Pathophysiology of Autism: Predisposing Factor: Etiology

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P th p y io g of a o h s lo y A tis u m

P E IS O IN F C O : RD P S G A T R Modifiable: Adv ance ag of parents e Non m odifiable: Adv ance ag of parents e S pontaneous g enetic m utation with no known cause Low birth weig and p ature birth ht rem E IO O Y T L G: G enetic

An ex cess of neurons that causes local over connectivity in key brain reg ions

D isturbed neuronal m ration durin early g ig g estation Unbalanced ex citatory inhibitorynetworks Abnorm form al ation of sy napses and dendritic spines

D isrupted sy naptic dev elopm ent

may avoid or lack eye-contact, may not imitate others may not point or use other hand gestures may prefer to be alone may not understand social cues may not speak at all may be severely language delayed, may have unusual or odd speech patterns (repeat words and phrases heard by others, i.e. tvor videos) may be unable to initiate or engage in a conversation) may be unable to use their imagination during play i.e. pretending a banana is a telephone

Personality disorder Learning disability Epilepsy Depression Behavior problems Psychosis Mood problems Anxiety

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