Sap CRM Web Ui Cookbook

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SAP CRM 2006s

The Fast Track to SAP Knowledge

Introduction to Web Client UI Architecture

Frederic Heinemann CRM Consulting EMEA Hub

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 2

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 3

Layers of SAP CRM 2006s/2 Applications Web Browser

CRM WebClient

Presentation Controller Layer


CRM WebClient specific Layers


Business Server Pages (BSPs)

Business Layer

Business Object Layer (BOL) Generic Interaction Layer (GenIL) Appl. Progr. Interfaces (APIs) Tables

Layers of underlying Business Application

Business Engine
(e.g. mySAP CRM)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 4

Layers of CRM 5.1 Applications Web Browser

CRM WebClient

Presentation Controller Layer


CRM WebClient specific Layers


Business Server Pages (BSPs)

Business Layer

Business Object Layer (BOL) Generic Interaction Layer (GenIL) Appl. Progr. Interfaces (APIs) Tables

Layers of underlying Business Application

Business Engine
(e.g. mySAP CRM)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 5

Component General Parts

NavBar (Profile)

Logical Link

Main Component M

Technical ID = (Target-ID)

Sub component Search Window

Sub component Header




ViewSet ViewSet View OP View OP OP

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 6

UI Component is the logical grouping for UI implementation is assigned to a package SAP Naming conventions
- BT<object><type>_<speaking string> where <type> is S, H, I or M

Other components ( e.g. Business Partner, Marketing) have own naming conventions GS<speaking string> = General Services ( Reusable Components) BT<speaking string> = reusable components for Transactions

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 7

Component Workbench: View, Controller and Model


Context & Context Nodes

Controller: Event Handling & Navigation

View: Layout

Transaction Code BSP_WD_CMPWB

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 8

Component Workbench: Context Nodes, Attributes


Context Nodes

Attributes (Fields)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 9

Component Workbench (I) Browser Application Structure

Inventory of all items
Views Component Controllers Custom Controllers Windows Runtime Repository*

* Each UI Component has its own Runtime Repository. There is no longer one central repository.

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 10

Component Workbench (II) Runtime Repository Editor

Inventory of all items
Windows View sets Navigational Links Component Interface Component Usage

The runtime repository editor is not only a visualization tool for the xml file, but offers a set of functionality as wizards to create e.g. navigational links.

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 11

Component Workbench (III) BOL Model Browser Access BOL Model from Component Workbench

Direct testing of component (or with alternative Test Application)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 12

Layers of CRM 5.1 Applications Web Browser

CRM WebClient

Presentation Controller Layer


CRM WebClient specific Layers


Business Server Pages (BSPs)

Business Layer

Business Object Layer (BOL) Generic Interaction Layer (GenIL) Appl. Progr. Interfaces (APIs) Tables

Layers of underlying Business Application

Business Engine
(e.g. mySAP CRM)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 13

BOL and GenIL: Tools

Presentation Controller Layer View BSP Model

BOL Display BOL Model Business Layer GenIL


IMG: Generic Interaction Layer/Object Layer Basic Settings

test data retrieval from database to BOL through the GENIL


Business Engine




SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 14

BOL and GenIL: Tools

Model Browser: Visualizing BOL Model

Presentation Layer (BSP)

Layers of new UI Framework

Business Layer (BOL)

Interaction Layer (GenIL)

BOL Browser: Testing Data retrieval from DB to BOL

Layers of Business API underlying Engine Business (e.g. mySAP CRM) Application Tables
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 15

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 16

Definitions 1
Business Object (BO): Smallest unit of an object model with exclusively unstructured attributes. Each BO is assigned a unique name. A BO can be either an access object, a dependent object or a query object. BO instance: Instance of a BO that is uniquely identified by the name of the BO and an identifier (ID). Relation: A relationship between two BOs that is assigned a unique, crosscomponent name. The relation is assigned a cardinality value for each BO. The navigation direction is a characteristic of the relation. Object model: Number of BOs and their relations.

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 17

Definitions 2
Access Object:

An access object is a special type of BO, whose ID can be used to determine both the attributes of the access object itself and those of its dependent objects.

Dependent Object:

A dependent object is a special type of BO, whose attributes cannot be determined solely from the ID of this BO, but instead, only or together with the ID of the superior access object.

Root object:

A root object is a special element within a group of objects that are linked to one another in a hierarchy structure via aggregations. The root object is the only object within this structure that is assigned as a superior object to all other objects. Each root object is also an access object.


