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Introduction Chapter 1. Mental preparation for subliminal power Manifesto for the disbelieving A flow of subliminal information Combat mental pollution Become truly responsible for your life Your unconscious is not a stranger Build your own morals Chapter 2. The conditions of your success Protection against malicious vibrations Discretion: the secret of your success Chapter 3. The scientific basis of the subliminal Auditory subliminal power The disadvantage of the subliminal unconscious Chapter 4. Step No.1. The first subliminal steps Positive programming Exercise in detecting your mental restrictions An automatic start Rare reasons for improbable failure Organise your objectives Eulogy of simplicity Chapter 5. Step No.2. The conditions of practice Exterior conditions The time slot The progression notebook Interior conditions Chapter 6. Step No. 3. Introduction to the subliminal mechanism Using music The tone of suggestions

Chapter 7. Step No. 4. The three subliminal phases Abdominal breathing 1- Mind-body relaxation Body relaxation-visualisation Mind pacification 2- Lowering your conscience threshold 3- Free emergence of unconscious suggestions or voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller. Complete reminder of the two subliminal method versions Chapter 8. Little "extras" to improve your practice Reinforcing your concentration power Developing an organised satisfaction plan Exercise in subliminal organisation. Chapter 9. The main subliminal areas 1. Subliminal variant to boost your Private Life. Meet your soul mate, improve your family life, start or consolidate a relationship, reinforce parent-children relationships, satisfy your desire and sexuality 2. Subliminal variant to boost your Inner Self Be lucky, make the most of your qualities, get rid of your foibles, protect yourself against people and ill-fate, develop your hidden psychic powers, read others thoughts, discover hidden possibilities 3. Subliminal variant to boost your Professional Life. Earn more money, find or change your job, get a raise, hold a better job position 4. Subliminal variant to boost your Social Life. Make friends, cultivate relationships, accelerate your social promotion, gain access to public responsibility Your gift


Each one of us possesses wonderful powers hidden deep in our unconscious. We can transform our lives at any time by drawing from the marvellous possibilities of this inexhaustible reservoir under the condition that we have the key to this unlimited area, in other words, a good personal development method. Of course, there are many techniques in this area. Not a month goes by where theres not a new so-called revolutionary method that offers you paradise on earth. Full of hope, you rush off to buy it. Unfortunately, most of the time, when you read the techniques in question or try to apply the exercises suggested, you are often disappointed because your expectations take some time to materialise (if they materialise at all!). Furthermore, often, the methods associated turn out to be much more complicated that you thought, or you have to spend a lot of time on it for minimal results! Yet, there is a genuinely sure method, which is rapid and effective for obtaining real changes in your life: subliminal power. The technique used to acquire it is practical and concrete. Thanks to this, you will make the most of your mind and make all your dreams come true. The secret of the efficacy of the subliminal method comes from the fact that it allows you to lower the conscious barrier and directly target the unconscious, while most personal fulfilment techniques work on your conscious mind. This is fruitless because it represents the mental state which slows down your progression. If you could be happy just through your mental state, you would know it by now and would have been happy for a long time! The secret of subliminal power consists of lowering the vigilance threshold of your conscious in order to directly implant suggestions in t o t he u n c on s c io u s . It takes effect directly on the brain by disconnecting the left side of the brain, the side which reasons. The results are immediately perceptible and above all durable, thanks to simple and practical techniques. Subliminal power will allow you to confront the most difficult ordeals with success and clear all obstacles in front of you.


It will trigger the powerful psychic forces in your unconscious and place them at your service, to your great happiness and that of those around you.

The failure of traditional methods Mans aspiration for a better life on earth is nothing new. It is as old as humanity itself. Therefore, since the beginning of time, numerous empirical or practical methods have been developed in order to reach this goal. Various religions have also tried but with little success because most of them, notably monotheism religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), indeed promise happiness for the human race but only after death! This will be done through accessing this place called Heaven they boast about so much. Oriental traditions, notably Hinduism and Buddhism, for many Westerners who are disappointed by their own religion, appear to be the solution for reaching well-being. Alas, in reality, they require a lot of time, a lot of practice, and multiple physical and mental meditations and purifications to simply improve ones life on earth! As for fraternal organisations and other philosophical and initiatory groups such as the Freemasons or Rosicrucians, they are difficult to integrate into and involve slow progression which is fraught with pitfalls. More recent personal development programmes (neuro-linguistic programming, sophrology, rebirth, haptonomy, biofeedback therapy, etc.), only provide results after much effort, a long delay and a lot of money spent on courses, training programmes, seminars, etc.! Yet, there is a simple way, which is inexpensive (the cost of this book), fast to achieve an improvement in your life on earth, and with rapid material and spiritual development: the subliminal method. Five to ten minutes training per day is enough, provided you practice regularly. Not one single day must go by without you doing your subliminal mini-sance! This is one of the fundamental principles of your success in the subject. This method, which is new in Europe, has already allowed certain people in the United States, Australia, Canada, New-Zealand, etc. to transform their lives with a minimum of invested time and effort.


Why are the results so fast? You can reasonably ask yourself how, in just a few minutes a day, it is possible to completely change the course of your life.If this objection has come to your mind, this is a good thing for the rest of this process, because it means you are not one of these gullible people who believe everything they are told. The subliminal method requires you to have a very developed critical mind. This will allow you to sort the good from the bad ideas or suggestions which attempt to penetrate your mind every day through your entourage, professional environment, the media, etc. How quickly you obtain results from the subliminal method depends on the application of a very important psychological principal: monoideism which is the ability, through the repetition of a single idea for several consecutive days, to deeply absorb it both in the conscious and the unconscious. You are perhaps wondering why you cannot express such fabulous powers if you really possess them. This is a very good question which Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, has already answered. According to him, certain abilities buried in the unconscious cannot be expressed because they are censored by the brain. The brain, like a strict security guard, represses, sometimes brutally, the many attempts from numerous ideas to escape the unconscious. Our mind reacts in this way because it is itself a prisoner of all the conditioning we acquire since childhood through our education, family, society, culture, religion, professional environment and even taboos imposed by yourself because you think they are useful! In summary, your conscious bullies you because it thinks that these conditionings are hard and fast principles on which it relies to direct your actions and distinguish good from bad. Therefore, ideas which it considers as unhealthy or misleading will remain buried deep in your unconscious. Yet, you should know that there are no hard and fast truths in life. Your reality is the sum total of your experiences and not the result of any sort of theoretical ideology.


The best proof of this? Have you never changed your mind, or questioned ideas that you thought were engraved in stone? In politics, love, your private, professional or social life, you have sometimes been forced to change tack to achieve your aims or satisfy your desires. You have had to adapt to the circumstances in order to be right, keep your job or be happy!

