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Math 6580 A-Q-RCC Summer 2011 Homework 1 Due: Section A (on-campus): Section Q (distance learning): Section RCC (Savannah):

NAME GT ID Number Section May 25, 2011 (Wednesday), 14:30 June 1 (Wednesday) To be determined

Instruction: Use the present page as the cover page of your homework. You may discuss the problems with other students, but you must construct your solutions and write up the homework independently by yourself. You may submit your work early. The on-campus students (Section A) should submit a clean hardcopy of your work. Students in Sections Q and RCC may submit the work by e-mail, provided the work is in the PDF format. Late homework will not be accepted.

Problem No. Points Problem [1] /10 Problem [2] /10 Problem [3] /10 Total /30

[1] (10 points) (a) Let X = C[0, 1] be the vector space of all complex-valued continuous functions f on [0, 1]. For f, g X, dene (f, g) by (f, g) =
0 1/2

f (t)g(t)dt.

Does this give an inner product on X? Prove your statement. (b) Let P be the vector space of all complex sequences (x1 , x2 , ) with only nitely many nonzero terms. For x, y P , dene (x, y) by (x, y) =

nxn yn .

Does this give an inner product on P ? Prove your statement. [2] (10 points) Prove that for any vectors x, y in an inner product space and any positive integer n 3, (x, y) = 1 n

ei2k/n x + ei2k/n y

[3] (10 points) Prove that for any complex-valued continuous dierentiable function f on [, ],

f (t) cos t f (t) sin t dt


|f (t)|2 + |f (t)|2 dt

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