A query object is a special type of BO whose attributes are the parameters of a search request.

Dynamic Search-Object: Search Result Object:

A dynamic query object is a type of BO whose attributes are the parameters of a search request. It is possible to create select options for these parameters. The result object of a search request is an associated access object at the uppermost level of the hierarchy.
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 18

Getting to know the GENIL... Access the GENIL Component Details

Transaction: SPRO ->IMG -> Customer Relationship Management -> CRM Cross-Application Components -> Generic Interaction Layer/Object Layer -> Basic Settings

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 19

Definitions 3 Component: A component is an ABAP OO class which implements the component interface. It exposes a set of CRM business objects to the Generic IL, which form an aggregation hierarchy. Each component must have a unique root object. Component Set A component set is a collection of components that build a business context for a specific application that uses the business layer as its framework.

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 20

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 21

BOL Services Buffering service

any data is only read once until it is changed all changes are buffered and will be send together automatic buffer synchronization in almost all cases

Transaction service
objects may be saved individually or all together all changed/created object will be saved or reverted

Query services
New Query service for dynamic searches with CRM 2006

Simple sorting and filtering on object lists (collections) Attribute properties

for each attribute of an entity a property is available possible properties: read-only, hidden, mandatory ...

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 22

BOL Transaction Model The transactional behavior of BOL objects is modeled in the transaction context. A transaction context is created:
when an entity is locked, or if it is requested, but not yet existing.

A transaction context can have several kinds of granularity

The smallest granularity of a transaction context is a root entity instance The biggest granularity are all changed/created entity instances The custom transaction context allows any granularity in between

Each transaction context has a defined life cycle. Once it was created it ends with either
Saving all covered entities, or Reverting all covered entities

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 23

BOL Transaction Model 2 Data is always saved synchronously. Either within the dialog process (local update), or, if this is not possible, with COMMIT WORK and WAIT After saving the BOL buffer is invalidated and refreshed on the next access After reverting data the BOL buffer is actively refreshed

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 24

BOL Services Message Service Message Service

There is one message protocol/container per root object instance and the message container manager handles them all. Additionally one global message container exists were all non-business object (BO) instance-related messages should go to.



1 *

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 25

Architectural Overview
Browser Client

UI Controller / BSP page




Application Model

Generic IL
Data Contai ner

GENIL Order Component


GENIL IBase Component


Other GENIL component


Order API


Other API

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 26

Business Object Layer vs. Generic Interaction Layer

Business Object Layer


Query Services



Generic Interaction Layer

Application Interface Generic Interaction Layer

R Component IF genIL Component 1 R

R Component IF genIL Component 2 R

R Component IF genIL Component ... R

R Component IF genIL Component n R



API ...



SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 27

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 28

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 29

Views of the CRM Web Client

Other persistent views

Navigation Bar (persistent)


Work area view set


SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 30

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 31

New Component Concept

With the new CRM UI Framework a new concept is introduced valid for all Applications which are based on this Framework. A Component...
is a meaningful bundle of view sets, views and custom controllers is a self-contained reusable unit
black box approach:
- Own runtime repository - Exposes clear interface to the outside: - windows (as interface views) - public context nodes

can have multiple instances at runtime technically is mapped to a BSP application

thus it is the organizational unit in the development logistic that is assigned to a package

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 32

New Window Concept

Each component must have one or more windows which are hosting the views A Window...
is part of a component and defines a root for a hierarchy of view sets and views in the runtime repository
A viewset or view can only be part of exactly one window (still no direct reuse of views) Navigation between views is only possible within a single window

. mediates between the embedding and the embedded component during runtime
has the character of a view to the inside (window aspect) has the character of a simple view to the outside (interface view aspect)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 33

UI-Elements: ViewSet, ViewArea and View

ViewSet ViewArea View

ViewArea View ViewSet

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 34

Runtime Repository
Each component has its own runtime repository file
It acts a a catalogue containing views, viewsets and the composition of views within viewsets Navigational links (with target and source view) Inbound and outbound plugs definitions etc. Technically stored as .xml file

Can be displayed and maintained in the Runtime repository editor of the Component workbench

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 35

Model View Controller in WebClient BSPs

user input


Controller Class
Before Output



Context Context Nodes



data output

*. HTM

*_CN00 *_CN01

e.g. Bus. Partner e.g. Address


Address Field Structure


describing the view layout


DB Tables
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 36

CRM Web Client: View Details

In contrast to former implementations the CRM Web Client views can be based on a minimal amount of coding Each configurable view is based on:
A page type related configuration tag Structural setters/getters

Specific implementations possible via:

Dedicated setter/getter implementation Additional usage of base tags

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 37

Component Workbench: Context Nodes, Attributes (II) Generic Setter Getter methods

Explicitly create setter and getter with additional methods:

Get_V_ (Value Help) Get_P_ (Properties)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 38

Navigation Between Views (in Same Window)

Source View
. . . . . .

