La Catedral de León

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Hello Im going to talk about Leons cathedral. The last time that I went was with my family one year ago. I took this photo with my brother and my father but in it only appear my brother and I. at the back of the photo you can see very well the cathedral. The cathedral is made of hard and big stones and is very tall. Has a gothic style. Ordoo II built the temple on the site of his royal palace as a show of gratitude for defeating the Moors at the battle of San Esteban de Gormaz. His remains were buried there. Alfonso V was crowned in this building in 999. The Infanta Doa Urraca, daughter of Fernando I, favoured the construction of a new building in brick and masonry, with three naves terminating in apses. The stained glass in the Cathedral is from the 13th through to the 20th century, and covers an area of 1,765 square metres. Under its floor there are Roman hippocausts which made it difficult to set the foundations of the pillars and caused water filtration.

Outside there are two Gothic towers of 65 and 68 meters. Has two fronts one main and one south and inside there are three floors. in the first there are pillars and columns in the second there are arches and the third there are windows. The stained glass have different colors and stunning. There is a library containing manuscripts. Outside the precincts there are a place for play. I like this photo very much because it is one of the few cathedrals I've seen and I found very large and very beautiful both outside and inside. The Leons cathedral is in the Camino de Santiago.

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