimuth vYVktheFk
Altenate ,dkUrj( fodYih
Alter cny nsuk] gsj Qsj djuk] ifjorZu
Alter mode ifjorZu fo/kk
Alterable memory ifjorZuh; Le`fr@ifjorZuh; eSeksjh
Alteration ifjorZu] Qsj&cny] gsj&Qsj
Alteration switch ifjorZu fLop
Alteration, Material rkfRod ifjorZu
Altercate >xM+uk
Altercation dgklquh
Altered Note :ikarfjr uV
Alterego vUrjax fe=
Altering ifjorZu
Alternando ,dkUrj vuqikr
Alternant ,dkUrjd
Alternate oSdfYid] ,dkarj
Alternate address oSdfYid irk
Alternate nominee oSdfYid ukferh
Alternate recovery oSdfYid iqu kfIr
Alternate route oSdfYid vuqekxZ
Alternate routing oSdfYid vuqekxZu
Alternate Scheme oSdfYid ;tuk
Alternate Specific duty oSdfYid fof'k"V 'kqYd
Alternate track oSdfYid iFk
Alternating group fodYih lewg
Alternation R;korZu

Alternative fodYi] oSdfYid

Alternative attribute oSdfYid xq.k
Alternative demand oSdfYid ekax
Alternative denial oSdfYid [kaMu
Alternative hypothesis oSdfYid kDdYiuk
Alternative method oSdfYid i)fr
Alternative newsgroups hierarchy fodYi lekpkj lewg inkuqe
Alternative position oSdfYid@nwljh fLFkfr
Alternative promise oSdfYid opu
Alternatively fodYir%
Alternator R;kofrZr
AlterNet ,sYVjusV
Although ;|fi] gkykfd
Altimeter rqaxrkekih
Altitude pkbZ] rqaxrk] 'kh"kZyEc
Altocumulus e/;diklh
Altogether iw.kZr;k] iw.kZ :i ls( dy feyk dj
Altostratus e/;Lrjh
Altruism ijdkfjrk
Altruist ijidkjh
Alum fQVdjh
Aluminium ,syqfeuh
Alumna Nk=k
Alumnus Nk=] fo|kFkhZ] Lukrd
Alunite fQVdjh&iRFkj
Alveolar oRL;Z kZ
Alveolate fNfy
Always lnk] ges'kk] loZnk
Am desired to say eq>s fuosnu djus ds fy, dgk x;k gS
Am directed to eq>s funs'k gqvk gS
Am to add eq>s ;g Hkh fy[kuk gS
Am to say ;g dguk gS fd
Amah vk;k
Amalgam ikjnfeJ.k] lfEeJ.k] foy;u

Amalgamated lekesfyr
Amalgamating lekesyh
Amalgamation lekesyu
Amalgamation of company daifu;a dk lekesyu
Amalgamation of credit _.k dk lekesyu
Amalgamation of partnership Hkkxhnkjh dk lekesyu
Amalgamation of societies lfefr;a dk lekesyu@feyk;k tkuk
Amanuensis lssVjh] fyfid
Amaranth pykbZ
Amass lafpr djuk] tek djuk
Amateur 'kfd;k
Amative seh] dkeqd
Amatory J`xakjh
Amaurosis dkp] rfU=dkU/krk
Amaze pfdr] fofLer
Ambassador jktnwr
Amber r`.kef.k
Amber area ,Ecj {ks=
Ambidexter lC;lkph] /k[ckt
Ambient ifjos'kh] vkl&ikl dk
Ambient light ifjos'k dk'k
Ambient reflection ifjos'k ijkorZu
Ambient reflection coefficient ifjos'k ijkorZu xq.kkad
Ambiguity };FkZdrk] f}/kkFkZdrk] ngjs vFkZ dk] lafnX/krk
Ambiguity error lafnX/krk =qfV
Ambiguous lafnX/kkFkZh
Ambiguous grammar lafnX/k O;kdj.k
Ambiguous reference lafnX/k lanZHk
Ambition egRokdka{kk] vfHkyk"kk
Ambitious egRokdka{kh
Ambivalence }S/ko`fRr
Amble Vgyuk] jgoky
Amblyopia eUn n`f"V
Ambsace ngjk bDdk] cnfdLefr] nqHkkZX;

Ambulance vLirky dh xkM+h

Ambulance Driver jxh&xkM+h pkyd( ,acqysal Mkboj
Ambuscade ?kkr es jguk ;k fcBkuk
Ambush ?kkr] ?kkrLFkku] ?kkr yxkuk
Amenable o';] vkKkdkjh] mRrjnk;h] fouez
Amenably fe=Hkko ls] lq[kiwoZd
Amend la'kf/kr djuk( la'k/ku djuk
Amende honorable iwjh {kfriwfrZ] lc ds lkeus {kek;kpuk
Amended draft la'kf/kr elnk( la'kf/kr k:i
Amending bill la'k/kh fo/ks;d
Amendment la'k/ku
Amendment Act, The Indian Income-Tax

Hkkjrh; vk;dj la'k/ku vf/kfu;e

Amendment Bill fo/ks;d

Amendment of licence vuqKfIr@ykblsal dk la'k/ku
Amendment slip la'k/ku ipZhZ
Amends {kfriwfrZ] gjtkuk
Amenities lq[k lqfo/kk,a] lq[k lk/ku]lqfo/kk,a
Amenity lq[k&lqfo/kk
Amenity Clerk lq[k&lqfo/kk fyfid
Ament nqcZycqf}
Amentia cqf}&ncZY;
Amerce tqekZuk nsuk ;k yxkuk
America vejhdk
American national standards institute vesfjdh jk"Vh; ekud laLFkku
American standard code for information interchangi

vesjhdh ekud dwV

Amethyst vesfFkLV( tkeuh] tEcqef.k

Ametropia fo"ke&n`f"V
Amiability ltU;] lE;rk] Lusg
Amicable lgknZiw.kZ( eS=hiw.kZ
Amicably fe=Hkko ls] lq[kiwoZd] vkil esa
Amice LdU/kiV
Amid e/;] chp
Amidst esa( chp esa
Amiga ,faexk

Amitosis vlw=foHkktu
Amity eS=h] lgknZ
Ammeter /kkjkekih
Ammonia frDrkfr( ulknj
Ammunition xyk&ck:n
Amnesia Le`fr&yi] ;knnk'r [kuk
Amnesty loZ{kek
Amnion mYo kZ
Amoeba vehck thok.kq
Amoeba dysentery vehck&isfp'k
Amomum byk;ph
Among esa] esa ls] chp esa
Amoral fuuSfrd] lnkpj&fujis{k
Amorist J`axkjh
Amorous seh] .k;h] J`axkjh
Amorphous vfu;r:I] jokghu] cs<axk
Amortisation ifj'k/ku
Amortisation Fund ifj'k/ku fuf/k
Amortisation of Debt _.k ifj'k/ku
Amortisation of dues ns; jkf'k;a dk ifj'k/ku
Amortisation of premium hfe;e dk ifj'k/ku
Amortisation payments _.k&ifj'k/ku vnk;fx;ka
Amortised loan ifj'kf/kr _.k
Amortization ifj'k/ku] lake.k
Amortizationof debt _.k eqfr( _.k ifj'k/ku
Amortize ifj'k/ku djuk] _`.k pqdkuk
Amount jkf'k] jde] ifjek.k] ek=k
Amount claimed nkos dh jkf'k
Amount column jkf'k dkye@jde dk [kkuk
Amount commuted ifjofrZr jkf'k
Amount considered doubtful of recovery olwyh ds fy, lafnX/k le>h x;h jkf'k

Amount considered fully recoverable iw.kZr% olwyh ;X; le>h x;h jkf'k
Amount deposited tek dh x;h jde
Amount drawn vkgfjr jkf'k

Amount due on account of credit sales m/kkj fch dh ,ot esa kI; jkf'k
Amount earmarked mf"V jkf'k
Amount in default vupqdh jkf'k] vnk;xh esa pwd dh jkf'k
Amount of issue fuxZe jkf'k
Amount outstanding cdk;k jkf'k
Amount placed under objection vkiRrfrxr jde@jkf'k
Amount prepaid iwoZnRrr jkf'k@jde
Amount realised kIr jkf'k] olwy gqbZ jde
Amount withdrawn vakgfjr jkf'k
Amounting to lerqY; guk] dfV esa vkuk
Amount-wise jdeokj] jkf'k ds vuqlkj
Amour xqIr se lEcU/k
Ampere ,sfEi;j( /kkjk
Ampersand ,aijlSaM &/kkjk dk fpUg
Amphibian mHk;pj
Amphora ngRFkk dy'k
Ample yEck pMk] foLr`r] i;kZIr
Amplexicaul LrEHkkfyaxh
Ampliative foLrkjd] foLrkjh
Amplification foLrkj.k] c<kuk] o/kZu
Amplitude vk;ke
Amplitude limiter vk;ke lhed
Amplitude modulation vk;ke ekWM;qyu
Amplitude modulation application vk;ke ekWM;qyu vuq;ksx
Amplitude modulation generation vk;ke ekWM;qyu tuu
Amplitude modulation index vk;ke ekWM;qyu lwpdkad
Amplitude modulation receiver vk;ke ekWM;qyu vfHkxzkgh
Amply pqj ek=k esa
Ampoule lEiqVd
Amputation foPNsnu] vaxPNsnu
AMU Asian Monetary Union ,f'k;kbZ efd la?k
AMU Asian Monetary Unit ,f'k;kbZ efd bdkbZ
Amuck fgalUer guk] vkis ls ckgj guk
Amulet rkoht] tUrj] dop

Amuse th ;k eu cgykuk] eujatu djuk

Amygdalic cknkeh
An introduction to data structured with applicatio

vkadM+k lapfjr cqf}

Anabatic vkjgh
Anabolism mip;
Anabranch R;kxr /kkjk
Anachronism dkyn"k] iqjko'"k
Anacoluthon viokD;
Anacrusis vk|kf/ko.kZ
Anadiplosis vUR;inkuqo`fr
Anadromous leqkixkeh
Anaemia jDr{kh.krk] vjDrrk
Anaerobe okrfujis{k
Anaesthetist ,usLFksfVLV( laKkgj.kfoKkuh
Anagogic jgL;kRed
Anagram o.kZfoi;kZl
Anal xqnk&lEcU/kh
Analects lwfDrlaxzg
Analeptic lathod
Analgesia ihM+k'kwU;rk
Analog vuq:i@,ukykWx
Analog adder vuq:i ;kstd
Analog channel vuq:i .kky
Analog computer vuq:i daI;wVj
Analog converter vuq:i ifjorZd
Analog data vuq:i vkadM+k
Analog dates vuq:i frfFk
Analog device vuq:i ;qfDr
Analog digital conversion vuq:i vadh; :ikarj.k
Analog divider vuq:i foHkktuh
Analog facility terminal vuq:i lqfo/kk VfeZuy
Analog function generator vuq:i Qyu tud
Analog integration vuq:i lekdyu
Analog line monitor vuq:i ykbu ekWfuVj@,ukykWx ykbu ekWfuVj

Analog modem vuq:i ekWMse

Analog monitor vuq:i ekWfuVj@,ukykWx ekWfuVj
Analog multiplier vuq:i xq.kd
Analog programming vuq:i ekns'ku
Analog scaling vuq:i ekiu
Analog signal vuq:i ladsr
Analog simulation vuq:i vuqdj.k
Analog switch vuq:i fLop
Analog system vuq:i ra=
Analog to digital converter vuq:i ls vadh; :ikaUrjd
Analog to digital encoder vuq:i vadh; dwV ys[ku
Analog transmission vuq:i lapj.k@vuq:i las"k.k
Analog type vuq:i dkj
Analogical reasoning vuq:i rdZ
Analogous ln`'k( vuq:i
Analogous post vuq:i in
Analogue rqY;:i'kCn] vuq:i] lekukUrj rRo
Analogy lkn`';] vuq:irk
Analyse fo'ys"k.k djuk
Analyser fo'ys"kd
Analysis fo'ys"k.k
Analysis block fo'ys"k.k [kaMd
Analysis mode fo'ys"k.k fo/kk
Analysis of advances vfxzea dk fo'ys"k.k
Analysis of balance sheets rqyui=a dk fo'ys"k.k
Analysis of profit and loss account ykHk&gkfu ys[ks dk fo'ys"k.k
Analysis of surplus vf/k'ks"k@cs'kh dk fo'ys"k.k
Analysis of variance varj@?kV&c<+ dk fo'ys"k.k
Analyst fo'ys"kd
Analyst Junior dfu"B fo'ys"kd
Analyst Senior ofj"B fo'ys"kd
Analyst, Junior dfu"B fo'ys"kd
Analyst, Senior ofj"B fo'ys"kd
Analytic fo'ys"k.kkRed

Analytic specification fo'ys"k.kkRed fo'ks"khdj.k

Analytical Assistant fo'ys"k.k lgk;d
Analytical engine fo'ysf"kd batu
Analytical estimati fo'ys"k.kkRed kDdyu
Analytical graphics fo'ys"k.kkRed vkys[kh
Analytical processing fo'ys"k.kkRed e.k
Analytical studies fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u
Analytical study fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u
Anamnesis vuqLej.k] Lej.k
Anamorphous tfVy dk;kUrj.k kZ
Ananas vukl] vukul
Anandrous ijkxdsljghu
Anapaest lx.k
Anaphora vk|iqu:fDr
Anarchic vjktd
Anarchy vjktdrk
Anasarca lokZx'kQ
Anastigmatic vufcUnqd
Anastrophe O;qRe
Anathema vfHk'kki
Anatomical 'kkjhfjd] 'kjhjjpuk] lajpukRed
Anatomy phjQkM+] 'kjhjjpuk foKku] vo;o la?kVu
Anatomy Department 'kjhj&jpuk foHkkx
Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry Department

'kjhj&jpuk( 'kjhj&f;k vj thou&jlk;u foHkkx

Ancestor iwoZt
Ancestral profession iSr`d O;olk;
Ancestral task vkuqoaf'kd dk;Z
Ancestress iqjf[ku
Anchor fLFkjd] yaxj
Anchor record yaxj@,adj vfHkys[k
Anchorage yaxjxkg( yaxj 'kqYd
Anchored graphic vuqcaf/kr vkys[kh
Anchoress ,dkUrokfluh
Anchylosis vfLFk&lesdu] laf/kxzg

Ancient kphu] iqjkru

Ancient document kphu ys[k@nLrkost+
Ancient grant kphu vuqnku
Ancient History Department kphu bfrgkl foHkkx
Ancillary vuq"kaxh] vkuq"kafxd] x.k] lgk;d
Ancillary Equipment lg&midj.k
Ancillary industrie vuq"kaxh m|x
Ancillary industry vuq"kaxh@vkuq"kafxd@x.k lgk;d m|x
Ancillary unit vuq"kaxh@vkuq"kafxd@x.k lgk;d ;wfuV@,dd
And vj] rFkk] ,oa] o
AND circuit ,.M ifjiFk
AND element ,.M vo;o
AND gate ,.M }kj@vkSj }kj
AND masking ,.M vkzPNknu
AND NOT operation (=exclusion) ,M ukWV vio.kZu
AND operation rFkk pkyu
AND/OR graph ,aM@vkWj xzkQ+
Andante foyfEcr
Andantino vofoyfEcr
Andiron vaxkjk/kku
Andrew file system ,UM;w lafpdk ra=
Androgynous mHk;fyaxh
Anecdotage fdLls] cq<kik
Anecdote fdLlk] mik[;ku] thou dh >kadh
Anemia vjDrrk( [kwu dh deh
Anemograph iouys[kh
Aneroid fuZo
Anesthesia vlaosnurk] laKkghurk( csg'kh
Aneurysm ukM+h&vcqZn
Anew iqu%] fQj ls u;s fljs ls
Angary ladVkf/kdkj
Angel Qfj'krk] nsonwr
Anger fp<+kuk] f[ktkuk] xqLlk fnykuk] /k] xqLlk
Angina d.B&'kwy

Angle d.k] dkVk] QWlkuk

Angle bracket dks.k czsdsV
Angle of incidence vkiru dks.k
Anglicize vxzsth <ax dk cukuk
Anglo vxzsth] vkaXy
Angrily xqLls esa
Angry q/k] ukjkt
Angstrom ,sXLVke
Anguine lfiZy
Anguish ifjrki] osnuk
Angular d.kh;] bdgjk
Angulated ld.k
Anhydrous futZy] vty
Anile uhy
Animal k.kh( tUrq( i'kq
Animal breeding i'kq tuu
Animal Geneticist k.kh vkuqoaf'kd foKkuh( k.kh vkuqoaf'kdhfon~
Animal husbandary i'kqikyu
Animal husbandry i'kqikyu
Animal Quarantine Cetification Service i'kq laxj/k ,oa ek.ku lsok
Animate vuqkf.kr djuk( ltho
Animation k.k&lapkj.k] lthork
Animism tM+kReokn] thookn
Animosity cSj
Animus vk'k;( fo}s"k
Anion _.kk;u] _.kk;uh
Aniseed laQ
Ankle V[kuk] xqYQ
Anklet ik;y] iktsc
Annal return okf"kZd fooj.kh] okf"kZd frQy@kfIr
Annalist bfrgkldkj
Annawari vkukokjh
Annawari Certificate vkukokjh ek.k&i=
Anneal rkikuq'khfrr] rikuk

Annectent la;td] la;th

Annex layXu djuk( tM+uk( uRFkh djuk( jkT; esa feyk ysuk
Annex memory p;d Le`fr@p;d eSeksjh
Annexe miHkou
Annexure vuqca/k
Annexure papers layXu dkxt
Annihilate lagkj djuk( loZuk'k djuk
Annihilator lR;kuk'kh
Anniversary o"kZxkB
Anno Domini bZloh lu~
Annotate Vhdk djuk] O;k[;k djuk
Annotation fVIi.k ys[ku( Vhdk( O;k[;k
Annotation symbol fVIi.k rhd
Announce ?k"k.kk@,yku@vk[;kfir djuk
Announcement ?k"k.kk] ,yku] vk[;kiu] lwpuk
Announcer vk[;kid( ,ukmalj( okpd( mn~?k"kd
Announcer, Intermediate Grade e/;oxZh xzsM ,ukmalj
Announcer, Junior Grade dfu"B xzsM ,ukmalj
Announcer, Senior Grade ofj"B xzsM ,ukmalj
Annoy fp<+kuk] f[ktkuk
Annoyance fp<+( [kht
Annoybot ,ukW;ckWV
Annual okf"kZd
Annual account okf"kZd ys[kk
Annual Accounts okf"kZd ys[ks
Annual accretion okf"kZd mip;@o`f)@lap;
Annual administrati okf"kZd foRrrh; fjiVZ
Annual Administration Report okf"kZd 'kklu fjiVZ
Annual administrative report okf"kZd 'kklfud fjiVZ
Annual Certificate of balances 'ks"ka dk okf"kZd ek.k i=
Annual charges okf"kZd Hkkj
Annual closing of accounts ys[ka dk okf"kZd lekiu] okf"kZd ys[kkcanh
Annual Depreciation okf"kZd ewY; gkl@f?klkbZ@Nhtu
Annual earning okf"kZd vtZu] okf"kZd@lkykuk dekbZ

Annual Finance Act okf"kZd foRrr vf/kfu;e

Annual financial st okf"kZd foRrrh; fooj.k
Annual Financial Statement okf"kZd foRrrh; fooj.k
Annual general meeting okf"kZd lkekU; cSBd] okf"kZd lkekU; lHkk
Annual increment okf"kZd osru&o`f)@o`f)
Annual inspection okf"kZd fujh{k.k
Annual instalment of capital iwath dh okf"kZd fdLr] iwath dh lkykuk fdLr
Annual letting value okf"kZd HkkM+k@fdjk;k@yxku ewY;
Annual net profit okf"kZd 'kq)@fuoy ykHk
Annual pay okf"kZd osru
Annual product okf"kZd mRikn@mit
Annual profit okf"kZd ykHk
Annual rent okf"kZd fdjk;k@yxku
Annual rent and profit okf"kZd yxku vj ykHk
Annual rental valuating okf"kZd fdjk;k ewY;u@ewY; fu/kkZj.k
Annual rental valuation okf"kZd fdjk;k ewY;u@ewY; fu/kkZj.k
Annual Repairs okf"kZd ejEer
Annual repaying capacity pqdrh dh okf"kZd {kerk] vnk;xh dh okf"kZd {kerk
Annual Report okf"kZd frosnu@fjiVZ
Annual return okf"kZd fooj.kh] okf"kZd frQy@kfIr
Annual review okf"kZd leh{kk
Annual Value okf"kZd ewY;
Annual verification okf"kZd lR;kiu
Annual wage okf"kZd et+nwjh
Annual wage plan okf"kZd et+nwjh ;tuk
Annually fro"kZ] okf"kZd :i ls
Annuitant okf"kZdh&xzkgh
Annuity okf"kZdh
Annuity Certificate okf"kZdh ek.ki=
Annuity deposit okf"kZdh tek
Annuity Deposit Scheme okf"kZdh tek ;tuk] 2- okf"kZdh fu{ksi ;tuk
Annuity fund okf"kZdh fuf/k
Annuity system okf"kZdh i)fr@.kkyh
Annuity, Approtionable Hkktuh;@HkkT; okf"kZdh

Annuity, Certain fuf'pr okf"kZdh

Annuity, Continuous fujarj@vfojke okf"kZdh
Annuity, Deferred vkLFkfxr okf"kZdh
Annuity, Immediate rRdky okf"kZdh
Annuity, Joint life la;qDr thou okf"kZdh
Annuity, Life vkthou okf"kZdh
Annuity, Non-apportionable vHkktuh;@vHkkT; okf"kZdh
Annuity, Perpetual lrr okf"kZdh
Annuity, Terminable lkof/k okf"kZdh
Annul j djuk] fujkdj.k djuk
Annular oy;kdkj] NYysnkj
Annulet {kq oy;
Annulment fujkdj.k] fu"Hkkou
Annulose oy;kHk] NYysnkj
Annunciate ?kf"kr djuk] lwfpr djuk
Annunciation ?k"k.kk
Annunciator vk[;kfi=@vk[;kid
Anode ,sukM] /kukxz
Anodyne ihM+kuk'kd
Anoint rsy yxkuk] vH;aftr djuk
Anointment ysi] foysiu] vfHk"d
Anomalies vlaxfr
Anomalistic ifjekl] ifjo"kZ
Anomalous vlaxr
Anomalous position vlaxr fLFkfr
Anomaly vlaxfr
Anonym vKkruke O;fDr] miuke
Anonymity vukfedrk xqeukeh
Anonymous vuke( xqeuke
Anonymous access vuke vfHkxe
Anonymous complaint xqeuke f'kdk;r
Anonymous FTP vuke ,Q Vh ih
Anonymous post vuke Mkd
Anonymous remailer vuke iqu s"kd

Anonymous server vuke ifjlsod@vuke loZj

Anopheles ,sukQsyht
Anorexia {kq/kk vHkko
Anosmia ?kzk.kuk'k
Another ,d vj] nwljk] fHk
Anserine gal&lEcU/kh
ANSI ,0 ,u0 ,l0 vkbZ0 vejhdh jk"Vh; ekud laLFkk ,u lh
ANSI screen control ,0 ,u0 ,l0 vkbZ0 Lhu fu;a=.k@,u lh Lhu fu;a=.k
ANSI system ,u lh , ,u ,l vkbZ .kkyh
ANSI(American National standards institute)

vejhdh jk"Vh; ekud

Answer mRrj] tokc] gy] lek/kku

Answer back rqjr mKYrkj
Answer book mRrrj iqfLrdk
Answer delay mkj foyac
Answer lamp mkj nhi@ySEi
Answer list mkj lwph
Answer mode mkj fo/kk
Answer only mkyk=
Answer originate mkj mn~Hko
Answer sheet mRrrj i=d
Answerability tokcnsgh
Answerable tokcnsg
Answering time mkj dky
Ant phaVh
Antacid R;Ey
Antagonism foj/k
Antagonist foj/kh
Antagonize foj/kh cukuk] dk foj/k djuk
Antalkali {kkjkid"kZd
Antarctic nf{k.k&/kzqoh
Antares T;s"Bk
Ante dated iwoZ frfFk
Ante dated cheque iwoZ frfFk pSd
Antecedence iqoZrk] kFkfedrk

Antecedent iwoZorhZ
Antecedent debt iwoZorZhZ tek
Antecedents iwoZo`Rr
Antechamber cSBd] ckgjh dejk
Antedate iwoZ fnukad] iwoZ fnukafdr djuk
Antedated iwoZ&fnukafdr
Antedated cheque iwoZ&fnukafdr psd
Antediluvian nfd;kuwlh] iqjkuk
Antefix ik
Antelope djax] fgj.k] e`x
Antemeridian iqokZfgUd] iqok`Ug
Antemundane l`f"ViwoZ
Antenatal tUeiwoZ
Antenatal clinic loiwoZ funkuky;
Antenna Li'kZJ`afxdk] ,fj;y
Antenna bandwidth ,sUVsuk cSaM pkSM+kbZ@cSaM foM~Fk
Antenna capture area ,sUVsuk vfHkxzg.k {ks=
Antenna efficiency ,sUVsuk n{krk
Antenna gain ,sUVsuk ykfC/k
Antenna lens ,sUVsuk ysal
Antenna losses ,sUVsuk gkfu
Antenna placement ,sUVsuk LFkkiu
Antenna radiation ,sUVsuk fofdj.k
Antenna resonant ,sUVsuk vuqukn
Antenuptial fookgiwoZ
Antependium iwokZoj.k
Antepenult mikUR;iwoZ
Anterior iwoZ] iwoZorhZ
Antero vxz
Anteversion vxzufr
Anthelion fcEclw;Z
Anthelmintic feuk'kd
Anthem Lr=] oUnuk] xku kZ
Anther ijkxd'k

Anthology laxzg] p;fudk

Anthophore nyo`Ur
Anthozoa iq"itho
Anthrax fxyVh&jx
Anthropocentric ekuodsafr
Anthropological Survey of India Hkkjrh; ekuofoKku loZs{k.k
Anthropologist u`foKkuh( ekuofoKkuh
Anti foj/kh] fr
Anti aliasing fr&,fy;kflax
Anti Corruption Laws (Amendment) Act, 1967

Hkz"Vkpkj fuj/k fof/k la'k/ku vf/kfu;e] 1967

Anti dumping frikVu

Anti piracy law p;Z fuj/k fof/k
Anti Sea erosion project leqh vijnu j/kh ifj;tuk
Anticedent iwoZorhZ
Anticipate igys ls tku ysuk] iwokZuqeku djuk
Anticipated Credit R;kf'kr sfMV@m/kkj
Anticipated expendi R;kf'kr O;;
Anticipated Expenditure R;kf'kr [kpZ
Anticipated income R;kf'kr vk;
Anticipated increase R;kf'kr o`f)
Anticipated price R;kf'kr dher@ewY;
Anticipated production R;kf'kr mRiknu
Anticipated profit R;kf'kr ykHk
Anticipated Revenue R;kf'kr jktLo vk;
Anticipated sales R;kf'kr fo;@fch
Anticipated saving R;kf'kr cpr
Anticipating economy cpr dh R;k'kk djrs gq,
Anticipation R;k'kkp iwokZuqeku
Anticipation mode R;k'kk fo/kk
Anticipatory bail vfxze t+ekur
Anticipatory buffering R;k'kkewyd cQ+ju
Anticipatory carry R;k'kkewyd gkfly
Anticipatory paging R;k'kkewyd i`"Bu
Anticipatory pension R;kf'kr isa'ku

Anticlerical iqjfgrfoj/kh
Anticlockwise okekorZ
Anticoincidence operation frlaikrh laf;k
Anticoincident element frlaikrh vo;o
Anti-Corruption Branch Hkz"Vkpkj&fuj/k 'kk[kk
Anti-corruption mea Hkz"Vkpkj fuj/kd mik;
Anti-Corruption Officer Hkz"Vkpkj&fuj/k vf/kdkjh
Anti-Corruption Police Inspector Hkz"Vkpkj&fuj/k iqfyl fujh{kd
Antics gjdrsa] el[kjkiu
Anticyclone frpokr
Antifriction metal ?k"kZ.k&j/kh /kkrq
Anti-glare fr pkSa/k
Anti-inflationary frLQhfr] fr eqkLQhfr
Anti-inflationary measure frLQhfr mik;] eqkLQhfr fuokjd mik;
Anti-inflationary policy eqkLQhfr foj/kh uhfr
Anti-Malaria Officer eysfj;k&fuj/k vf/kdkjh
Anti-Malaria Spraying Man eysfj;k&fuj/k Qqgkjd
Antimony vatu] lqjek
Antiquarian iqjkrRo&fo"k;d
Antiquary iqjkosRrk
Antique iqjkoLrq
Antiquity iqjkrurk( iqjkdky( iqjkoLrq( iqjko'ks"k
Antiquity Assistant iqjkoLrq lgk;d
Antirabic clinic R;ydZ funkuky;( ,fUVjSfcd Dyhfud
Antirachitic lw[kkj/kh] iwfrj/k
Antistatic mat vuLFkSfrd esV
Anti-strike legislation gM+rky foj/kh fo/kku
Antivirus program fr fo"kk.kq ekns'k
Antler e`xJ`.k
Antonomasia fruke
Antonym foi;kZ;] foye
Antrum xqgk] dVj
Anus xqnk] ey}kj
Anvil fugkbZ] lUnku

