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Established June 2004

Covering all points of view

August 10 2005

Vol 3. Issue #4

Rs: 2.00

August is here & most of the third years are getting into the mood of Industrial tours. The EEE third years will be leaving before the end of this week & the Mechatronics junta have also been meticulously putting together something. Still no developments on the KP front, would like all those interested to meet up soon. Also awaiting the results are the not-so-nervous anymore second years. Rumour has it that the results will be out anytime in the coming week or so. Also the first Sunday of August is Friendship day (in my opinion a money-making exercise for Hallmark & Archies) and we could see a whole lot of HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY BHAI wishes around. Also the final year people are all getting into CAT mode coz let me just remind you that its only 3 months away. For all the people who have already written their GREs TOEFLs, hope you all did well & will be flying off same time next year. Yet another day for placements ... and this time it is Red Pine Signals Inc. Hyderabad that was coming to college for placements, the day started with a dull pre-placement talk (Only 39 Students + Placement Officer + Representative from Red Pine in Auditorium with seating Capacity of 300).Then they short listed the already short listed list of 39 to 31. After a written test only 9 got through & then there were grueling interview sessions. And the result NO SELECTIONS FROM MGIT. Thats all there is for this fortnights round up. Independence day is round the corner so let me conclude by saying JAI HIND !!!

Whats Inside Anukokunda Oka Roju Sudoku Mars or Moon ?? Student Activities

Mars will be Earths second moon for a day

NO ONE ALIVE TODAY WILL EVER SEE THIS AGAIN. The Red Planet (MARS) is about to be spectacular! This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again. The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. By August 27, Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will be easy to

spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m. by the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month. Wanna have youre article published on The Retreat. Well you can mail it to . This is your newsletter guys so feel free to get your opinion heard. Cheers - The Retreat Team

Figure this out 1. What is represented by ESROH ?? 2. A man rode into town on his horse,he arrived on Monday stayed for six days & left on Friday. How is that possible ?? 3. Youre in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove & a gas lamp. You have one match. What would you light first ??

Last issues solution

Solutions on last page

Anukokunda Oka Rojudeserves its success

After the success of Aithe, a lot was expected of Chandrasekhar Yeleti and honestly he doesnt disappoint. This movie is technically sound, has a good script & has a social message also. The movie basically revolves around Sahasra, a bubbly young girl & how her life is thrown into complete disarray by a bizarre turn of events. The story starts when she is drugged by her friends and she loses track of what actually happened that night. And suddenly, she is confronted by a taxi driver to return the money she owes him on that night. Spate of events happen and that makes her realize that she is in lifethreatening danger. When the sub inspector of police Suresh Reddy starts investigating the case, the truth begins to unravel. As for highlights in the film in the second half, when Sahashra goes to heros house and heros brother tries to kill her, the tempo begins to hold the audiences. Most of the chase sequences are well tailored. The movie-goer is captivated by the storyline for almost 60% of the movie. Then suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle are thrown together. Then the movie falters at the climax where the madman & his cult are stopped in their tracks with a little bit of histrionics. Charmy in an author backed role excels. Without makeup she looks convincing in her middle class role. Jagapathi Babu as the fruit juice drinking cop goes for a makeover in this film with his soft looks. Sashank has done good job and his portrayal is very convincing. He seems to have the stuff. Pavan Malhotra plays the role of the psychopath with ease but goes overboard on a few occasions. The rest of the characters are from the production houses serial Amrutham & do their job well. The movie also has good cinematography and impressive re-recording. And also it is slightly different from our day-to-day Telugu films & definitely a must see.

Sponsored by MGIT.ORG Pic of the week

Student activity centre (SAC)

Students should take the opportunity to make the best use of the facilities in college. Interested students should take an initiative and talk to your respective HODs and start a group/ club in college and encourage various activities like debates, quizzes, dramatics, movie clubs, etc. The ECE dept. has various intra dept. competitions going on every Wednesday. We have the ISTE & IEEE orgs which are active in college. Interested ones can find out more about them from Varun(4/4 IT) & Dakshina Murthy(4/4 ECE). Make the most of your time in college. Good luck .

We all know our college is fun. But do you think colleges better than any coffee day or barista, well not really. But when you come to think of it any place where you can hang out with your pals is fun. Gandipet's always been a happening spotgo trekking or for a driveespecially at this point of time when the weather is awesome. For example, few guys from our very own college swam in the lake and came to class... Soaking wet imagine stuff people do. Well stuff the place makes you do Theres more to it for those who barely come out of their classes. Get a life because if you don't freak out now. When will u?? Nobodys gonna eat you up out there. Come out of your shell. Interact with people , colleges not that bad you know.. Some of us have explored a few places around college & boy are they awesome or what? Well don't expect me to list down whats in & whats out. Check out some great places around the outskirts (better if u have a car, awesome for bikers) and avoid places where your car might get jacked. Believe me, we've been through this before. Go trekking with your friends sometime after lunch hours, cant spend the whole day there can you? But if you are going for checking out these places, guys better be careful- avoid swimming & stuff.. that gets you close to bhagwaan within no time. Will update you guys about a few coolest places in the next edition. Watch out for that & whats more guys tuck in your shirts, girls come out of your classes dont rot in there, Canteen rocks any day for those whove heard of it But do remember the magic number..75% - a common platform for all Mgitians to share their views

Movie of the month -

Mangal Pandey The Rising has been awaited for a long time & finally releases this august amidst high hopes. Watch out for Aamirs new look.

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