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tink tink Tink CRACK A simple tap Along a fault line Turns an imperfect gem To a set of shards Fragments

Merely a shadow Of the beauty once held Yet something Simply Wondrous The beauty in the pieces Lies not in what was lost But what has been created The gem s features have each become Isolated To be respected And appreciated As it is The sum of the parts Is not equal to each part Taken on its own accord Each fragment has a story to tell A face never shone A shimmer never discovered A purpose never realized Now separate from the whole, Each part can serve an individual function Without hindering the whole Compartmentalized, The most efficiency exists But the question is Does it need to work? Gems are valued for their appearance And how it complements another It s valued for everything put behind that earring

That necklace That bracelet That ring Gems don t work to gain value They are appreciated for what they are Shaped to fit their own place Their existence is their point Why is it different For the creative gems among mankind? Their beauty is in the works they have created Not for the shard of their appearance Or their back story Or their personality But merely for the work produced They are left to fragment themselves To get the most they can from themselves So they can be appreciated for something The saddest thing is not what is lost in the fracturing But that the fragments Will never reform To create the best of the gem

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