Bryan Theodore R

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Bryan Theodore R.

Sumatra BSCE-I History 31- E Reaction Paper State of the Nation Address By: President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

As what I have read ..I can only say that our country has risen but because of the high prices of oil and of food our country is again on crisis. As the President said. My responsibility as President is to take

care to solve the problems we are facing now and to provide a vision and direction for how our nation should advance in the future.
I cannot

trust the President on this time. For me, we need to have a new President whos not corrupting our Country. Because there are too many issues that came out. And the topic is all about the President. Especially the Hello Garci Scandal. Which proves that the President had cheated on the election. The President is saying too many words we need to see some action from her. The President needs to do some action for her to win this election on 2010. In order for her to win again w/o cheating. But, if I only have the opportunity to vote I wont vote for Gloria cause the likes of her cant be trusted. The only thing she wants is Money.

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