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Introduction Of Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy
In economics, fiscal policy is the use of

government expenditure and revenue collection (taxation) to influence the economy.

Fiscal Policy Effects

Fiscal policy decisions have a widespread

effect on the everyday decisions and behaviour of individual households and businesses

Stances of fiscal policy

The three possible stances of fiscal policy are

neutral, expansionary and contractionary. The simplest definitions of these stances are as follows:

Neutral Stance
A neutral stance of fiscal policy implies a

balanced economy. This results in a large tax revenue. Government spending is fully funded by tax revenue and overall the budget outcome has a neutral effect on the level of economic activity.

An expansionary stance of fiscal policy involves

government spending exceeding tax revenue.

A contractionary fiscal policy occurs when

government spending is lower than tax revenue.

Fiscal Policy of Pakistan

Objectives of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan

1.self reliance

2.expansion of exports 3.containment of import of luxury and non-essential goods 4.promotion of investment 5.reduction in income disparity

Causes of Tax Evasion

1.People do not want to disclose their true

income 2.Too many unlawful business activities such as drugs, hoarding, black money, etc. 3.No fear of punishment 4.Complex tax structure 5.Some economic sectors are exempted: Agriculture,real estate and capital gain 6.Tax payers see their taxes being used to further rich citizens interests. 7.Uncontrolled inflation and high cost of living. 8.Low level of literacy among taxpayers 9.Tax pilferage has become the rule,and compliance an exception

Why Pakistan is Facing budget shortfall (cont).

1.Too many factories are closed or in partial

production for want of power and gas 2.Tax Evasion by well performing industries (cement) 3.Stock Exchange and Real Estate pay minimal tax. 4.Corruption by Tax Officials 5.Law and Order causing burden on the Expenditure side by way of compensation to the affected and mobilization to send forces


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