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Time Management Calculator

Once you are aware of how you are spending your time, you can begin to make informed decisions. Find out where your time goes with this time management calculator. Note that your entries will be rounded to the nearest 5-minute interval. Enter values for each category below (in hours).How much time do you spend... At work each week. 40.00 Commuting to and from work each week. 15.00 On coursework per week. 10.00 Exercising per week. 10.00 On financial activities per week (paying bills et cetra). 2.50 Traveling to and participating in functions per week. 0 Relaxing per week. 8.00 Volunteering per week. 0 Traveling on weekends. 0 Other commitments per week. 0 Preparing, eating, and cleaning up from meals daily. 1.00 Grooming daily. 0.50 X 7 days 3.5 X 7 days 7 X 7 days 7

Cleaning and running errands daily. 1.00 With family daily. 2.00 Sleeping each night. 7.00 Total task hours 166 (Hours per week) -168 Total Time Available 2 X 7 days 14 X 7 days 49

A week is 168 hours. Total task hours minus 168 equals the amount of time available to spend on tasks of your choice.

At work each week: 40.00 Commuting to and from work each week: 15.00 On coursework per week: 10.00 Exercising per week: 10.00

On financial activities per week (paying bills et cetra): 2.50 Traveling to and participating in functions per week: 0 Relaxing per week: 8.00 Volunteering per week: 0 Traveling on weekends: 0 Other commitments per week: 0 Preparing, eating, and cleaning up from meals daily: 7 Grooming daily: 3.5 Cleaning and running errands daily: 7 With family daily: 14 Sleeping each night: 49 Total task hours: 166 (Hours per week): -168 Total Time Available: 2

Time Conversion Table 5 minutes = 0.08 hours. 10 minutes = 0.17 hours. 15 minutes = 0.25 hours. 20 minutes = 0.33 hours. 25 minutes = 0.42 hours. 30 minutes = 0.50 hours. 35 minutes = 0.58 hours. 40 minutes = 0.67 hours. 45 minutes = 0.75 hours. 50 minutes = 0.83 hours. 55 minutes = 0.92 hours. 60 minutes = 1.00 hours.

Please enter a number between 0 and 168.

Please enter a number between 0 and 24. Overflow Error You assigned yourself more things to do than there is time to do them. Currently, your Total task hours for the week is:
166 hour .

But a week has only 168 hours, which leaves you a deficit of:
2 hour(s) hour(s).

Please close this popup message and re-allocate your task hours so that they are less than or equal to 168.

Capella University, 2009

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