Only experience will allow you to forge a philosophy of life. Never adopt that of another person. It would be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole! You would end up succeeding but by forcing the peg or altering the hole! Whatever the case, this would not happen without some amount of damage. The same goes for your life. Your misfortune comes from the gap that exists between the life you lead and the life you dream of which corresponds to your deepest aspirations. The inner battle taking place inside you is located between your selective conscious and your unconscious which is trying to express itself. So, as it cannot exist during the day, your unconscious lets off steam at night and invades your dreams and your unsatisfied desires. You should interpret your dreams in order to understand your true desires which are trying to force their way into your life in a nocturnal manner. The art of dream interpretation is certainly an accessible discipline, but which nevertheless requires extensive and in-depth training in order to be precise. With subliminal power, you will be in a position to lower the conscious barrier in a conscious and organised manner to allow your unconscious resources to come out into the light and give you the courage to materialise them in your daily life. You will make your conscious relax its guard for enough time to access your hidden capacities. This process will be done in an active or passive manner. During the first phase, you will voluntarily lower your minds degree of vigilance. During the second phase, you will let the suggestions emerging from your unconscious mount to the surface or you will voluntarily absorb suggestions relating to specific areas of your life. To start your initiation into the subliminal method, it is however advised to first practice the free emergence of suggestions so as not to limit your unconscious by imprisoning it in the restrictive directivity of guided absorption. It is already bullied enough by your conscious! You will therefore let your unconscious express itself at its leisure at first.


It will first freely let off steam. It will be like a horse that has been tormented for too long by your conscious guard. Initially, simply let it snort away in the great open space of freedom you have given it. After an initial period of crazy galloping, it will calm down and be better behaved and more docile. If you impose a too strict environment from the start with directed suggestions, it will not help you as effectively as after it has been able to first experiment the vast mental open space.

So, start by letting it run the field before directing it to a desired area. You will be initiated into this progressive increase in power by a gentle method which will quickly become your best weapon in life.

Your conscious is not your enemy Be careful though not to consider your conscious as an enemy. On the contrary, it is a precious ally that will help you, even though you are unhappy or incapable of changing your life at the moment, because of a programming error. Your conscious mind plays its role of guard of your unconscious in a much too zealous manner because it doesnt know any other way. All you have to do is show it another way, using the subliminal method, so that it can rapidly get to work on your new objectives. So from now on, stop treating it as an opponent you must fight or eliminate, because you will still need it, if only to react to exterior solicitations or aggressions, adapt to inherent life changes or comprehend your environment in all circumstances. Your conscious simply needs reprogramming to help you acheive harmony and stop feeling the continuous tension between your deep aspirations and your daily existence. This interior nervous tension is also called life anguish or unease. So, when you think about your life (thanks to your conscious mind, dont forget!), you often feel conscious dissatisfaction which results in mental and/or physical tension. When you think of your misfortune, you sometimes feel uneasy, strained, depressive or anguished. Perhaps you even get a lump in your throat or butterflies in your stomach. Usually, when this happens, you dont know how to evacuate the psychological and/or physical knots.


Feeling powerless, you sink even further into depression, lack of selfconfidence or discouragement. You let these mind poisons which are negative thoughts invade your conscious and destroy it. With regular repetition of these discouraging words, you become progressively demotivated, even paralysed in your actions. Failure or inability to get out of your situation can lead to distaste for life and inaction. Failing to see the end of the tunnel, you therefore hang on to what you know: your current life, because even though its dissatisfying, it is at least much more real than the fantasies and obsessive desires in your mind .Faced with this interior wrench, it may even be the case that you sometimes regret being a conscious being, able to think about your misfortune, or even think at all! It may even have crossed your mind that your dogs (or cats) life is preferable to your own, because at least they are not tormented by all these existential problems. How you would so like to forget your problems! Alas, they come back periodically to burden you, like the sea ebbs and flows and incessantly eats away at the cliff edge. If you recognised yourself, all or in part, in this realistic picture, then rest assured. Your case is not exceptional. This suffering is the fate of every human being, and is inherent to the human condition. Under no circumstances is it your minds responsibility to be conscious of your own limitations. It plays the role of censor, and you consciously or unconsciously gave it this role. Today, you feel like you are a slave to it. Tomorrow, thanks to the subliminal method, you will be the master of it. Do not loathe your mind, on the contrary, devote yourself to possessing it. It is a priceless asset if you know how to control it. This is the aim of this subliminal method. The ability to think is a priceless gift leaving us free to make decisions and choices. Whether these choices are favourable or not depends on us and only us. Unfortunately, until today, the decisions you have made have sometimes been motivated by negative unconscious thoughts and you have therefore experienced failure. This in itself is not entirely negative because it allows you to learn and progress being confronted with reality. When you can learn lessons from this, you take a better direction the next time. If this has already happened to you, then you have practised the subliminal method in a conscious manner, without knowing it! Indeed, after a failure you have learnt from, you reprogram your
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conscious so that it becomes more vigilant if the same situation occurs again. With subliminal power, you will do this on a regular and durable basis, whereas good resolutions made in the mind sometimes do not last very long. "What doesnt kill us makes us stronger" claimed the great writer Friedrich Nietzsche. This is a good philosophy of life. Make it your own if you like. So, from now on, do not think of your conscious as an opponent but as an ally which must do you favours, otherwise, it will continue to oppose the emergence of your still unconscious potentials.

Identify your true enemy Life is a marvellous treasure. The miracle is to walk on the earth, breathe, and fully express your sensorial abilities and thoughts. Whether you like it or not, the existence of suffering is an inevitability. You already know this and perhaps you are suffering at the moment. Or else, you wont have to look back very far to remember sad times but also happy times. Be fair and just in your judgement: you may have been through hard times, but you have also experienced pleasant situations. Do not dwell on the dark periods only but positively stimulate your mind by reminding yourself of brighter days! Do not play the game of mind poisons which are your true enemies and not your conscious. Your true rival is your dark side made up of all your negativities. This is what is dominating you right now and instilling incorrect ideas in your mind in order to keep you under its dependence. You are going to counter attack it thanks to the development of your subliminal power which will progressively reduce it somewhat. For the moment, train yourself to fight against your harmful thoughts. The process is simple. All you have to do is annihilate a negative idea as soon as it emerges by saying a positive phrase confirming the contrary. For example, if you think: "Im not good at anything. Ill never earn more money" Immediately affirm: "I am worth something like all human beings. I am perfectly capable of becoming rich in my own way" Repeat this positive declaration until you are persuaded its true, and it overrides the negative version. By doing this, youre not practising any sort of artificial autosuggestion because you really are worth something and you have your place in this world, even if you havent yet found it. You really are
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capable of having material wealth. The main thing now is to find the way to get it.

Youll see that a positive resolution repeated with conviction will always end up imposing itself on your mind, because it only reflects a basic truth. Indeed, you are on this earth to accomplish a very precise mission. Your current misfortune comes from the fact that you are not yet conscious of it. Like everyone, you have the right to your share of material happiness even if, for the moment, you have no doubt chosen the wrong way to go about it. Having a mission and the right to happiness are universal truths. It is now up to you to materialise them here on earth by letting go of the unconscious mental breaks hindering your success.Subliminal power will detect the negativities deeply buried in your unconscious and will transform them in a positive manner.



