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Ampicillin Brand Name:

Classification: Anti-infectives Dosage and Route of Administration: ADULT Per Orem, 12g/day in divided doses every 6hours CHILDREN Per Orem/IV/IM, 50200mg/kg/day in divided doses every 4-6 hours

INDICATION Tx of respiratory tract and soft tissue infections, bacterial meningitis, septicemia and gonoccocal infections caused by susceptible microorganisms; prophylaxis in rape victims and bacterial endocarditis.

ACTION Interferes with cell wall synthesis of susceptible organisms, preventing bacterial multiplication, it also renders the cell wall osmotically unstable and burst due to osmotic pressure. Deactivated by beta-lactamase, an enzyme produced by resistant bacteria.

ADVERSE RXN Thrombophlebitis at injection site, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, reversible hyperactivity, neurotoxicity, urticaria, maculopapular to exfoliative dermatitis, vesicular eruptions, erythema multiforme, skin rashes, itchy eyes, laryngospasm, laryngeal edema, diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, interstinal nephritis, nephropathy, increased BUN and creatinine, vaginitis, decreased Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC, neutrophils, eosinophils and platelets, elevated serum alkaline, ALT, AST and LDH, reduced serum albumin and total proteins, pain at injection site, hyperthermia.



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