3rd Sessional Paper of Soft

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course: B.Tech Branch: CS/IT/ME Semester: IV (A+B) Subject: Soft Computing Paper Code: EOE-041 Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 (10*2=20)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(a) Attempt any two parts in the following question. 1. What is a neuron? How it is analogous to an ANN? Differentiate b/w Neuron & Perceptron? 2. Define associative memories & its types? Artificial Intelligence can be used in NN or not? Justify? 3. Write a short note on: (a) Learning

(b) Recurrent N/w (c) Rosenblatts Model?


(b) Attempt any two parts in the following question. 1. Train the following NN? Take b=1.3,w=.5,=1.1 architecture= 1:1

X1 1 8

X2 2 9

d 1 0

2. Explain architecture of BPN? Discuss selection of various parameters of BPN?

3. Show implementation of BPN on for learning rate=.6, momentum=2, gain=1. X1 X2 X3 D .12 .23 .15 .45 .1 .3 .7 .23
(c) Attempt any two parts in the following question. (10*2=20)

1. What do you mean by min max composition? What is crisp set theory? What do you understand by composition

of fuzzy Relations?
2. Explain limitations of fuzzy? How it is advantageous to us? Write procedure to convert fuzzy to crisp? 3. Explain fuzzy inference Engine? What are fuzzy implications? Differentiate b/w fuzzification & defuzzification? (d) Attempt any two parts in the following question. 1. What are fuzzy controllers? Explain fuzzy cruise Control system? 2. How fuzzy are different from NN? Explain Fuzzy Quantifiers? Define tautology, contradiction, implication & inference? 3. Explain fuzzy inference Engine? What are fuzzy implications? Differentiate b/w fuzzification & defuzzification? (e) Attempt any two parts in the following question. (10*2=20) (10*2=20)

1. What is the procedure to form a GA? Why & how mutation & initialization is done? 2. What are issues for GA designing? Explain benefits of GA? State some applications of GA? 3. Write a short note on: (a) fitness Function

(b) crossover (c) generation cycle?

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