Biography of J.K Rowling

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K Rowling was born in Chipping Sodury, July 31


1965. Her childhood was generally happy. J.K studied at a
school in Gloucestershire, beIore moving to Chepstow,
South Whales at the age oI 9. From an early age, J.K
Rowling had an ambition to be a writer.
One oI her Iavourite iobs was working Ior Amnesty
International; the charity, which campaigns against human
rights abuses throughout the world. It was in 1990, that J.K
Rowling Iirst conceived oI the idea about Harry Potter. As
she recalls, it was a
long train iourney
Irom London to
Manchester when
she began Iorming
in her mind, the
characters oI the
It was in
December oI 1990
that J.K Rowling
3.K ROulln
lost her mother, who died oI Multiple Sclerosis. Her own
loss gave an added poignancy to the death oI Harry Potter`s
mother in her book.
In 1991, J.K Rowling leIt England to get a iob as an
English teacher in Portugal. It was here that she met her
Iirst husband, and together they had a child Jessica.
However, aIter a couple oI years, the couple split aIter a
Iierce argument; where by all accounts J.K Rowling was
thrown out oI the house. So she returned to England in
Within a Iew weeks oI publication, (1996) the books
sales really to take oII. AIter the books initial success in the
UK, an American company scholastic agreed to pay a
remarkable t100,000 Ior the rights to publish in America.
In 1998, Warner Bros. secured the Iilm rights Ior the books.
The Iilms have magniIied the success oI the books, making
Harry Potter into one oI the most recognizable media
products. J.K Rowling currently lives in Scotland, on the
banks oI the river Tay, with her 2
husband Neil Murray;
J.K Rowling has 3 children, 2 with Neil.

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