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Puzzle Time Alice, Betty, Cindy, Debra and Emily are good friends.

However, only two of them are really honest, they always tell he truth. The other three girls sometime are honest and sometimes are not. When they were asked about who was a liar. Here are the answers from them: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Alice Betty Cindy Debra Emily Alice Emily said: said: said: said: said: said: said: Betty Cindy Debra Emily Betty Emily Cindy is is is is is is is not a lier. a liar. a liar. a liar. a liar. not a liar. a liar.

Would you find out which two girls are honest?

Solution If Alice is honest, then the statement 1 and 6 are true. In this case three of t hem, Alice, Betty and Emily would be honest which has a conflict with the fact. So Alice must be a liar. If Cindy is honest, then according to statement 3 Debra is a liar. Statement 4 w ill tell us Emily should be honest. Statement 7 will tell us Cindy is a liar whi ch will have a conflict with our assumption. So Cindy must be a liar. If Emily is honest, then according to statement 5 Betty is a liar. Statement 2 w ill tell us Cindy is honest. In the meantime, statement 7 tells us Cindy is a li ar which is a conflict. So Emily is also a liar. We can verify Betty and Debra are honest by going through each statement. Two Strings: You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is completely random and each string is different. How do you measure 45 minutes? Soln Light both the ends of the first string and one end of the second string. 30 min utes will have passed when the first string is fully burned, which means 30 minutes have burned off the second string. Light the end of the s econd string and when it is fully burned, 45 minutes will have passed.

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