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Revision 4th grade

1. Raspundeti cu Yes, I can/ No, I cant: a. Can you ride a bike? b. Can you draw? c. Can you sing? d. Can you fly? e. Can you climb trees? f. Can you jump? g. Can you say Hello?

2. Completati cu can/cant: a. I _______ read, but I cant cook. b. They cant write, but they _____ sing carols. c. He can play tennis, but he _______ swim. 3. Completati cu can/cant: a. A dog _____ ride a bike. b. Girls _____ play basketball. c. A parrot ______ fly. d. Elephants ______ dance. 4. Completati cu can sau cant.

d. She ______ play basketball, but she can play the piano. e. He _______ fly, but he can swim. f. I can jump, but I _______ fly. g. He can ride a bike, but he _______ drive a car. e. f. g. h. Zebras _____ run. Tigers _____ fly. Dogs ______ jump. Ducks _______ dance.

KIERAN Hi Carl! Whats that? CARL Its my guitar. KIERAN (1) ______________ you play the guitar? CARL Yes, I (2) ______________ KIERAN Wow! CARL (3) ______________ you play a musical instrument? KIERAN No, I (4) ______________ , but I (5) _____ sing. CARL Oh! I (6) ______________ KIERAN (7) ______________ you play the piano? CARL No, I (8) ______________ , I (9) ______________ only play the guitar. 5. Cititi si incercuiti: a. Eagles live in mountains/forests. b. Hippos live in forests/rivers. c. Camels live in the snow/deserts. d. Bears live in rivers/forests. e. Sharks live in the sea/rivers.

6. Cititi si raspundeti la intrebari. Apoi scrieti o scrisoare asemanatoare catre un prieten: Dear Danny, My name is Todd and I come from America. I live in New York. It is a big city. I am eight. I have one brother and two sisters. I have a cat, too. His name is Tiger. I like basketball and riding my bike. Please write a letter to me. 1

From Todd a. b. c. d. e. f. What is his name? Where does he come from? Where does he live? How old is he? Does he have brothers and sisters? What does he like doing?

7. Completati cu am/is/are:

8. Priveste! Ce fac copiii?

9. Completati cu is/are:

10. Raspundeti la intrebari. Folositi cuvintele de mai jos.

11. Incercuiti raspunsul correct:

12. Potriviti:

13. Alegeti si incercuiti:

14. Scrieti:

15. Potriviti:

16. Scrieti numerele urmatoare:

17. Alegeti si scrieti:

18. Gasiti si scrieti:

19. Scrieti lunile anului

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