Chapter 1
Mental preparation for subliminal power

One of the secrets of success of the subliminal method is its simplicity. Do not complicate your life in any area whatsoever. Think, speak and act naturally. Your life will be happier. Unfortunately, until now, you have been told so many times that certain things, actions or complicated thoughts were best, and you have ended up being persuaded of this, to the point where it now pollutes your mind. When you are presented with a situation, you consequently have trouble thinking about it in a simple way, and developing easy solutions to get out of it. Dont forget: Think, speak and act in a direct manner. Your current opinion on the efficacy of the subliminal method is a good example of our usual mental complication. At this precise moment, do you really believe in its efficacy? Your reply absolutely must be or become positive in order to fully benefit from it. If you still doubt its efficacy, this isnt worrying. Continue reading until your mind becomes enlightened. You are not required to blindly believe in this method but just to try it and take note of the results before forming an opinion and taking full advantage of it.

Manifesto for the disbelieving Nevertheless, if, a little later on, when we come to the practical exercises, you are still reticent, close the book. You will get nothing out of it. If your conscious is so resistant or rigid that it absolutely refuses to give the slightest credit to the subliminal method, theres no point in trying or digging your heels in, or even despising it. Your mental resistance is still too great. Your dark side is still very strong and is trying to put you off even trying. In this case, dont worry about it, and do not insist. The simple fact of having read this much has already planted some good seeds in your mind. They may take some time to grow but they will in the end.



Put this book away and dont pick it up again until you feel like it. One things for sure though: youll come back to it quickly. Its just a question of time, maybe just a few days. Theres no pretention or snobbery in this statement but the affirmation of a simple observation. Indeed, the testimonials from the great majority of people who have tested this book confirm the immense and sometimes incredible success they have had. A significant part of these people (around 25%) admitted that they were even more surprised to find their dreams had come true because they had often stopped reading this initiatory guide halfway through, or sometimes after just a few pages. They felt too affected by their certitudes at the time or sceptical at the possibility of obtaining even a tenth of what was promised. Often, their surprise comes from the fact that they were pushed to read again by an unknown force (subliminal power?). Another surprising fact is that this second time around was often the one that worked. During the second time, everything became clear regarding the subliminal method: they had lost their initial disbelief. The text became easily understandable and easily applicable. These second chance converted people are annoyed that they wasted time and didnt understand the first time. They are even so mortified by their initial blindness that they regret, for a long time, having (almost) let the opportunity of a lifetime pass them by! If you experience such a turnaround of a situation and/or comprehension, above all, do not feel guilty! Everyone has his own rhythm in life and personal development. If you didnt see the light "before", it simply wasnt the right time, thats all. Your dark side was still too opposed to your evolution. You werent strong enough to resist your conscious guard. The main thing is not how much time it takes you to develop this wonderful subliminal energy power, but that you realise and understand it! If it doesnt happen during the first read, it will happen at the second attempt. This is not a problem. Human time is different to the rhythm of your evolution. It sometimes happens that young people have already had a lot of experience, while others reach the dawn of their lives without ever understanding or learning anything from life! Never compare your progression with that of another. Just the same as one should never take someone elses path or try to follow any rhythm that is not your own to improve your life. Some people are hares. Others are tortoises. This is in no way pejorative for anyone.
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If you are a hare, be a hare. If you are a tortoise, accept this fact. But do not try, if it is not in your nature, to force your temperament. Speed and slowness have their own advantages and disadvantages. Put things into perspective and adopt one or the other according to the circumstances. In fact, the turnaround of those converted to the subliminal method can be explained very simply. By reading this book, even just a part of it the first time, you have already shown you have an open mind. You have resisted your dark side which was shouting at you to stop reading this book because (Im sure there was no shortage of excuses!): youre wasting your time, its just another phony method, it will be difficult, youre getting into the unknown, etc. So, not being able to overcome the assaults from your dark side, you gave up and put this book away on the bookshelf Maybe you even sent it back to its sender, or even threw it out! However, after a few days of inner torment, because your mind fundamentally knows what it needs, you restarted your initiation for your own good and for the happiness of loved ones. During your interruption period, the seed nevertheless began to grow. The principals already understood and/or accepted made their way to your unconscious. The affirmations of this book ended up forcing their way from the conscious, notably at night, during your dreams. You had therefore already put in place the basis of the immediate or progressive revelation of this wonderful method. You ended up admitting that you made a terrible mistake depriving yourself of this genuine treasure which is subliminal power. So, in a moment of interior honesty, you overcame the objections from the guard of your mind and you rushed to read the book again. In an involuntary but inevitable manner, the subliminal ideas penetrated your unconscious, and then emerged into your conscious. At the end of the day, you realised the reality of these affirmations because, deep inside you, your inner being knows that they are true and that they constitute the substrate of all personal, material and spiritual evolution. They therefore succeeded in forcing the way and separating the unconscious from the conscious, to come out into the light, proof of their superior power over the false certitudes that were the basis of your existence until now.



A flow of subliminal information All day, without your agreement, you are a receptor of subliminal information. Your senses and your mind constantly register sensations, impressions, sounds, noises, words, thoughts, images, etc. that your normal conscious does not register, but they will nevertheless implant themselves deeply and durably in your unconscious. These unconscious seeds find favourable ground there and force you to think, speak and act without you realising it, and without you making the conscious decision. This phenomenon is very subtle because many people, convinced that they have their own free will, simply repeat words heard a thousand times like a parrot and accomplish stereotypical actions thinking they are original. The most striking examples concern the fashion and publicity domains that magnificently apply subliminal processes. This voluntary manipulation adds to the involuntary implantation of all the unconscious data accumulated every day. This uncontrolled, too fast or too numerous data, catches out your conscious and implants itself in your subconscious without you having any control over it. In the case of publicity, for example, your vigilance level is lowered by complex subterfuge. The images are aesthetically pleasing, the music is harmonious, the models (both female and male) are superb, the ambiances are idyllic or voluntarily dramatised to emphasise a product. Just like the snake hypnotised by the flute player, you are charmed. Gaps therefore open up in your artificially deluded conscious, giving free access to subliminal messages, hence the briefness of advertisements destined to strike quickly and cleanly. If they last longer, you have the time to recapture your senses and replace your mental defences. In these circumstances, our conscious is not an enemy either. It is actually of great use because it allows us to develop a critical mind and avoids us being (too) manipulated. Indeed, even when greatly vigilant, numerous mental parasites still manage to penetrate our unconscious. It is therefore urgent to better control and use ones discrimination power advisedly.