Anxiety fpUrk] fQ] mRlqdrk

Anxious fpfUrr] mRlqd
Any dbZ] dN
AOL , vks ,y
Aorist lkekU; Hkwr
Aorta egk/keuh
AP access provider , ih vfHkxe nkrk
Apace rsth ls
Apache xq.Mk
Apanage tUefl) vf/kdkj] xqtkjk
Apart vyx] i`Fkd
Apartheid jaxHksn
Apartment dejk] ySV
Apatalous vnyh;
Apathetic mnklhu] Hkko'kwU;
Apathy mnklhurk
APC Agricultural Prices Commission f"k ewY; vk;x
Ape cUnj
Apeak vf/kyaxj
Aperient nLrkoj
Aperiodic vfu;fer
Aperiodic antenna vukorhZ ,sUVsuk
Aperture fN ;k Nsn
Aperture card ,ipZj dkMZ
Aperture code ,ipZj dwV@,ipZj dksM
Aperture grill ,ipZj fxzy
Aperture time ,ipZj dky
Apex 'kh"kZ] f'k[kj
Apex bank f'k[kj@'kh"kZ cSad
Apex body 'kh"kZ fudk;( f'k[kj laLFkk
Apex regional weavers society f'k[kj {ks=h; cqudj lfefr
Aphaeresis vk|v{kjyi vk|o.kZyi
Aphasia okpk?kkr] okXyi
Aphelion lw;ZPp] jfo&mPp

Aphesis vkfnyi
Aphid ekgWw
Aphonic Lojgkfu] vuqPpfjr
Aphorism lw=] lwfDr
Aphorist lw=dkj] lwfDrdkj
Aphrodisiac dkehid] dkeRrstd
Aphthae vaNj
Aphyllous vi.khZ
Apiarian e/kqeD[kh ikyu dk
Apiarist e/kqeD[khikyd
Apiary e/kqokfVdk
Apical vxzLFk] 'kh"kZLFk
Apiculate rh{.kkxz
Apiculture e/kqeD[kh&ikyu
Apiece R;sd d
Apish cUnj&lk] udyph
APL , ih ,y
Aplanatic foiFkh
Aplomb vkRefo'okl
Apnoea v'olu] 'oklj/k
Apocalypse jgL;n?kkVu
Apocope vUR;k{kj&yi
Apocrypha vkekf.kd xzUFk
Apodal vikn
Apodictic lqfuf'pr] vdkV~;
Apodosis ifj.kkeh miokD;
Apogamy vi;qXeu kZ
Apogean Hkwfe&mPph;
Apogee Hkwfe&mPp] ijkdk"Bk
Apolaustic vla;eh] fo"k;klDr
Apologetic i{kleFkZd] {kek;kpd
Apologist /keZe.Md] i{ke.Mu 'kkL=
Apologize {kek;kpuk] [n dV djuk
Apologue uhfr&dFkk] n`"VkUr

Apology {kek;kpuk
Apophasis vilw=
Apoplexy jDrk?kkr
Aporia lansg
Aport ck;sa
Aposiopesis v)ZfDr
Apostasy Lo/keZR;kx] /keZ ifj R;kx
Apostatize /keZ] i{k ;k ny R;kx nsuk
Aposteriori vuqHkokfJr] vuqHko lkis{k
Apostil fVIi.kh
Apostle bZlk dk if'k";] pkjd
Apostolate pkjdk;Z] /keZpkj
Apostolic sfjfrd
Apostrophe lEc/ku] o.kZyi dk fpUg
Apostrophize lEcf/kr djuk
Apothecary H"kftd] nokbZ fosrk
Apotheosis nsoRokji.k] xq.kxku] e{k
Apotheosize nsork cukuk] efgek djuk
Appal Mjk nsuk] Hk;Hkhr djuk] fofLer dj nsuk
Apparatus midj.k
Apparatus and plant midj.k vj la;a=
Apparel ifj/kku] os'k&Hkw"kk
Apparent R;{k] Hkkleku
Apparition fnO; n'kZu] isr
Apparitor pijklh] ifjpj
Appeal vihy
Appeal Clerk vihy fyfid
Appealable vihy&;X;
Appear rhr guk] mifLFkr guk] is'k guk
Appear for interview lk{kkRdkj ds fy, mifLFkr ga
Appearance gktf+jh( milatkfr fof/k( vkfr( :i
Appease 'kkUr djuk] lUrq"V djuk
Appeasement rq"Vhdj.k
Appellant vihydrkZ] vihykFkZhZ

Appellate iuokZfnd] vihy

Appellate Assistant Commissioner vihyh; lgk;d vk;qDr
Appellate Authority vihy kf/kdkjh
Appellate Controller of Estate Duty laink 'kqYd vihy&fu;a=d
Appellate orders vihyh; vkns'k
Appellate powers vihyh 'kfr;k
Appellate tribunal vihy vf/kdj.k
Appellate Tribunal for Forefeited Property

tCr&laiRrfr vihy&vf/kdj.k

Appellation vfHk;ku
Appellative tkfrokpd
Appellee froknh
Append ifjf'k"V ds :i esa yxkuk
Append attribute tksM+w&xq.k
Appendage layXud
Appended layXu
Appendices ifjf'k"V
Appendicle mikafxdk
Appendix ifjf'k"V
Apperceive vkRelkr~ djuk
Appertain ls lEcU/k j[kuk] vUrxZr guk
Appetence vfHkyk"kk] mRd.Bk] o`fr
Appetite vfHkyk"kk] o`fr] {kq/kk
Appetitive vfHkyk"kh
Appetizing Lokfn"B] {kq/kko/kZd] vkd"kZd
Applaud rkfy;ka ctkuk] vuqefnr djuk] kZ
Applause djry&/ofu] lk/kqokn
Apple lsc
Apple attachment unit interface ,iy layXud bdkbZ varjkQyd
Apple desktop bus (ADB) ,iy MsLdVkWi cl
Apple file exchange ,iy lafpdk fofue;
Applet ,iysV@vuqksfxdk
Appliance mi;a=
Applicability ;T;rk] ykxw guk
Applicable ykxw

Applicable has not been made in proper form

vkosnu mfpr :i esa ugha fd;k x;k gS

Applicable to ij ykxw gS
Applicant vkosnd
Application vkosnu] vkosnu&i=] vtZhZ
Application (of a Rule) ;T;rk] ;x] ykxw guk
Application (of Rule) ;T;rk] ;x] ykxw guk
Application and Allotment Book vkosnu rFkk vkcaVu iqLrd
Application Book vkosnu&iqLrd
Application control menu vuq;ksx fuak=.k lwph
Application developer vuq;ksx fodkld
Application development system vuq;ksx fodkl ra=
Application for leave NqV~Vh dh vtZh
Application for loan _.k ds fy, vkosnu&i=
Application for moratorium vf/kLFkxu ds fy, vkosnu
Application form vkosnu i=( vtZ+h
Application generator vuq;ksx tud
Application heap vuq;ksx iqat
Application icon vuq;ksx vkbdkWu
Application layer vuq;ksx ijr
Application Letter vkosnu i=
Application Money vkosnu jkf'k
Application oriented language vuq;ksxksUeq[kh Hkk"kk
Application package vuq;ksx ladqy@vuq;ksx iSdst
Application program vuq;ksx ekns'k
Application program interface vuq;ksx ksxzke varjkQyd
Application programmer vuq;ksx ekns'kd
Application programming vuq;ksx ksxzkeu
Application programming interface vuq;ksx ksxzkeu varjQyd
Application required vuq;ksx visf{kr
Application shortcut key vuq;ksx y?kqiFk dqath
Application software vuq;ksx lkWVos;j
Applications portfolio vuq;ksx iksVZQksfy;ks
Applicative language vuq;ksxh Hkk"kk
Applicative order vuq;ksxh e

Applied O;kogkfjd] vuq;qDr

Applied econometrics O;kogkfjd@vuq;qDr vFkZfefr
Applied economics O;kogkfjd@vuq;qDr vFkZ'kkL=
Applied occurrance vuq;q ?kVuk
Applied Physics Department vuq;qr Hkfrdh foHkkx
Applique vf/kjksi.k
Appliqu xVk&iVVk
Apply yxkuk] ykxw guk ;k djuk] ;x esa ykuk] vkosnu djuk
Appoint fu;qDr djuk
Appointed fu;qDr
Appointed day fu;r fnol
Appointee fu;qDr O;fDr
Appointing authorit fu;qfr kf/kdkjh
Appointing authority fu;qfDr kf/kdkjh
Appointment fu;qfDr
Appointment branch fu;qfDr 'kk[kk
Appointment Clerk fu;qfr fyfid
Appointment letter fu;qfr i=
Appointments commit ea=heaMyh; fu;qfr lfefr
Apportion Hkktu djuk
Apportioning the liabilities ns;rk Hkktu@caVu
Apportionment Hkktu
Apportionment Account Hkktu ys[kk
Apportionment of charges Hkkj Hkktu@caVu
Apportionment of profits ykHk Hkktu
Apportionment of State funds jkT; fuf/k;a dk Hkktu
Appose yxkuk] ikl j[kuk
Apposition lkekukf/kdj.k
Appraisal ewY; fu:i.k] ewY;kadu] leh{kk
Appraisal Memorandum ewY;kadu Kkiu
Appraisal method ewY;kadu fof/k
Appraisal of credit proposal _.k Lrko vkaduk@dk ewY;kadu
Appraisal of loan _.k@dtZ ds Lrkoa d
Appraisal value fu:fir@vkadk x;k ewY;

Appraise ewY;kadu djuk] vkaduk] dwruk

Appraise Officer ewY;kadu vf/kdkjh
Appraised value fu:fir@vkadk x;k ewY;
Appraiser ewY;kadd] ewY; fu:id
Appraising Officer ewY;kadu vf/kdkjh
Appreciable vPNk [kklk] 'kaluh;] dkQh
Appreciate, Appreciating or Appreciation

xq.k n"k foospuk] 2- ewY; o`f)@vf/kewY;u

Appreciation o`f)] ewY; o`f)] ljkguk] 'kalk] vk'kalu] xq.k foospu

Appreciation of services lsokva dh ljkguk
Apprehend idM+uk( fxjrkj djuk
Apprehension idM+k tkuk( fxjrkjh( c/k( le>( vk'kadk
Apprentice f'k{kq
Apprentice Mechanic f'k{kq esdsfud
Apprentice Premium f'k{kq hfe;e@vsafVl hfe;e
Apprentice trade f'k{kq O;olk;
Apprentices Act, 1961 f'k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961
Apprenticeship f'k{kqrk
Appressed layXu] vuqyXu
Apprise lwfpr djuk] ls voxr djkuk
Approach n`f"Vd.k] igqap
Approach Road igqp ekxZ] mi&lM+d
Approbate vuqenu djuk] eatwj djuk
Approbation vuqenu] leuqenu] eatwjh
Approbatory vuqend
Appropriable fofu;T;
Appropriate mi;qr( mfpr( fofu;tu djuk
Appropriate action mfpr dkjZokbZ
Appropriate authority mfpr@mi;qDr kf/kdkjh
Appropriate denomin mi;qr ewY;oxZ
Appropriate Government mi;qDr ljdkj
Appropriate head mi;qr 'kh"kZ
Appropriate technol mi;qr |fxdh
Appropriate technology mi;qDr |fxdh
Appropriation fofu;tu

Appropriation accou fofu;tu ys[kk

Appropriation Account fofu;tu ys[kk@[kkrk
Appropriation Accounts Section fofu;x ys[kk vuqHkkx
Appropriation act fofu;tu vf/kfu;e
Appropriation Audit fofu;x ys[kkijh{kk
Appropriation Bills fofu;x fo/ks;d@fcy
Appropriation for avoidance of debt _.k&ifLgkj ds fy, fofu;tu
Appropriation of funds fuf/k;a dk fofu;x
Appropriation of profit ykHk dk fofu;tu
Approvable vuqenuh;] 'kaluh;
Approval vuqenu
Approval may be accorded vuqenu nku dj fn;k tk,
Approve vuqenu djuk
Approved vuqefnr
Approved as per remarks in the margin gkf'k, dh vfHk;qfDr ds vuqlkj vuqefnr
Approved as proposed ;FkkLrko vuqefnr
Approved contractor vuqefnr Bsdsnkj
Approved credit institution vuqefnr _.k laLFkk
Approved debenture programme vuqefnr fMcsapj dk;Ze
Approved draft typed and put up for signatures ple

vuqefnr k:i Vkbi djds gLrk{kj ds fy, Lrqr] vuqefnr elnk Vkbi djds gLrk{kj ds fy, Lrqr

Approved limit vuqefnr _.k lhek

Approved List vuqefnr lwph
Approved Non-Scheduled Bank vuqefnr xSj&vuqlwfpr cSad
Approved security Lohr frHkwfr@tekur
Approved service vuqefnr lsok
Approved superannuation fund vuqefnr vf/kof"kZrk fuf/k
Approver bd+ckyh xokg
Approximate fudV vkuk ;k igqWpkuk] yxHkx] ln`'k] lfdV
Approximate estimate LFkwy vuqeku
Approximate stock account vuqekfur LVkd ys[kk
Approximate Trading Account vuqekfur O;kikj ys[kk@[kkrk
Approximation algorithms lfUudVu ,YxksfjFe
Approximation spine lfUudVu daVd
Approximation theory lfUudVu fl)akr

Appui voyEc
Appurtenance mikca/k
Appurtenant lEc)] vkuq"kafxd
APRACA Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Cre

APRCA Asian Pacific Regional Credit Association

,f'k;kbZ vj 'kkUr {ks=h; f"k _.k la?k

,f'k;kbZ vj 'kkar {ks=h; _.k la?k

Apricot [kwckuh] tjnkyw

April vSy
April fool's jokes vSy QwYl tksd
Apriori dkj.k&dk;Z&U;k; ds vuqlkj
Apriority iwoZrk
Apron ,u] isVcUn
Apropos klafxd] mi;qDr
Apse v)Zo`RrZ d{k
Apt mi;qDr] laxr] o.k] ;X;
Aptitude #>ku( vfHk{kerk
Aptitude test vfHk{kerk ijh{k.k] #>ku dh ijh{kk
APU Asian Payments Union ,f'k;kbZ Hkqxrku la?k
Aquaduct tyokgh lsrq
Aquamarine cs:t
Aquarium eNyh?kj
Aquarium Keeper tythoiky
Aquarius dEHk] dEHkjkf'k
Aquatic typj] tytyh;
Aqueduct f=e tyk'k;
Aqueous tyh;] ty
Aquiline x:Mh;] Vs<+k] o
Aquiver dEik;eku] dfEir
Aquosity vkZrk] lhy
Arabesque vjcLd
Arabic vjch
Arabic figures vjch vad
Arabic Unit vjch ,dd
Arable ";] f"k ;X;
Arachnid edM+h&oa'kh] ywrk

Arbalest vkM+h deku

Arbiter fookpd] iap] e/;LFk
Arbitirary access LosPN vfHkxe
Arbitrage fookpu
Arbitrarily euekus <ax ls
Arbitrary euekuk] LoPNan] ,di{kh;
Arbitrary sequence computer LosPN vue daI;wVj
Arbitrate fookpu@iap&fu.kZ;@vfHkfu.kZ; djuk
Arbitrated exchange rate vfHkfu.kZhZr fofue; nj
Arbitration fookpu] iap&fu.kZ;] vfHkfu.kZ;
Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937

ek/;LFke~Vdy vj vfHkle; vf/kfu;e] 1937

Arbitration Act, 1940 ek/;LFke vf/kfu;e] 1940

Arbitration agreement fookpu@iapk;rh le>rk
Arbitration clause fookpu [kaM@/kkjk
Arbitration committee fookpu@iap&fu.kZ; lfefr
Arbitration tribuna ek/;LFke~vf/kdj.k
Arbitration Tribunal fookpu@iap&fu.kZ; vf/kdj.k
Arbitration, Compulsory vfuok;Z fookpu@iap&fu.kZ;
Arbitration, Primary kFkfed fookpu@iap&fu.kZ;
Arbitration, Secondary x.k fookpu@iap&fu.kZ;
Arbitration, Voluntary LoSfPNd fookpu@iapfu.kZ;
Arbitrator fookpd] iap fu.kkZ;d
Arbitress e/;LFkk
Arbor o`{k] o`{k tSlk] /kqjh
Arboriculture Officer o`{k&lao/kZu vf/kdkjh
Arboriculturist o`{k&lao/kZu foKkuh
Arbour dat] yrke.Mi
Arc pki] o`rka'k
Arcade vkPNkfnr ekxZ] rj.kiFk
Arch esgjkc] pki] rj.k] eq[k
Archaeological iqjkrRoh;] iqjko'"k
Archaeological Officer iqjkrRo vf/kdkjh
Archaeological Survey of India Hkkjrh; iqjkrRo loZs{k.k
Archaeologist iqjkrofon~

Archaic vk|] iqjkdkyhu

Archangel egknwr] egk/kekZ/;{k
Archer /kuq/kZj] rhjUnkt
Archetype vkfn:i] vknZ'k
Archie egk&/kku] vk|
Archie client vkphZ xzkgd
Archie for next step vxys pj.k ds fy, vkphZ
Archie for the Macintosh eSdhuVkWl ds fy, vkphZ
Archie gateway vkphZ }kj
Archie server vkphZ ifjlsod@vkphZ loZj
Archie site vkphZ LFky
Archipelago }hilewg] e.My] iqat
Architect okLrqd] okLrqfon] LFkifr] LFkkiR;fon] vkfdZVsDV
Architect Planner okLrq&;tukdkj
Architectural Assistant okLrq&lgk;d( LFkkiR;&lgk;d
Architecture okLrq( okLrqfo|k( LFkkiR;( LFkkiR;dyk
Architecture and Planning Department LFkkiR; vj ;tuk foHkkx
Architrave Lrjikn
Archival backup iqjkYsk[kh; cSd&vi@iqjkYsk[kh; iwfrZdj
Archive iqjkys[k
Archive bit iqjkys[k };d
Archive file iqjkys[k lafpdk
Archive site iqjkys[k LFky@iqjkys[k LFky
Archives vfHkys[kkxkj
Archiving iqjkys[k.k
Archivist vfHkys[kk/;{k
Archivolt rj.k
Archoplasm rdZO;
Archpriest egk;ktd] egkiqjfgr
Archway rj.k}kj] NRrk
Arcnet local area network vkdZusV LFkkfud {ks= usVodZ
Arctic mRrj/kzqoh;
Arcturus Lokfr
Arcuate pkikdkj] pkih

ARDC Agricultural Refinance and Development Corpor

f"k iqufoZRr vj fodkl fuxe

Ardent mRrki] xjeh] mhIr] rhoz] cy

Arduous dfBu] Jelk/;
Arduous nature of duties nq"dj dkj ds drZO;
Are you on the net D;k vki usV ij gSa
Area {ks=( {ks=Qy
Area approach {ks=Ueq[krk
Area boundaries {ks= ifjlhek
Area Chaser {ks= pst+j
Area clipping {ks= drZu
Area code {ks= dwV
Area Commander ,fj;k dekaMj
Area density {ks= ?kuRo
Area fill {ks= Hkj.k
Area filling {ks= Hkj.k
Area graph {ks= vkys[k
Area Installer Engineer {ks=h; laLFkkiu bathfu;j
Area of operations dk;Z{ks=
Area Office {ks= dk;kZy;
Area promotional agency {ks=h; fodkl vfHkdj.k@,tsalh
Area sampling {ks= frp;u
Area search {ks= [kkst
Area statistics {ks=Qy ds vkadM+s
Area Superintendent {ks=h; v/kh{kd
Area Supervisor {ks= i;Zos{kd
Area transfer {ks= varj.k
Area under crops lL;@Qly@mit {ks=
Area under cultivation f"kxr {ks=] tr Hkwfe
Area variable {ks= pj
Area-wise {ks=okj] {ks=kuqlkj
Area-wise scale {ks=okj@{ks=kuqlkj eku
Areca lqikjh dk isM+
Arena v[kkM+k
Arentina - Peso vtZsUVhuk - isl

Areola {f=dk] e.My

Arete rh{.k
Argent jtr
Argil fpduh feh
Argosy ty;ku
Argot [kkl cyh
Arguable rdZ.kh;] fook|
Argue rdZ djuk] okn djuk
Argument rdZ( cgl
Argument address kpj pj irk
Argument list kpj lwph
Argument list array kpj lwph lj.kh
Argument passing kpj ikj.k
Argument separator kpj i`Fkddkjh
Argus-eyed rh{.kn`f"V] lrdZ
Aria y;] rku
Arid land catj tehu@Hkwfe
Arid zone lj@'kq"d {ks=
Aries es"k jkf'k
Aright Bhd] Bhd ls
Aril chtpy
Aris ,sfjl
Aris vector ,sfjl lfn'k
Arise mRiU+u guk] iSnk guk
Arising out of ls mn~Hkqr@mRiUu
Aristocracy vfHktkr oxZ
Aristocrat vfHktkr] dyhu
Arithmetic vadxf.kr] ikVhxf.kr
Arithmetic and logic unit vadxf.krh; ,oa rdZ ,dd@vadxf.krh; ,oa rd bdkbZ
Arithmetic assignment statement vadxf.krh; fu;ru dFku
Arithmetic Calculations vadxf.krh; x.kuk
Arithmetic check vadxf.krh; tkp
Arithmetic constant vadxf.krh; vpj
Arithmetic conversion vadxf.krh; ifjorZu

Arithmetic data vadxf.krh; vakdM+k

Arithmetic exception vadxf.krh; viokn
Arithmetic expression vadxf.krh; O;atd
Arithmetic fixed point vadxf.krh; fu;r fcUnq
Arithmetic hierarchy vadxf.krh; inkuqe
Arithmetic IF statement vadxf.krh; bQ dFku
Arithmetic logic vadxf.krh; rdZ
Arithmetic operation vadxf.krh; laf;k
Arithmetic operator vadxf.krh; ladkjd
Arithmetic overflow vadxf.krh; vf/kokg
Arithmetic picture data vadxf.krh; fp= vakdM+k
Arithmetic precedence vadxf.krh; iwoZofrZrk
Arithmetic primary element vadxf.krh; kFkfed vo;o
Arithmetic register vadxf.krh; iath
Arithmetic relation vadxf.krh; laca/k
Arithmetic scan vadxf.krh; eoh{k.k
Arithmetic section vadh; vuqHkkx
Arithmetic shift vadxf.krh; foLFkkiu
Arithmetic shifting vadxf.krh; foLFkkiu
Arithmetic statement vadxf.krh; dFku
Arithmetic term vadxf.krh; in
Arithmetic underflow vadxf.krh; v|ksokg
Arithmetic unit vadxf.krh; bdkbZ
Arithmetical Calculations vadxf.krh; x.kuk
Arithmetical error vadxf.krh; xyrh] fglkch xyrh
Arithmetical instruction vadxf.krh; vuqns'k
Ark ir] uko] eatw"kk
Arm ckgq] Hkqtk] ckg] 'kL=] vk;q/k
ARM Additional Resource Mobilisation vfrfjD+r lalk/ku tqVkuk
Armageddon egk;q) dk eSnku
Armament Officer vk;q/k vf/kdkjh( vkekZesaV vQ+lj
Armature Winder vkeZspj oy;d
Armed l'kL=
Armed constabulary l'kL= iqfyl

Armed forces l'kL= cy

Armed Forces Film and Photo Division l'kL= lsuk Qf+Ye vj Q+V Hkkx
Armed Forces Medical Corps l'kL= lsuk fpfdRlk dj
Armed Forces Medical Services l'kL= lsuk fpfdRlk lsok,
Armed Forces Medical Stores Depot l'kL= lsuk fpfdRlk HkaMkj fMi
Armed Forces Officer's Mess l'kL= lsuk vQ+lj esl
Armed Forces Transfusion Centre l'kL= lsuk vk/kku dsa
Armed Police Constable l'kL= iqfyl flikgh
Armillary oy;h;] NYysnkj
Armistice ;q) fojke
Armm , vkj ,e ,e
Armour dop] cDrj kZ
Armourer 'kL=lkt+( vkeZjj
Armoury Officer 'kL=kxkj vf/kdkjh
Armoury Sentry 'kL=kxkj larjh
Arms vk;q/k( gfFk;kj
Arms Act, 1959 vk;q/k vf/kfu;e] 1959
Arms Clerk 'kL=&fyfid( 'kL=&DydZ
Army lsuk( Qt( Fkylsuk
Army Base Workshop vkeZh csl odZ'kkWi
Army Commander vkeZh dekaMj
Army Headquarters Fkylsuk eq[;ky;( lsuk eq[;ky;
Army Hospital lsuk vLirky( lSfud vLirky
Army Medical Corps lsuk fpfdRlk dj
Army Ordnance Department lsuk vk;q/k foHkkx
Army Reserve Officer vkeZh fjt+oZ vQ+lj
Army Veterinary Corps lsuk i'kqfpfdRld dj
Aroma lqxU/k] lqjfHk
Around ds pkja vj
Arousal mn~c/ku] tkxj.k] mRrstuk
Arouse tkxkuk] lpsr djuk] mRrsftr djuk
Arow iafDrc}
Arp address resolution , vkj ih irk fo?kVu

Arquebus iqjkuh ri
Arrack rkM+h
Arraign vfHk;x ;k vijk/k yxkuk
Arrange O;ofLFkr djuk] ltkuk] oxhZdj.k] ec) djuk] cU/ku
Arrangement O;oLFkk] ca/k
Arrangement of file fefly&foU;kl
Arrangements are being made to ensure timely submi

fjiVZ le; ij Lrqr djus dh O;oLFkk dh tk jgh gS

Arrant d[;kr] iDdk

Arras dkenkj ijnk
Array rS;kj j[kuk] rSukr djuk] ltkuk] BkB
Array accelerator write cache lj.kh Rojd ys[ku dS'ks@lj.kh Rojd ys[ku qfrdk
Array bound lj.khc)
Array cache lj.kh dS'ks@lj.kh qfrdk
Array computer lj.kh daI;wVj
Array dimension lj.kh foek
Array drop vector lj.khikr lfn'k
Array element lkj.kh vo;o
Array expression lkj.kh O;atd
Array name lkj.kh uke
Array of structures lajpuk lkj.kh
Array printing lj.kh eq.k
Array processing lkj.kh eu
Arrear Bill cdk;k dk fcy@cdk;k fcy
Arrear claim cdk;k dk nkok@cdk;k nkos
Arrear demand viwrZ ekax] cdk;k jkf'k dh ekax
Arrear Report cdk;k&dk;Z fjiVZ
Arrear statement cd+k;k fooj.k
Arrearage cdk;k] fiNM+kiu
Arrears ns;@kI; cdk;k
Arrears of pay cdk;k osru
Arrest jduk] fxjQrkj djuk
Arrest point voj/k fcanq
Arret vkns'k
Arride lar"k nsuk] l djuk

Arrier-pensee esjs eu esa pj ugh gS

Arris mRd.k
Arrival vkxeu] igqap
Arrival notice igqp lwpuk
Arrival report vkxeu fjiVZ
Arrivals vkxeu] vken
Arrive vkxeu] igqWpuk
Arrogance nEHk( vD[kM+iu
Arrogant nEHkh( vD[kM+
Arrondissement kUr
Arrow rhj] ck.k
Arsenal vk;q/kkxkj
Arsenic laf[k;k
Arsis lk?kkr v{kj
Arson vkxt+uh
Art dyk
Art Executive dyk dk;Zikyd
Artel lgdkjh la?k
Artemisia ljeh] lejh
Arterial /keuh;] /keuh] eq[;
Artery /keuh] eq[; ekxZ
Artesian well mRlzqr di
Arthritis xfB;k
Arthropod lfU/kikn
Artichoke gkFkhpd
Article vuqPNsn] varfuZ;e] lkexzh] eky] oLrq
Article selector oLrq p;d
Articles varfuZ;e] 2- oLrq,a
Articles of associa laLFkk ds varfuZ;e( laxe&vuqPNsn fof/k
Articles of association la?k@laLFkk ds varfuZ;e
Articles of Merchandise O;kikfjd eky
Articles of partnership lk>snkjh ds varfuZ;e
Articular lafU/k
Articulation mPpkj.k] tM+] lfU/k;tu] O;atu

Articulation point laf/k fcUnq

Artifact f'kYi&rF;
Artifact simulation fo:i.k lk{; vuqdj.k
Artifact software f'kYirF; lkVos;j
Artifice d'ky] pkykdh
Artificer ifjf'kYih
Artificial f=e] cukoVh] udyh
Artificial cognition f=e cqf)
Artificial farm manure f=e f"k [kkn
Artificial humidification f=e uehdj.k
Artificial hybridisation f=e ladj.k
Artificial Insemination Officer f=e xHkkZ/kku vf/kdkjh
Artificial intelligence f=e Hkk"kk
Artificial intelligence(AI) fre lans'k@fre ekfgrh
Artificial juridicial person f=e fof/kd O;fr
Artificial life f=e thou
Artificial Limb Centre f=ekax dsa
Artificial Respiration Centre f=e '+olu dsa
Artificial transanctions f=e ysunsu
Artificial variable f=e pj
Artillerist riph
Artillery ri[k+kuk
Artisan f'kYih] f'kYidkj] dkjhxj
Artist dykdkj
Artiste xk;d] xkf;dk] uV
Arts and crafts dyk vj f'kYi
Arts application data bank dyk vuq;ksx vkadM+k caSd
Arts application pattern generation dyk vuq;ksx fr:i tuu
Arum vjch] /kqb;k
As tSlk] ds leku] D;afd] tSls] ;|fi
As above tSlk ij fn;k gS
As against dh vis{kk] dh rqyuk esa
As already pointed out tSlk fd igys crk;k tk pqdk gS
As amended ;Fkk la'kf/kr

