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Starcraft 2 Mini Guide: Why are Battlecruisers rarely seen in Professional Matches?

The Battlecruiser (cue the voice of Arnold Schwarzenneger) is one of the beefiest units in the game with +3 armor (totalling +9 with upgrades) and 550 life. Despite this, it is a unit that is rarely built or used in most professional matches and has been relegated to being nothing more than a display piece in some collectors glass casing. There are primarily three reasons why its rarely used:

Its slow as hell this means that it can easily be picked off by clumps of faster moving units such marines (when stimmed), mutalisks, hydralisks, corruptors, vikings and stalkers all of which are primary units used in most professional games.

b.)Its expensive as hell 1 Battlecruiser costs 400 minerals, 300 vespene gas and takes 90 seconds to build. Utilizing that same amount of time and minerals a player can build several cheaper units such as (marines, marauders, etc.) that can not only defend against an incoming attack but attack an enemy base as well.

Mass Battlecruisers = EPIC FAIL Even if a player were to attempt massing Battlecruisers this same strategy can be countered utilizing cheaper units such as mass corruptors, mass mutalisks, mass vikings, mass marines, mass stalkers, mass void ray , mass etc.

While Battlecruisers are effective against certain types of units such as Broodlords, Ultralisks, Motherships and Carriers due to its Yamato Canon the fact is these units are also rarely used due to their high cost. As such, since the units the Battlecruiser is good against

are rarely used and most army compositions can own a Battlecruiser centered/sub-centered strategy this particular type of unit is usually skipped in favor of more cost effective units. For answers to more questions regarding Starcraft 2 email me at: AND REMEMBER

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