The continuous and daily flow of information which pours over us diminishes our critical aptitude and discriminatory skills. It is difficult to use our five senses and our mind at the same time to resist this continuous current. Our perception, representation and sensorial awareness-raising systems are limited. It often has to assimilate too much data at a time. Fortunately, we have a selection mechanism, a sorting station, thanks to which the conscious only remembers a part of the information that bombards us all the time. The following experiment will allow you to understand this principal. - Sit comfortably in the place you are at the moment. Relax all your muscles and close your eyes. - Pay attention to the sounds. Become aware of them, one after the other: sounds from the street, voices coming through the wall or from the corridor, music, radio or sound of the TV, birds singing in a nearby park, etc. You probably have trouble noticing certain sounds without forgetting others! Now, try a global perception of all this sound stimuli simultaneously. This is nothing short of an exploit! - Then, open your eyes, and itemise your environment from left to right, noting all the furniture in your office or your bedroom, for example. You are forced to move from one to the other in a selective manner (you have no doubt had to set aside the sounds you heard just now in order to now concentrate on your visual perceptions!). Furthermore, if you attempt a general view of your environment, the task becomes even more complicated! And all this is without attempting to use all the other senses (touch, smell, taste)! You probably now understand that it is difficult to be continuously vigilant. And yet, we havent even talked about vibratory ideas or energies emitted by the billions of people on earth who, like radio airwaves, interfere in your personal "station". We cannot escape this permanent sensorial flow. However, thanks to the subliminal method, you can, by lowering your conscious barrier, bring your unconscious conditioning to the surface, in order to eradicate or transmute them into positive energies. Being aware of them represents 50% of their psychic eradication.



Combat mental pollution It is fundamental to combat your interior spiritual disharmony because there is still too much of a difference between your true desires and those usually expressed by you, often because of the conscious auto-censoring mechanism. It is itself conditioned by your parental or school education, your original culture, the different daily sensorial solicitations, your life experience, your joys and your pain, and ideas gathered here and there which you have made your own, voluntarily or not! It is important to become aware of these conditionings and get rid of them. This psychic drainage and purification is essential in order to cleanse your unconscious and your conscious and start with a healthy basis on which to genuinely and thoroughly change. Without this, you will continue to react according to truncated ideas and reasoning. If you start with a deformed vision of reality, you will be incapable of correctly interpreting it and, consequently, making the right decisions. The incorrect information received every day hinders your true personal development, the realisation of your desires and the expression of your hidden potential! Im sure you easily realise why you must immediately take action. Perhaps at this very moment, you feel bad, irritated, or even surpassed when reading this book. If you feel a certain unease when reading this, it expresses an inner conflict between your current and conditioned conception of the world (having led you to an unsatisfying life) and your true interior aspiration. If this is the case, dont worry. This alarming mental, even physical sensation is a good sign! You are ready to take action because you intuitively feel the need. Indeed, a hostile attitude is largely preferable to a reaction of indifference. If reading this book provokes no reaction (either positive or negative) in you, this would be worrying with regards to the dynamism of your mind. A good or a bad sensation is preferable to an absence of sensation. You would be very close to what spiritual researchers call spiritual death, unfortunately a state in which many people find themselves in. They are physiologically alive, but they express little or no sensorial impressions when they are not psychically withdrawn from the world they live in.



There is a pernicious state that comes from mental and sensorial withdrawal, it is even more dangerous because the subjects concerned dont even realise it. It is worse than the physical isolation a great number of people suffer from. The subliminal method provides a mental "resurrection" in this life without waiting for a hypothetical life to come. A simple example will allow you to recuperate the damage caused by negative unconscious implantation. A magazine article that appeared in the United States a few months ago was the talk of the town. Indeed, a young woman who found herself to be ugly narrowly escaped suicide thanks to the miraculous intervention of a passer-by who managed to persuade her that she was beautiful. The most astonishing thing in this story is that this young woman was truly magnificent; almost perfect physically speaking, but her mother and her sister who were jealous of her beauty, had told her over and over for several years that she was physically unsightly. She ended up believing them! Her school friends had tried to tell her it wasnt true, but her blind love, great sensitivity and excessive affection for her two parents was so strong that she was convinced that her friends were just trying to be kind to her! Her great fortune came when someone passed near to the isolated bridge from which she was ready to jump; this person was an adept at the subliminal method. The man managed to persuade her of her emotional blindness and the meanness of her parents. This striking case summarises in itself the dangers of the mental pollution we are continuously subjected to and the repercussions it can lead to, which are often proportional to the sensitivity of the people concerned. Dont think that this dramatic story, with its fortunately happy ending, is an exception. Every day and in every domain, things such as this happen. This certainly happens to everyone, even though not all these dramatic events make the headlines. Indeed, it is not easy, except for those people who are forewarned, to identify the exact profound causes of all the general or particular catastrophes that have been affecting the human race since the beginning of time.



Unmistakeably, a great number of them can be attributed to the daily mental pollution that bombards the man who is not aware of the subliminal techniques that can break these collective and individual conditionings. So, if you choose to no longer think, speak or act like the thousands of automated people, subliminal power is for you and will lend itself to you. Otherwise, you have no chance of distinguishing yourself from the masses, and of leading an interesting and enriching life in every sense of the word. In short, of having a truly responsible life. Now, its up to you to choose: either you close this book and continue with your usual routine, or you decide to become the person you have always wanted to be. Of course, this requires some effort, but you will realise that it is minute and effective as long as it is made regularly. In any case, you are no doubt conscious enough of your situation to realise that if you do nothing, you will never manage to redirect the course of your daily routine life. Passivity or inaction never solves anything. Become truly responsible for your life So, if you decide to, you will change your existence in all the areas you wish. You will have more positive thoughts. Love will come to you more easily. Your money problems will be quickly solved. You will permanently enjoy a good state of health. You will regain self-confidence Mastering subliminal power will reveal another universal psychic law: you are the only person responsible for your life and for everything that happens to you! Both the good and the bad things. If you think the contrary, a revolution in your way of thinking is fundamental in order to completely and effectively control your subliminal powers. You will stop holding others responsible for the consequences of your own acts because you will become conscious of your real possibilities and motivations, which would have otherwise remained unconscious. You will realise why you sometimes think, speak and act in a way that is incomprehensible to your usual belief.



You will know why you change tack according to the circumstances. Theres no longer any point in going to see a psy something-or-other (chiatrist, chologist, choanalyst) who will take years to find nothing. You will become your own analyst because you are the only one who can understand and above all, change your own behaviour. At the moment, you sometimes blame different entities or people for your problems: God, divinities, cosmic forces, evil spirits, witches, curses, your boss, your wife... or even your next door neighbour! By mastering the force of subliminal power, you will no longer to taken down the wrong path. If indeed, according to your beliefs, these celestial sources or people intervene in your life; this is simply by way of a "mirror effect", as subtle or obvious revealers of your own interior incapability. Therefore, if you have a problem with your superior, does this mean he is completely responsible for your professional stagnation? If you dont get on with your wife or your children, are they really the ones to blame? Etc. By choosing a scapegoat, arent you trying to blame your personal faults on others? Always ask yourself what your part of the responsibility is in every circumstance. Its up to you to answer the question in total honesty if you find yourself in a similar case or situation. You need intellectual honesty for this which requires the simplicity and courage to truly question yourself. In order to really do this, you must hunt down your true unconscious limitations which, through the subliminal method, will quickly become conscious. It is important to get rid of your still unknown mental millstones, to think, speak and act in total consciousness of your thoughts, words and actions. You are your own steersman in life. Do not let yourself be tossed around by lifes current, but apply yourself to mastering it to live life to the full. Thanks to subliminal power, not only will you be free of your interior limitations, but you will also be purified of the exterior manipulations already mentioned above (educative, cultural, religious, political, ideological conditioning). They have all been willingly or unwillingly implanted in you.