As an exceptional case viokn ds :i esa

As arrear of land revenue Hkw&jktLo ds cdk;k ds rj ij
As before iwoZor] ;FkkiwoZ
As brought out in the succeeding paragraphs

ftudk mYys[k vuqorhZ iSjkxzkQa esa fd;k x;k gS

As coincidence la;xo'k
As compared to dh rqyuk esa
As compared with dh rqyuk esa
As compromise le>rs ds :i esa
As decided ;Fkk fu.kZhZr] fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj
As defined ;Fkk ifjHkkf"kr
As desired by dh bPNkuqlkj@funs'kkuqlkj
As directed funs'kkuqlkj
As envisaged in the project tSlk fd ifj;tuk esa vfHkdfYir fd;k x;k Fkk
As expedtiously as possible ;FkklaHko 'kh?kzrk ds lkFk
As far as tgka rd
As far as may be ;Fkk'kD;] tgk rd g lds
As far as possible ;Fkk laHko] tgka rd laHko g lds
As far as practicable tgka rd O;ogkFkZ g
As fixed by the Company dEiuh }kjk ;Fkk fu/kkZfjr
As herein after provided tSlk uhps fy[kk gS] blds vkxs fn, vuqlkj
As if eku
As in force for the time being tSlk fd fQygky ykxw gS
As is where is tSls gS tgk gS
As it stands tSlk gS
As laid down ;Fkk fu/kkZfjr
As laid down in esa ;Fkkfu/kkZfjr
As last resort vafre mik; ds :i esa
As major constraint eq[; ck/kk ds :i esa
As matter of fact ;FkkFkZr%] oLrqr%] okLro esa
As matter of fact ;FkkFkZr%] oLrqr%
As matter of right vf/kdkj ds :i es] lkf/kdkj
As may be considered expedient tSlk fd lehphu rhr g
As may be necessary ;Fkko';d] tSlk vko';d gf"kr
As may be specified tSlk fofufnZ"V fd;k tk,] ;Fkk fofufnZ"V

As modified ;Fkk vk'kf/kr] rjehe ds lkFk

As notified ;Fkk vf/klwfpr
As of right lkf/kdkj
As per ds vuqlkj] ds vuq:i
As per details below uhps fy[ks C;ja ds vuqlkj
As per instructions vuqns'kkuqlkj
As per opinion of ds erkuqlkj
As proposed ;Fkk Lrkfor
As recommended ;FkklaLrqr] flQkfj'k ds vuqlkj
As recommended by dh flQkfj'k ds vuqlkj
As regards ds ckjs@laca/k@fo"k; esa
As required vko';drkuqlkj] ;Fkk visf{kr] tSlk t:jh g
As required under the rules tSlk fd fu;ea ds v/khu visf{kr@g
As result of ds ifj.kkeLo:i
As revealed in test audit tSlk uewuk ys[kkijh{kk esa irk yxk
As revised ;Fkk la'kf/kr@iqujhf{kr@ifj'kf/kr
As rule fu;er%
As soon as ;Fkk'kh?kz
As stipulated in the contract Bsds esa ;Fkkvuqcaf/kr
As stood on tSlk---rkjh[k d Fkk
As the case may be ;FkkfLFkfr] tSlh fLFkfr g( ;Fkk dj.k
As the cause may be ;Fkk fLFkfr] tSlh ckr g ;Fkk lax] ;Fkk voLFkk
As unwrought copper vux<+s rkacs ds :i esa
As verbally instructed ef[kd vkns'kkuqlkj
As whole lexz] lkjk dk lkjk
Asafetida ghax
ASC Agricultural Service Centre f"k lsok dsU
Ascend vkjg.k
Ascendant iwoZiq#"k
Ascender vkjksgd
Ascending vkjgh
Ascending order vkjgh e
Ascending premium policy vkjgh hfe;e ikfylh
Ascending sort vkjksgh NaVkbZ

Ascension vkjg.k] LoxkZjg.k

Ascent vkjg.k] p<+ko] mRFkku] mfr
Ascertain irk yxkuk] lqfuf'pr djuk
Ascetic riLoh] rifLouh] ;xh
ASCII code vkLdh dksM
ASCII control character vkLdh fu;a=.k larhd
ASCII file vkLdh lafpdk
ASCII file transfer vkLdh lafpdk varj.k
ASCII font vkLdh Q+kWUV
ASCII key board vkLdh dqath iVy@vLdh dh&cksMZ
ASCII sort order vkLdh NaVkbZ e
ASCII transfer vkLdh varj.k
ASCII(American standard code for Information Inter

vkLdhlqpuk fofue; gsrq vejhdh ekud dwV

Asciibetical order vkLdh o.kZ e

Ascribe vkji yxkuk] Js; nsuk
Ascription vkji.k
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

nf{k.k iwoZ ,f'k;kbZ jk"Va dk la?k

Aseity Lo;aHkwfr
Asepsis viwfrZ
Asexual vfyaxh
ASF Agricultural Stabilization Fund f"k fLFkjhdj.k fuf/k
Ash jk[k] HkLe
Ashamed yfTtr
Ashlar pdk] laxhu fpukbZ
Ashore rV ij
Asia ,f'k;k
Asian Development Bank ,f'k;kbZ fodkl cSad
Asian Development Bank Act, 1966 ,f'k;kbZ fodkl cSad vf/kfu;e] 1966
Asian Monetary Union ,f'k;kbZ efd la?k
Asian Monetary Unit ,f'k;kbZ efd bdkbZ
Aside ,d vj] fdukjs] vyx] nwj
Asinine ew[kZ] cq}w] ew[kZrk
Ask iwNuk] ekxuk

Askance lansg ls] frjNh utj ls

Askeric rkjd
Aslant Vs<+k] vkM+k
Asleep lqIr] lrk gqvk
Aslope <kyw
Asp fo"yk lki
Asparagus 'krkoj
Aspect igyw] i{k] #[k
Aspect ratio vfHkeq[krk vuqikr
Aspect card vfHkeq[krk i=d@dkMZ
Aspen dafir] dEik;eku
Aspergillum vfHkflapuh
Asperity [kqjnjkiu] dBjrk
Asperse fNM+duk] cnuke djuk
Aspersion ykaNu
Aspersorium vfHkeaf=r tyd.M
Asphalt Mkej
Aspherical v xyh;
Asphyxia 'oklkoj/k
ASPI ,sLih
Aspirant kFkhZ] mEehnokj] egRokdka{kh
Aspirate egkzk.k
Aspiration vkdka{kk] vfHkyk"kk] 'okl] egkk.k] pwluk
Asquint frjNs] duf[k;a ls
ASR timer , ,l vkj dkyn
Ass x/kk] xnZHk
Assail VwV iM+uk] lkeuk djuk] cNkj djuk
Assailant geykoj
Assassin gR;kjk] Ny?kkrh
Assassination gR;k( guu
Assault geyk( gkj
Assay ij[kuk] tkpuk] fo'ys"k.k
Assay certificate ij[k ek.k i=
Assay master vf/kikj[kh

Assayer ikj[kh
Asseble Lejkarjd
Assegai Hkkyk] cjNk
Assemblage laxzg] ladyu
Assemblage of train xkM+h dk la;tu

tqVuk( ,d= guk( bdV~Bk guk( tM+uk( lfEefyr djuk( ,d= djuk

Assemble duration dksMkarj.k vof/k

Assembled origin dksMkarfjr mn~xe
Assembler leqPp;drkZ] la;tudrkZ
Assembler directive dksMkarjd funsZ'k
Assembler facility dksMkarjd lqfo/kk
Assembler language dksMkarj.k Hkk"kk
Assembler programme dksMkarjd ksxzke
Assembling dksMkarj.k
Assembling phase dksMkarj.k koLFkk
Assembling time dksMkarj.k dky
Assembly lHkk] lEesyu] la;tu
Assembly Language Lejkarj.k Hkk"kk
Assembly language programming dksMkarj.k Hkk"kk ksxzkeu
Assembly language software flexibility dksMkarj.k Hkk"kk lkW+Vos;j uE;rk
Assembly language. dksMkarj.k Hkk"kk
Assembly listing dksMkarj.k lwphdj.k
Assembly phase dksMkarj.k koLFkk
Assembly point dksMkarj.k fcanq
Assembly routine dksMkarj.k usedk
Assembly time dksMkarj.k dky
Assembly unit dksMkarj.k ,dd@dksMkarj.k bdkbZ
Assent vuqefr
Assert n`<+rk ls@cyiwoZd dguk
Assertion fu'p;u
Asserts classification fu'p; oxhZdj.k
Assess fu/kkZfjr djuk] dj fu/kkZfjr djuk
Assessable deposits dj fu/kkZj.kh; tekjkf'k;ka
Assessable profits fu/kk;Z ykHk

Assessed rent fu/kkZfjr fdjk;k

Assessed value fu/kkZfjr ewY;
Assessee fu/kkZfjrh] dj fu/kkZfjrh
Assesser fu/kkZjd] dj fu/kkZjd
Assessing authority fu/kkZj.k kf/kdkjh] dj fu/kkZj.k kf/kdkjh
Assessing Officer fu/kkZj.k vf/kdkjh
Assessing the eligibility ik=rk fu/kkZj.k@ewY;kadu@vkaduk
Assessment fu/kkZj.k] vkaduk] dj fu/kkZj.k] ewY;kadu
Assessment and Appeals fu/kkZj.k vj vihysa
Assessment committee fu/kkZj.k lfefr] ewY;kadu lfefr
Assessment of discontinued business can O;kikj dk fu/kkZj.k
Assessment of loss gkfu fu/kkZj.k
Assessment of quality xq.kork vkdyu
Assessment of requirements vko';drkva dk fu/kkZj.k
Assessment of technical and financial feasibilitie

rduhdh vj foRrh; laHkkO;rkva dk fu/kkZj.k@ewY;kadu

Assessment of technical and financial feasibilties

rduhdh vj foRrh; laHkkO;rkva dk fu/kkZj.k@ewY;kadu

Assessment of working capital requirements dk;Zdkjh iwath dh vko';drkva dk fu/kkZj.k@ewY;kadu

Assessment Officer dj&fu/kkZj.k vf/kdkjh

Assessment on success in business O;kikj esa lQyrk ij dj fu/kkZj.k
Assessment on succession mRrrjkf/kdkj ij dj fu/kkZj.k
Assessment order fu/kkZj.k vkns'k
Assessment Year dj&fu/kkZj.k o"kZ
Assessor vlslj( dj&fu/kkZjd
Assessor Collector vlslj vj dyDVj( dj fu/kkZjd vj lekgrkZ
Asset vkfLr] ifjlaifRr
Asset breakup ifjlaifk foPNsn
Asset enter mains l|% 'k/ku{ke ifjlaiRrfr
Asset portfolio vkfLr lafoHkkx
Asset turnover ratio ifjlaifk dqy fch vuqikr
Asset, Block Cykd@fu#) ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, Blocked vo#)@fu#) vkfLr@ifjla"kfRr
Asset, Circulating py ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, Current pkyw vkfLr@ifjlaifRr
Asset, Fictitious vkHkklh ifjlaiRrfr] 2- vewrZ ifjlaiRrfr

Asset, Fixed LFkk;h ifjlaiRrfr@vpy ifjlaiRrfr

Asset, Floating vLFkk;h ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, Fluctuating ifjorZh ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, Frozen vo#) vkfLr@ifjlaifRr
Asset, intangible vxpj ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, liquid rjy ifjlaiRrfr@o ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, tangible xpj ifjlaiRrfr
Asset, wasting {k;h ifjlaiRrfr
Assets ifjlEifRr;k( vkfLr;k
Assets holding of the house hold Sector ?kjsyw {ks= dh ifjlaiRrfr;ka

Assets, Circulating py vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka

Assets, Fictitious vkHkklh vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Assets, Fixed LFkk;h vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Assets, Intangible vxpj@vewrZ vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Assets, Liquid py vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka] vfu#) ifjlaifRr;ka vkfLr;ka
Assets, Physical Hkfrd vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Assets, Restricted frcaf/kr vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Assets, Tangible xpj@ewrZ vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Assets, Total dqy vkfLr;ka@ifjlaifRr;ka
Asset-wise vkfLr;a@ifjlaifRr;a ds vuqlkj
Asseverate n`<+rk ls dguk] fo'okl fnykuk
Assibilate "ehdj.k
Assign leuqnsf'kr djuk( laiuk fu;r djuk
Assign, Assigning uke djuk] 2- leqnsf'krk] 3- laiuk] 4- fu;r djuk
Assigned fu;r@leuqnsf'kr
Assigned number n~r la[;k
Assignee leuqnsf'krh
Assigning Authority leuqnsf'kr kf/kdkjh
Assignment leuqns'ku] gLrkarj.k] ukeu] nRr@fu;r dk;Z] dk;ZHkkj
Assignment Account leuqns'ku ys[kk
Assignment indexing fu;ru lwphdj.k
Assignment Officer lqiqnZh vf/kdkjh
Assignment operation fu;ru laf;k
Assignment problem fu;ru leL;k

Assignment statement fu;ru dFku

Assignor leuqns'kd
Assimilable lekos'kuh;
Assimilate vkRelkr~ djuk
Assimilation vkRelkRdj.k] vkRehdj.k
Assist lgk;rk djuk
Assistance lgk;rk
Assistant lgk;d
Assistant Accounts Officer lgk;d ys[kk vf/kdkjh
Assistant Audit Officer lgk;d ys[kk ijh{kk vf/kdkjh
Assistant Auditor lgk;d ys[kkijh{kd
Assistant Bacteriologist lgk;d thok.kqoSKkfud
Assistant Barco Machine Operator lgk;d /kkjda e'khu pkyd
Assistant Block Inspector lgk;d [kaM fujh{kd
Assistant Bromide Printer lgk;d czekbM eqd
Assistant Business Manager lgk;d O;olk; ca/kd
Assistant Cabin Master lgk;d dsfcu ekLVj
Assistant Car Refreshment Room Manager

lgk;d ;ku mikgkj&d{k ca/kd

Assistant Carpenter Mistry lgk;d dk"B feL=h

Assistant Carriage Cleaning Inspector lgk;d fMCck lQ+kbZ fujh{kd
Assistant Cashier lgk;d d"kiky
Assistant Cashier and Paymaster lgk;d d"kiky vj osruiky
Assistant Catering Inspector lgk;d Hktu&ca/k fujh{kd( lgk;d [kku&iku fujh{kd
Assistant Catering Store Keeper lgk;d Hktu&ca/k HkaMkjh( lgk;d [kku&iku HkaMkjh
Assistant Catering Supervisor lgk;d Hktu&ca/k i;Zos{kd( lgk;d [kku&iku i;Zos{kd
Assistant Chargeman lgk;d pktZeSu
Assistant Chemist lgk;d jlk;uK
Assistant Chief Auditor lgk;d eq[; ys[kk&ijh{kd
Assistant Civil Surgeon lgk;d flfoy ltZu
Assistant Claims Inspector lgk;d nkok fujh{kd
Assistant Claims Prevention Inspector lgk;d nkok fuokj.k fujh{kd
Assistant Clerk lgk;d fyfid( lgk;d DydZ
Assistant Coal Conveyor Attendant lgk;d d;yk okgd ifjpj
Assistant Collector lgk;d lekgrkZ

Assistant Commercial Inspector lgk;d okf.kT; fujh{kd

Assistant Commercial Inspector (Budget)

lgk;d okf.kT; fujh{kd ctV

Assistant Commercial Inspector (Job Analysis)

lgk;d okf.kT; fujh{kd dk;Z fo'ys"k.k

Assistant Commercial Officer (Claims Disposal)

lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh nkok fuiVku

Assistant Commercial Officer (Claims) lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh nkok

Assistant Commercial Officer (Complaints)

lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh f'kdk;r

Assistant Commercial Officer (General) lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh lkekU;

Assistant Commercial Officer (Outstanding)

lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh cdk;k

Assistant Commercial Officer (Railway Freight)

lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh jsy HkkM+k

Assistant Commercial Officer (Reservation)

lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh vkj{k.k

Assistant Commercial Officer (Tickets) lgk;d okf.kT; vf/kdkjh fVdV

Assistant Commercial Publicity Officer lgk;d okf.kT; pkj vf/kdkjh
Assistant Commercial Superintendent lgk;d okf.kT; v/kh{kd
Assistant Commissioner lgk;d vk;qr( lgk;d dfe'uj
Assistant Complaints Inspector lgk;d f'kdk;r fujh{kd
Assistant Controller of Stores lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=d
Assistant Controller of Stores (Construction)

lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=d fuekZ.k

Assistant Controller of Stores (Inspection) lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=.k fujh{k.k

Assistant Controller of Stores (Liaison) lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=d laidZ

Assistant Controller of Stores (Metric System)

lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=d ehVj .kkyh

Assistant Controller of Stores (Works) lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=d fuekZ.k

Assistant Dental Surgeon lgk;d nar ltZu
Assistant Depot Store-Keeper lgk;d fMi HkaMkjh
Assistant Deputy General Manager lgk;d mi&egkca/kd
Assistant Development Officer lgk;d fodkl vf/kdkjh
Assistant Director lgk;d funs'kd
Assistant Director (Community Listening) lgk;d funs'kd

Assistant Director of Monitoring lgk;d vuqoh{k.k funs'kd

Assistant Divisional Commercial Inspector

lgk;d eaMy okf.kT; fujh{kd

Assistant Draftsman lgk;d k:idkj( lgk;d MkV~leSu

Assistant Driver lgk;d pkyd( lgk;d Mkboj
Assistant Driver (Electric) lgk;d pkyd fctyh
Assistant Editor lgk;d lEiknd
Assistant Efficiency Officer lgk;d n{krk vf/kdkjh

Assistant Engineer lgk;d bathfu;j( lgk;d vfHk;ark

Assistant Engineer (Bridges) lgk;d bathfu;j iqy
Assistant Engineer (Headquarters) lgk;d bathfu;j eq[;ky;
Assistant Engineer (Planning Development)

lgk;d bathfu;j ;tuk vj fodkl

Assistant Engineer (Planning) lgk;d bathfu;j ;tuk

Assistant Engineer (Ring Railway) lgk;d bathfu;j fjax jsyos
Assistant Estimator lgk;d kDdyd
Assistant Executive (World Food Programme)

lgk;d dk;Zikyd fo'+o [kk| dk;Ze

Assistant Filter Plant Operator lgk;d fuLiand la;a= pkyd( lgk;d fQYVj IykaV vkWijsVj
Assistant Fitter lgk;d fQVj
Assistant Food Supply Inspector lgk;d [kk| iwfrZ fujh{kd
Assistant Foreman lgk;d Q+jeSu
Assistant Foreman (Maintenance) lgk;d Q+jeSu vuqj{k.k
Assistant Foreman (Mechanical and Maintenance)

lgk;d Q+jeSu ;kaf=d vj vuqj{k.k

Assistant Foreman (Mechanical) lgk;d Q+jeSu ;kaf=d

Assistant Foreman (Plant) lgk;d Q+jeSu la;a=
Assistant Godown Manager lgk;d xnke ca/kd
Assistant Goods Clerk lgk;d eky DydZ
Assistant Grade `A' Lecturer lgk;d xzsM , k/;kid
Assistant Grade `B' Lecturer lgk;d xzsM ch k/;kid
Assistant Gunner lgk;d xuj( lgk;d riph
Assistant Head Booking Clerk lgk;d /kku fVdV ckcw( lgkd k/kku cqfdax DydZ
Assistant Head Engraver lgk;d /kku mRdh.kZd
Assistant Head Packer (Store Organisation)

Assistant Head Signaller

lgk;d /kku iSdj HkaMkj laxBu

lgk;d /kku flxuyj( lgkd /kku ladsrd( lgk;d /kku rkj ckcw

Assistant Headmaster lgk;d eq[;k/;kid

Assistant Hospital Steward lgk;d fpfdRlky; LVqvMZ( lgk;d vLirky LVqvMZ
Assistant Hospital Store Keeper lgk;d fpfdRlky; HkaMkjh
Assistant Hostel Warden lgk;d Nk=kokl okMZu
Assistant Incharge lgk;d Hkkjh
Assistant Incharge (Templet and Ferro) lgk;d Hkkjh VsEIysV vj Qsj
Assistant Inspector of Works lgk;d deZ'kkyk fujh{kd( lgk;d fuekZ.k fujh{kd
Assistant Instructor lgk;d vuqns'kd
Assistant Janitor lgk;d }kjj{kd

Assistant Landing Supervisor lgk;d vorj.k i;Zos{kd

Assistant Linen Keeper lgk;d oL= j{kd
Assistant Linen Supervisor lgk;d oL= i;Zos{kd
Assistant Litho Machineman lgk;d fyFk e'khueSu
Assistant Loco Foreman lgk;d yd+ Q+jeSu
Assistant Maintenance Inspector lgk;d vuqj{k.k fujh{kd
Assistant Manager (Map Reproduction) lgk;d ca/kd ekufp= frfuf/k
Assistant Matron lgk;d eSVu
Assistant Mechanical Engineer lgk;d ;kaf=d bathfu;j
Assistant Medical Officer lgk;d fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh
Assistant Medical Officer (Administration and Gene

lgk;d fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh 'kklu vj lkekU;

Assistant Medical Officer (Pathology) lgk;d fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh fofrfoKku

Assistant Medical Officer (Physiology) lgk;d fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh 'kjhj&f;k foKku
Assistant Medical Officer (Radiology) lgk;d fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh fofdj.k foKku
Assistant Medical Officer (Surgery) lgk;d fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh 'kY;&f;k
Assistant Mistress lgk;d v/;kfidk
Assistant Monotype Caster lgk;d euVkbi <ykbZdkj
Assistant Movement Inspector lgk;d lapyu fujh{kd
Assistant Narcotics Commissioner lgk;d ukdZfVDl dfe'uj@lgk;d Lok;d vk;qr
Assistant News Editor lgk;d lekpkj laiknd
Assistant Notekeeper lgk;d ljdkjh eqk uV j{kd
Assistant Officer lgk;d vf/kdkjh
Assistant Operating Superintendent lgk;d pkyu v/kh{kd
Assistant Operator lgk;d pkyd
Assistant Operator (Sub-Station) lgk;d pkyd miLVs'ku
Assistant Operator (Sub-Station)

pkyd miLVs'ku

Assistant Paymaster lgk;d osruiky

Assistant Permanent Way Inspector lgk;d jsy&iFk fujh{kd
Assistant Personnel Inspector lgk;d dkfeZd fujh{kd
Assistant Personnel Officer lgk;d dkfeZd vf/kdkjh
Assistant Personnel Officer (Construction)

lgk;d dkfeZd vf/kdkjh fuekZ.k

Assistant Personnel Officer (Publication) lgk;d dkfeZd vf/kdkjh dk'ku

Assistant Planning Officer lgk;d ;tuk vf/kdkjh

Assistant Plant Inspector lgk;d la;a= fujh{kd

Assistant Producer lgk;d LrqrdrkZ jsfM;( lgk;d fuekZrk fQYe

Assistant Progres Inspector lgk;d xfr fujh{kd
Assistant Progress Inspector lgk;d xfr fujh{kd
Assistant Progress Supervisor lgk;d xfr i;Zos{kd
Assistant Project Officer lgk;d ifj;tuk vf/kdkjh
Assistant Public Relation Officer lgk;d tu&laidZ vf/kdkjh
Assistant Radiologist lgk;d fofdj.k foKkuh
Assistant Railway Hotel Manager lgk;d jsy gVy ca/kd
Assistant Rates Inspector lgk;d nj fujh{kd
Assistant Rates Officer lgk;d nj vf/kdkjh
Assistant Rates Officer (Coaching) lgk;d nj vf/kdkjh dfpax
Assistant Rates Officer (Goods) lgk;d nj vf/kdkjh eky
Assistant Research and Development Inspector

lgk;d vuqla/kku vj fodkl fujh{kd

Assistant Research Engineer lgk;d vuqla/kku bathfu;j( lgk;d vuqla/kku vfHk;ark

Assistant Road Van Inspector lgk;d lM+d okgu fujh{k.k
Assistant Running Shed Supervisor lgk;d batu 'kSM i;Zos{kd
Assistant Scherzer Bridge Operator lgk;d 'ksrZlj lsrq pkyd
Assistant School Teacher lgk;d fo|ky; f'k{kd
Assistant Secretary lgk;d lfpo
Assistant Secretary to General Manager egkca/kd dk lgk;d lfpo

Assistant Security Officer (Crime) lgk;d lqj{kk vf/kdkjh vijk/k

Assistant Security Officer (Special Intelligence)

lgk;d lqj{kk vf/kdkjh fo'ks"k vklwpuk

Assistant Security Officer (Training) lgk;d lqj{kk vf/kdkjh f'k{k.k

Assistant Security Supervisor lgk;d lqj{kk i;Zos{kd
Assistant Shipping Inspector lgk;d tgktjkuh fujh{kd
Assistant Shop Superintendent lgk;d deZ'kkyk v/kh{kd
Assistant Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (P

lgk;d flxuy vj nwjlapkj bathfu;j bathfu;jfctyh flxuy

Assistant Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (W

lgk;d flxuy vj nwjlapkj bathfu;j csrkj

Assistant Signal Engineer lgk;d ladsr bathfu;j( lgk;d flxuy bathfu;j

Assistant Signal Inspector lgk;d ladsr fujh{kd( lgk;d flxuy fujh{kd
Assistant Signaller lgk;d flxuyj( lgk;d rkj ckcw
Assistant Sociologist lgk;d lekt'kkL=h
Assistant Special Inspector lgk;d fo'ks"k fujh{kd
Assistant Station Director lgk;d dsa funs'kd

Assistant Station Engineer lgk;d dsa bathfu;j

Assistant Station Master lgk;d LVs'ku ekLVj
Assistant Stationery Superintendent lgk;d ys[ku&lkexzh v/kh{kd
Assistant Steward lgk;d LVqvMZ
Assistant Store Officer lgk;d HkaMkj vf/kdkjh
Assistant Store-Keeper lgk;d HkaMkjh
Assistant Storeman lgk;d HkaMkjdeZh
Assistant Sub-Inspector lgk;d mi fujh{kd
Assistant Superintendent (Power) lgk;d v/kh{kd fctyh
Assistant Superintendent of Police lgk;d iqfyl v/kh{kd
Assistant Supervisor (Mechanical) lgk;d i;Zos{kd ;kaf=d
Assistant Supervisor (Printing Group) lgk;d i;Zos{kd eqd oxZ
Assistant Supply Officer lgk;d iwfrZ vf/kdkjh
Assistant Surgeon lgk;d 'kY;&fpfdRld( lgk;d ltZu
Assistant Surgeon (Out Patient Department)

lgk;d ltZu cfgjax jxh foHkkx

Assistant Surveyor lgk;d loZs{kd

Assistant Surveyor General lgk;d egkloZs{kd
Assistant system lgk;d ra=
Assistant Telecommunication Inspector lgk;d nwjlapkj fujh{kd
Assistant Telegraph Inspector lgk;d rkj fujh{kd
Assistant Time Keeper lgk;d Vkbe dhij
Assistant Town and Country Planner lgk;d uxj vj xzke ;tukdkj
Assistant Track Supply Superintendent lgk;d jsyiFk iwfrZ v/kh{kd
Assistant Traction Power Controller lgk;d d"kZ.k 'kfr fu;a=d
Assistant Traffic Officer (Coaching) lgk;d ;krk;kr vf/kdkjh dfpax
Assistant Traffic Officer (General) lgk;d ;krk;kr vf/kdkjh lkekU;
Assistant Train Inspector lgk;d xkM+h fujh{kd
Assistant Transit Inspector lgk;d ikjogu fujh{k.k
Assistant Transport Supervisor lgk;d ifjogu i;Zos{kd
Assistant Transportation Superintendent

lgk;d ifjogu v/kh{kd

Assistant Vigilance Inspector lgk;d lrdZrk fujh{kd

Assistant Vigilance Officer lgk;d lrdZrk vf/kdkjh
Assistant Wagon Inspector lgk;d eky&fMCck fujh{kd
Assistant Wagon Movement Inspector lgk;d eky&fMCck lapyu fujh{kd

Assistant Ward Keeper lgk;d okMZ&j{kd

Assistant Water And Drainage Inspector

lgk;d ty vj tyfudklh fujh{kd

Assistant Water Softening Inspector lgk;d ty&e`nqdj.k fujh{kd

Assistant Welfare Inspector lgk;d dY;k.k fujh{kd
Assistant Work Order Clerk lgk;d dk;Z vkns'k DydZ
Assistant Works Manager lgk;d deZ'kkyk ca/kd
Assistant Workshop Foreman lgk;d deZ'kkyk QjeSu
Assistant Yard Foreman lgk;d ;kMZ QjeSu
Assistant Yard Master lgk;d ;kMZ ekLVj
Assistant Yard Supervisor lgk;d ;kMZ i;Zos{kd
Assistant's diary lgk;d dh Mk;jh
Assisted concern lgk;rkkIr laLFkku@fr"Bku
Assisted industry lgk;rkkIr m|x
Assisted siding benknh lkbZfMax@vflLVsM lkbZfMax
Assitant Controller of Stores (Out Depot) lgk;d HkaMkj fu;a=d ckgjh fMi

Assize U;k;l=] ifjn'kZu] ewY;fu/kkZj.k

Associable laxr] vfoj/kh
Associate lg& lfEefyr djuk
Associate Cine Technician lg&flusek rduhf'k;u
Associate institution lg;xh laLFkk
Associate member lg@lg;xh lnL;
Associate Professor lg&vkpk;Z
Associate Town and Country Planner lg&uxj vj xzke ;tukdkj
Associated lac)
Associated document laca) ys[k
Association la?k
Association list la?kBu lwph
Association of Persons O;fDr;a dk laxe
Association of Persons O;fr;a dk laxe
Associative lgpkjh
Associative address lkgp;Z irk
Associative array register lkgp;Z lj.kh iath
Associative key lkgp;Z dqath
Associative language lkgp;Z Hkk"kk

