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FST-IPC Modbus Slave driver

This driver adds Modbus RS232 slave functionality to your FST project.

FST-IPC Modbus slave

Contents Driver overview....................................................................................... 3 Installation .............................................................................................. 3 Configuring the driver and assigning parameters................................ 3 Extended CI commands for Modbus slave............................................ 4

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21 October 2002

FST-IPC Modbus Slave

Driver overview The Modbus slave driver makes it possible to communicate with a Modbus Master. Supported are 16 bit data access functions, not supported are bit access functions (input discrete and coil). The following Modbus functions are implemented: 3 6 16 Read multiple registers Preset (write) single register Preset (write) multiple registers

The registers are mapped to FST Operands as follows: 0 9999 10000 10255 10256 10511 corresponds to FW0 to FW9999 corresponds to IW0 to IW255 corresponds to OW0 to OW255

Installation Copy the files MODB_SL.DMK and MODB_SL.EXE to the Runtime.FEC, Runtime.FEC2 etc. directories or use the import possibility of FST4. Configuring the driver and assigning parameters If you want to use FASTOUT in a FST-IPC project, you must insert the FASTOUT driver in the driver configuration and assign the necessary parameters. Modbus address: The slave address, used in systems with more than 1 slaves on the same cable. Baud rate: Communication speed. Comm port: Communication port used by the driver. HC1x and HC2x only, on the other controllers the EXT port is used.

21 October 2001


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FST-IPC Modbus slave

Extended CI commands for Modbus slave This driver extends the IPC command interpreter with the following commands:


Display version number

Display driver info and version number. This information will also be displayed if an unknown command is entered (for example !47abcdef).


Display configuration information

Displays the configured settings Communication port and Baudrate.




Display communication statistics

Displays some statistics, including number of characters received, number of Modbus messages received, number of Modbus messages send etc.

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21 October 2002

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