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Nombre: Beatriz Snchez Prez Turno: 20 Jueves Tell the differences you between Spanish people and British

People The stereotypes are very common today. When you think in Spanish people you think "flamenco, paella, party, beach, sun, etc.." It's the same with British people "they drink a lot of, they eat very bad,.." but everybody know that it is not true. In my opinion British people have a education very good , for example in the school they have a one teacher and two assistants. There are ten children for class. This is a positive point for me. However the health is private , if you don't have money , you can't go to the hospital. This is a negative point for me. On the other hand in Spain the health is public. It is true that you have a very big queues but finally you later or early one doctor can see you. The school in spain there are one teacher for class and 25 children. The attention is different. To finish i want tell that each place have a good things and bad things , the new places always are very exciting for us, we think that are better, but if we are realistic we know that it is false.

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