Associative memory lkgp;Z Le`fr@lkgp;Z eSeksjh

Associative property lkgp;Z xq.k/keZ@lgpjh xq.k/keZ
Associative storage lkgp;Z HkaMkj.k
Associativity lgpkfjrk
Assonance LojlkE;] JqfrlkE;
Assort NkVuk] oxhZdj.k djuk
Asstt. Accountant General lgk;d egkys[kkdkj
Asstt. Accountant General (on probation) lgk;d egkys[kkdkj ifjoh{k&ij

Asstt. Administrative Officer lgk;d 'kklu vf/kdkjh

Asstt. Audit Officer lgk;d ys[kkijh{kd vf/kdkjh
Asstt. Cashier lgk;d jdMf+;k
Asstt. Chief Auditor (Rlys) lgk;d eq[; ys[kkijh{kd jsyos
Asstt. Chief Auditor Commercial Accountants

lgk;d eq[; ys[kkijh{kd okffT;d ys[ks

Asstt. Comptroller & Auditor General lgk;d fu;a=d&egkys[kk ijh{kd

Asstt. Comptroller Auditor General lgk;d fu;a=d&egkys[kkijh{kd
Asstt. Director lgk;d funs'kd
Asstt. Director of Audit & Accounts (P&T) lgk;d funs'kd ys[kk rFkk ys[kkijh{kk Mkd&rkj
Asstt. Director of Audit (Defence Services)

lgk;d funs'kd&ys[kkijh{kk j{kk lsok,a

Asstt. Director of Audit Accounts (P&T) lgk;d funs'kd ys[kk rFkk ys[kkijh{kk Mkd&rkj

Asstt. Librarian lgk;d ykbczsfj;u iqLrdk/;{k

Asstt. Private Secy. (to the lgk;d futh lfpo fu-e-i-
Asstt. Private Secy. (to the C.A.G.) lgk;d futh lfpo fu-e-i-
Assuage de djuk] cq>kuk
Assumable ekU;] dkYifud
Assume xzg.k djuk( dYiuk djuk
Assumed dfYir
Assumed bond lek'okflr ckaM
Assumed decimal point dfYir n'keyo fcUnq
Assumed name dfYir uke
Assuming vfHkekuh] ?ke.Mh
Assumption /kkj.k] xzg.k] dYiuk] iwokZuqeku
Assumption of charg dk;ZHkkj&xzg.k( inHkkj&xzg.k
Assumption of charge dk;ZHkkjxzg.k] Hkkjxzg.k
Assumptive dfYir] ekuk gqvk] vgadkjh

Assurance chek]vk'oklu
Assurance, Life thou chek
Assure vk'+oLr djuk
Assured vk'okflr] chekr] chfer] cheknkj
Assured supported programme vk'oklu kIr lefFkZr dk;Ze
Assurer chekdrkZ] vk'okld
Assurgent mnh;eku] okjgh
Astatic vfLFkj
Aster rkjk] rkjd
Asterisk rkjd kZ
Asterism rkjkiaqt
Astern ihNs] ihNs dh vj
Asteroid xzfgdk] {kqxzg
Asthenia 'kfDr{kh.krk
Asthma nek
Astigmatic vfcUnqd
Astir xfreku
Astonish pfdr ;k fofLer dj nsuk
Astonishing vk'p;Ztud
Astound HkpDdk ;k fofLer dj nsuk
Astral u{k=&lEcU/kh
Astray Hkwyk&HkVdk] iFkHkz"V
Astrictive ladpd] dkfct
Astride Vkxsa QSykdj] vkj&ikj
Astringe ck/kuk] ladfpr djuk
Astrologer T;fr"kh] nSoK] x.kd
Astronomical Observatory os/k'kkyk
Astute fonX/k] prqj] ?kk?k
Asunder vyx vyx] VqdM+s
Asylum 'kj.k
Asymmetric device vlefer ;qfDr
Asymmetric I/O vlefer vkbZ@vks
Asymmetric Tool Book vlef;r Vwy cqd
Asymmetrical vlefer] fo"ke

Asymmetry fo"kerk
Asymptote vuUrLi'khZ
Asymptotic notation mixkeh ladsru
Asynchronous vrqY;dkfyd
Asynchronous data transfer vrqY;dkfyd vkadM+k varj.k
Asynchronous device vrqY;dkfyd ;qfDr
Asynchronous operation vrqY;dkfyd pkyu
Asynchronous communication vrqY;dkfyd lapkj
Asynchronous computer vrqY;dkfyd daI;wVj
Asynchronous data transmission vrqY;dkfyd vkadM+k lapj.k@vrqY;dkfyd MsVk las"k.k
Asynchronous digital subscriber line vrqY;dkfyd vadh; vfHknkrk ykbu@MkVk las"k.k
Asynchronous digital subscriber loop (ADSL)

vrqY;dkfyd vadh; vfHknkrk ikjk

Asynchronous machine vrqY;dkfyd e'khu

Asynchronous mode vrqY;dkfyd fo/kk
Asynchronous signalling vrqY;dkfyd ladsru
Asynchronous time division multiplexing vrqY;dkfyd le; foHkktu cgqladsru

Asynchronous transfer mode vrqY;dkfyd varj.k fo/kk

Asynchronous transmission

vrqY;dkfyd las"k.k@vrqY;dkfyd lapj.k@vrqY;dkfyd lapkj.k

Asynchronous working vrqY;dkfyd f;k

Asyntactic O;kdj.k foj/kh
At esa] ij] rjQ
At Par le ewY; ij
At a Discount cs ij@voewY; ij
At a premium hfe;e ij@vf/kewY; ij] vf/kd dher ij
At all iw.kZr;k] fcYdqy
At all events gj gkyr esa
At an early date 'kh?kz@tYnh
At any cost fdlh Hkh dher ij
At any rate fdlh Hkh n'kk esa
AT bus , Vh cl
At call ekuu ij
AT command , Vh lekns'k@, Vh dekUM
AT command set , Vh lekns'k leqPp;
At discount cV~Vs ij

AT Keyboard , Vh dqath iVy@, Vh dh&cksMZ

At least de ls de
At once rRdky rqjUr
At par leewY; ij
At premium vf/kewY;@hfe;e ij
At premium At owner's risk hfe;e ij@vf/kewY; ij] vf/kd dher ij ekfyd ds tf[ke ij
At random ;n`PN] ;n`PN;k] ;gha
At sight n'kZuh
At source lzr ij
At the instance of dh sj.kk ls] ds ygts esa ds vuqc/k ls
At the rate of nj ij@nj ls
At the request of ds vuqj/k ij
At the stage of ds le;
At variance with ls fHkU+u
At will bPNk/khu] bPNkuqlkj
At will, Partnership bPNk/khu Hkkxhnkjh
AT&T divestiture , Vh ,.M Vh
AT(Advance Technology) , Vh vxzr kS|ksfxdh
Atavism iwoZtrk] dykxr
Ataxia xfrfoHkze
Atelier f'kYi'kkyk
Atheism ukfLrdrk
Atheletic Association [ksydwn la?k
Athenaeum lkfgfR;d ;k oSKkfud Dyc] lHkk] okpuky;
Athene ,Fksu
Athirst I;klk] r`f"kr
Athlete O;k;keh] dljrh f[kykMhAthletic cfy"B] iq"Vdk;
At-home tyiku
Athwart vkM+k] fo:)
Atlantes iq:"kLrEHk
Atlantic vVykafVd] vrykUrd
Atlas ,Vyl] ekufp=koyh
At-least-once semantics U;wure ,d ckj flesafVd

ATM cell , Vh ,e lsy

Atmology ok"ifoKku
Atmosphere ok;qeaMy
At-most-once semantics vf/kdre ,d ckj flesafVdh
Atom ijek.kq] v.kq
Atomic {kfriw.kZ
Atomic action ijek.kfod f;k
Atomic broadcast ijek.kfod lkj.k
Atomic Energy Commission ijek.kq tkZ vk;x
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board ijek.kq tkZ fu;ked cMZ
Atomic Minerals Division ijek.kq [kfut Hkkx
Atomic power ijek.kq 'kfr
Atomic system ijek.kfod ra=
Atomic transaction ijek.kfod f;kdyki@vknku&nku
Atonal vrku
Atone k;f'pr djuk
Atonic cyk?kkr&'kwU;] 'kfDrghu
Atony 'kfDrghurk
Atop ds f'k[kj ij] ds ij
Atrabilious fo"kknxzLr
A-transducer , VkaLM~;wlj
Atremble dfEir] dEik;eku
Atrip mBk;k gqvk
Atrium kax.k
Atrocious u`'kal] ikf'od
Atrophy viqf"V] vi{k;] ?kqyuk
Attaboy 'kkok'k
Attach dqdZ djuk] layXu djuk
Attachable asset dqdZhZ ;X; vkfLr@ifjlaifRr
Attache vrk'ks( lgpkjh
Attached layXu] lac)] dqdZ fd;k x;k
Attached document layXu ys[k
Attached estate dqdZh dh gqbZ laink
Attached file layXu lafpdk

Attached office layXu&dk;kZy;

Attached processing layXu lalk/ku
Attached processor layXu lalk/kd
Attached Resource Computer Network (ARC net)

layXu lalk/ku daI;wVj usVodZ ,vkjusV

Attached support processor layXu vkyac kslslj@layXu vkyac d~e

Attachment dqdZhZ
Attachment of pay osru dh dqdZh
Attachment of property laifRr dh dqdZhZ
Attachment Officer dqdZh vf/kdkjh
Attachment order dqdZhZ vkns'k
Attachment unit interface layXu ,dd@bdkbZ varjkQyu
Attack vke.k djuk] geyk djuk] ?kkok
Attain kIr djuk] ykHk djuk
Attainment yfC/k( kfIr
Attaint dyafdr djuk] cnuke djuk
Attar b=] brj] vrj
Attemper eUn] de ;k gydk dj nsuk
Attempt ;Ru djuk( ;Ru
Attend mifLFkr guk( gktf+j guk
Attendance mifLFkfr( gktf+jh
Attendance Officer mifLFkfr vf/kdkjh( gktf+jh vQ+lj
Attendance register mifLFkfr iath( gktf+jh jftLVj
Attendance Register or Attendance Book mifLFkfr@gkftjh jftLVj

Attendance slip mifLFkfr ipZh

Attendant ifjpj
Attendant risk vuqorZhZ tf[ke
Attended operation mifLFkrlkis{k pkyu] ifjpkfjr laf;k
Attended trail printer mifLFkfr yhd eqd@mifLFkfr yhd faVj
Attender ifjpj
Attennation {kh.ku
Attention /;ku( lko/kku
Attention interruption /;ku varjk;u
Attention is invited to dh vj /;ku vkdf"kZr fd;k tkrk gS
Attention key /;ku dqath

Attention Shri Jh&/;ku nsa

Attentive lko/kku] lrZd] f'k"V
Attenuate ruwdkjh] iryk dj nsuk
Attenuation ruwdj.k] {kh.ku] ?kVko] mrkj
Attenuation constant {kh.kukad
Attenuation distortion {kh.ku fo:i.k
Attenuation equalizer {kh.ku rqY;dkjd
Attenuator {kh.kdkjh
Attest lk{;kadu@vuqekf.kr djuk
Attestation lk{;kadu] vuqek.ku
Attested lk{;kafdr] vuqekf.kr
Attested copy vuqekf.kr fr
Attested signatures lk{;kafdr@vuqekf.kr gLrk{kj
Attested true copy vuqekf.kr lgh frfyfi] lk{;kafdr fr
Attesting Officer vuqek.ku vf/kdkjh( rlnhd vQ+lj
Attic vVkjh
Attire diM+s igukuk] lWokjuk] ltkuk
Attitude #[k] vfHko`fRr
Attitudinize fn[kkok djuk
Attorn gLrkUrfjr djuk] Lokeh ekuuk
Attorney vVuZhZ
Attorney General egkU;k;oknh
Attorney, Power of eq[rkjukek@odkyrukek
Attract vkdf"kZr djuk
Attributable vkji.kh;@QyLo:i ekuk tk ldus okyk
Attribute fo'"krk] xq.k] y{k.k] fo'"k.k] rhd] Js;
Attributed dk dkj.k crkuk
Attributer xq.knk;d
Attribution xq.k
Attributive xq.kokpd
Attrited ?kf"kZr] f?klk gqvk
Attrition jxM+] la?k"kZ
Attune vuqdwy djuk] esy djuk] feykuk
Atypical vlkekU;

Aubade Hkkrh
Auberge ljk;
Auburn dfi'k] lqugjk
Auction uhyke] uhykeh
Auction house uhyke ?kj
Auction sale uhykeh fch
Auctioneer uhykedrkZ
Auctioneering agree uhykeh djkjukek
Auctioneering agreement uhykeh djkj
Auctioneer's comission uhykedrkZ dk deh'ku
Auctioneer's commis uhykedrkZ dk deh'ku
Audacious fuHkhZd] lkglh
Audacity lkgfldrk] f<BkbZ
Audibility JO;rk
Audible JO;
Audible alarm J`O; lpsrd
Audible feedback J`O; i'p Hkj.k@J`O; iqufuZos'k
Audience Jrk( n'kZd( n'kZu( lquokbZ
Audience Department Jrk foHkkx
Audience Officer Jrk vf/kdkjh
Audience research Jrk vuqla/kku( n'kZd vuqla/kku
Audio J`O;
Audio cassette J`O; dSlsV
Audio enquiry J`O; tkp
Audio helper J`O; lgk;d
Audio line J`O; ykbu
Audio monitor JO; ekWfuVj
Audio response JO; vuqf;k
Audio response message JO; vuqf;k lans'k
Audio response unit JO; vuqf;k ,dd
Audio telecommunication line JO; nwjlapkj ykbu
Audio terminal JO; VfeZuy
Audio trail JO; lR;kiu
Audio-frequency JO;ko`fRr

Audiometer JO;rkekih
Audiometer Technician Jo.kekih rduhf'k;u
Audiotape storage unit JO; Vsi HkaMkj.k ,dd@JO; Vsi HkaMkj.k bdkbZ
Audio-visual aids n`';&JO; lk/ku
Audio-visual displa n`';&JO; n'kZ
Audio-visual public n`'; JO; pkj
Audit ys[kk ijh{kk
Audit & Accounts Office ys[kk rFkk ys[kkijh{kk dk;kZy;
Audit & Accounts Order, 1936 ys[kk rFkk ys[kkijh{kk vkns'k] 1936
Audit Accounts Office ys[kk rFkk ys[kkijh{kk dk;kZy;
Audit Accounts Order, 1936 1936 ys[kk rFkk ys[kkijh{kk vkns'k
Audit Against propriety vfpR; ys[kkijh{kk
Audit against regularity fu;ferrrk&ys[kkijh{kk
Audit certificate ys[kk ijh{kk ek.ki=
Audit Check ys[kkijh{kk tkap
Audit Circle ys[kkijh{kk ifjeaMy
Audit classification ys[kk ijh{kk oxZhZdj.k
Audit Clerk ys[k&ijh{kk fyfid
Audit Code ys[kkijh{kk lafgrk
Audit Comments ys[kkijh{kk Vhdk&fVIif.k;ka@vkypuk,a
Audit Department ys[kkijh{kk foHkkx
Audit element ys[kk ijh{kk rRo
Audit enfacement ys[kkijh{kk eq[kkadu
Audit fee ys[kkijh{kk 'kqYd( ys[kkijh{kk Qhl
Audit fees ys[kk ijh{kk 'kqYd@Qhl
Audit instruction ys[kk ijh{kk vuqns'k
Audit Instructions ys[kkijh{kk vuqns'k
Audit interpretation ys[kkijh{kk fuoZpu
Audit Lapses ys[kkijh{kk dh pwdsa
Audit Memoranda ys[kkijh{kk Kkiu
Audit Note ys[kkijh{kk&fVIi.kh
Audit objection ys[kkijh{kk vkiRrfr
Audit objections ys[kkijh{kk&vkiRrfr;ka
Audit observations ys[kkijh{kk&vH;qfr;ka

Audit Office ys[kkijh{kk&dk;kZy;

Audit Officer ys[kk&ijh{kd vf/kdkjh
Audit paragraph ys[kkijh{kk iSjk
Audit Procedure ys[kkijh{kk dk;Zfof/k@f;k
Audit Programme ys[kk ijh{kk dk;Ze
Audit programming ys[kkijh{kk ekns'ku@ksxzkeu
Audit Register ys[kkijh{kk jftLVj
Audit report ys[kkijh{kk fjiVZ
Audit Ruling ys[kkijh{kk fofu.kZ;
Audit Section ys[kkijh{kk vuqHkkx
Audit stamp ys[kk ijh{kk eqgj
Audit trail ys[kk lR;kiu
Audit Type of control ys[kkijh{kk ds <ax dk fu;a=.k
Audit, Administrative 'kkldh; ys[kk&ijh{kk
Audit, Annual okf"kZd ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Balance Sheet cSysal 'khV ys[kkijh{kk@rqyu&i= ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Continuous fujarj ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Detailed C;jsokj ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Efficiency n{krk ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Efficiency-cum-propriety n{krk ,oa vfpR; ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Final or completed vafre ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Financial foRrrh; ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, First Fke ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Interim varfje ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Internal vkarfjd ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Nominal oS;frd ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Partial vkaf'kd ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Periodical vkof/kd ys[kkijh{kk
Audit, Sectional vuqHkkfxd ys[kkijh{kk
Audited & Admitted ys[kkijhf{kr o Lohr
Audited Accounts ys[kk ijhf{kr ys[ks
Audited Admitted ys[kkijhf{kr Lohr
Audited balance she ys[kkijhf{kr rqyui=
Audited Balance Sheet ys[kk ijhf{kr rqyu&i=

Audited Statements ys[kkijhf{kr fooj.k

Auditing ys[kkijh{k.k
Auditions Jo.k
Auditor ys[kk ijh{kd] vkfMVj
Auditor General egk ys[kk ijh{kd
Auditor of the Treasury [kt+kuk@jktd"k ys[kk ijh{kd
Auditor, Senior ofj"B ys[kk&ijh{kd
Auditor, Sr. ys[kkijh{kd] ofj"B
Auditorial Function ys[kkijh{kk dk;Z
Auditorium s{kkx`g( vkWfMVfj;e
Auditor's Civil liability ys[kkijh{kd dk flfoy nkf;Ro
Auditor's criminal liability ys[kkijh{kd dk vijkf/kd nkf;Ro
Auditor's lien ys[kkijh{kd dk fy;u@xzg.kkf/kdkj
Auditor's Report ys[kk ijh{kd dh fjiVZ@dk frosnu
Augean xanxh ls Hkjk gqvk
Augend ;td
Auger cjek
Aught dN Hkh] fdafpr
Augment c<+kuk] o`f)
Augmentation lao/kZu
Augmented grammar laof/Zkr O;kdj.k
Augmenter lao/kZd
August HkO;] rkih] egku] vxLr
Aulic njckjh
Aunt QQh] cwvk] pkph] elh] ekeh
AUP authentication , ;w ih ek.ku
AUP free , ;w ih eqDr
Aura ifjey] okrkoj.k
Aural Jo.k&lEcU/kh
Aural Surgeon d.kZ ltZu
Aureate lqugyk] Lof.kZe
Aureole Hkk&e.My
Auric Lof.kZd
Auricle cfg%d.kZ] dku] ikfy

Auriculate ld.kZ] ld.kkZHk

Auriferous Lo.kZe;
Auriga tkifr
Auriscope d.kZn'khZ
Aurora m"kk] /kzqoh; T;fr
Aurous Lo.kZe;
Aurum Lo.kZ
Auscultate ifjJo.k djuk
Auspicate 'kdu fopkjuk
Auspicious 'kdu] 'kqHk] ekaxfyd] lHkkX;'kkyh
Austere ferkgkjh] vfrla;eh] xaHkhj
Austerity feriHkx] lknxh
Austerity measures feriHkx mik;( lknxh ds mik;
Austerity scale feriHkx eku
Austral nf{k.k
Australia - Dollar vkLVsfy;k - Mkyj
Austria - Schilling vkLVf;k - f'kfyax
Austria - Shilling vkfLV;k&f'kfyax
Autarchy rkuk'kkgh
Authentic kekf.kd
Authentic translati kekf.kd vuqokn
Authenticate ekf.kr djuk
Authentication vfHkek.ku
Authentication protocol ek.ku ksVksdkWy
Author ys[kd] xzUFkdkj] jpf;rk
Author of a Trust U;kl&orZd
Author of Trust U;kl&orZd
Authoring lays[ku
Authoring language lays[ku Hkk"kk
Authoring system lays[ku i}fr
Authorisation kf/kdj.k] kf/kdkj nsuk
Authorise kf/kr@vf/kr djuk
Authorise you eSa vkid kf/kdkj nsrk gw
Authorised kf/kr] vf/kr

Authorised Agent kf/kr ,tsaV@vfHkdrkZ

Authorised and paid-up capital kf/kr vj pqdrk@nRr iwath
Authorised capital kf/kr iwath] vf/kr iwath
Authorised dealer kf/kr O;kikjh
Authorised establishment vf/kr@kf/kr LFkkiuk
Authorised Medical Attendant kf/kr fpfdRld
Authorised money changer vf/kr eqk ifjorZd
Authorised rate vf/kr@kf/kdj nj
Authorised represen kf/kr frfuf/k
Authorised represenntive kf/kr frfuf/k
Authorised scale kf/kr@vf/kr eku
Authorised signature vf/kr gLrk{kj
Authorised Translations (Central Laws) Act, 1973

kf/kr vuqokn dsUh; fof/k vf/kfu;e] 1973

Authorised version vf/kr@kf/kr ikB

Authorising person kf/kr djusokyk O;fDr
Authoritarian lRrkoknh
Authoritative kf/kr( kf/kdkfjd
Authoritative interpretation kf/kr fuoZpu
Authoritative record vf/kdkfjd vfHkys[k
Authorities, Indian Income-tax Hkkjrh; vk;dj kf/kdkjh
Authority kf/kdkjh] kf/kdj.k] kf/kdkj
Authority system kf/kdj.k ra=
Authority competent to sanction/make payment/decid

eatwjh nsus@Hkqxrku djus@fu.kZ; nsus ds fy, l{ke kf/kdkjh

Authority letter kf/kdkj i=

Authority, Express O;r kf/kdkj
Authority, implied fufgr kf/kdkj
Authorization kf/kdkj
Authorization code kf/kdj.k dwV
Authorize kf/kr djuk
Authorized kf/kr
Authorized capital kf/kr iwth
Authorized dealer kf/kr O;kikjh
Authorized library kkf/kr ykbZczsjh@laxzg
Authorized program kf/kr ekns'k

Authorized program facility kf/kr ekns'k lqfo/kk

Autism vkRefoeg
Auto Lo&] LOr%
Auto abstract Lor lkj
Auto answer mode Lor mrj fo/kk
Auto -answer modem Lor mkj ekWMse
Auto booting Lor cwfVax@LocwVu@Lopsru
Auto bypass Lor miekxZ
Auto CAD vkWVks dSM
Auto call Lor vkoku
Auto call unit Lor vkgoku ,dd@Lor vkgoku bdkbZ
Auto coder Lor dksMd
Auto correlation coefficient Lor lglaca/ku xq.kkad
Auto dial Lor Mk;y
Auto Exchange Assistant vkWV dsa lgk;d
Auto index Lor lwpdkad
Auto indexed Lor lwpfdr
Auto Lathe Setter vkWV [kjkfn;k
Auto logon Lor ykWxkWu@Lor l=kjaHk
Auto sizing Lor vkekiu
Auto start routine Lor pkfyr usedk
Autoalising jfpr Lor ,fy;klhdj.k
Autobiography vkRedFkk
Autocephalous Lok/khu
Autochthon ns'kh] vkfnoklh] LFkkfu;
Autocracy fuj+d'krk
Autocrat rkuk'kkg
Auto-dial mode Lor Mk;y fo/kk
Autoflow Lor okg
Autogamy Lo;qXeu
Autograph Lok{kj( vius gLrk{kj
Autolysis Loy;u
Automata vkWVksesVk
Automata theory vkWVksesVk fl)kar

Automate type Lopy :i

Automated bibliography Lorr xzaFk lwph
Automated data medium Lorr vkadM+k ek/;e
Automated dictionary Lorr dks'k
Automated glossary Lorr 'kCn laxzg
Automated logic diagram Lopkfyr rdZ vkjs[k
Automated management Lopkfyr ca/ku
Automated office Lopkfyr dk;kZy;
Automated office storage Lopkfyr dk;kZy; HakMkj.k
Automated production management Lopkfyr mRiknu ca/ku
Automated stock control Lopkfyr LVkWd fu;a=.k
Automatic Lopy] Lopkfyr
Automatic computing engine Lor vfHkdyu batu
Automatic dialing unit Lor Mk;yu ,dd@Lor Mk;yu bdkbZ
Automatic programming Lor ekns'ku
Automatic recovery program Lor iqu kfIr ekns'k
Automatic restart Lor iqujkjaHku] iqu vkReu] iqu orZu
Automatic abstract Lor lkj
Automatic abstracting Lor lkj
Automatic answering machine Lor mkj e'khu
Automatic backup Lor cSd&vi
Automatic block signaling Lopy Cykd flxuy
Automatic borrowing rights Lor% m/kkj ysus ds vf/kdkj
Automatic call distributor Lor vkoku forjd
Automatic calling Lor vkoku
Automatic check Lor tkp
Automatic coding Lor dksMu
Automatic computing Lor vfHkdyu
Automatic constant Lor vpj
Automatic control engineering Lor fu;a=.k bathfu;jh@Lor fu;a=.k vfHk;kaf=dh
Automatic Credit Guarantee Scheme Lor% miyC/k _.k xkjaVh ;tuk
Automatic data processing Lor vkadMk e.k
Automatic data processing system Lor vkadM+k e.k ra=
Automatic decimal alignment Lor n'keyo ljs[k.k

Automatic dialing unit Lor Mk;yu ,dd@Lor Mk;yu bdkbZ

Automatic dictionary Lor jfpr dks'k
Automatic emulation switching Lor lekuqdj.k Lohpu
Automatic equalization Lor rqY;hdj.k
Automatic error correction Lor =qfV la'kks/ku
Automatic feed punch Lor Hkj.k iap@fNnd
Automatic font down loading Lor QkWV vkoHkkj.k
Automatic function Lor Qyu
Automatic gain control Lor yfC/k fu;a=.k
Automatic head parking Lor 'kh"kZ@gsM ikfdZax@fojkeu
Automatic hyphenation Lor usVodZ fLopu~@Lor la;kstu
Automatic indexing Lor lwpdhdj.k
Automatic library call Lor laxzg vkoku
Automatic licence Lor% kIr ykblsal
Automatic message accounting Lor lans'k ys[kkadu
Automatic message routing Lor lans'k vuqekxZ.k
Automatic mode switching Lor fo/kk fLopu
Automatic network switching Lor usVodZ fLopu
Automatic number identification Lor la[;k vfHkKku
Automatic numerator Lopkfyr uacje'khu
Automatic pagination Lor i`"Bu
Automatic priority grouping Lori`"Vu Lor ojh;rk lewgu
Automatic Programming Lopy dk;Ze ;tuk
Automatic punch Lor fN.k@Lor iap
Automatic recalculation Lor iqu dyu
Automatic Refinance Scheme Lor% iqufoZRr ;tuk
Automatic repeat request Lor iqujkorZu fuosnu
Automatic replenishment system Lor% iqu% iwfrZ .kkyh
Automatic revision tracking Lor iqu vuqiFku
Automatic routine Lor usedk
Automatic sequencing Lor vuqe.k
Automatic sequential operation Lor vuqeh laf;k
Automatic server recovery Lor ifjlsod@iqu kfIr
Automatic speed sensing Lor pky laosnu@Lor Vsyj e'khu

Automatic stop Lor fojke

Automatic teller machine(ATM) Lor Vsyj e'khu
Automatic variable Lopj
Automatic volume recognition Lor cyrk vfHkKku
Automatic volume switching Lor cyrk fLopu
Automatic wage progression Lor% et+nwjh o`f)
Automatically Lor
Automatically programmed tools Lor eknsf'kr lk/ku
Automation Lopyu] Lopkyu] Lopyhdj.k
Automation concept Lopkyu ladYiuk
Automatisation Lopkyuhdj.k
Automaton Lopkfyr ;arz
Automobile eVjxkM+h
Automoniter LoekWfuVj
Automonitor routine LoekWfuVj usedk
Autonomic Lok;RRkk] LorU=
Autonomous Lok;Rr
Autonomous bodies Lok;Rr fudk;
Autonomous body Lok;Rrr fudk;
Autonomous Financial Institutions Lok;Rr foRrh; laLFkk,a
Autonomous investment Lok;Rr fuos'k
Autonomous system Lok;k ra=
Autonomous working Lok;r dk;Z
Autonomy Lok;Rrrrk
AutoPlay vkWVksIys
Autoplotter Lorvkys[kd@LorIykWVj
Autopsy 'ko&ijh{kk
Autopsy Department 'ko&ijh{kk foHkkx
Autorepeat key Lor iqujkorZu dqath
Autosave Loj{k.k
Autoselect Lor p;u@Lop;u
Autosuggestion vkRelq>ko
Autotrace Lor vuqjs[kk@Lor vuqjs[k
Auto-verification Lor% lR;kiu

