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Fashion & Retail Management Training Course

by International Fashion Expert - MICHAEL COSON

Course Outline
I. Background of Fashion a. What is Fashion? b. Why do people buy Fashion? c. Fashion in Vietnam II. Introduction to Retail a. What is Retail? b. Retailing in Vietnam c. Opportunities of Retailing in Vietnam III. Basics of Retail a. Business Outline b. The Simplest Business Formula of Fashion c. Business Structure d. Profit & Loss IV. Foundation of Fashion & Retail Management a. Brand i. Brand Concept ii. Brand Positioning iii. Target market iv. Design Principle v. Store Design b. Products i. What sells? The Market Demand Servicing the needs of the market Target market

ii. What do we sell?

iii. Who will buy our products? iv. The Product Concept v. The Product Development

vi. Merchandising Strategies c. Location i. Choosing the Right Location ii. What to Consider in Choosing the Location? iii. Location Scenario in Vietnam d. Pricing i. Competitive Analysis ii. Pricing study iii. The Price that will Bring You Profit iv. Pricing FORMULA e. Promotion i. Marketing Plan ii. Brand Image iii. Fashion Events iv. Communication Strategies v. Other Venues for Marketing & Advertising V. Retail Operations & Control a. Managing Your Store i. Visual Merchandising ii. Inventory iii. Stock Room Management iv. Customer Service b. Human Resources Management i. Choosing the Right Staff ii. Training iii. No.1 Job Description SELL!!! iv. Motivating your Staff VI. Case Studies & Analysis

Fashion is FUN Fashion is my Passion!

Co-organized by Michael Coson & VEGA Co., Ltd

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