Navigation Flow

method DO_HANDLE_EVENT . [] WHEN 'new'. CALL METHOD eh_onNew. method EH_ONDONE. * navigate op_detailsov( ). [] method OP_DETAILSOV view_manager->navigate( SOURCE_REP_VIEW = rep_view OUTBOUND_PLUG = ToDetailsOV' ). []


Button back


Outbound Plug Method: OP_DETAILSOV

Target View
. . . .
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 39

Inbound Plug Method: IP_FROMDETAILSEF


Custom Controller Presentation Layer (BSP)

Lifespan Lifespan Controller View 1 Model
Context Node

Custom Controller Model

Context Node

Lifespan Controller View 2 Model

Context Node

Business Layer (BOL, GenIL)


SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 40

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 41

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 42

New Component Concept: Inside and Outside View

Each component could be looked at from the inside as well as from the outside, but what can be seen is different.

Inside perspective
A component is represented by a component controller
has a context that is partially public to the outside

A component consists of custom controllers and one or more windows that host the views

Outside perspective
A component can be (re-)used by one or more other components The embedding component defines a component usage in its runtime repository to formally declare the dependency Also at runtime the component has access to the component usage to get access to the Interface of the embedded component Each component usage gets its own component instance at runtime

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 43

Component Controller
highest level of all controllers is loaded at initial load of component can serve as data container manages binding of usages manages data transfer between components Binding of Context Node from custom controller to component controller

Coding not done by wizard, has to be inserted manually

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 44

New Window Concept: Inside and Outside View

Each Window can as well be seen from the inside as well as from the outside.

Inside: (window aspect)

Technically a window is a special type of view
hosts (serves as root viewset ) views and viewsets of the component has a context that contained views and viewsets can bind to can trigger navigation inside the window

Outside: (Interface view aspect)

has inbound and outbound plugs as entry and exit points from the view of the embedding component
inbound plugs are called when the embedding component navigates to the view can fire an outbound plugs (e.g. if view request so) to request navigation on the level of the embedding component -> navigation destination is determined by embedding component (runtime repository)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 45

Component Interface Needs to be defined if a component shall be reusable

is defined in the runtime repository editor Context nodes of component controller are made visible to outside Window is made visible to outside

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Component Usage(1)
Components with a component interface can be included in other components (reuse) usages are defined in the runtime repository editor

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Component Usage(2)
Component controllers need to be bound against each other this is done in method WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE of the component controller class

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SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 49

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 50

Customizing of Navigation: Overview Overview

Navigation Bar
(as part of L-Shape)

Work Area Component:

e.g. Service Ticket

Scenario I)
Navigation from Navigation Bar Button to a Component
(Button = Work Center)


e.g. Service Ticket

Service ticket

Scenario II and III)

Cross Workarea Component Navigation
(always) through Navigation Bar

e.g. Service Ticket Link/Button


e.g. Product Details

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 51

I) Navigation from the Navigation Bar to a Component

NavBar (Profile)
0. 3.

Component Main Window IP1 IP2 Other Window IP3 IP4


Logical Link

Target ID

Client dependant Define NavBar Profile: Profile: DEFAULT_IC 0.

Client dependant Define Logical Links LogLink ID: IC_BT_SVT Type: Work Center Target ID: IC_BT_SVT

Cross client Component Definition: Component Name ICCMP_BT_SVT Window Name Main 3. Inbound Plug Definition: Target ID: IC_BT_SVT IP: DEFAULT Object Type: IC_BT_SVT Object Action: Display


Assign Work Centers: Work Center IC_BT_SVT

Define Work Center Work Center: IC_BT_SVT LogicalLink ID: IC_BT_SVT Title: Service Ticket SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 52


Main Component M-Component

Wrapper for assigned components Manages subcomponents

Customizing stores M-Components only Definition of In- and outboundPlugs of component

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 53

II) Cross Component Navigation (Object Type Determined by Outbound (OP) Plug Definition)
Component A Main Window
Displ. Product 1.