Autumn 'kjr~
AUX , ;w ,Dl
Auxanometer o`f)ekih
Auxiliary lgk;d( vfrfjr
Auxiliary access time lgk;d vfHkxe dky
Auxiliary battery lgk;d cSVjh
Auxiliary Cadet Corps lgk;d dSMsV dj
Auxiliary capital lgk;d iwath] vfrfjDr iwath
Auxiliary carry flag lgk;d gkfld irkdk
Auxiliary Centre lgk;d dsa
Auxiliary duty lgk;d 'kqYd
Auxiliary equipment lgk;d midj.k
Auxiliary materials lgk;d lkeku@eky
Auxiliary memory lgk;d Le`fr@lgk;d eSeksjh
Auxiliary Nurse lgk;d ulZ
Auxiliary operation lgk;d pkyu
Auxiliary Plant Attendant lgk;d la;a= ifjpj
Auxiliary Plant Operator lgk;d la;a= pkyd
Auxiliary routine lgk;d usedk
Auxiliary service lgk;d lsok
Auxiliary speaker lgk;d Lihdj
Auxiliary storage lgk;d HkaMkj.k
Auxiliary store lgk;d HkaMkj
Avail dke vkuk] mi;xh guk] miyC/k djuk
Availability miyC/krk
Availability of Funds fuf/k;a dh kI;rk] jkf'k dh kI;rk
Availability of Funds fuf/k;a dh kI;rk] 2- jkf'k dh kI;rk
Available miyC/k] kI;
Available Assets kI; ifjlaiRrfr;ka
Available machine time kI; e'khu dky
Available point kI; foanq
Available space list kI; LFkku lwph
Available time kI; dky
Avalanche fge/kko] vo/kko] fgel[kyu] o"kkZ

Avalanche effect fge/kko Hkko

Avant-garde vxzlj
AVARD Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural

xzkeh.k fodkl LoSfPNd ,tsalh la?k

Avarice dtwlh] /kuyyqirk

Avast Bgj] jd
Avaunt /kr~
Ave Lokxre~
Avenge cnyk ysuk ;k pqdkuk
Avenue ekxZ
Aver dFku djuk
Averae of income vk; dk vlr
Averae pay vlr osru
Averae population vlr tula[;k
Averae prices vlr dhersa@ewY;
Average vlr
Average access time vkSlr vfHkxe dky
Average advances vlr vfxze
Average amount of capital vlr iwath jde
Average annual percentage variation vlr okf"kZd fr'kr varj
Average behavior vkSlr vkpj.k
Average bias vkSlr vfHkufr
Average cash balance vlr udnh cdk;k jkf'k tek jde
Average clause vlr /kkjk] 2- chek&{kfr /kkjk
Average conditional information vkSlr lfrca/k lwpuk
Average cost vlr ykxr@ewY;
Average daily balance vlr nSfud 'ks"k
Average deposits vlr tekjkf'k;ka
Average due date vlr ns;@fu/kkZfjr frfFk
Average edge time vkSlr Nksj dky
Average emoluments vlr ifjyfC/k;ka
Average error vlr =qfV@pwd
Average family vlr ifjokj
Average haul vlr ogu
Average holding vlr tr

Average hourly earnings vlr fr ?kaVk dekbZ@vtZu

Average information content vkSlr lwpuk varoZLrq
Average information rate vkSlr lwpuk nj
Average leave vlr NqV~Vh
Average market value vlr ckt+kj ewY;
Average Pay vlr osru
Average profit vlr ykHk
Average rate vlr nj
Average rate of Exchange fofue; dh vlr nj
Average rate of Tax dj dh vlr nj
Average rate of Exchange fofue; dh vlr nj
Average rate of Tax dj dh vlr nj
Average ratio vlr vuqikr
Average recovery rate vkSlr kfIr nj
Average return vlr ykHk@frQy@vken
Average revenue vlr jktLo@ekyxqt+kjh] vlr vk;@lakfIr
Average seek time vkSlr [kkst dky
Average settlement period for creditiors ysunkj ds fy, vkSlr cankscLr vof/k

Average settlement period for debtors nsunkj ds fy, vkSlr cankscLr vof/k
Average size vlr vkdkj
Average transformation content vkSlr :ikarj.k varoZLrq
Average weekly earnings vlr lkIrkfgd dekbZ@vtZu
Average, General lkekU; vlr
Average, mean ek/; vlr
Average, Particular fo'ks"k vlr
Average, weighted Hkkfjr vlr
Averment dFku
Averse vfuPNqd] frdy
Aversion fo#fp( for`".kk
Avert cpk ysuk
Avian i{kh
Aviary njck
Aviate foeku pykuk] foeku esa ;k=k djuk
Aviation foekuu

Aviation Advisor foekuu lykgdkj

Aviation Construction Circle foekuu fuekZ.k lfdZy
Aviculture i{kh&ikyu
Avid yHkh] ykykf;r
Aviso lans'kokgd ir
Avocation mi O;olk;
Avoid otZu djuk( ifjgkj djuk( cpuk
Avoidable ifjgk;Z
Avoidable extra expenditure ifjgk;Z vfrfjr [kpZ@O;;
Avoidable interest ifjgk;Z C;kt
Avoidable payment ifjgk;Z Hkqxrku@vnk;xh
Avoidance ifjgkj
Avoidance of tax dj&ifjgkj] dj oapu
Avouch vk'oklu nsuk] ftEesokjh ysuk
Avouched age ?kf"kr vk;q
Avow Lohdkj djuk
Avulsion fonkj.k
Await rh{kk djuk] jkg ns[kuk
Awake tkxzr] tkxfjr] tkx:d] lrdZ] lko/kku] txkuk
Awakening tkxj.k( tkx`fr
Award iapkV] iap fu.kZ;] vf/kfu.kZ;
Award Staff iapkVk/khu@iapkV LVkQ
Awarding authority iapkV kf/kdkjh( vf/kfu.kZ; kf/kdkjh
Aware tkudkj] voxr] c/k
Awareness Hkku( c/k( tkx:drk
Awash Iykfor] cgrk gqvk
Away ckgj] nwj] vyx
Awe foLe;] Hk;
Aweather frokr
Awesome foLe;dkjh] J)kyq
Awful foLe;dkjh] Mjkouk] cqjk
Awhile dN le; rd] FkM+h nsj rd
Awk vkWd
Awkward Hkk

Awl lqrkjh] lqvk

Awn lhdj] 'kwd
Awning lk;cku] frjiky
Awry Vs<+k] frjNk
Axe dYgkM+k] dYgkM+h
Axial v{kh;] v{k
Axil ,sfDly] d{k
Axilla dkW[k
Axillary d{kh;] d{kkorhZ
Axiological ewY;fJr&ehekalk
Axiom Lo;aflf)
Axiomatic complexity Lo;a tfVyrk
Axiomatic definition vfHkx`ghr ifjHkk"kk
Axis v{k] /kqjh
Axle /kqjh] dhyh
Axle Box /kqjk ckDl
Axle guard /kqjk j{kh
Axlewood /kko] /kjh
Axon v{krUrq
Ayah vk;k
Aye gk
Ayes gk i{k
Ayurvedacharya, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (

vk;qoZsnkpk;Z] dk;fpfdRlk rFkk 'kY; fpfdRlk Lukrd

Azimuth fnxa'k
Azoic tUrqghu
Azote ukbVtu
Azure vklekuh] uhyk] uHk] vkdk'k
Azurine pacbZ
Azymous cs[kehj
Azyogous v;qXe
B. C. bZlk iwoZ] bZloh iwoZ
B/C Bills for Collection olwyh ds fy, fcy
B/D Bills Discounted Hkquk;s x;s fcy
B/E Bill of Exchange fofue;&i=

B/L Bill of Lading ynku&i=

B/P Bills Payable ns; fcy
B/R Bills Receivable kI; fcy
Babble rqrykuk
Babe cPpk
Babel dykgy
Baby f'k'kq
Baccalaureate Lukrd dh mikf/k
Baccate ljl
Bacchanalia ljknsoRlo] e|ikuRlo
Bachelor Lukrd] vfookfgr
Bachelor Course in Mass Communication Journalism (

tu lapkj ,oa i=dkfjrk Lukrd ik+;e

Bachelor of Academic Laws (B.A.L.) 'kSf{kd fof/k Lukrd

Bachelor of Adult Education (B.A.Ed.) <+ f'k{kk Lukrd
Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agri.) f"k Lukrd
Bachelor of Applied Arts (B.A.A.) vuq;qr dyk Lukrd
Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) okLrqfo|k Lukrd
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) dyk Lukrd
Bachelor of Arts (Education of the Deaf) (Ed. Deaf

Bachelor of Arts (Education of the Deaf) B.A (Ed.

dyk Lukrd cf/kj

dyk Lukrd cf/kj f'k{kk

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (B.A. Hons.) dyk Lukrd oh.k

Bachelor of Arts (Rural Studies) (B.A.R.S.)

dyk Lukrd xzkeh.k v/;;u

Bachelor of Arts (Special) (B.A. Spl.) dyk Lukrd fo'ks"k

Bachelor of Arts and Art Education (Honours) (B. A

dyk ,oa dyk f'k{kk Lukrd oh.k

Bachelor of Arts in Music (B.A. Mus.) dyk Lukrd laxhr

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine Surgery (B.A.M.S.)

vk;qoZsn dk;fpfdRlk rFkk 'kY; fpfdRlk Lukrd

Bachelor of Ayurveduc Medicine (B.A.M.)

vk;qoZsn Lukrd

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)

O;olk; 'kklu Lukrd

Bachelor of Business Management (B.B.M.)

O;olk; ca/k Lukrd

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (B.Ch.E.)

jlk;u bathfu;jh Lukrd

Bachelor of Chemical Technology (B. Chem. Tech.)

jlk;u |fxdh Lukrd

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (B.C.E.) flfoy bathfu;jh Lukrd] flfoy vfHk;kaf=dh Lukrd
Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.) flfoy fof/k Lukrd
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) okf.kT; Lukrd

Bachelor of Communication Journalism (B.C.J.)

lapkj ,oa i=dkfjrk Lukrd

Bachelor of Dance (B. Dance) u`R; Lukrd

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) nar 'kY; fpfdRlk Lukrd
Bachelor of Dramatics (B.D.) ukV~+;'kkL= Lukrd
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) f'k{kk&Lukrd
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.E.E.) oS|qr bathfu;jh Lukrd] oS|qr vfHk;kaf=dh Lukrd
Bachelor of Electronics and Tele-Communication Eng

bysDVkWfudh ,oa nwjlapkj bathfu;jh Lukrd

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) bathfu;jh Lukrd] vfHk;kaf=dh Lukrd

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (B.E.Elect.)

bathfu;jh Lukrd oS|qr

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (B.E. Mech.)

bathfu;jh Lukrd ;kaf=d

Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgy) (B.E. Metal.)

bathfu;jh Lukrd /kkrqfoKku

Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) (B.E. Mining)

bathfu;jh Lukrd [kuu

Bachelor of Engineering (Tele-Communication) (B.E.

bathfu;jh Lukrd nwjlapkj

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A./B. Fine) yfyr dyk Lukrd

Bachelor of Fishery Science (B.F.Sc.) ekRL;dh m|x foKku Lukrd
Bachelor of General Laws(B.G.L.) lkekU; fof/k Lukrd
Bachelor of Home Science (B.H.Sc.) x`g foKku Lukrd
Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (B.H.

gE;iSfFkd fpfdRlk ,oa 'kY; fpfdRlk Lukrd

Bachelor of Indian Medicine (B.I.M.) Hkkjrh; vk;qfoZKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Industrial Laws (B.I.L.) v|fxd fof/k Lukrd
Bachelor of Journalism (B.J.) i=dkfjrk Lukrd
Bachelor of Journalism Communication (B.J.C.)
Bachelor of Journalism Mass Communication (B.J.M.C

i=dkfjrk ,oa lapkj Lukrd

i=dkfjrk ,oa tu lapkj Lukrd

Bachelor of Law or Laws (B.L./LL.B.) fof/k&Lukrd

Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I

iqLrdky; ,oa lwpuk foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Library Science (B.L.Sc./B.Lib./B.Lib.

iqLrdky; foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Literature (B. Lit.) lkfgR; Lukrd

Bachelor of Mass Communication Journalism (B.M.C.)

tulapkj ,oa i=dkfjrk Lukrd

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (B.M.E.)

;kaf=d bathfu;jh Lukrd] ;kaf=d vfHk;kaf=dh Lukrd

Bachelor of Medical Research Science (B.M.R.Sc.)

fpfdRlk vuqla/kku foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (B.M.

vk;qfoZKku rFkk 'kY;&foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Metallurgy (B. Met.) /kkrqfoKku L+ukrd

Bachelor of Music (B. Mus.) laxhr Lukrd
Bachelor of Nursing (B. Nur.) ifjp;kZ Lukrd

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (B.O.Th.)

O;kolkf;d fpfdRlk Lukrd

Bachelor of of Sanitary Science (B.S.Sc.) LoPNrk foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Oriental Learning (B.O.L.) kP;fo|k Lukrd

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) Hks"kth Lukrd
Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.E.) 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk Lukrd] O;k;ke f'k{kk Lukrd
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B. Physio) vax O;k;ke Lukrd] 'kkjhfjd fpfdRlk Lukrd
Bachelor of Rural Studies (B.R.S.) xzkeh.k v/;;u Lukrd
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) (Agri.)] foKku Lukrd f"k
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) [B.Sc(Agri.)]

foKku Lukrd f"k

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Science (Home Art) foKku Lukrd x`g dyk
Bachelor of Science (Home Economics) (B.Sc. Home E

foKku Lukrd x`g vFkZ'kkL=

Bachelor of Science (Home Science) (B.Sc. Home Sc.

foKku Lukrd x`g foKku

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (B.Sc. Hons.)

foKku Lukrd oh.k

Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) (B.Sc.

foKku Lukrd O;kolkf;d fpfdRlk

Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) (B.Sc.O

foKku Lukrd O;kolkf;d fpfdRlk

Bachelor of Science (Physical Therapy) (B.Sc.P.T.)

foKku Lukrd 'kkjhfjd fpfdRlk

Bachelor of Science (Technology) (B.Sc.Tech.)

foKku Lukrd |fxdh

Bachelor of Science (Textiles) (B.Sc. Text.)

foKku Lukrd oL=

Bachelor of Science (Veterinary) (B.Sc. Vet.)

foKku Lukrd i'kqfpfdRlk

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture /Bachelor of Sc

f"k foKku Lukrd] foKku Lukrd f"k

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Animal Husb

f"k rFkk i'kqikyu foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Engineering (B.

foKku Lukrd f"k bathfu;jh

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.Sc. Engg.)

bathfu;jh foKku Lukrd] foKku Lukrd bathfu;jh

Bachelor of Science in Medicine (B.Sc. Med.)

foKku Lukrd dk;fpfdRlk

Bachelor of Science in Mining (B.Sc. Mining)

foKku Lukrd [kuu

Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering (B.Sc. M

foKku Lukrd [kuu bathfu;jh

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing)

foKku Lukrd ifjp;kZ

Bachelor of Shuddha Ayurvedic Medicine (B.S.A.M.)

'kq) vk;qoZsfnd fpfdRlk Lukrd

Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) lkekftd dk;Z Lukrd

Bachelor of Teaching (B.T.) v/;kiu Lukrd
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) |fxdh Lukrd
Bachelor of Technology (Naval Architecture) (B.Tec

|fxdh Lukrd ulsuk okLrqdyk

Bachelor of Tele-Communication Engineering (B.Tel.

nwjlapkj bathfu;jh Lukrd] nwjlapkj vfHk;kaf=dh Lukrd

Bachelor of Textiles (B. Text.) oL=foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Textiles (Engineering) (B. Text. Engg.

oL= foKku Lukrd bath-

Bachelor of Textiles (Technology)(B. Text. Tech.)

oL= foKku Lukrd |fxdh

Bachelor of Theatre Arts (B.T.A.) jax dyk Lukrd

Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) /keZ'kkL= Lukrd
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S.)

;wukuh dk;ZfpfdRlk ,oa 'kY;&fpfdRlk&Lukrd

Bachelor of Unani Tib Surgery (B.U.T.S.) ;wukuh frc ,oa 'kY;fpfdRlk Lukrd
Bachelor of Veterinary Animal Science (B.V.A.Sc.)

i'kqfpfdRlk foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Veterinary Sceince and Animal Husbandr

i'kq fpfdRlk rFkk i'kqikyu foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.)

i'kqfpfdRlk foKku Lukrd

Bachelor of Visual Art (B.V.A.) n`';dyk Lukrd

Bacillary n.Mk.kq dk
Back i`IBHkkx] ihNs dh vj] ihB
Back across i'p ladj
Back axle fiNyk /kqjk
Back bar fiNyh iV~Vh
Back bone es:naM@jh<+
Back bone network es:naM jh<+ usVodZ@tky
Back data fiNys@iwoZ vkadM+s
Back door i'p }kj
Back edge i'p Nksj
Back end i'p fljk
Back face deletion i'p Qyu foyksiu
Back ground i`"B Hkwfe
Back ground display image(= static display image )

i`"BHkwfe n'kZ frfcacLFkSfrd n'kZ frfcac

Back ground job i`"BHkwfe dk;Z

Back ground light i`"BHkwfae dk'k
Back heating i'p rkiu
Back light fiNyh cRrrh
Back log fiNyk cd+k;k( ckdf+;kr( viwrZ
Back out eqdj tkuk] uV tkuk] ihNs gV tkuk
Back patching i'p iScan
Back pay fiNyk osru
Back plane i'p ry

Back propagation i'p lkj.k

Back reference fiNyk lanHkZ( fiNyk gokyk
Back seat driving gLr{ksi djuk
Back to back contract vU;U; Bsdk
Back to work dke ij yVsa
Back tracking i'p iFku
Back up leFkZu] "k"B i"k
Back ward error recovery i'p =qfV kfIr
Back-ache i`"B'kwy
Backbite fdlh dh pqxyh
Backboard fiNyk r[rk
Backbone jh<+
Backbone cable jh<+ dsfcy@oSdcksM dsfcy
Backdated iwoZ&fnukafdr
Backdated cheque iwoZ&fnukafdr pSd
Back-end processor i'p fljk ed
Backer leFkZd
Backfire frToyu] O;FkZ
Background ifjs{;] i`"BHkwfe
Background printing i`"VHkwfe eq.k
Background program i`"B Hkwfe ekns'ku
Background communication i`"BHkwfae lapkj
Background job i`"BHkwfe dk;Z
Background noise i`"B Hkwfe 'kksj@i`"B Hkwfe jo
Background of the case ekeys dh i`"BHkwfe
Background pagination i`"BHkwfe i`"Bhdj.k
Background paper (b iwoZ ihfBdk
Background paper (background) iwoZ ihfBdk
Background processing i`"VHkwfe eu
Backgrounding i`"VHkwfedj.k
Backing iq'rk] i`"Bk/kku] leFkZu
Backing a bill fcy@gqaMh i"k.k] fcy@gqaMh leFkZu
Backing bill fcy@gqaMh i"k.k] fcy@gqaMh leFkZu
Backing store lgk;d HkaMkj

Backlog fiNyk 'ks"k dk;Z

Backside pwrM+] furECk
Backsight i'pkoydu iwoZn`f"V
Backslide /keZ R;kx nsuk
Backspace i'ph;u@cSdLisl
Backspace charater i'ph;u larhd@cSdLisl larhd
Backspacing i'ph;u
Backstage usiF;
Backtrack assumption i'p vuqekxZ dYiuk
Backtracking i'pvuqekxZ.k
Backtracking structured programming i'p vuqekxhZ lajfpr ekns'ku@i'p vuqekxhZ lajfpr ksxzkeu
Backup cSd&vi@iwfrZdj
Backup programmer iwfZrZdj ekns'kd
Backup copy cSd&vi frfyfi@iwfrZdj frfyfi
Backup memory iwfrZdj Le`fr@cSd&vi eSeksjh
Backup path cSd&vi iFk@iwfrZdj iFk
Backward myVk i'pxkeh
Backward areas fiNM+s {ks=
Backward classes fiNM+s oxZ
Backward Classes Commission fiNM+s oxZa dk vk;x
Backward diode i'p Mk;ksM
Backward districts fiNM+s ft+ys
Backward elimination i'p foyksiu
Backward file recovery i'p lafpdk kfIr
Backward learning algorithm i'p f'k{k.k ,YxksfjFke
Backward recovery i'p kfIr
Backward reference iwoZ lanHkZ
Backward tribes fiNM+h tutkfr;ka] fiNM+h vkfne tkfr;ka
Backward ware oscillator i'p os;j nksyd
Backwardness fiNM+kiu
Backwash frf{kIr ty
Bacon uedhu] lwdj&ekal
Bacteria thok.kq
Bacteriological Assistant thok.kq foKku lgk;d

Bacteriologist thok.kqfoKkuh
Baculine n.M
Bad cqjk] [kjkc
Bad & doubtful debts fu"V rFkk lansgkLin _.k
Bad and doubtful debts v'k/; vj lafnX/k _.k
Bad and doubtful of recovery v'k/; vj olwyh dh n`f"V ls lafnX/k
Bad behaviour cqjk O;ogkj
Bad character nq'pfj=( nq%'khy
Bad climate allowan fo"ke tyok;q HkRrrk
Bad climate allowance fo"ke tyok;q HkRrk
Bad conduct nqjkpj.k
Bad debt v'k/; _.k
Bad debts v'kk/; _.k@Mwch jde
Bad debts account v'k/; _.k ys[kk
Bad debts recovered account iqu% kIr v'k/; _.k ys[kk
Bad debts reserve v'k/; _.k kjf{kr fuf/k
Bad debts reserve account v'k/; _.k kjf{kr fuf/k ys[kk
Bad disk block lnks"k fMLd [kaM
Bad livelihood dqthfodk] cqjk thou;kiu
Bad sector vuqi;ksxh@[kaM
Badge cSt( fcYyk
Badger fcTtw
Badinage ifjgkl djuk
Baffle O;FkZ ;k fu"Qy dj nsuk
Baffling foLe;dkjh
Bag Fyk] isVh
Bag and baggage cfj;k&fcLrj
Bag memo FkSyk Kkiu] FkSyk ese
Bagasse [kbZ
Bagatelle ux.; ;k rqPN oLrq
Baggage vlckc
Baggage car lkeku ;ku
Baggage Inspector lkeku fujh{kd
Baggage policy lkeku chek ikWfylh

Baggage rule vlckc&fu;e ;k lkeku fu;e

Bagnio os';ky;] dkjkx`g
Bahrain - Dinar cgjhu - nhukj
Bail mifuf/k] tekur
Bail bond tekur ckaM@ca/k&i=
Bail for good conduct vPNs vkpj.k ds fy, tekur
Bail, To admit tekur eku ysuk
Bail, To stand tekur nsuk] tkfeu guk
Bailable tekur&;X;
Bailable action tekur&;X; dkjZokbZ
Bailable offence tekur&;X; vijk/k
Bailable process tekur&;X; f;k
Bailee mifufgrh] fu{ksix`ghrk
Bailee's lien mifufgrh dk xzg.kkf/kd
Bailey nqxZkphj
Bailiff csfyQ+
Bailment vifu/kku
Bailor mifu/kkrk] fu{ksih] fu{ksi
Baisc statistical returns ewy lkaf[;dh; foojf.k;ka
Bait lrkuk] pkjk yxkuk] yypkuk
Baiting lUrkiu
Baize cukr
Bake idkuk] lsduk
Baker csdj
Bakery Instructor csdjh vuqns'kd
Baking powder ikd&pw.kZ
Baksheesh cf['k'k
Balance ckdh] larqyu] 'ks"k] 'ks"k jkf'k@jde
Balance at credit tek[kkrs 'ks"k
Balance book 'ks"k cgh] rqyu cgh
Balance carried over vxzsuhr 'ks"k
Balance confirmation certificate tekjkf'k iqf"Vdj.k ek.ki=
Balance due cdk;k jde] ns;@kI; 'ks"k jkf'k
Balance in hand 'ks"k jkf'k

Balance is cleared 'ks"k dk fuiVku fd;k tkrk gS

Balance Keeper 'ks"k jkf'k j{kd
Balance of loss gkfu 'ks"k
Balance of payment vnk;xh 'ks"k
Balance of payments Hkqxrku&larqyu
Balance of profit ykHk 'ks"k
Balance of trade O;kikj larqyu@'ks"k
Balance of trade Over-all lexz O;kikj larqyu@'ks"k
Balance of trade, Over-all lexz O;kikj larqyu@'ks"k
Balance Sheet rqyu&i=
Balance sheet as snapshot rqyu i= dk vk'kqfp=@rqyu i= dk LuSi'kkV
Balance sheet items rqyu&i= dh ensa
Balance sheet, Consolidated lesfdr rqyu&i=
Balance the books cfg/kh dh ckdh fudkyuk
Balance to the credit tek jde@jkf'k
Balance, Closing bfr'ks"k] jdM+ ckdh
Balance, contra nqrjQk@fri{kh 'ks"k
Balance, credit tek 'ks"k@sfMV 'ks"k
Balance, debit ukes 'ks"k@MsfcV 'ks"k
Balance, healthy ;Fks"V fons'kh eqk
Balance, Opening vFk 'ks"k] jdM+ tek
Balance, Outstanding ckdh 'ks"k] cdk;k tek@jkf'k
Balance, Regulatory fu;ked 'ks"k
Balance, Trial 'ks"k ijh{k.k] ryiV
Balance, unspent vO;k;r 'ks"k
Balanced larqfyr
Balanced budget larqfyr ctV
Balanced deployment larqfyr ifjfu;tu
Balanced development larqfyr ifjfu;tu
Balanced Heads 'ks"k lao`r~'kh"kZ
Balanced tree larqfyr o`{k
Balances held abroad fons'ka esa tek jkf'k@jde
Balances with banks outside India Hkkjr ds ckgj cSada esa tekjkf'k;ka
Balances with other banks vU; cSada ds ikl tekjkf'k;ka

Balances with Reserve Bank of India Hkkjrh; fjt+oZ cSad eas tek jkf'k;ka
Balance-sheet rqyu&i=] foRrh; fLFkfr fooj.k
Balancing 'ks"k ckdh fudkyuk
Balancing act larqyd dk;Z
Balancing equipment larqyu midj.k] ryus dk lkt&lkeku
Balancing reconciliation 'ks"k fudkyuk vj lek/kku djuk
Balcony NTtk] ckjtk
Bald xatk] uaxk
Baldachin forku
Balderdash cdokn] cdcd
Baldric ijryk] ijryh
Bale xkaB] xV~Bk
Baleen frfe&Ja`xkfLFk
Baleout Nrjh ls mrjuk
Baler xkaB cka/kusokyk
Bales xkBsa
Baling xkaB cka/kuk
Ball xasn] dUnqd
Ball bearing ckyfc;fjax
Ballast iwjd Hkkj] jM+h
Ballast Checker fxV~Vh iM+rkydrkZ
Ballast conveyor fxV~Vh okgd
Ballast Inspector feV~Vh fujh{kd
Ballast lamp /kkjk&fLFkjd ySEi
Ballast Train fxV~Vh xkM+h
Ballast Train Journal VwVh xkM+h tuZy
Ballerina urZdh
Ballet u`R;&ukVd] u`R;&ukV;
Ballistic ikz{fid] {i
Ballistic expert k{ksfidh fo'ks"kK
Ballonet xqCckjd
Balloon xqCckjk
Balloonbarrage xqCckja dk ?jk
Ballot eri= ernku

Ballot box er isVh

Ballot Officer eri=&vf/kdkjh
Ballot paper eri=
Ballyhoo 'kjxqy] /kwe/kkeh foKkiu
Balm ejge] eyge
Balneal Luku
Balneology Luku fpfdRlk&foKku
Baluster taxys dk NM+
Balustrade taxyk] dV?kjk
Bamboo ckl] os.kq
Ban jd] frca/k] ikcanh] jd@frca/k yxkuk
Ban on creation of posts ina ds l`tu ij jd
Ban on recruitment HkrZh ij jd
Banal vR;Ur lk/kkj.k] rqPN
Banana dsyk
Banausic lk/kkj.k] ladh.kZ
Band iV~Vh cSaM ny
Band Boy cSaM ckW;
Band Instructor cSaM vuqns'kd
Band Master cSaM ekLVj
Band printer caSM eqd@caSM faVj
Band stop filter cSaM fojke fuLaknd
Band width cSaM pkSM+kbZ@oSaM foM~Fk
Banderole >.Mh
Banderols cSaMjy
Bandicoot ?kwl] ?kwl
Bandit Mkd] nL;q
Bandoleer dkjrwlisVh
Bandpass filter caSM ikjd fuLiand
Bandsman cSaMeSu
Band-stepper actuator caSM LVsij laf;d
Bandy ppkZ pykuk] dguk&lquuk
Bane fo"k] gykgy
Bang /kM+kdk] /kekdk

Bangla Desh - Taka caxyk ns'k - Vdk

Bangle pwM+h] dM+k
Banian cfu;k
Banish fuokZflr djuk] ns'k fudkyk nsuk
Banishment ns'kfudkyk
Banister taxyk
Bank cSad rV( fdukjk lkgwdkjh djuk
Bank acceptance cSad ldkj@Lohfr
Bank accommodation cSad fuHkko@lgk;rk] cSad vkokl
Bank account cSad ys[kk] cSad [kkrk
Bank advance cSad m/kkj@vfxze
Bank authorised to deal in foreign exchange

fons'kh eqk ds ysunsu ds fy, kf/kr cSad

Bank balance cSad 'ks"k

Bank Balance Sheet cSad rqyu i=] cSad cSysal 'khV
Bank bill cSad fcy] cSad gqaMh
Bank bills receivable account kI; cSad fcy ys[kk
Bank borrowings cSad m/kkj
Bank call cSad ys[kk Hkkx
Bank call (money) rate cSad 'kh?kzkof/k@ekax eqk nj
Bank cash cSad jdM+] cSad udnh
Bank centre cSad lqfo/kk;qr dsU
Bank charges cSad Hkkj
Bank Column cSad dkye@[kkuk
Bank Commission cSad deh'ku
Bank compensation bonds cSad {kfriwfrZ ck.M
Bank credit cSad lk[k@_.k] cSad tek
Bank credit creation cSad lk[k fuekZ.k
Bank currency cSad eqk@uV] cSad djsalh
Bank debit cSad ukes
Bank debt cSad ukes
Bank Discount cSad cV~Vk
Bank draft cSad MkV
Bank draft, Payable ns; cSad MkV
Bank endorsement cSad cspku@i`"Bkadu