Just the simple task of reading these lines is positive. It shows sufficient consciousness of your situation, to want to change it and a sufficiently open mind to envisage a thought mode other than the illusory vision present in your life on earth. With these two mental assets (the consciousness of your situation and an open mind), you are in the favourable mind conditions for a rapid and effective initiation in subliminal power. By adopting a positive attitude, you have already begun lowering your guard and the vigilance level of your conscious. Continue on this path and in this state of mind, and you will easily assimilate the subliminal techniques. You will become one of the privileged initiates capable of truly mastering their destiny. All that is asked of you is regular practice. Start putting subliminal power into action today for just five to ten minutes per day. This is your only constraint. You can see how flexible it is compared to what most other personal development methods require. In any case, theres no point in subjecting yourself to long and fastidious mental sances when five to ten minutes a day is enough. This is the great advantage of the subliminal method. You could do it for four hours, but this wouldnt change its efficacy at all which is a question of "explosive" concentration. In other words, its assimilation and power are above all dependent on your aptitude to focus on subliminal practice for a few minutes. Therefore, a "homeopathic effect" can be observed, that is to say a similar process to that observed in homeopathy. In this therapeutic discipline, the quantity of medicine taken changes nothing of its effects. Indeed, homeopathic "medicine" does not directly act on the body but provokes a reaction from it. Identically, the subliminal technique triggers a lowering of conscious vigilance without harming your conscious, and allows access to the unconscious. It stimulates and accelerates the normal functions of the unconscious by allowing it to (finally) express itself in a regular and conscious manner.



Your unconscious is not a stranger Even though the subliminal process authorises the expression of your unconscious, this doesnt mean that it is a total stranger to you. You have already had the opportunity to use it, even if at that time, you didnt identify it as this. And yet, it is easy to recognise. As soon as you think, speak or act in an evolutionary direction, you can be sure that your unconscious will guide your way. It possesses all your desires and aspirations in all areas and tries its best to facilitate your happiness. Indeed, during your subliminal power training, it will serve as your guide to know whether you are on the right track. Therefore, before, during or after a thought, a word or an action, ask yourself whether they are legitimate. If you feel a sensation of well-being when doing them and they have positive consequences, you are on the path towards evolution, you are heading in the right direction. However, if you feel ill at ease or suffer failure, modify your thought, word or action in question. Build your own morals Even though the process described above is generally true, you may also feel good after a bad thought, word or action! Indeed, we can learn from setbacks. They are necessary in order to progress. So, always take time out to examine your faults, failings and fiascos to learn lessons which will help you in the days, weeks and even months to come. Doing good things does not mean leading a vapid life of soft and beneficial words, thoughts and actions by adopting a soppy attitude and beatific smiles. Doing good things does not mean following a suitable mould of positive principals adopted by the whole of humanity like bleating sheep. A constructive existence is accomplished by entirely exploring your personal explanations which are inevitably enamelled with positive and negative elements but whose objective is to progress. The existence of bad allows us to appreciate the good. What is bad for one person may be good for another. And vice-versa!



In order to evolve, we need to be confronted by our dark side made of illusory conditionings. To become aware of their falseness, it is vital to court reality which is the only thing capable of telling us if we are on the right path. What we usually call "failure" is in fact patent proof that our vision of the world does not fit in with the subtle functioning of the universe. Its up to us to draw lessons from it otherwise we risk another failure! Reality acts like a mirror. It is happy to reflect the image it is shown without hesitation. If a person is beautiful, it will return the reflection in the same way as if the person if ugly. It will not try to make the beautiful person uglier or the ugly person more beautiful. A mirror shows you as you are and not as you think you are. In the same way, subliminal power will facilitate your interior accomplishment and material enrichment without giving any moral notions of good or bad which are always subjective and personal. Various studies of the customs of different populations all over the world in time and space indeed prove the subjectivity of positive and negative principals. In the Middle Ages, ordeals or judgements of God were practised, in order to find out if someone was guilty of a crime. The person had to put his hand in a container full of hot coals. If the person managed to keep their hand inside for a certain amount of time, he was judged innocent! Today, it would be inconceivable to do such a thing. We consider this method barbaric yet, at that time, it was normal. Other days, other ways! What was good four hundred years ago is judged inhumane at the dawn of the third millennium. In the same way, at the start of the century, in Japan, old people were led to the top of the mountains to die of hunger. As the village was unable to provide for everyone, old people were sacrificed for the younger generations. Today, old people are placed in retirement homes (where they also die a slow death. Is this really progress?). Two last examples: the death penalty still used in the United States today, was abolished from the French penal code over thirty years ago. In Ireland, abortion is considered illegal. Other days, other ways! The criteria defining good and bad not only vary from one country or culture to another, but also from one individual to another. What is positive for you is perhaps not the case for your neighbour. If you win a lawsuit against him, you would be satisfied and he would be disappointed! Other people, other thoughts!



We could multiply the examples indefinitely, but this small demonstration is enough to convince us of the relativity of human judgement. So, always build your personal morals drawn from your own experience. Imposing your ideas on someone else, even if you think they are better, is a form of violence and mental dictatorship (and sometimes physical) which must be distanced.

Warning Read the paragraph above with precaution in order to clearly understand its meaning. If you havent understood its message, come back to it as many times as you find necessary. Speaking of the subjectivity of good and bad, is by no means a justification for violence, hate and intolerance, it is simply here to help you understand that the dark side that everyone possesses can also help you progress in life.

To advocate bad would be treating another great para-psychic law with disdain: causality or compensation of acts. To summarise, all your thoughts, words or actions have consequences proportional to their primary intention. In other words, if your motivations are positive, they will lead to beneficial consequences. If on the contrary, they are negative, you will suffer the aftereffects following a "boomerang effect". So, to come back to the point, if we justify bad, we would be in contradiction with the great universal principal. Never try to hurt anyone, not only to avoid this famous boomerang effect, but also to avoid losing the benefits of your own subliminal power which cannot, under any circumstances, be used to do bad things.



Chapter 2
The conditions of your success

All subliminal philosophy must be clearly understood in order to use this wonderful power, which possesses the power of an atomic bomb to maximum effect! It possesses an energy so powerful that its extent still hasnt really been measured, if indeed there are any limits! The proof is that subliminal power is the favourite tool of the powerful people in the world: bankers, business men, politicians, cinema and television stars, professional sports men & women, etc. It is also used (sometimes abusively) by all communication and publicity advisors all over the world. It is used to manipulate the masses, from sending them to the battle fields to assuring the planetary success of a film. It manages to condition most of our contemporaries by accomplishing the exploit of making them believe that they are thinking for themselves, when all they are doing is repeating trite remarks! It is important for you to put it at your service, not for mental or physical exploitation purposes, but for reasons of individual and collective wellbeing.Whatever your age, origin, degree of intelligence or level of education, you will quite easily manage to trigger subliminal power for one good reason: it adapts itself to each individuals needs and will be at your service for as long as you respect the procedure for setting it in motion and regular practice.