Component C Main Window


Object Type Object Action



Create Search Other Window Create Search

Component B Other Window OP7 OP8

Technical ID (= Target ID)

2. 1. Hard coded

Cross client Component Definition: Component Name ICCMP_BT_SVT Window Name Main Outbound Plug Definition: Source ID: OP_SVT_PRO OP: PRODUCT Object Type: IC_PRODUCT 2. Object Action: Display

Client dependent Define NavBar Profile: Profile: DEFAULT_IC Define Generic OP Mapping: Object Type: IC_PRODUCT ObjAction: Display 3. Target ID: IP_PRODUCT

Cross client Component Definition: Component Name ICCMP_PRODUCT Window Name Main Inbound Plug Definition: Target ID: IP_PRODUCT IP: DEFAULT Object Type: IC_PRODUCT Object Action: Display


SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 54

III) Cross Component Navigation (Object Type Determined by Descriptor Object)

Component A Main Window
Displ. Ticket Displ. Order Displ. EMail Displ. Prod. 1. 2.

(Profile) 3. 4.

Component C Main Window Create Search

Technical ID (= Target ID)


Object Type Object Action

Target ID Target ID

Descriptor Object: e.g.

Hard coded CL_CRM_UI Obj.Action + a) ObjType or b) BOR Obj Type, Key, Log Sys or c) BOL Obj instance Add to collection hand over to OP

Target ID

Cross client Define NavBar Profile: Profile: DEFAULT_IC

Cross client Component Definition: Component Name ICCMP_PRODUCT Window Name Main Inbound Plug Definition: Target ID: IP_PRODUCT IP: DEFAULT Object Type: IC_PRODUCT Object Action: Display


In case of b) or c) hard coded* Determination of Object Type

* with mapping class in case of b) or c): CRMC_UI_OBJ_MAP or CRMS_UI_OBJ_MAP

Define Generic OP Mapping: Object Type: IC_PRODUCT ObjAction: Display Target ID: IP_PRODUCT



SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 55

Navigation Between M-Components

Navigation via Navigation Bar from M to M components

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SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 57

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 58

Component Enhancement Principle

a ied p Co


d ifie d mo

w Vie

r nda Sta

w Vie d

Views from an existing component can be copied into a customer component The copy can be modified (new context nodes, new buttons, navigation etc.) At runtime, the standard view will be replaced by the copied and modified view This process is supported by wizards
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 59

Component Enhancement Concept: 1

SAP Component

Comp. Controller

Window Main
View 1 View 2 View 3

Configure Views

Runtime Repository
Component Usages View Set Composition Navigation

Enhance Component (wizard supported)

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 60

Component Enhancement Concept: 2

SAP Component

Comp. Controller

Customer Component

Comp. Controller

Window Main
View 1 View 2 View 3

Window Main
View 1 View 2 View 3

Runtime Repository
Component Usages View Set Composition Navigation Element Element
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 61

Runtime Repository
Component Usages View Set Composition Navigation

Referenced Copied automatically

Component Enhancement Concept: 3 SAP Component

Context Comp. Controller

Customer Component

Comp. Controller

Window Main
View 1 View 2 View 3

Window Main
View 1 View 2 View 3

Runtime Repository
Component Usages View Set Composition Navigation Element Element Element
SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 62

Runtime Repository
Component Usages View Set Composition Navigation Referenced Copied automatically Inherited if required

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 63

AGENDA Layer Overview BOL/Genil UI Component Concept

UI Component Elements UI Component Interface and Usage Cross Component Navigation Component Enhancement Concept
Concepts Technical Basics

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills Knowledge The Fast Track to SAP 2007 Conference / F4 / 64

View, Controller, Context and Context Node

Inherit Call Call



via page attribute and Getter/Setter


nd ate a Cre d to CL_BT111H_O_ bin L BO DETAILSEF_CN00


C bin reat dt ea o B nd OL



SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 65

Enhancing Context and Context Nodes

BT111H_OPPT/ ZCUST/DetailsEF.htm DetailsEF.htm //CustomerH/attr




via page attribute and Getter/Setter


nd ate a Cre d to CL_BT111H_O_ bin L BO DETAILSEF_CN00



Cre bin ate a d to n BO d L




BTCustomerH attr

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 66

SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 67

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SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / F4 / 68

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