Bank finance cSad foRr

Bank for International Settlement varjkZ"Vh fuiVku cSad
Bank group cSad lewg
Bank guarantee cSad R;kHkwfr@xkjaVh
Bank guarantee scheme cSad xkjaVh ;tuk
Bank holiday cSad vodk'k
Bank inspection cSad fujh{k.k
Bank investments account cSad fuos'k ys[kk
Bank merger cSad foy;u
Bank money cSad O;@eqk
Bank nationalisation cSad jk"Vh;dj.k
Bank note cSad uV
Bank obligation cSad nkf;Ro
Bank of issue (Bank of circulation) uV pkyd cSad
Bank officials cSad vf/kdkjh x.k
Bank overdraft cSad voj&MkV
Bank paper cSad }kjk tkjh dh xbZ gqaMh vkfn
Bank Pass Book cSad ikl cqd
Bank payments cSad Hkqxrku
Bank Post remittance cSad Mkd s"k.k
Bank rate cSad nj
Bank rate policy cSad nj uhfr
Bank receipt cSad jlhn
Bank Receipts cSad kfIr;ka
Bank reconciliation cSad lek/kku
Bank reconciliation statement cSad&lek/kku@leatu fooj.k
Bank reference cSad gokyk@lanHkZ
Bank resere cSad fjt+oZ( cSad vkjf{kfr
Bank reserve cSad kjf{kr fuf/k
Bank return cSad fooj.kh
Bank Scrolls cSad i=d@cSad Lky
Bank Section cSad vuqHkkx
Bank security cSad frHkwfr( cSad t+ekur
Bank Sheet cSad 'khV

Bank statement cSad fooj.k

Bank switching cSad Lohfpax@caSd Lohpu
Bank transaction cSad ysu&nsu
Bank, Apex f'k[kj cSad
Bank, Central dsUh; cSad
Bank, Commercial okf.kT; cSad
Bank, Co-operative lgdkjh cSad
Bank, Exchange fofue;&cSad] fons'kh eqk cSad
Bank, Indigenous ns'kh cSad
Bank, Industrial v|fxd cSad
Bank, Joint stock la;qDr iwath cSad
Bank, Land mortgage Hkwfe&ca/kd cSad
Bank, Licenced ykblsal/kkjh cSad
Bank, Non-scheduled xSj&vuqlwfpr cSad
Bank, Saving cpr cSad
Bank, Scheduled vuqlwfpr cSad
Bank, Treasury cSad [ktkuk
Bank, Unlicenced ykblsaljfgr cSad
Bankable cSad d Lohdk;Z] fofu;tuh;
Bankable bill fofu;tuh; fcy@gqaMh
Bankable components cSad ;X; ?kVd
Bankable schemes

cSada }kjk Lohdk;Z ;tuk,a] cSad lqfo/kk nku dh tkus okyh ;tuk,a

Banked centre cSad lqfo/kk;qDr dsU

Banker cSadj] egktu] lkgwdkj
Bankers algorithm cSadlZ ,YxksfjFe
Banker's advance cSad m/kkj@_.k
Banker's bank dsUh; cSad] cSadja dk cSad
Banker's Books Evidence Act, 1891 cSaddkj cgh lk{; vf/kfu;e] 1891
Banker's lien cSadj dk iquxzZg.kkf/kdkj
Banker's mortgage cSadj dk ca/kd
Banker's opinion cSadj dh lEefr@jk;
Banker's order cSadj dk vkns'k
Banker's payment cSadj dh vnk;xh@Hkqxrku
Banker's precautions cSadj ds iwoZik;@dh iwoZ lko/kkfu;ka

Banker's report cSadj dk frosnu@dh fjiVZ

Banker's security cSadj dh tekur
Banking cSafdax@cSad O;olk;] cSafdax
Banking and Public Financial Institutions Laws (Am

cSaddkjh vj yd foRrh; laLFkk fof/k la'k/ku vf/kfu;e] 1976

Banking and treasury arrangement cSafdax vj d"k O;oLFkk

Banking and treasury arrangements cSafdax [ktkuk O;oLFkk
Banking arrangement cSafdax O;oLFkk
Banking arrangements cSafdax O;oLFkk
Banking capital cSafdax iwath
Banking channel cSafdax ek/;e
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Und

cSaddkjh dEiuh miea dk vtZu vj vUrj.k vf/kfu;e] 1969]1970]1980

Banking Companies (Amendment) Act, 1956

cSaddkjh dEiuh la'k/ku vf/kfu;e] 1956

Banking Companies (Legal Practitioner's Client's A

cSaddkjh dEiuh fof/k O;olkf;;a ds eqofDdya ds [kkrs vf/kfu;e] 1949

Banking company cSafdax daiuh

Banking company, Absorbing varyZ;h cSafdax daiuh
Banking company, Amalgamated lekesfyr cSafdax daiuh
Banking company, Merged foyf;Zr cSafdax daiuh
Banking company, Transferee varfjrh cSafdax daiuh
Banking company, Transferrer varjd cSafdax daiuh
Banking Corporation cSafdax fuxe
Banking crisis cSafdax ladV
Banking debts cSafdax _.k
Banking Department cSafdax foHkkx
Banking Department Charges Account cSafdax foHkkx Hkkj ys[kk
Banking Department Investment Transaction Account

cSafdax foHkkx fuos'k ysu&nsu ys[kk

Banking Development cSafdax fodkl

Banking Engine mPpkyd batu
Banking facilities cSafdax lqfo/kk,W
Banking fund cSafdax fuf/k
Banking habit cSafdax vknr@vfHk#fp
Banking hours cSad dk dk;Zle;] cSafdax ?kaVs
Banking institution cSafdax laLFkk
Banking laws cSafdax fof/k
Banking Laws Amendment Bill cSafdax fof/k la'k/ku fo/ks;d

Banking legislation cSafdax fo/kku

Banking officers cSafdax vf/kdkjh
Banking operation cSad dk;Z] cSafdax ifjpkyu
Banking operations cSad dk;Z
Banking Operations and Development cSafdax ifjpkyu vj fodkl
Banking policy cSafdax uhfr
Banking principle cSafdax fl)kar
Banking prudence cSad dk;Z laca/kh O;ogkj dq'kyrk
Banking Regulation cSaddkjh fofu;e
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 cSaddkjh fofu;eu vf/kfu;e] 1949
Banking sector cSafdax {ks=] cSad {ks=
Banking service cSad lsok
Banking Service Commission (Repeal) Act, 1978

cSaddkjh lsok vk;x fujlu vf/kfu;e] 1978

Banking Service Recruitment Board cSafdax&lsok HkrZh cMZ

Banking statistics cSafdax vkadM+s@lkaf[;dh
Banking structure cSafdax lajpuk@<kapk@foU;kl
Banking system cSafdax .kkyh@O;oLFkk
Banking transaction cSad dk;Z&Hkkj( cSad ysu&nsu
Banking transactions cSafdax ysu&nsu
Banking Treasury cSafdax [ktkuk
Banking union cSafdax la?k
Banking, Wholesale lef"Vxr cSafdax
Bankrupt fnokfy;k
Bankrupt, Discharged foeqDr fnokfy;k
Bankrupt, Undischarged vfoeqDr fnokfy;k
Bankruptcy fnokyk] fnokfy;kiu
Bankruptcy or Insolvency fnokfy;kiu ;k _.k 'k/kuk{kerk
Bankruptcy proceedings fnokyk dk;Zokgh@dkjZokbZ
Bank's cash scroll cSad dh jdM+ lwph
Bank's credit to Government sector ljdkjh {ks= d cSada }kjk nRr _.k
Bank's Deposit Account cSad tek ys[kk
Banks in the private sector futh {ks= ds cSad
Bank's investment floating account cSad fuos'k vLFkk;h ys[kk
Bank's investment permanent account cSad fuos'k LFkk;h ys[kk

Bank's lien cSad dk iquxzZg.kkf/kdkj

Bank's net foreign exchange assets cSad dh 'kq) fons'kh eqk ifjlaifRr;ka@vkfLr;ka
Bank's obligation cSad nkf;Ro
Banks of standing frf"Br cSad
Bank's shares cSad ds 'ks;j@dh va'k iwath
Banks under liquidation lekiuk/khu@ifjlekiuk/khu cSad
Bankwise cSadokj
Banned fuf"k)
Banner cSuj( n'kZ iV~V
Banner flag tke>aMh
Banquet hfr Hkt
Banquette esaM+] vkM+
Banter glh&fnYyxh
Bantling NdM+k
Banyan cjxn] oV] cM+
Baobab xj{kh
Baptism cifrLek] nh{kk] ukedj.k laLdkj
Bar j/k( #dkoV
Bar code ckj dwV@dksM
Bar code reader ckjdksM ikBd
Bar code scanner ckjdksM LdSuj
Bar council fof/kK ifj"kn~( ckj dkmafly
Bar graph ckj&xzkQ
Bar menu LrEHk lwph@okj esuw@ckj lwph
Bar printer ckj eqd@ckj faVj
Bar, Efficiency n{krk&j/k] n{krk jd
Barb dkVk] d.Vd
Barbarian ccZj] v'kq)
Barbate nk<+hnkj
Barbecue lh[k ij Hkwuuk
Barbed wire dVhyk rkj
Barbell Li'kZd] Li'kZo/kZ
Barber ukbZ] gTtke
Barberry nk:gYnh

Barbet clUrk
Barbican x<+tx
Barbules fifPNdk
Barco Machine Operator ckjd e'khu pkyd
Bard HkkV] pkj.k
Bare vuko`r] uaxk
Bare denial djk R;k[;ku( lkQ budkj
Bare fallow fpj ijrh Hkwfe
Barely adequate eqf'dy ls i;kZIr
Bargain lnk] le>rk] lnk djuk] ey&ry djuk
Bargain to strike lnk djuk
Bargaining agency lnkdkj ,tsalh@vfHkdj.k
Bargaining agent lnkdkj ,tsaV@vfHkdrkZ
Bargaining position lnsckth dh fLFkfr
Bargaining power lnk&'kfDr
Bargaining right lnk vf/kdkj] lnkdkjh vf/kdkj
Bargaining theory of wages et+nwjh dk lnkdkjh fl)kar
Bargaining unit lnkdkj ,dd@;wfuV
Bargaining, Collective lkewfgd lnkdkjh
Barge ctjk] udk
Barge Driver ctjk pkyd( ctjk Mkboj
Bark Nky] oYdy] Hkaduk
Barm Qsu
Barman ckjeSu
Barn c[kkj] [kRrk
Barnacles ukdfpeVh
Barnyardgrass lek?kkl
Barogram ok;qnkc&vkys[k
Baron uokc] lkeUr
Baroque cSjd] vR;yr
Barrack cSjd
Barrack Officer cSjd vQ+lj
Barrage cjkt
Barrater eqdnesckt

Barratry leqh nxkckth

Barred ckf/kr] jsf[kr
Barred by limitation dkykrhr
Barred by time le; ckf/kr] fe;kn [kkfjt
Barred debt reknh _.k
Barrel ihik] uyh
Barrel printing Me eq.k
Barren catj( vuqoZj( ck>( ca/;k
Barren land catj Hkwfe
Barrette Vih
Barricade ejpk] jd] :dkoV
Barrier j/k( voj/k( ukdk
Barrier Clerk ukdk eqa'kh
Barring d NM+dj] ds flok;
Barrister cSfjLVj
Barrow Bsyk] lekf/kLrwi
Barter oLrq&fofue;
Barter system oLrq&fofue; i)fr@.kkyh
Barter trade agreement oLrq&fofue; djkj
Barterer oLrq&fofue;dkj
Bartering of goods oLrq&fofue;] oLrqva dh vnyk&cnyh
Barysphere xq:e.My
Basal vk/kkjh;
Basalt vflrk'e
Bascule-bridge mRryu&iqy
Base vk/kkj
Base Addressing vk/kkj vfHkxe@irkfHkxeu
Base address vk/kkj irk
Base address register vk/kkj irk iath
Base addressing vk/kkj irkfHkxeu
Base band vk/kkj cSaM
Base band channel vk/kkj iV~Vh .kky
Base band local area network vk/kkj cSaM LFkkfud usVodZ
Base coin ghu ewY; flDdk] [kVk flDdk

Base Engineer Officer csl bathfu;j vQ+lj

Base fabrics vk/kkj diM+k@vk/kkj iV
Base level vk/kkj Lrj
Base level societies ewy Lrj dh lfefr;k
Base metal ghu@[kVh /kkrq
Base notation vk/kkj ladsru
Base number vk/kkj la[;k
Base office vuq"kaxh dk;kZy;
Base period vk/kkj@ewy vof/k
Base Price vk/kkj dher
Base rate ewy nj] vk/kkj nj
Base register vk/kkj jftLVj@vk/kkj iath
Base station vk/kkj LVs'ku
Base storage allocation vk/kkj HkaMkj.k fu;kru
Base surplus ewy vf/k'ks"k
Base table vk/kkj lkj.kh
Base Victualling Officer csl foVfyax vQ+lj
Base volume ewy [kaM
Base year vk/kkj o"kZ
Baseband transmission vk/kkj cSaM las"k.k
Basement rg[kkuk] ry?kj] v/k%d{k
Bash gkj
Bashful ladph] >saiw
Basic ewy( cqfu;knh
Basic access vk/kkj vfHkxe
Basic access method vk/kkjh vfHkxe fof/k
Basic assumption recovery ewy vfHk/kkjuk kfIr
Basic binary loader ewy f} vk/kkjh Hkkjd
Basic control ewy vk/kkj fu;a=.k@vk/kkjh fu;a=.k
Basic cost ewy ykxr
Basic direct access method ewy vk/kkjh R;{k vfHkxe fof/k
Basic duty cqfu;knh 'kqYd
Basic education cqfu;knh f'k{kk
Basic Education Officer cqfu;knh f'k{kk vf/kdkjh

Basic fact ewy rF;

Basic file directory ewy vk/kkj QkbZy funsZf'kdk@vk/kkjh lafpdk funsZf'kdk
Basic file system ewy vk/kkj QkbZy ra=@vk/kkjh lafpdk ra=
Basic industrial chemicals ewy v|fxd jlk;u
Basic industries ewy m|x
Basic industry ewy m|x
Basic input ewy vk/kkjh fuos'k
Basic input output system(BIOS) ewy vk/kkj fuos'k fuxZe ra=
Basic instruction vk/kkjHkwr vuqns'k
Basic level vk/kkj Lrj
Basic linkage vk/kkjh lgyXurk
Basic looping vk/kkjh ik'ku
Basic output vk/kkjh fuxZe
Basic pay ewy osru
Basic period ewy vof/k
Basic real constant vk/kkjHkwr okLrfod vpj
Basic scale of pay ewy osru&eku
Basic sequential access method vk/kkjHkwr vuqeh vfHkxe fof/k
Basic step ewy pj.k
Basic training cqfu;knh f'k{k.k
Basic value vk/kkj ewY;
Basic work week ewy dk;Z lIrkg] vk/kkj dk;Z lIrkg
Basil rqylh
Basilar vk/kkj
Basilic vein vUrckZgq&f'kjk
Basilica egkefUnj
Basilisk ckflfyLd] vejhdh fxjfxV
Basin d.Mh] I;kyk] ?kkVh] d.M] gt
Basinet f'kjL=k.k] Vi
Basing up Fkkyk cukuk
Basipetal rkykfHklkjh
Basis vk/kkj
Basis of estimate kDdyu vk/kkj
Bask ?kekuk] /kwi lsaduk

Basket Mfy;k] Vdjk

Basket of currencies fofo/k eqk lewg
Basket system of valuation ewY; fu/kkZj.k dh fofo/k eqk lewg .kkyh
Bas-relief uDdk'kh
Bass eU
Bassinet csar dk ikyuk
Bassoon vyxtk
Bastard tkjt] nxyk
Baste rfx;kuk] pqiM+uk
Bastinado ryoa ij csar yxkuk
Bastion cqtZ] x<+
Bat cYyk] pexknM+
Batch lewg] ny
Batch costing [ksiykxr vkdyu
Batch file cSp QkbZy@cSp lafpdk
Batch operating system cSp pkyu ra=
Batch partition cSp foHkktu
Batch position cSp fLFkfr
Batch processing lewg vfHklaLdj.k@lalk/ku
Batch region cSp@p; {ks=
Batch session cSp@p; l=
Batch system cSp@p; ra=
Batch terminal cSp@p; VfeZuy
Batch total lewg ;x@tM+
Batched job pf;r dk;Z
Batched communication lewg lapkj@cSp lapkj
Batching p;u
Bate {kkjh; ?ky] ?kVkuk
Bath Luku] {kkyu] ugkuk
Bathe ugykuk] /kuk
Bathetic vid"khZ Hkkoqdrkiw.kZ
Bathometer xgjkbZ&ekih
Bathysphere M+e.My] leqfueTth
Batik NhaV

Batiste eghu NkyVh

Baton NM+h] M.Mk
Battalion okfguh
Battalion Commander cVkfy;u dekaMj
Batten cRrrk( cSVu
Battering-ram fHkfRr&ikrd
Battery gkj] ekj&ihV] cSVjh] ekyk
Battery Attendant cSVjh ifjpj
Battery Charging Technician cSVjh pktZdkjh rduhdfon~( cSVjh pktZdkjh fof/kK
Battery Gunner cSVjh riph( cSVjh xuj
Batteryman cSVjheSu( cSVjhokyk
Battle ;q) djuk yM+kbZ] laxzke
Battue gdok] gkd
Bauble f[kyuk] HkM+dhyh lLrh pht
Baud ckWM
Baud rate ckWM nj
Baudot Supervisor cn i;Zos{kd
Baulk 'kgrhj] ck/kk] :dkoV
Bawd nwrh] dVuh
Bawdy v'yhy
Bawl fpYykuk] ph[kuk
Bawn ckM+k] kax.k
Bay [kkM+h
Bay window fuxZr f[kM+dh
Bayadere urZdh
Bayonet laxhu] csuV
Bazaar cktkj
Bazar Bill Rate ckt+kj fcy nj] gqaMh nj
Bazar Inspector ckt+kj fujh{kd
BCC ch lh lh
BCC Backward Classes Commission fiNM+h tkfr vk;x
BCD adder chlhMh ;kstd
BCNF ch lh ,u ,Q
Bdellium xqXxqy

BDO Block Development Officer [kaM fodkl vf/kdkjh

Be guk] ?kfVr guk
Beach ckyw&rV] leq rV
Beach Master iqfyuiky( chp ekLVj
Beacon chdu] ladsr&nhi] dk'kLrEHk
Bead ef.kdk] eudk] nkuk
Beadle pijklh] deZpkjh
Beagle f'kdkjh dRrk] xqIrpj
Beak pap papq
Beaker VaVhnkj ik=] chdj
Beam /kju] /kjuh] 'kgrhj] fdj.k
Beam deflection fdj.k iqat fo{ksi
Beam intensity fdj.k iqat rhozrk
Beam scale rjktw
Bean lse
Bear eanfM+;k
Bear raid cktkj fxjkuk
Bear, Squeezed fxjk eanfM+;k
Beard nk<+h] lkeuk djuk] eqdkcyk djuk
Bearer okgd] /kkjd
Bearer bond okgd ckaM@ca/k&i=
Bearer cheque /kuhtx psd] okgd psd
Bearer scrip /kuhtx i=d@fLi
Bearer security /kuhtx frHkwfr
Bearer, Payable to okgd@/kkjd d ns;
Bearing Recorder Operator cs;fjax fjdkWMZj vkWijsVj
Bearish eanh dk #[k
Beas Construction Board C;kl fuekZ.k cMZ
Beas Project C;kl ifj;tuk
Beast pik;k] prq"in] i'kq
Beat ekjuk] ihVuk] gjkuk
Beat frequency oscillator foLiUn vko`fKYrk nksyd
Beat guard x'rh xkjn
Beat the record fjdkMZ rM+uk] dhfrZeku LFkkfir djuk

Beaterman xSarhokyk
Beatific vkuUnn
Beatman x'rokyk
Beau NSyk] seh
Beautiful lqUnj] [kwclwjr
Beauty spot je.khd LFky
Beaver nfoyko
Becalm 'kkar djuk
Because D;afd] blfy,
Because of ds dkj.k
Bechance la;x ls ?kfVr guk] vk iM+uk
Becket bend tqykg&xkB
Beckon b'kkjk djuk] ladsr ls cqykuk
Becloud /kq/kyk djuk] vLi"V dj nsuk
Become g tkuk] mfpr guk
Bed iyax] D;kjh
Bed strength 'k;k&la[;k
Bedabble /kCcs Mkyuk
Bedaub iruk
Bedazzle paf/k;kuk
Bedding fcLrj( fcNuk
Bedeck vyar djuk
Bedevil lrkuk] xkyh nsuk
Bedew rj dj nsuk] ty fNM+duk
Bedim /k/kyk dj nsuk
Bedizen HkM+fdys diM+s igukuk
Bedlam ikxy[kkuk
Bedouin cw
Bedrabbled yFk&iFk] dhpM+ Hkjk
Bedraggle yFM+uk] eSyk djuk
Bee e/kqeD[kh
Bee keeping e/kqeD[kh ikyu
Beechnut chpQy
Beef xekal

Beekeeper e/kqeD[kh&iky
Beekeeping e/kqeD[kh ikyu
Beet pqdUnj
Beetle Hk`ax] ckgj fudyk gqvk] yEch
Befall vk iM+uk] guk
Befit Bhd guk] Qcuk
Befog dgjs ls <d ysuk
Befool mYyw cukuk] /kdk nsuk
Before igys] iwoZ] lkeus] vkxs
Before cited iwoZ dfFkr
Before hand igys ls
Before long 'kh?kz
Before the expiry of ---dh lekfIr ls iwoZ
Befoul xank dj nsuk] nwf"kr djnsuk
Befriend fe=or~ O;ogkj djuk
Befuddle pdjk nsuk] vpsr dj nsuk
Beg Hkh[k ekxuk] kFkZuk
Beg to state fuosnu gS
Beg to submit fuosnu gS fd
Beget tuu djuk
Beggar fHk[kkjh] fHk[keaxk
Begin vkjEHk djuk ;k guk
Begird isVh ck/kuk
Begone gV tkv] Hkkx tkv
Begotten tkr] mRi
Begrime eSyk ;k xank djuk
Begrudge bZ";kZ ;k Mkg djuk
Beguile Hkqykok nsuk] cgykuk
Begum csxe
Behalf dh vj ls] i{k es+
Behave cjrko djuk] O;ogkj djuk
Behavior O;ogkj
Behaviour O;ogkj] xfrfof/k
Behavioural pattern O;ogkj&Lo:i

Behead flj dkVuk] f'kj'Nsnuk

Behemoth fo'kkydk; i'kq
Behest vkns'k
Behind ihNs] ihNs dh vj
Behold ns[kuk] voydu djuk
Behoof dh vj ls] ds fy,
Behoove mfpr guk] vko';d guk
Beige HkneSyk
Being vfLrRo] lRrk] gLrh] guk
Being compulsorily wound up vfuok;Zr% lekIr dh tk jgh
Being voluntary wound up LosPNk ls lekIr g jgh
Belabour cqjh rjg ihVuk
Belady's anomaly csykMh vlaxfr
Belated foyfEcr
Belated decision foyEc ls fd;k x;k fu.kZ;
Belaud Hkwfj&Hkwfj 'kalk djuk
Belay nqQUnh ck/k yxkuk
Belch Mdkj
Beldam pqM+Sy] Mk;u
Beleaguer ?jk Mkyuk
Belfry ?k.Vkxkj
Belgium - Franc csfYt;e - Sad
Belie >wBk lkfcr djuk
Belief fo'okl
Belief in good faith ln~Hkkouk ls] fu"BkiwoZd
Believable fo'okl&;X;
Believe ij fo'okl djuk
Belittle NVk djuk ;k le>uk
Bell ?k.Vk] ?kfM+;ky
Bell hop lwpd( lans'kh
Belladonna csykMuk] d.Vkfydk
Belle lqUnjh] loZlqUnjh
Belles letters yfyr ;k mnkRr lkfgR;
Bellicose yM+kd

Belligerence ;q)fLFkrh
Bellona j.kp.Mh
Bellow ph[kuk
Bellows /k+duh
Belly mnj] isV
Belong ls lEcfU/kr
Beloved ijef;
Below uhps
Below average vlr ls de
Below par voewY; ij
Belt ik] bykdk
Belt-line rail-road es[kyk jsy ekxZ
Beltman iV~Vsokyk
Belvedere cqtZ
Bemire dhpM+ ls yFkiFk djuk
Bemock f[kYyh mM+kuk
Benami csukeh
Benami loan csukeh _.k@dtZ
Bench U;k;ihB( csap
Bench and bar U;k;k/kh'k vj vf/koDrk
Bench Clerk U;k;ihB fyfid
Bench Fitter csap fQVj
Bench mark vk/kkj
Bench mark year fLFkfr fu/kkZj.k@vk/kkj o"kZ
Benchmark ry fpUg
Benchmark test funsZ'kekud ijh{k.k
Bend eM+( >qduk( eqM+uk( eM+uk
Bending >qdko] cadu
Beneath uhps] rys
Benedick uofookfgr
Benediction vk'khZokn
Benefaction midkj
Beneficial fgrdkjh] ykHknk;d] ykHkdkjh
Beneficial interest ykHkdkjh fgr

Beneficiary fgrkf/kdkjh] ykHkkfUor gus okys

Beneficiary owner fgrkf/kdkjh Lokeh
Beneficient Expenditure fgrdkjh O;;
Benefit ykHk] fgr
Benefit of doubt lansg ykHk
Benefit of partnership lk>snkjh dh lqfo/kk
Benefit period ykHk vof/k
Benefit society fgrdkjh lfefr
Benefit theory ykHk fl)kar
Benefit theory of taxation fgrkuqlkj djk/kku dk fl)kar
Benevolence fgrdkfjrk
Benevolent fund fgrdkjh fuf/k
Benign Hk
Benjamin dfu"V] ykMyk
Bent >qdko] eqM+uk
Benthos tholewg
Benumb 'kfDrghu dj nsuk
Bequeath olh;r djuk( olh;r }kjk nsuk
Bequest olh;r
Bequests olh;r
Berate QVdkjuk
Berceuse yjh
Bereave Nhu ysuk
Bereaved 'kdlarIr
Berkeley Unix cdZys ;wfuDl
Berm iVjh
Berry cnjh] ljlQy
Berserk mUer
Berth 'kkf;dk] cFkZ
Berth rate lkekU; nj
Beseem mfpr guk
Beset ?j ysuk
Beside ikl esa] cxy
Besides ds vfrfjr

Besiege ?juk
Beslaver ykj Vidkuk
Besom >kM+w
Best mRre
Best endeavours iwjk ;kl( Hkjld ;Ru
Best fit algorithm csLV fQV ,YxksfjFke@loksZre vUok;ksftr ,YxksfjFke
Best judgement assessment loZRrre] foosd] cqf) ds vuqlkj fu/kkZj.k
Best judgement basis loZRre fu.kZ; ds vk/kkj ij
Best price obtainable vf/kdre kI; dher@ewY;
Bestead lgk;rk djuk
Bestial ik'kfod
Bestir sfjr djuk
Bestow nku djuk
Bestrew ij fNrjkuk
Bestride Vkxsa QSykdj cSBuk ;k [kM+k guk
Bet i.k] ckth] 'krZ] i.k yxkuk] ckth yxkuk] 'krZ yxkuk
Betake tkuk] vkJ; ysuk
Betel iku] rkEcwy
Bethink fopkj djuk] ;kn djuk
Betide ?kVuk] ?kfVr guk
Betimes ;Fkkle;] Bhd le;
Betoken lwfpr djuk] trkuk
Betray fo'+okl?kkr djuk
Betroth okXnku djuk] eaxuh
Better csgrj] vf/kd vPNk
Better farming society f"k lq/kkj lfefr
Better living csgrj( thou&Lrj( mU+ur thou&Lrj
Better tax compliance dj lEcU/kh vkns'ka dk csgrj ifjikyu
Better title csgrj gd+
Betterment leqU+ufr] lq/kkj] [kq'kgkyh
Betterment Fund lq/kkj fuf/k
Betterment levy leqU+ufr@[kq'kgkyh ysoh
Betterment tax leqU+ufr@[kq'kgkyh dj
Betting i.k@ckth@'krZ yxkuk

Betting tax ckth dj] i.k dj

Between ds chp esa] e/; esa
Bevel xqfu;k] o.krk
Beverage is;
Bevy Vyh] e.Myh
Bewail ij foyki djuk
Beware pdl] lpsr
Bewilder ?kcjk nsuk
Bewitch tknw Mkyuk
Beyond ds ijs] ikj ckgj
Beyond of scope of dh ifjf/k ds ckgj
Beyond reasonable doubt mfpr lansg ls ijs
Beyond the said period mr vof/k ds ckn
Bezel frjNh Qfydk
Bezoars ck&tgj
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre HkkHkk ijek.kq 'k/k dsa
Bhakra Beas Management Board Hkk[kM+k&C;kl ca/k cMZ
Bhakra Management Board Hkk[kM+k ca/k cMZ
Bhang Hkkx
Bhisty fHk'rh
Bhutanese Unit HkwVkuh ,dd
Bi des eye view ljdkjh fuxkg] fogaxe n`f"V
Biangular f}d.kh;
Biannul v/kZokf"kZd] Nekgh
Bias vfHkufr( >qdko
Biased opinion iwokZxzgh er
Biaxial f}&v{kh;
Bibcock VaVh
Bibelot NVh dykfr
Bible ckbfcy] /keZxzaUFk
Bibliographer xzaFklwphdkj
Bibliography lanHkZxzaFk lwph
Bibulous 'kjkch] e|i
Bicameral f}lnu( f}lnuh