Protection against malicious vibrations Subliminal power will allow you to access the wealth of your unconscious in order to materially and mentally progress, but also to protect you against conscious or unconscious malicious vibrations that bombard you throughout the day. These harmful vibrations are formed from all the thoughts, words and actions consciously or unconsciously perpetrated by all human beings. You must get rid of them because they are likely to hinder your personal evolution. We are constantly bathed in a subtle flow of harmful thoughts emitted, voluntarily or not, by people in your private, professional, cultural or social environment, and ideas emitted by all human brains via a ricochet effect.
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A thought is a form of subtle energy, a vibration travelling at a speed largely superior to that of light, without limits of time or space. It is this in particular that explains the phenomenon of telepathy. This thought-vibration concept is indispensable to better understand how subliminal power works. In your current condition, your unconscious doesnt really play its discriminatory role. It absorbs, without turning a hair, all the stimuli it receives as much from the five senses as from the conscious mind which, yes, plays the role of guardian but in only one limited direction, for the moment. It stops the unconscious sensations from becoming conscious, but it doesnt sort the sensorial or mental impressions that bombard your unconscious. It lets everything through, both the good and the bad vibrations! You are defenceless in the face of these exterior aggressions. Only subliminal power will help you reinforce the resistance of your conscious and unconscious in the face of undesirable influences. Therefore, anyone who tries to harm you through thought will be blocked in their evil attempts by your permanent mental barrier. The same goes for evil words and actions directed against you. The distance psychic actions voluntarily destined for you and all the mental parasites continuously emitted by all human beings are a part of this harmful parasitic action. Indeed, we emit negative thoughts on a daily basis, we come out with pessimistic phrases and we commit harmful acts which have an influence not only on the people they are aimed at but also on all individuals all over the planet. Whether you like it or not, you are the creator of negativities, quite often without even intending to do harm. So, the simple act of mentally putting yourself down generates harmful energy, which, according to its intensity, will affect the thoughts, words or actions of one or several people! Discretion: the secret of your success Another condition of your success is confidentiality. Great discretion regarding your use of subliminal power is recommended. Indeed, it is first and foremost a type of energy at your service, but it also obeys very precise principals. To obtain maximum concentration of this force and focus it on your objectives, it is important to consecrate all your concentration on it during each practice session, but also in between sessions. It is first and foremost very important to avoid dispersion of this very powerful vibration. This mental deviation can take place through words, actions and also through thought.
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First, through words. By telling one or two people that you use a powerful and immense force, you will diminish its efficacy. From that moment, the subliminal power divides up, disperses, and loses its intensity. The person with whom you share such a secret will consciously or unconsciously appropriate it. Its perfectly logical. Put yourself in their position. If you learn that a secret power to succeed in life exists, wouldnt you want to benefit from it too? Indeed, isnt this what youre doing at this very moment! So, do not entrust your secret to anyone. We insist on this. You would be making a grave error. Even with the best of intentions, such an error would be harmful to you. Whether you want to or not, you would enter into a power struggle which would only weaken your concentration. You would use up considerable energy trying to resolve this conflict, energy which is then unavailable for the concentration that is indispensable to acquire subliminal force. Furthermore, if your interlocutor is psychically strong, he will take hold of your power and leave you devoid of all protection, weakened, and at the mercy of the slightest mental or vibratory attack. Even if you are a selfless person who thought you were doing the right thing, there will always be detrimental influences, envious and jealous people who will attempt to throw a spoke in the wheel in order to appropriate your force, or at the very least, stop you from benefitting from it. They would prefer to destroy you than let you use it, if they are incapable of getting hold of it. Do not promote your subliminal power, neither through words or actions. Just use it, thats all. Extra sensory or telepathic people are even capable of capturing your thoughts (which are vibrations, dont forget) and violating your mind to empty it of its contents. Of course, you can think about the method but, at first, especially during the preparation phase or practical session. Avoid mentally recalling your new mental weapon between two practice sessions and especially if youre in a depressive or mental weakness phase. In these moments, you are within the reach of any "psychic mind reader". Furthermore, during your first steps learning subliminal force, if you feel ill-at-ease during a session or if you feel anguished or feel like sleeping, stop immediately. Someone is trying to drain your subtle fluid or, having involuntarily captured it during your practice session, this person is trying to disturb or weaken you. Stop your training immediately and try again later.
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With practice, you will reinforce your mind, and you will be sheltered from this type of misadventure. When you have more training and are more hardened, after a few weeks or even a few days for the more gifted amongst you, you will no longer have to take such precautions. Your training, even one as short as mastering subliminal force, must take place in a state of harmonious physical and mental relaxation. You will then rapidly acquire subliminal control. After a few days, you wont have to worry about evil psychic assaults because you will have learned to distance them both on a conscious and unconscious level. Even if you manage rapid mental reinforcement, it is not recommended to speak, act or think in a way which would reveal the existence of your subliminal power. If, however, you wish to help someone in difficulty, it is better to use your own interior force to help them, rather than admit your secret. Only a few rare chosen ones are capable of appreciating the full impact of this immense power and using it advisedly. Despite all these proscriptions, if you wish to help someone you know, but only in cases of extreme urgency, do the following: if the person is truly in a difficult situation, and only if this person can be totally trusted, you may speak to them about the subliminal method, and if need be, tell them how to get hold of it. This exceptional measure can only be applied to one human being and one human being only; otherwise you will lose the benefits of your own power! However, under no circumstances must you give them your own documents or training methods, otherwise you risk mental and energetic pollution! Indeed, the subliminal method adapts itself to the attempts of any sincere researcher who is hungry for the truth. The personalisation of this immense power forces you to develop your own vision and form a very personal utilisation from it. In other words, your way of using it is specific to you. It will not adapt itself to anyone elses attempts. So, remain neutral when you speak about subliminal power to this one confidant and avoid giving them any advice other than what may be asked. The subliminal method helps build your existence according to your own criteria which is not the criteria of your protg, even if this person is very close to you. So, resist the temptation (through self-pride?) to give lots of advice, except very generally, this would only reflect your own conception of the world and subliminal power.
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The danger of even the most selfless attitude is to lead someone onto a particular path, which is perhaps valid for you, but is by no means their path, and only they can know and discover which one it is. The best way to go about this is to therefore advise the person to get their own copy of the subliminal method which may be used in their own way, building their own story. This recommended discretion advice is not given because of elitism, in an attempt to reserve subliminal power for just a few privileged people or exploiters, but it is about genuine psychic reasons which are important to respect in order to use its great power in total freedom and to its full advantage.



