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HOST: Okay, give a big clap to invite Nurhidayu!! HOST: s your feeling? AUTHOR: Great.

HOST: I was told that you are new in writing. Is it true? AUTHOR: Hahaha. Who told you? I ve written since I in primary school when my teacher teach me to write essay. It s essential as in UPSR took marks on essay. HOST: Hahaha. So, how many times have you write book? AUTHOR: As you said. I m new in writing and for sure it was my first book. HOST: First manufacture? Wow!! I m impressive on you because you have sold more than 10000 books around Asia. Okay, tell us about the book. AUTHOR:................................................................................. HOST: Then, how you get idea or inspiration to write the story? AUTHOR: ......................................................................................................... HOST: Erm, how about the genre for the story? What aged suitable to read the story? AUTHOR: Okay. It is like Pinaccio. The story gave lessons to the reader or audience as lying is a bad attitude. So, we have discussed this story suitable for youth and teenagers. Because the genre is about love...........

HOST: Is there any obstructs that delay the progress to produce the story or maybe to publish the book? AUTHOR: Yes, absolutely. First, we have the problem in writing. A skirmish between us happened because we have different opinion on language to use to the story. Others, at a sudden of time we leak of idea. We discuss and search idea from yahoo answer. HOST: Yahoo answer? AUTHOR: Yup. It s funny right? Luckily we don t face problems to print and published the story. We know it s hard to convince the publisher to sell our books. It is because my friend, Faisal has a printing and publishing company belongs to his father. HOST: You are so lucky. Okay, last but not least. What do you think about the story? What would you do in future of the story? AUTHOR: I m thinking to sell the book around the world and to make a film based on the story. And you know what? It was on progress. Last week a famous director come to us and told that he want to make a ilm of the story.

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