Bicentenary f}'krh
Bicentennial f}'krokf"kZd
Bicephalous f}f'kjLd
Bicker >xM+uk] dyg djuk
Biconcave mHk;kory
Biconnected graph f};ksth xzkQ@f};ksth vkys[k
Biconvex mHk;Rry
Bicorn f}J`axh
Bicuspid };xzh
Bicycle lkbfdy
Bid cyh] cyh yxkuk@nsuk
Bidder cyh nsusokyk@yxkusokyk
Bidding cyh nsuk] cyh yxkuk
Bidding sheet cyh&i=d
Bide rh{kk djuk
Bidimensional f}foe
Bidirectional communication f}fn'k lapkj
Bidirectional link f}fn'k dM+h
Bidirectional parallel post f}fn'k lekarj iksLV
Biennial f}okf"kZd
Biennial reports f}okf"kZd fjiVZ
Bier vFkhZ] jRFkh
Bifid f}'kkf[kr
Bifocal f}Qdlh
Bifoliate f}i.khZ
BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruc

v|fxd vj foRrh; iqufuZekZ.k cMZ

Bifurcate n Hkkxa esa cVuk( n Hkkxa esa ckVuk( f}Hkktu

Bifurcation f}Hkktu] f}'kk[ku
Big cM+k
Big blue fcx CY;w
Big cultivators cM+s "kd
Big o- notation nh?kZ&0&ladsru
Big ticket item dherh oLrq
Big ticket line dherh oLrq O;;olk;

Bigamist f}iRuhd] f}ifrdk

Bigamy f}fookgFkk
Bight [kkM+h
Bigot dV`dj] /kekZU/k
Bijection f}var{ksi.k
Bijou jRu
Bilateral f}i{kh;] f}ns'kh;
Bilateral account countries f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; ys[ksokys ns'k
Bilateral agreement f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; djkj@le>rk
Bilateral balancing f}i{kh;@f}ns'kh; larqyu
Bilateral group of countries f}i{kh; [kkrk lewg ds ns'k
Bilateral tariff concession f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; 'kqYd fj;k;r
Bilateral trade accounts f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; O;kikj ys[ks
Bilateral trade agreement f}i{kh;@f}i{kh; O;kikj le>rk@djkj
Bile fiRr
Bilge mHkkM+
Biliary iSfRrd
Bilingual f}Hkk"kh
Bilk /k[kk nsuk
Bill fcy] foi=] gqaMh] fo/ks;d
Bill at sight n'kZuh gqaMh@fcy
Bill backing gqaMh@fcy leFkZu
Bill book fcy@gqaMh cgh
Bill broker fcy gqaMh nyky
Bill buying fcy@gqaMh [kjhnuk
Bill clean vxzys[kh fcy@gqaMh
Bill clerk fcy DydZ@fyfid
Bill counter fcy iVy( fcy dkmaVj
Bill diary gqaMh@fcy Mk;jh@nSfudh
Bill encashed on d fcy Hkquk;k x;k
Bill for collection olwyh ds fy, gqaMh@fcy
Bill Form gqaMh@fcy QkeZ
Bill in a set cgqfr gqaMh@fcy
Bill in set cgqfr gqaMh@fcy

Bill journal gqaMh cgh] fcy tuZy@cgh

Bill market gqaMh cktkj] fcy cktkj
Bill of costs ykxr fcy] [kpZs dk fcy
Bill of entry vkxe i=] vk;kr i=
Bill of exchange gqaMh] fcy] fofue; i=
Bill of lading ynku fcy@i=
Bill of payment ns;d fcy
Bill of quantities ek=k@ifjek.k fcy
Bill of sale fch fcy
Bill payable on demand ekax ns; gqaMh@fcy
Bill rate gqaMh@fcy nj
Bill Receivable Book kI; fcy cgh
Bill renewal gqaMh@fcy uohdj.k
Bill Transit Register fcy lapyu jftLVj
Bill, Accept a fcy Lohdkj djuk@gqaMh ldkjuk
Bill, Acceptance fcy Lohdkj djuk@gqaMh ldkjuk
Bill, Accommodation vuqxzg fcy@gqaMh
Bill, Blank djk fcy@gqaMh
Bill, Clean fucZa/k@vys[kh gqaMh@fcy
Bill, Contingent vkdfLed O;; fcy
Bill, Currency of gqaMh@fcy dh vof/k
Bill, Discharge of gqaMh@fcy dh pqdrh
Bill, Discharged pqdkbZ xbZ gqaMh] pqdk;k x;k fcy
Bill, Discount cV~Vs ij gqaMh Hkqukuk
Bill, Discount a cV~Vs ij gqaMh Hkqukuk
Bill, Dishonour fcy@gqaMh udkjuk
Bill, Dishonour a fcy@gqaMh udkjuk
Bill, Disputed fooknxzLr fcy@gqaMh
Bill, Documentary ys[kh gqaMh@fcy
Bill, Domestic ns'kh fcy@gqaMh
Bill, Drawn vkgfjr gqaMh@fcy
Bill, Duplicate of fcy dh frfyfi
Bill, External fons'kh gqaMh@fcy
Bill, Foreign fons'kh fcy

Bill, Gilt edged Js"B gqaMh@fcy

Bill, Honour fcy@gqaMh@ldkjuk
Bill, Honoured ldkjh gqaMh@ldkjk gqvk fcy
Bill, Inland ns'kh; fcy@gqaMh
Bill, lodged tek fd;k x;k fcy] tek dh xbZ gqaMh
Bill, Lost yqIr fcy@[k;h gqaMh
Bill, Mutilated dVk&QVk fcy
Bill, Negotiate fcy@gqaMh dk cspku@ijke.k
Bill, Negotiate a fcy@gqaMh dk cspku@ijke.k
Bill, Non-mercantile xSjO;kikfjd gqaMh@fcy
Bill, Noting of fcy@gqaMh dh fudjkbZ
Bill, Noting of a fcy@gqaMh dh fudjkbZ
Bill, Overdue vfrns; gqaMh@fcy
Bill, Overtime le;ifj HkRrk fcy
Bill, Pay osru fcy
Bill, Protesting fcy@gqaMh dh fl#jkbZ
Bill, Protesting a fcy@gqaMh dh fldjkbZ
Bill, Retirement of gqaMh@fcy dk iwoZ Hkqxrku
Bill, tenure of a or Bill, term of fcy@gqaMh dh fe;kn
Bill, tenure of or Bill, term of fcy@gqaMh dh fe;kn
Bill, Trade O;kikj fcy@gqaMh
Bill, Usance of gqaMh@fcy dh vof/k@fe;kn
Bill. Pay osru fcy
Billed weight fcy esa fufnZ"V Hkkj@otu
Billet fVdkuk
Billets & Blooms fcysV ,oa Cywe
Billets Blooms fcysV ,oa Cywe
Billiards v.Vk] fcfy;MZ
Billingsgate xkyh] xkyh xyt
Billion ,d vjc
Billow egkrjax] ygj
Bills discounted Hkquk;s x;s fcy
Bills discounting gqaMh@fcy Hkqukuk
Bills for collection mxkgh@olwyh ds fy, fcy

Bills for collection rate mxkgh fcy@gqaMh nj

Bills for negotiation ijke.k@cspku gsrq fcy@gqaMh
Bills of exchange account fofue; fcy ys[kk
Bills of exchange rediscounted and outstanding

iqu% Hkquk;s x;s vj cdk;k fofue; fcy

Bills payable ns; fcy@gqafM;ka

Bills payable Book ns; fcy cgh
Bills purchased [kjhns x, fcy
Bills receivable kI; fcy@gqafM;ka
Bills under collection olwyh ds fy, fcy
Billy ykBh
Bilocation vusdns'kh;rk
Bimanual nqgRFkk
Bimetallic f}/kkrq
Bimetallism f}/kkrqokn
Bimonthly }Sekfld
Bimonthly report f}okf"kZd fjiVZ( v/kZokf"kZd fjiVZ
Bin /kkuh
Bin Card fcu dkMZ
Bin Keeper /kkuhiky
Binary ngjk] f}vk/kkjh
Binary arithmetic operation f}vk/kkjh vadxf.krh; laf;k
Binary code f}vk/kkjh dwV@f}vk/kkjh dksM
Binary coded character f}vk/kkjh dksfMr larhd
Binary coded decimal f}vk/kkjh dksfMr n'keyo
Binary coded decimal code f}vk/kkjh dksfMr n'keyo dwV
Binary coded decimal notation f}vk/kkjh dwV n'keyo vadu@f}vk/kkjh dksM n'keyo vadu
Binary coded decimal system f}vk/kkjh dwVfyf[kr n'keyo i}fr
Binary coding f}vk/kkjh dksMu
Binary half adder f}vk/kkjh v/kZ ;kstd
Binary loader f}vk/kkjh Hkkjd
Binary number f}vk/kkjh la[;k
Binary number system f}vk/kkjh la[;k i}fr
Binary operation f}&vk/kkjh laf;k
Binary operator f}vk/kkjh ladkjd

Binary relation f}&vk/kkjh laca/k

Binary search }Sad [kkst
Binary search tree f}vk/kkjh vUos"k.k r:@f}Hkkxh vUos"k.k o`{k
Binary semaphore f}vk/kkjh lsekQWj
Binary separation f}vk/kkjh i`Fkddj.k@f}Hkkth i`Fkddj.k
Binary synchronous communication f}vk/kkjh rqY;dkfyd lapkj
Binary synchronous control f}vk/kkjh rqY;dkfyd fu;a=.k
Binary transfer f}vk/kkjh VkalQj@f}vk/kkjh varj.k
Binary tree f}Hkkt o`{k
Binaural f}d.khZ
Bind ck/kuk
Binder ftYnlkt+
Binding ck/;d( ca/kudkjh
Binding Boy (Binder Boy) lgk;d ftYnlkt+
Binding folder ca/kd Q+YMj
Binding offset ca/ku vkWQlsV
Bine csy] yrk
Bing <sj
Binge jaxjyh
Binocular nwjchu
Binomial f}in
Binominal f}laKd
Biochemist thojlkuK
Biochemistry tho&jlk;u
Biodata thouo`Rrr
Bio-data thouh fooj.k] thouo`Rr
Biologist thofoKkuh
Biometrics tholkaf[;dh
Biophysics Department tSoHkfrdh foHkkx
BIOS ckW;l
Bioscope ck;Ldi] flusek
Bipartisan f}nyh;
Bipartite f}nyh;( f}i{kh;( mHk;i{kh
Bipartite agreement f}i{kh; le>rk

Bipartite graph f}/kkjh xzkQ@f}HkkT; xzkQ

Bipartite Settlement f}i{kh; le>rk
Biped f}ikn
Bipinnate f}fiPNdh
Biploar f}/kzqoh;
Bipolar encoding f}/kzqoh dwVys[ku
Bipolar memory f}/kzqoh Le`fr@f}/kzqoh eSeksjh
Biquadratic prq?kkZr
Birch HkwtZ
Bird i{kh] fpfM+;k
Birds eye view ljdkjh fuxkg] fogaxe n`f"V
Biretta Vih
Birth tUe
Birth certificate tUe ek.ki=
Birth control larfr&fuj/k
Birth date tUe&frfFk( tUe dh rkjh[k
Birth death model tUe ej.k ekWMy@tUe ej.k frn'kZ
Birth death process tUe ej.k e
Birth mark tUe&fpUg
Birth place tUe&LFkku
Birth rate tUe&nj
Births, Deaths and Marriage Registration Act, 1886

tUe] e`R;q vj fookg jftLVhdj.k vf/kfu;e] 1886

BIS Bank for International Settlement varjkZ"Vh; fuiVku cSad

Biscuit fcLdV
Bisect f}Hkkftr djuk
Bisection algorithm f}Hkktu ,YxksfjFe@f}Hkktu dyu fof/k
Bisexual mHk;fyaxh f}fyaxh
Bishop fc'ki] /kekZ/;{k
Bisiness letter O;kolk; i=
Bisiness man O;olk;h
Bisiness name O;olk; uke
Bismuth foLeFk
Bison xoy
Bissextile vf/kfnuh;

Bistoury {kqfjdk
Bisynchronous f}rqY;dkfyd
Bit VqdM+k
Bit fault fcV nks"k
Bit map fcV frfp=
Bit map protocol fcV frfp= ksVksdkWy
Bit oriented protocol fcV mUeq[kh ksVksdkWy
Bit parallel transmission fcV lekarj las"k.k
Bit pattern fcV fr:i
Bit position fcV fLFkfr
Bit rate fcV nj
Bit relocation };ad LFkku fu/kkZj.k
Bit slice fcV dryh
Bit stuffing fcV Hkj.k
Bitch dfr;k] dRrh
Bite nkr ls dkVuk
Biting pqHkrk gqvk
Bitter dM+qvk] rh[kk
Bittern fcVZu
Bitts edjh
Bitumen Mkej
Bivalent f}la;td
Bivalve f}dikVh
Bivouac iM+ko
Biweekly ikf{kd( v/kZ&lkIrkfgd
Bizarre vu[kk
Blab Hn [kyuk] xiuh; ckr dV djuk
Black dkyk] ".k
Black and white In fyf[kr esa
Black bird dLrwjk
Black gold isVfy;e
Black leg gM+rkyHksnh
Black list oT;Z lwph] dkyh lwph
Black listing dkyh lwph esa uke fy[kuk

Black market pj cktkj( dkyk cktkj

Blacksmith yqgkj( ygdkj
Bladder ew=k'k;] ofLr
Blade Qyd
Blague xiM+k
Blain QQyk] Nkyk
Blamable fuUnuh;
Blame fuUnk djuk] n"k
Blanch ihyk iM+uk
Bland lE;] uje
Blandish pkiywlh djuk
Blank djk( lknk( fujad( [kkyh( fjr
Blank acceptance djk fcy@djh gqaMh ldkjuk
Blank bill djh gqaMh] djk fcy] vuke fcy
Blank cheque djk psd
Blank credit or open credit djh lk[k@m/kkj
Blank draft form djk MkV QkeZ@i=
Blank endorsed security djk i`"Bkadu;qDr frHkwfri=
Blank endorsement djk cspku@i`"Bkadu
Blank Form djk QkeZ
Blank Record djk vfHkys[k@fjdkMZ
Blank Transfer vukeh varj.k
Blanket fucZa/k] O;kid
Blanket Agreement O;kikj djkj
Blanket deal O;kid lnk
Blanket enhancement O;kid o`f)
Blanket exchange [kqyk@fucZa/k fons'kh eqk
Blanket Insurance cgqO;kih chek
Blanket licence O;kid@fucZa/k ykblsal
Blanket order O;kid vkns'k
Blanket permit fucZa/k@cgqO;kih ijfeV
Blare xjtuk
Blarney pkiywlh
Blase vfrr`Ir

Blaspheme bZ'k&fuUnk djuk

Blast /kekdk
Blast protocol CykLV ksVksdkWy
Blastoderm chp&tuLrj
Blatant /keh
Blaze Tokyk] /k/kd
Blazon dyfpUg
Bleach fojaftr djuk] ihyk iM+uk
Bleak mtkM+
Blear /kq/kyk
Bleat fefe;kuk
Bleed jDr fudyuk
Blemish /kCck] nkx
Blench ihNs gVuk
Blend lfEeJ.k
Blending lfEeJ.k
Bless vk'khZokn nsuk
Blether yki
Blight vaxekjh] fouk'k
Blind va/kk] us=ghu
Blind keyboard va/k dqathiVy@va/k dhcksMZ
Blind school va/k fo|ky;
Blindage vkM+] vV
Blink fVefVekuk] vk[kas >iduk
Blinking fVefVekuk
Bliss ijekuUn
Blister QQyk] Nkyk
Blithe l] QYy
Blithering cdoknh] iDdk
Blitz gokbZ vke.k
Blizzard fge>a>okr] cQkZuh rwQkuh
Bloat Qyuk] Qykuk
Blob xfydk
Bloc xqV] xqV`Vz

Block [kaM] [kaM] CykWd

Block And Signal Maintainer CykWd vj flxuy vuqj{kd
Block assets Fkd vkfLr;ka
Block cache [kaM qfrdk@CykWd dS'ks
Block capital la?kfVr@leqPpf;r@Fkd iwath
Block check [kaMd tkp
Block copy [kaM frfyfi
Block Development Officer [kaM fodkl vf/kdkjh
Block diagram [kaMd vkjs[k
Block Editing [kaM lEiknu
Block Grant lkekU; vuqnku
Block grants and loans leqPpf;r vuqnku vj _.k
Block headquarters [k.M eq[;ky;
Block Inspector CykWd fujh{kd
Block Instrument Mistry xqVdk ;a= feL=h
Block letter lkQ v{kj( lqLi"V v{kj
Block Loans ,d eq'r _.k
Block Maker CykWd fuekZrk
Block multiplexer vojks/kh xq.kd CykWd ladsrd
Block multiplexor channel [kaM cgqladsrd pSuy@[kaM cgqladsrd .kkyh
Block paragraph pdj iSjk( CykWd iSjk
Block Signaller CykWd rkjckcw( CykWd flxuyj
Block Signalman CykWd flxuyokyk
Block size [kaMd vkeki
Block Tester CykWd ijh{kd
Block transfer [kaM varj.k
Block transmission [kaMd lapj.k
Blockade ukdkcanh
Blocked account fu#) ys[kk( fu#) [kkrk
Blocked accounts vo#)@fu#) [kkrs
Blocked balances vo#) tek jde 'ks"k
Blocked capital vo#) iwath
Blocked deposits vo#) tek jde
Blocked overdues vo#) vfrns; jkf'k

Blocking fu#)@vo#) djuk

Blocking communicating prioritive vojks/kh lapkj iw|kxZ
Blocking factor [kaMd xq.kd
Blocking network vojks/kh usVodZ@vojks/kh tkye
Blocking of accounts ys[ka dk fuj/ku@voj/ku
Blocking oscillator CykWd nksyd
Bloke O;fDr] vkneh
Blood jDr] [kwu
Blood bank jr d"k( jr cSad
Blood donation jrnku
Blood relations jr&laca/kh
Blood Transfusion Officer jrk/kku vf/kdkjh
Bloom Qy] iq"i
Bloomers lyokj
Blossom eatjh] dyh] cj] Qyuk-Qyuk
Blot /kCck
Blotch Nkyk] oz.k
Blotpaper l[krk
Blotting paper L;kghl[k( l[rk dkx+t+
Blouse djrk] djrh
Blow Qwduk] cguk] vk?kkr] QVuk
Blowzy yyeqgk
Bludgeon xnk] laVk
Blue uhyk
Blue chip fo'+oluh; 'ks;j@va'k
Blue collar job dkf;d dk;Z
Blue print :ijs[kk] [kkdk] uD'kk
Blueprint CywfaV( [kkdk
Bluff >klk
Blunder Hkh] Hkkjh Hkwy] pwd
Blunt HkFkjk] dUn] :[kk
Blur /kq/kyk
Blurt out dg Mkyuk
Blush eq[k ij ykyh] yTtk

Bluster vk/kh] vkfn dk p.M guk] xjt

BMP ch ,e ih
BMP bitmap graphics ch ,e ih }Sa;ad frfp= xzkfQDl
BNF notation ch ,u ,Q ladsr@ch ,u ,Q ladsr i)fr
Boa vtxj
Boar 'kwdj
Board cMZ] eaMy
Board level appoint cMZ Lrjh; fu;qfr;k
Board level appointments cMZ Lrjh; fu;qfDr;k
Board meeting cMZ dh cSBd
Board of Arbitration ek/;LFke~cMZ
Board of Directors funs'kd cMZ] funs'kd eaMy
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cfg%'kky v/;;u cMZ
Board of Governors xouZj@'kkld eaMy
Board of Higher Secondary Education mPprj ek/;fed f'k{kk cMZ
Board of referees fu.kkZ;d cMZ@eaMy
Board of reference fu.kZsrk eaMy@fu.kZsrk cMZ
Board of revenue jktLo cMZ] jktLo eaMy
Board of studies ik+; lfefr
Board of trade O;kikj eaMy
Board resolution eaMy Lrko@ladYi
Board sheet & Objection Book Section czkM'khV vj vkifRr iqLrd vuqHkkx
Board sheet Objection czkM'khV vj vkiRrfr iqLrdsa
Board, Arbitration fookpu eaMy@cMZ
Board, Conciliation lek/kku@lqyg eaMy@cMZ
Boarder vkoklh
Boarding and lodging vkokl vj Hktu
Boarding Officer u&vkjg.k vf/kdkjh
Boast M+hx] '[kh
Boat uko
Boatswain Store Keeper clqu HkaMkjh
Bob xyd
Bobber mRikr] mio
Bobbin ijsrk] fQjdh

Bobsled Lyst] fge'kdV

Bobstay jLlk
Bode dk 'kdu guk
Bodice djrh] pyh
Bodkin lqvk] lqrkjh
Body fudk;
Body component dk; ?kVd
Body corporate fuxfer fudk;@daiuh
Body of individuals O;f"V;a dk fudk;
Body of individuals O;fDr;a dk fudk;
Bodyguard vaxj{kd
Bog nyny esa Qluk
Bogey cxh
Boggle fBBduk
Bogie cxh
Bogus [kVk] cukoVh] tkyh
Bohea ?kfV;k dkyh pk;
Bohemian cfgfe;kbZ] datj] ftIlh
BOI Book of Instructions vuqns'k iqLrd
Boil QM+k] mcyuk
Boiler Assistant ckW;yj lgk;d
Boiler Attendant ckW;yj ifjpj
Boiler House Operator ckW;yj&?kj pkyd
Boiler Maker ckW;yj esdj
Boiler Maker Chargeman ckW;yj esdj pktZeSu
Boiler Maker Foreman ckW;yj esdj QjeSu
Boiler Mechanic ckW;yjeSu
Boiler Supervisor ckW;yj esdSfud
Boisterous /keh] rst
Bold fuHkhZd] fuMj] cs'keZ
Bold letter eVk v{kj
Bole /kM+] ruk
Bolides mYdk
Boll MMk] chtd.k

Bollard tgkth [kWwVk

Bolometer rstekih
Bolster rfd;k] Fkkeuk
Bolt flVfduh
Bolus fi.M
Bomb ce] xyk
Bombard xykckjh
Bombardment xykckjh( ceo"kkZ
Bon mot lwfDr] lqHkkf"kr
Bona fide fu"diV
Bonafide okLrfodp ln~Hkko( ln~Hkkoh( lnk'k;h
Bonafide annual value okLrfod okf"kZd ewY;
Bonafide dispute okLrfod fookn
Bonafide investment okLrfod fuos'k
Bonafide Luggage okLrfod lkeku
Bonafide owner okLrfod Lokeh@ekfyd
Bonafide payment okLrfod Hkqxrku
Bonafide purchaser okLrfod srk@[kjhnkj
Bonafides usduh;rh( ln~Hkko( lnk'k;rk
Bonafied okLrfod] ln~Hkkoh
Bonanza le`f}
Bon-Bon feBkbZ
Bond ckaM] ca/k&i=
Bond certificate ckaM ek.k&i=
Bond Creditor ck.M/kkjh ysunkj
Bond Debtor ck.M/kkjh nsunkj
Bond forms ckaM i=
Bond holder ca/k&i=/kkjh] ckaM/kkjh
Bond Market ckaM@ca/k&i= cktkj
Bond Note ck.M uV
Bond prospectus ckaM foojf.kdk@fooj.k&i=
Bond Tester ckW;yj i;Zos{kd
Bond yield ckaM vk;] ca/ki= vk;
Bond, Annuity okf"kZdh ckaM@ca/k&i=

Bond, Bail tekur ckaM@ca/k&i=

Bond, Deferred vkLFkfxr ckaM@ca/k&i=
Bond, Guarantee xkjaVh ckaM@ca/k&i=
Bond, Indemnity {kfriwfrZ ckaM@ca/k&i=
Bond, Instalment fdLr ckaM
Bond, Medium term e/;kof/k ckaM
Bond, Registered iathr ckaM
Bond, Security frHkwfr ckaM
Bond, Short-term vYikof/k ckaM
Bond, Simple lk/kkj.k ckaM
Bonded deal vuqc) lnk@ysunsu
Bonded goods vkc) eky
Bonded labour c/kqvk et+nwj
Bonded Stock ca/kd LVkd
Bonded value dj jfgr ewY;
Bonded Warehouses vkc) eky xnke
Bonduc-nut feyulkjh
Bone gh
Bone of contention >xM+s dk dkj.k] Qlkn dh tM+
Bonfire mRlkokfXu] gyh
Bonhomie feyulkjh] ltU;
Bonne udjkuh
Bonnet Vih
Bonus cul
Bonus Issue cul fuxZe
Bonus share cul 'ks;j
Bonus share Issue cul 'ks;j fuxZe
Bonus shares cul 'ks;j
Bonus system cul&i)fr@.kkyh
Bonus, Cash udn@jdM+ cul
Bonus, Commuted :ikarfjr cul
Bonus, Contingency klafxd cul
Bonus, Guaranteed xkjaVhr cul
Bonus, Interim varfje cul

Bonus, Reversionary nkok kI; cul

Bony vfLFk
Bonze c) fHk{kq
Boo Nh&Nh
Booby ew[kZ] paMwy
Boodle lewpk
Boohoo juk&/kuk
Book iqLrd cgh
Book adjustment cgh lek;tu
Book asset cgh vkfLr
Book Balance [kkrk 'ks"k@cgh 'ks"k
Book Binder ftYnlkt+
Book binding ftYnlkt+h
Book Clerk ca/k&ijh{kd
Book credit [kkrk m/kkj
Book Debt [kkrk _.k
Book debts and other accounts receivable

cgh _.k vj vU; ysunkjh ys[ks

Book deposit [kkrk tek

Book Jacket iqLrdkoj.k
Book Keeper cgh ys[kd] equhe
Book keeping cgh [kkrk] cgh [kkrk i)fr] cgh [kkrk j[kuk
Book keeping machine cgh [kkrk e'khu
Book Keeping Machine Operator cgh [kkrk e'khu&pkyd
Book of accounts [kkrk cgh
Book of financial powers foRrrh; 'kfr;a dh iqLrd
Book of instructions vuqns'k iqLrd
Book of original entry ewy fof"V dh cgh
Book of treasury receipts [ktkuk jlhn iqfLrdk
Book post cqd iLV( iqLrd Mkd
Book Profit [kkrk ykHk
Book Section vuqHkkx
Book Section & Deposit Section ys[kk lesdu iqfLrdk,a vuqHkkx vj tek vuqHkkx
Book Section Deposit Section ys[kk lesdu iqfLrdk,a vuqHkkx vj tek vuwHkkx
Book transactions [kkrk ysu&nsu

Book transfer cgh [kkrk varj.k

Book value vafdr ewY;] cgh ewY;
Book value of stores lkeku dk cgh ewY;
Book, Bought ;@[kjhn cgh
Book, Invoice chtd cgh
Book, Main eq[; cgh
Book, Purchases ;@[kjhn cgh
Book, Returns Inward fch okilh cgh
Book, Returns Outward [kjhn okilh cgh
Book, Sales fo; cgh
Book, Statistical lkaf[;dh; iqLrd
Book, Subsidiary lgk;d iqLrd@cgh
Booking cqd djuk( cqfdax
Booking Clerk fVdV&ckcw
Booking of exchange profits fofue; ykHka d ntZ djuk
Booking of forward exchange contracts ok;nk fofue; lafonkva@Bsda d ntZ djuk
Booking office fVdV?kjp cqfdax dk;kZy;
Booking Supervisor ftYnlkt+
Book-keeper cgh ys[kd( equhe
Book-keeping cgh[kkrk fy[kuk( cgh[kkrk i)fr
Booklet iqfLrdk
Bookmark i`"B Le`fr
Books of accounts ys[kk iqLrdsa] ys[kk cfg;ka] cgh [kkrs
Books of original entry ewy fof"V dh cfg;ka
Boolean cwfy;u
Boolean algebra cwyh; chtxf.kr
Boolean data type cwyh; :i vkadMk
Boolean expression cwyh; O;atd
Boom rsth] O;kikj mRd"kZ
Boom-Man cwe eSu
Boon oj] ojnku
Boorish vlH;
Boost c<+kok] foKkiu
Boot twrk

Boot legging voS/k 'kjkc dk O;kikj

Boot Maker eph
Boot partition cwV foHkktu
Boot strap loader LoksRFkkuh@cwVLVSi Hkkjd
Boot strap memory cwVLVSi Le`fr@cwVLVSi eSeksjh
Boot strapping cwVLVSfiax
Bootes Hkwrs'k
Booth cwFk
Booty ywV
Booze T;knk 'kjkc ihuk
Boozy fi;DdM+
Bopeep yqdk&fNih
Borad of Khadi and Village Industries [kknh&xzke|x eaMy
Borage iRFkjpwj
Borax lqgkxk] cjsDl
Bordello os';ky;
Border fdukjk] ns'k dh lhek
Border allowance lhek HkRrrk( ljgn HkRrrk
Border check post lhek tkap pdh
Border gateway protocol lhekar eq[;}kj lansa'kkpkj@ckWMZj xsVos ksVksdkWy
Border line lhekjs[kk
Border Police Inspector lhek&iqfyl fujh{kd
Border Roads Development Board lhek&lM+d&fodkl eaMy
Border Security Force lhek lqj{kk cy
Border system of irrigation rdokj flapkbZ .kkyh
Bore uyh] vH;Urj] Nsn] mckm
Boreal mRrjh] manhPi
Boring Mechanic cfjax esdSfud
Boring Mistry cfjax feL=h
Boring Operator cfjax vkWijsVj
Born mRi guk] tUe ysuk
Borough uxj
Borrow m/kkj ysuk
Borrowal accounts m/kkj [kkrs