Chapter 3
The scientific basis of the subliminal

Before getting to the heart of the subject, that is to say, subliminal power practice, it would be useful to describe the different stages of its scientific discovery. What you have been reading since the beginning of this book, although completely authentic regarding the powers of the subliminal method, perhaps still contains an air of marvels and magic, which remain unconvincing for the more rational people among us. It is quite possible that deep inside you, youre still thinking: "Its too good to be true!" Whatever your position and/or if you have a Cartesian mindset, the following story will convince you of the exactitude of our previous affirmations. Experiments held for the most part in the United States in the sixties, definitively established the scientific reality of subliminal power. In reality, like thoughts, it is transferred through invisible wave shapes. Like thoughts, they cannot be seen with human vision, but its effects are nevertheless recorded. The fact that they have not been directly observed by the human eye or through a microscope, or any other apparatus, should not mean we must deny the existence of subliminal power. If the absence of proof visible with the eye was a criterion of non-existence, then what should we make of the infinitely tiny elementary particles: positrons, quarks, hadrons, etc. that no-one has ever seen and which are, however, considered by official physical science as the basic constituents of matter! In the same way, what should we think of Chinese medicine, and in particular of acupuncture which is based on the existence of meridians connecting the different areas of skin to inject and their corresponding organs! The energy channels are invisible, but this does stop us noticing the efficacy of this "needle science" every day. With regards to subliminal power, an enlightening and spectacular experiment was done in a cinema in Kentucky (U.S.A.) where spectators unknowingly participated in what was probably to become the first full-scale scientific test in history involving the effects of subliminal suggestion.



Conclusions had already been recorded in previous centuries, but they were based more on intuition or observation of their creators rather than on a scientific analysis method. Therefore, intellectuals such as Montaigne in the XVI century or Leibniz in the XVII century had already noticed that sensorial perceptions could be captured by the brain and engraved in a certain part of the mind, unbeknown to the conscious. (At the time, the word unconscious did not exist, this was a Freudian notion discovered at the end of the XIX century.)

It is the famous Dr Sigmund Freud who gained his spurs with the notion of "subliminal" (from the Latin sub, at the entrance to, and limen, threshold) by applying it to the psychological phenomenon that desires repressed by the conscious in the daytime were expressed at night through dreams. Closer to our time, the experiments led in California in the 50s exposed the physiological existence of a repression process that filters all perceptions. The study of the mechanisms of vision proved that from the thousands of images seen every day by our eyes, only a tiny part is perceived by our mind. This discovery of a visual subliminal power is the origin of the famous study carried out on people in a cinema in Kentucky, mentioned previously. On that day, images that were imperceptible to the conscious containing two messages were projected to the spectators: "A little peckish? Eat popcorn!" and "If youre thirsty: drink Coca-Cola!". The cinema managers noticed a 60% rise in sales of Coca-Cola and almost 20% for popcorn! Subsequent experiments confirm these results and highlight the powerful effects of massive utilisation of subliminal images. This almost unlimited invisible power is so strong that several American states have banned its usage. In France, it is also strictly regulated. This sometimes doesnt stop some businesses, at least the well-known ones, from making the headlines. During the presidential campaign that elected Franois Mitterrand in 1981, his publicists were accused of having used subliminal images on television in order to force the vote in his favour. It is nevertheless difficult to get hold of exact data on the illegal use of a power which, by definition, can be used unbeknown to the conscious mind!



Auditory subliminal power Visual subliminal action is proven, but other researchers have applied themselves to studying the impact on the brain and the behaviour of inaudible sounds. Therefore, in the 80s, in the United States and in Canada, certain shops used subliminal auditory methods in an attempt to reduce theft. Mixed with background music, hidden messages incited people to be honest, reminding them of moral ethics of the consequences incurred for anyone caught red-handed: frisking, questioning, prison, disgrace, etc. After a few months, thefts had considerably reduced, lowering by almost 40% in certain commercial chain stores! Other studies carried out in doctors, dentists and certain hospital and clinic waiting rooms also showed a reduction in patient anxiety during consultations and operations. The use of subliminal images and sounds have proved their efficacy to stop smoking, lose weight, come through depression, reduce alcohol dependence, gain self-confidence, relax, etc. The mechanism that governs the functioning of subliminal vibrations is simple. They cross the barrier of the conscious mind whose vigilance is caught by surprise. Then, they are captured by the unconscious where they durably remain. Finally, they influence our thoughts, words and actions, unconsciously, without us realising it.

The disadvantage of the subliminal unconscious This is where the novel falls short. Indeed, this subliminal unconscious suggestion does not liberate you from your conditionings, but replaces them with others! The specificity of the subliminal method offered here therefore consists of choosing the ideas to implant in your unconscious yourself and choosing those destined to replace the mental poisons that are the negative thoughts at the source of your current misfortune or dissatisfaction. Therefore, you will freely programme your subconscious, the basis of your personality, which can only become stronger.Your thoughts, words and actions, fed by this strong vibratory substrate, will be those of a man (or woman) who is sure of himself (or herself). You will definitively break the chains that have constricted you to live a routine and banal life until now. You will be able to access the full expression of your personality and the realisation of your dearest dreams if you accept to open up to the unlimited force of subliminal power right now.
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Chapter 4
The First Subliminal Steps

In order to take full advantage of the benefits of subliminal power, it is important to engage in this voluntarily and to be totally convinced of its benefits. Otherwise (re)programming of your subconscious will be difficult, and even slowed down by your mental reticence. During your first steps towards mastering subliminal power, you will in fact learn to detect the psychological resistance to your progression and personal fulfilment. It is essential to eradicate them first, otherwise they risk poisoning your existence and interfering in your initiation. You are not required to believe in the wonderful abilities of subliminal power from the outset, but to give it a chance to convince you through experimentation. Normally, at this stage, after having read the entire first part and the scientific bases of subliminal power, you should be at least 80% convinced of its efficacy! According to a basic psychological law, one must be at least 60% sure of the veracity of an idea in order to successfully apply it. Therefore, if you are 60 to 80% persuaded, you will fully take advantage of subliminal power rapidly and effectively. Theres no question in insisting that you blindly believe in it but, you must be at least sufficiently mentally supple to give it the opportunity to convince you. The only reliable test will be your own application of its extraordinary possibilities. If you are now able to say: "Yes, I am convinced enough to try the fantastic powers of the subliminal method." This is perfect. You must at least be able to affirm: "I am open to the fantastic powers of the subliminal method" In these two scenarios, your progression will be positive and enriching. Otherwise, at least continue reading up until the paragraphs consecrated to subliminal exercises. It would be surprising if you are not convinced or, at least, open to trying a subliminal suggestion exercise when you get there.



Positive programming If you start with one of these two states of mind, you are open to subliminal vibrations. You have already made a small hole, even though it is microscopic for the moment, in the mental "wall" mental built by your conscious to stop access to your unconscious. You have already begun to reverse the negative current that maintains you in this dreary and dissatisfying existence that you are not content with. You have won the first battle against your dark side which through your conscience, tries to keep you under its control. Never forget that this harmful component of your mind sends you discouraging and renouncing thoughts. It does everything in its power to slow you down, because every positive change from you signifies the beginning of its disappearance. It has taken possession of your mind and your existence. It doesnt want to let you go. You are its slave and it has nothing to gain from a change in this situation. By openly accepting subliminal power, you have begun the battle against your dark side. This malicious side of your personality wont think twice about attempting to dissuade you from starting and using subliminal exercises. In fact, it could well be the case that it has already begun its undermining work. Indeed, If you still have doubts right now about the astonishing abilities of subliminal power, or even totally reject them, itll be its doing. Indeed, how else can we explain that subliminal power leaves you indifferent or doesnt make you want to at least try it? It offers genuine transformation opportunities, and you refuse to even try it! If you have an open enough mind to realise that something was not right in your life, and if you then received this proposition to test the subliminal method, this is not mere chance. So, if you are still tempted to let this opportunity pass you by, this shows all the traits of your malicious side. Its manipulations are simple to detect. In a final attempt to convince you, do the following short test which will be, by the way, your first subliminal exercise. Exercise in detecting your mental restrictions In order to find out if your scepticism is natural or inspired by your dark side, do the following: - Stop reading this book for a few minutes - Isolate yourself in a calm place and sit in a comfortable position.
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- Close your eyes and carry out a few breathing cycles (one cycle = one expiration + one inhalation) always starting by exhaling in order to get rid of the polluted air in your lungs. Follow the rhythm of your breathing without forcing it.