Borrowed funds m/kkj yh xbZ fuf/k;ka@jde

Borrowed reserves m/kkj yh xbZ kjf{kr fuf/k
Borrower m/kkjdrkZ] _.kh] _.kdrkZ
Borrower country m/kkjdrkZ@_.kh ns'k
Borrowing m/kkj] m/kkj ysuk] _.kknku
Borrowing concern m/kkjdrkZ laLFkk
Borrowing departmen vknkrk foHkkx
Borrowing department vknkrk foHkkx
Borrowing from apex bank f'k[kj cSad ls m/kkj
Borrowing Government m/kkjdrkZ ljdkj
Borrowing power m/kkj ysus dh 'kfDr] _.kknku 'kfDr
Borrowing Powers m/kkj 'kfr;ka
Borrowing Rate m/kkj nj
Borrowing rates m/kkj dh njsa] m/kkj laca/kh C;kt njsa
Borrowings m/kkj
Borrowings from other banks vU; cSada ls m/kkj
Boscage >qjeqV
Bosh vuki&'kuki] v.M&c.M
Bosket miou
Bosom Nkrh] o{kLFky
Boss ekfyd] vf/kiq:"k
Botanical okuLifrd
Botanical Assistant ouLifr lgk;d
Botch dPpk dke djuk
Both nua] mHk;
Both days inclusive nua fnu 'kkfey
Bother rax djuk] ijs'kku djuk] fpUrk
Bo-tree cf/ko`{k
Bots tadh
Bottle cry
Bottle neck #dkoV] vM+pu] ck/kk
Bottleneck xR;oj/k
Bottom fupyk] vk/kkfjd] ry
Bottomry loan ir ca/kd _.k] tgkt dh tekur ij fn, tkus okys _.k

Boudoir J`axkjd{k] fuft d{k

Bough 'kk[k] Mky
Bought Ledger [kjhn@; [kkrk
Bought Ledger Adjustment Account [kjhn@; [kkrk lek;tu ys[kk
Bought Ledger Control Account [kjhn@; [kkrk fu;a=.k ys[kk
Bougie ofrZ] eecRrh
Bouillion 'kjck
Boulder xayk iRFkj] f'kyk[k.M
Boulevard ekxZ
Bounce mNkyuk
Bouncing '[khckt
Bound ck/;] lhfer
Boundary lhek
Boundary mark lhek fpUg
Bounded ifjc)] ifjcaf/kr
Bounding function ifjlheu Qyu
Bounds register ca/k jftLVj@ifjc) jftLVj@ifjc) iath
Bounty vf/knku
Bounty fed products O;kikj ds fy, fn, x,
Bouquet xqynLrk] xqPNk
Bourdon eU uyh] ijnk
Bourgeois cwtZvk] e/;oxhZ
Bourn lhek] lfjrk
Bourse ljkQk
Boustrophedon nqrjQk fy[kkbZ
Bout ckjh] ikjh
Bovine xtkrh;
Bow xygh] tgkt dk vxzHkkx] /kuq"k] >qduk
Bowdlerize ifj'k/ku djuk
Bowel vkr] va=] varM+h
Bower dt] fudaqt] yrke.Mi
Bowl dVjk] xsanckth] ydM+h dk xsan
Bowman ceSu
Bow-window esgjkcnkj f[kM+dh

Bow-Wow Hka&Hka
Box cDl( isVh
Box Balance xYys dh jdM+ ckdh] isVh 'ks"k
Box Room xnke
Boxing Instructor eqDdsckth vuqns'kd
Boy ckW;
Boycott cfg"dkj( ckW;dkV
BPE Bureau of Public Enterprises yd m|e dk;kZy;
BRA Banking Regulation Act cSaddkjh fofue; vf/kfu;e
Brace cU/kuh
Brace Fitter ca/ku ;tuk( czsl fQVj
Bracelet dxau
Bracing LQfrZdkjd
Bracket d"Bd
Bracketing d"Bfdr djuk
Brackish [kkjk
Bract lgi=
Brad piVh dhy] pck
Brag Mhax] '[kh
Brahmin czk.k
Braid os.kh] pVh
Braille cSzy] mRdh.kZ ys[k
Brain efLr"d] fnekx
Brain drain frHkk iyk;u
Brain-drain frHkk iyk;u
Braise ne nsuk] ne nsdj idkuk
Brake czsd jd
Brake distance jd nwjh
Brake rigging and gear czsd fjfxax vj fx;j
Brakesman czsdeSu
Bran Hkwlh
Branch 'kk[kk
Branch Account 'kk[kk ys[kk
Branch adjustment 'kk[kk lek;tu

Branch adjustment account 'kk[kk lek;tu ys[kk

Branch advisory committee 'kk[kk lykgdkj@ijke'kZnkrk lfefr
Branch agent 'kk[kk ,tsaV@vfHkdrkZ
Branch and bound 'kk[kk vkSj ifjca/k
Branch audit 'kk[kk ys[kk ijh{kk
Branch auditors 'kk[kk ys[kk ijh{kd
Branch banking policy 'kk[kk cSafdax uhfr
Branch banking statistics 'kk[kk cSafdax lkaf[;dh@vkadM+s
Branch card 'kk[kk dkMZ
Branch clearing code 'kk[kk lek'k/ku dM@lafgrk
Branch committee 'kk[kk lfefr
Branch control 'kk[kk fu;a=.k
Branch expansion 'kk[kk foLrkj
Branch expansion programme Department

'kk[kk foLrkj dk;Ze

Branch Inspection 'kk[kk fujh{k.k foHkkx

Branch inspection note 'kk[kk fujh{k.k fVIi.kh
Branch ledger 'kk[kk [kkrk
Branch licensing 'kk[kk ykblsalhdj.k
Branch Line 'kk[kk ykbu
Branch Manager 'kk[kk ca/kd
Branch net work 'kk[kk ra=
Branch Office 'kk[kk dk;kZy;
Branch office account 'kk[kk dk;kZy; ys[kk
Branch office daily account 'kk[kk dk;kZy; nSfud ys[kk
Branch officer slip 'kk[kk dk;kZy; ipZhZ
Branch Recruitment Office 'kk[kk HkrZh dk;kZy;
Branch remittance account 'kk[kk s"k.k ys[kk
Branch returns 'kk[kk foojf.k;ka
Branch supplies book 'kk[kk vkiwfrZ cgh
Branch testing 'kk[kk ijh{k.k
Branch transfer scroll 'kk[kk varj.k lwph
Branch, Foreign fons'kh 'kk[kk
Branches of foreign companies fons'kh daifu;a dh 'kk[kk,a
Branchiae Dye

Branchiate lDye
Branching out the activities xfrfof/k;a dk lkj djuk
Branch-wise data 'kk[kkokj vkadM+s
Brand Nki] czk.M
Brand money ekdkZ@Nki dh jkf'k] jf{kr /ku
Brandish ?kqekuk] Hkktuk
Brandy czk.Mh
Brash VqdM+s] Njs] NkV
Brass ihry] fuyZTtrk] csg;kbZ
Brass seal ihry dh eqk
Brassage <ykbZ
Brassard fcYyk
Brassiere vkfx;k] pyh] lhukcUn
Braszier vxhBh
Brat Ndjk
Bravado vD[kM+iu] Mhax
Brave ohj] lkglh
Bravo 'kkck'k] okg&okg
Brawl >xM+k djuk
Brawn ckgqcy
Bray jsduk
Braze ihry dk jax p<+kuk ;k Vkdk yxkuk
Breach Hkax
Breach of agreement djkj&Hkax
Breach of confidenc fo'+okl&Hkax
Breach of confidence fo'okl&Hkax
Breach of contract lafonk Hkax
Breach of disciplin vuq'kklu&Hkax
Breach of discipline vuq'kklu Hkax
Breach of duty drZO; Hkax
Breach of law fof/k Hkax] dkuwu r+M+uk
Breach of peace 'kkafr&Hkax
Breach of privilege fo'ks"kkf/kdkj&Hkax
Breach of promise opu&Hkax

Breach of rule fu;e&Hkax

Breach of terms fuca/kua dk Hkax
Breach of trust U;kl Hkax] fo'+okl?kkr] vekur esa [k;kur
Bread jVh
Breadth pM+kbZ] foLrkj
Breadth first search Fke pkSM+kbZ [kkst
Break VwVuk] VwV tkuk] VqdM+s
Break down BIi g tkuk@[kjkc guk@[kjkch
Break even point ykHk vtZu dh fLFkfr
Break in service lsok esa O;o/kku
Breakable Hkaxqj
Breakage VwV&QwV
Breakage certificate VwV&QwV ek.k i=
Break-even-chart larqyu&Lrj&pkVZ
Break-even-point ykHk vykHk fLFkfr] larqyu Lrj fcUnq
Breakup C;jk
Break-up fo'ysf"kr@vyx&vyx fooj.k
Break-up of the assesses fu/kkZfjfr;a dk C;jk
Break-up of total collection dqy laxzg.k ds C;js
Break-up value fo'ysf"kr@vyx&vyx ewY;
Break-up value or residual value fo'ysf"kr ;k ewY; vof'k"VewY;
Breast Nkrh] o{kLFky] lhuk
Breath 'okl] lkl
Breathe lkl ysuk] lkl [khpuk
Breathing 'olu
Breccia lad.kk'e
Breech tkWf?k;k
Breed uLy
Breeder tud
Breeding tuu
Breeding farm for chicks pwt+k tuu QkeZ
Breeze lehj
Breve 'kklui=
Brevity laf{kIrrk

Brew 'kjkc ;k e| cukuk

Brewery e|fuekZ.k'kkyk
Bribe ?kwl( fj'+or
Bribery ?kwl[kjh( fj'+or[kjh
Brice-a-brac dykfr;ka
Brick bZV] jM+k
Bridal o/kw dk] oSokfgd
Bride nqygu] uoo/kq
Bridge iqy] lsrq
Bridge Engineer iqy bathfu;j( lsrq vfHk;ark
Bridge Foreman iqy QjeSu
Bridge id lsrq vkbZ Mh
Bridge Inspector iqy fujh{kd
Bridge label lsrq yscy@fczt yscy
Bridge Mistry iqy feL=h
Bridge number lsrq la[;k
Bridge Officer fczt+ vQ+lj( iqy vf/kdkjh( lsrq vf/kdkjh
Bridges lsrq
Bridging lsrq&cU/ku
Bridging finance iwjd foRr
Bridging loan iwjd _.k
Bridle yxke] ckx
Brief laf{kIr( i{kklkj( czhQ+
Brief (for meeting) laf{kIr uV
Brief history of the case is as follows ekeys dk laf{kIr bfro`k bl dkj gS
Brief note is placed below laf{kIr uV uhps j[kk gS
Brief particulars laf{kIr fooj.k( laf{kIr C;jk
Brief resume laf{kIr o`Rrr
Brief summary of the case is placed below

ekeys dk lkjka'k uhps j[kk gS

Briefing i=lkj
Brier >kM+h] dkVsnkj
Brigade fczxsM
Brigadier fczxsfM;j
Brigand Mkd] cVekj] yqVsjk

Bright pedhyk] |qfr] rst

Brightness |zqfr
Brilliance nhIr] ped] frHkk
Brilliant frHkkoku
Brilliant record 'kkunkj dhfrZeku
Brimstone xa/kd] xU/kdk'e
Brindled fprdcjk
Brine yo.k&ty] [kkjk ikuh
Bring ykuk] ys vkuk
Bring forward vkxs ykuk] vxzku;u
Bring into commission orZu djuk
Bring into notice /;ku esa ykuk
Bring into operation pkyw djuk] vey esa ykuk
Brinjal cSaxu
Brink fdukjk
Briny [kkjk] uedhu
Briquette bf"Vdk] fczdsV
Brisk Qjrhyk] rst
Brisket v/kj&o{k
Bristle 'kqd] dM+k
Brittle HkqjHkqjk] Hkaxqj
Broach cjek] lh[kpk
Broad pM+k] O;kid
Broad band local area network foLr`r ih LFkkuh; usVodZ
Broad Guage cM+h ykbu
Broad Guidelines lkekU; ekxZ n'kZd fl)kar
Broad money LFkwy eqk
Broad perspective O;kid ifjs{; esa
Broad Principles O;kid fl)kar
Broad Principles of Orthodox Finance ijEijkfu"B foRrr ds O;kid fl)kar
Broad Sheet czkM 'khV
Broad spectrum LFkwy e
Broadcast lkj.k
Broadcast message lkj.k lans'k

Broadcast mode lkj.k fo/kk

Broadcast radio lkj.k jsfM;ks
Broadcast routing lkj.k vuqekxZu
Broadcast satellite lkj.k mixzg
Broadcasting fc[ksjuk] lkj.k djuk
Broadcasting sowing fNVdok cqokbZ
Broadcasting Station lkj.k&dsa
Broadgauge cM+h ykbZu
Broadly speaking eVs rj ls
Broadminded mnkj
Broadsheet cM+k fpV~Bk
Broadsheet Section czkM'khV vuqHkkx
Brocade tjh
Broccoli QyxHkh
Brochure foojf.kdk
Brocket n lky dk e`x
Brogue kUrh; mPpkj.k
Broil gaxkek
Broken VwVk gqvk
Broken period [kafMr vof/k
Broken period interest [kafMr vof/k dk C;kt
Broker nyky] czdj
Broker, Money eqk cktkj czdj@nyky
Brokerage nykyh
Broker's bought note nyky dk ; uV
Broker's Contract Note nyky dk lafonk uV
Broker's delivery order czdj@nyky ds forj.k vkns'k
Broker'Sold Note nyky dk fo; uV
Bromide Printer czekbM eqd
Bromine czehu
Bronze dkalk
Bronze medal dkaL; ind
Brooch tM+km fiu
Brook ukyk] NVh unh

Broom >kM+w
Broth 'kjck
Brothel os';ky;
Brother HkkbZ
Brought down v/k vkuhr] de djuk
Brought forward vkxs yk;k x;k] vxzkuhr
Brought forward (b/ vxzkuhr
Brought forward (b/f) vxzkuhr
Brought forwards(b/f) vxzkuhr
Brought over vkxs ys tk;k x;k
Brow Hakg
Brown Hkwjk
Brownie osrky
Browse dkasiy] pjuk] i`"V iyVuk
Browser fopjd
BRS Bills Rediscounting Scheme fcy iquHkZqukbZ ;tuk
Bruin Hkkyw
Bruise pV] xqeVk
Brunette ';keyk
Brunt /kDdk] vkosx
Brush rwfydk] >kM+uk
Brussels pdh xHkh
Brutal u`'kal] fuZn;rk
Brute i'kq] cqf)ghu
BSR Basic Statistical Return ewyHkwr lkaf[;dh; fooj.kh
BSRB Banking Services Recruitment Board

cSafdax lsok HkrZh cMZ

BTC Bankers Training College cSadj f'k{k.k egkfo|ky;

B-tree ch o`{k@ch r:
Bubble cqycqyk
Bubble memory cqncqn Le`fr@cqncqn eSeksjh
Bubble sort cqycqyh NaVkbZ
Buccal diy] eq[k
Buck uj] Nsyk
Bucket ckYVh

Bucket sort ckYVh NVkbZ

Buckle cdlqvk] dej dluk
Buckram :[kkiu
Bud dyh] dye yxkuk
Buddy system ca/kqrk ra=@cM~Mh ra=@cbth ra= .kkyh
Budge fgyuk] gVkuk
Budget ctV
Budget And Accounts Section ctV vj ys[kk vuqHkkx
Budget and revised estimates ctV ,oa ifj'kf/kr kDdyu@vuqeku
Budget clerk ctV DydZ@fyfid
Budget effective control ctV Hkkoh fu;a=.k
Budget estimate ctV kDdyu] ctV vuqeku
Budget estimation ctV vkdyu
Budget flexing ctV vkueu
Budget grant ctV vuqnku
Budget Grants ctV vuqnku
Budget interrelationship ctV ijLij lac/k
Budget leakage ctV dk le;iw.kZ dVu] ctV dk yhd guk
Budget Officer ctV vf/kdkjh( vk;&O;;d vf/kdkjh
Budget orders ctV vkns'k
Budget preparation ctV rS;kjh
Budget proposals ctV Lrko
Budget provision ctV O;oLFkk@ko/kku
Budget provision exists ctV esa O;oLFkk gS
Budget reform ctV lq/kkj
Budget Research & Statistics Section ceV] vuqla/kku rFkk lkaf[;dh vuqHkkx
Budget Research Statistics Secti ceV] vuqla/kku rrk lkaf[;dh vuqHkkx
Budget Section ctV vuqHkkx
Budget session ctV l=@vf/kos'ku
Budget speech ctV Hkk"k.k
Budget, Balanced larqfyr ctV
Budget, Capital iwath ctV
Budget, Deficit ?kkVs dk ctV
Budget, Emergency vkikrh ctV

Budget, Family ifjokj ctV

Budget, Reappropriation iqufuZ;tu ctV
Budget, Revised la'kf/kr ctV
Budget, Supplementary vuqiwjd ctV
Budget, Surplus vf/k'ks"k ctV] cpr dk ctV] cs'kh dk ctV
Budgetary ctVh;
Budgetary allocation ctV fofonku
Budgetary allotment ctV }kjk fu"Qy
Budgetary balance ctV larqyu@ctVh; larqyu
Budgetary control ctV fu;a=.k
Budgetary deficit ctV ?kkVk
Budgetary powers ctV 'kfDr;ka
Budgetary procedure ctV f;k
Budgetary resources ctV lk/ku
Budgetary surplus ctV vf/k'ks"k@cs'kh
Budgeted works ctV fofgr fuekZ.k dk;Z
Budgets ctV
Budla transactions cnyk lnk@ysunsu
Buffalo Halk
Buffer cQ+j
Buffer conflict cQj varfoZjks/k
Buffer context index array cQj lanHkZ lwpdkad lj.kh
Buffer I/O Device cQj fuos'k@fuxZe ;qfDr@cQj vkbZ@vks ;qfDr
Buffer register cQj jftLVj
Buffer stock lehdj.k HkaMkj] lqjf{kr HkaMkj] cQj LVkd
Buffer stock plan lehdj.k@lqjf{kr HkaMkj ;tuk] cQj LVkd ;tuk
Buffer storage cQj HkaMkj.k
Buffered amplifier p;fdr o/kZd@cQj ,eifyQk;j
Buffet migkj&d{k] vyekjh
Buffet Car Hktu ;ku] cqd dkj
Buffoon HkkaM] fonw"kd
Bug [kVey] eRd.k
Bugger yMsackth
Buggy ?kM+kxkM+h

Bugle fcxqy
Bugler fcxqyj
Build cukuk] fuekZ.k
Building Hkou( bekjr
Building Clerk fuekZ.k DydZ( fuekZ.k fyfid
Building Division fuekZ.k Hkkx
Building fund Hkou fuf/k
Building Supervisor fuekZ.k i;Zos{kd
Built up o`f)] fufeZr
Built-in function varfuZfeZr Qyu
Built-in procedure varfuZfeZr f;k
Built-up area fufeZr {ks=] fufeZr {ks=Qy
Bulbul cqycqy
Bulgaria - Lev, Lew cqYxkfj;k - ysc
Bulge mHkkM] mHkkj] mHkuk
Bulimia {kq?kkfr'k;
Bulk Fkd( vackj( <sj( vf/kdka'k( ifjek.k
Bulk freigh [kqyk eky
Bulk indent Fkd b.MsaV] Fkd ekax&i=
Bulk inspection lkewfgd fujh{k.k
Bulk purchase Fkd [kjhn
Bull rstfM+;k
Bull campaign cktkj p<+kuk
Bull support rstfM+;a dk leFkZu@dh lgk;rk
Bull, Trapped laikfrr@fxjk rstf+M;k
Bullace taxyh vkywpk
Bulldozer Operator cqyMt+j vkWijsVj
Bullet xyh
Bulletin cqysfVu
Bulletproof cqysVwQ
Bullion cqfy;u] luk&pkanh cgqewY; /kkrq
Bullion account cqfy;u ys[kk
Bullion market ljkQk@cqfy;u cktkj
Bullion van cqfy;u ;ku@xkM+h

Bullish rsth dk #[k

Bullish trend rstfM+;k o`fRr
Bullock cSy
Bully ncax] /kafl;k
Bulrush ujdV] ujdy
Bulwark ijdVk] kdkj
Bum pwrM+
Bump /kDdk] mHkkj
Bumper cEij t+jnkj( Hkjiwj
Bumper crop Hkjiwj Qly
Bumpkin nsgkrh] xkWoj
Bumptious vD[kM+] vagdkjh
Bun ehBh jVh] xqyxqyk
Bunch lewg
Bunching xqPNu
Bunching of vacanci fjfr;a dk xqPNu
Bunching of vacancies fjfDr;a dk xqPNu
Bund can] iq'rk] ck/k
Bundle xBjh] iqfyank
Bung MkV
Bungalow cxyk
Bungle ?kiyk djuk] xM+cM+ dj nsuk
Bungling xyeky( xyeky djuk
Bunion x[k:
Bunk 'kkf;dk
Bunker rg[kkuk] ry?kj
Bunkum cdokn] cdcd
Bunt caVqvk] f".kdk
Bunting /otiV] >.Ms
Buoy c;k Iyo
Burble cqncnkuk
Burden Hkkj
Burden of taxation dj Hkkj
Bureau dk;kZy;] C;wj] dsU

Bureau for Promotion of Urdu mnZw&lao/kZu C;wj( rjdh&,&mnZw C;wj

Bureau of Document ys[k C;wj
Bureau of Economics and Statistics vFkZ'kkL= vj lkaf[;dh C;wj
Bureau of Educationl Vocational Guidance

f'k{kk vj O;olk; ekxZn'kZu C;wj

Bureau of Higher Education mPp f'k{kk C;wj

Bureau of Indian Standards Hkkjrh; ekud C;wj
Bureau of Industrial Cost and Prices v|fxd ykxr vj ewY; C;wj
Bureau of personnel dkfeZd dsU@C;wj
Bureau of Police Research and Development

iqfyl vuqla/kku vj fodkl C;wj

Bureau of Scholarships and Scientific Research

Nk=o`Rrfr vj oSKkfud vuqla/kku C;wj

Bureau of School Education Ldwy f'k{kk C;wj

Bureau, Employment jtxkj C;wj@dk;kZy;@dsa
Bureau, Intelligence vklwpuk dsU@C;wj
Bureau, Labour dkexkj@etnwj@Jfed dk;kZy;@dsU@C;wj
Bureaucracy vf/kdkjh ra=( nrj'kkgh
Bureaucrat vf/kdkjh( nrj'kkg
Burette 'kh'kh] ekiu&ufydk
Burgee cxhZ
Burgeon fdly;] dyh
Burgeoning level c<+rk gqvk Lrj
Burgher ukxfjd
Burglar pj] lsa/kekj
Burgomaster uxjifr] es;j
Burgonet f'kjL=k.k
Burial nQu] 'ko d{k
Burin r{k.kh
Burke xyk ?kaVuk
Burl xkaB] xaVq
Burly gVVk&dVV~k] LFkwydk;
Burma - Kyat cekZ - D;kr
Burmese Unit ceZh ,dd
Burn tyuk
Burning ngu] Toyu
Burnish pedkuk] ?kVuk

Burnouses ycknk] pxk

Burr /kq/kyk dk'ke.My] dj.M] lku
Burrow fcy] fcy [knuk
Bursa Lusgh&iqVh] 'ys"kiqVh
Bursar [ktkuph
Burser clZj
Burst QVuk
Burst transmission foLQksV lapj.k
Bury nQukuk] xkM+uk
Bus cl
Bus architecture cl okLrqdyk
Bus driver cl Mkboj( cl pkyd
Bus internet cl tky
Bush >kM+] >kM+h
Bushel cq'y] iSekuk
Business dkjckj] O;olk;] dkedkt
Business agent O;olk;@dkjckj ,tsaV@vfHkdrkZ
Business association O;olk; la?k] dkjckjh la?k
Business audio O;olk; JO;
Business connections O;olk;&laca/k
Business cycle O;olk;&p
Business data processing O;olk; vkadM+k lalk/ku
Business deduction O;kikfjd dVrh
Business establishment O;olk; fr"Bku
Business hours dk;Z le;] dkjckj dk le;
Business house O;olk; x`g
Business income O;kolkf;d vk;
Business information system O;olk; lwpuk ra=
Business insurance O;olk;@dkjckj chek
Business intelligence O;olk; Kku
Business intelligent O;olkf;d cqfeku
Business letter O;kolk; i=
Business man O;olk;h
Business management O;olk;@dkjckj ca/k

Business Manager O;olk;&ca/kd( dkjckj ca/kd

Business methods O;olk;@dkjckj i)fr
Business objection O;olkf;d vkifk
Business objectives O;olk; mn~ns';
Business of banking cSafdax O;olk;@dkjckj
Business of farming f"k O;olk;
Business organisation O;olk;@dkjckj laxBu
Business organization O;olk; laxBu
Business plan O;kikj ;tuk
Business practice dkjckjh pyu@Fkk@.kkyh
Business premises dkjckj LFkku@ifjlj
Business proposition O;olk;@dkjckj Lrko
Business purchase account O;olk; ;@[kjhn ys[kk
Business reply card O;kolkf;d@dkjckjh tokch dkMZ
Business type audit O;olk; vuq:i ys[kkijh{kk
Business undertaking O;olk; mie
Business wealth O;kolkf;d /ku
Business year dkjckj@O;olk; o"kZ
Businessman O;olk;h] dkjckjh
Busk dM+h ih
Buskin xqjxkch
Bust vko{k ewfrZ] v/kZfrek
Bustard fryj] lgu fpfM+;k
Bustle gypy] gM+ cM+h
Busy O;Lr] dke esa yxk gqvk
Busy season

O;Lr vof/k] rhoz O;olk;@dkjckj dk le;] vf/kd dkedkt dk le;

But fdarq] ijUrq

But not exceeding in any case ysfdu fdlh gkyr esa-- ls T;knk ugha
Butcher dlkbZ] cwpM+
Butea <kd] iyk'k
Butler cVyj
Butt dUnk] gRFkk] nLrk
Butter eD[ku yxkuk] pqiM+uk
Butterfly frryh

Butteris lqerjk'k
Buttock furEc] pwrM+
Button cVu] cqrke] ?kq.Mh
Buttress iq'rk] Vsd yxkuk] lgkjk yxkuk
Butyrometer eD[ku&Lusgekih
Buxom eVk&rktk
Buy ; djuk] [kjhnuk
Buyback facility okil [kjhnus dh lqfo/kk
Buyer srk] [kjhnkj
Buyer, Cash udn srk@[kjhnkj
Buyer, Potential laHkkoh srk@[kjhnkj
Buyer, Resident LFkkfud@fuoklh srk@[kjhnkj
Buyer's market srk@[kjhnkj cktkj
Buyer's monopoly srk@[kjhnkj ,dkf/kdkj
Buyer's option srk@[kjhnkj dk fodYi
Buyer's strike srk@[kjhnkj dh gM+rky
Buyer's surplus srk@[kjhnkj vf/k'ks"k
Buying agent ; vfHkdrkZ@,tsaV
Buying information ; lwpuk] [kjhn tkudkjh
Buying on margin ekftZu@xqatkb'k ij [kjhn
Buying power ;@[kjhn 'kf
Buying rate ; nj
Buying, Forward ok;nk [kjhn] vxk ;
Buzz fHkufHkukuk] xaqtkjuk] fHkudkuk
By }kjk
By all means fuLlansg] vo';eso
By and by e'k%] /khjs&/khjs]
By and large lkekU;r% dqy feykdj
By any means fdlh Hkh dkj ls
By authority of ds kf/kdkj ls
By authority of... ds kf/kdkj ls
By beat of drum nqXxh fiVokdj] MaMh fiVokdj
By certain date fdlh fu;r rkjh[k rd
By command ds vkns'k ls

By command (of) ds lekns'k ls

By command of ds lekns'k ls
By count x.kuk ds vuqlkj
By dishonest means csbZekuh ls
By due date fu;r rkjh[k rd
By far dgha vf/kd
By force cyiwoZd( cykR
By goods train ekyxkM+h ls
By hand nLrh
By instalment fd'r }kjk
By leaps and bounds fnu nquh jkr pxquh
By mates and bounds eki vj lhekadu djds
By means of ds }kjk
By mutual agreement ijLij le>rs }kjk
By no means fdlh Hkh rjg ls ugha
By order ds vkns'k ls
By order (of) ds vkns'k ls
By pass lines miekxZ ykbusa
By post Mkd ls( Mkd }kjk
By reason ds dkj.k
By registered post jftLVh ls] jftLVh }kjk
By return of post okilh Mkd ls
By special messenger fo'ks"k lans'kokgd }kjk
By the order of ds vkns'k ls
By the way laxo'k
By turn ckjh&ckjh ls
By virtue of ds ukrs] dh gSfl;r ls] ds vk/kkj ij
By virtue of office in ds ukrs] in dh gSfl;r ls
By virtue of... ---ds ukr]s ---dh gSfl;r ls
By volume vk;ru ds vuqlkj
By way of ds :i esa
By weight Hkkj@ot+u ds vuqlkj
Bye election by ele mi&fuokZpu( mipquko
Bye election by election mi&fuokZpu( mipquko

Bye law by law) mifof/k

Bye law( by law) mifof/k
Bye-law mi&fu;e] mijof/k
By-Hand Peon nLrh pijklh
By-law/Bye-law mi fu;e] mifof/k
By-product miRikn] x.k mRikn
Byre x'kkyk
Byte v"V&};ad@ckbV
Byte oriented protocol ckbV vfHkeq[kh ksVksdkWy

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