After about five minutes, both your body and mind should be relaxed. Through this relaxation, you have lowered the degree of vigilance of your conscious guard, opening the access to your unconscious which is now susceptible to reply to simple questions with a "yes" or a "no". - Ask yourself the following question three times: "If I am still reticent about the use of subliminal force, is it because: 1- I am sceptical, but I am waiting to try it (in fact, you are doing this now.)? 2- My dark side is reacting against me and hindering my progression? - Now listen to the replies being transferred from your unconscious to your conscience. If the reply is still too confusing and/or interfered by other thoughts, ask each of these two hypotheses again successively asking for a "yes" or "no" confirmation. - Stop this exercise by opening your eyes and stretching slowly. It is important that, in the next few minutes, you remain in the same relaxed state and slowly continue your activities. After this sance, analyse the reply from your unconscious to know which decision to make. In the first case "1- I am sceptical, but I am waiting to try it", move directly on to the practical exercises. In the second case: "2- My dark side is reacting against me and hindering my progression", continue reading this book and an opening to subliminal force will come naturally. Now, pay attention to how you feel. Physically, you should be more relaxed, perhaps even certain pain previously felt has disappeared. Mentally, you probably feel a certain serenity, perhaps even certain fears, anguishes, bad moods or depression has left you. You are already good and ready to take full advantage of the subliminal method. So, by following the progressive training below to the letter, it wont be long before you feel the inner peace that is indispensable for proper subliminal training.
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An automatic start If you can easily beat your mental reticence concerning subliminal force, initiation will be completed faster. Indeed, you will have beaten the main obstacle in its utilisation. Automatically, the (re)programming of your unconscious will begin Then all thats left for you to do is practice your subliminal exercises regularly. Immediately commit yourself to respecting this regularity in your personal training because it is the main condition for your success. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of the benefits of this immense power or lose what you have acquired through negligence. Even though its practice requires little time per day, in return faultless regularity is required. Of course, if you stop for a day or two, this wont have much consequence. However, there must be a valid reason for it. Be honest with yourself. A false excuse would be to claim that you cannot find ten minutes in a twenty-four hour day to practice the subliminal method! Like a snowball effect, each time you progress you will reinforce your previous work and accelerate the subliminal assimilation process and, consequently, your personal evolution. The different sances of subliminal initiation are like links in a chain whose strength depends on the weakest one. If each five to ten minute phase is completed with conviction, you will become stronger inside, the harmful exterior influences will no longer have a hold on you, you will beat your unconscious and conscious resistances, and your wishes will progressively come true one after the other, infallibly, without exception. Your personal vibratory chain will be strengthened and, as the links relentlessly join together, your subliminal suggestions will transform all your negativities and bring your abilities to light. Your first step into the subliminal world (the mental restrictions exercise) has launched an infallible process which can only end in your total success in all areas. The method itself is infallible. This is not a pretentious statement, but an affirmation resulting from the observation of hundreds, even thousands of successes obtained thanks to subliminal power. If, however, you still have difficulties applying it, it is useful to examine them



Rare reasons for improbable failure There are few recorded reasons for why certain people failed in their subliminal initiation. The term "improbable failure" summarises well the fact that it is infrequent for someone who has tested this personal development method not to have reached their goals. Nevertheless, it would be utopian and dishonest not to admit that certain experimenters failed in their start-up of this fabulous process. These failures can serve as lessons for everyone. Everyone can draw beneficial lessons from them for their own example. The main cause for setbacks in this matter lies in a lack of motivation from the initiator (who will also be called controller, subliminal actor, developing being). We have noted weak-willed attempts to use the subliminal which fails through a lack of courage and sense of effort. In other words, the person doesnt really wish to change his condition or is not ready to use the necessary methods to succeed. Nevertheless, let us highlight that if a person is not ready to invest just ten minutes a day to change their life, their life will never change because very few reliable methods are capable of obtaining such results in such a short time! In fact, deep down, this controller is content in his current state, even though it is dissatisfying. This no doubt reveals a sort of masochism or feeling of self-destruction which are impossible to deal with in this book. When examining his life, he would admit, if he is honest, that in most of his actions, he never completes anything and often quickly abandons affairs, showing proof of a harmful superficiality in all areas. All too often, this type of inconsistent being will shower you with nice words, and annoy you with his constant talk of wanting to change. His verbal agitation often turns out to be conversely proportional to the number of attempts made and efforts promised to truly change. In short, the weak-willed person can be distinguished by both intellectual and situational stagnation. In other words, he will always moan in the same manner while his life changes very little. This is the case for the person who shouts from the rooftops that they want to find another job, but has being doing the same one for twenty years! The desire to change often transforms into bitterness and jealousy. Avoid entrusting the secret of your success with these people, they will only harm you by seeking revenge for their own inabilities to truly change by telling everyone that you use a strange, even
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occult method in order to get a promotion, exploit others or mentally manipulate them! He will do anything he can to harm you. Since he himself is unable to take action, he certainly doesnt want you to change; this would be a reflection of his own powerlessness to change, too cruel for him to bear! This frivolous person must attempt, if only once in their life, to see his thoughts and actions through to the end by trying subliminal force. He can only get great inner satisfaction, positive conclusions and a reinforced personality from it. Effort is a great asset to cultivate in order to succeed. You have already understood that anyone who does not genuinely wish to change deep inside, because of intellectual comfort or cowardice, will never achieve anything. The basic impulsion is important. It is the complexity of the "first step" that absolutely must be made in order to modify ones condition, which is difficult to do for weak-willed or indecisive people. Unfortunately, we live in a society where a sense of effort no longer belongs. We make everyone believe (children, school kids, students, adults, workers, etc.) that we can have (almost) anything without doing a thing. Assistantship is obligatory in all areas. This illusion is kept alive by the dominant ideology and the technological mirage that tells us that man will soon only have to lift his little finger to satisfy his desires, that the necessity to work will be a thing of the past and that the future is a society of leisure time! Furthermore, in the area of personal development, not a week goes by without a new technique being exposed which promises you the moon and the stars in record time. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth or be more manipulative than to wave the myth under peoples noses of a so-called golden age where all worries will be resolved just by clicking your fingers! The subliminal method certainly promises rapid results, however, it requires a certain commitment from you, not in terms of duration (five to ten minutes per day), but in terms of regularity (you must train every day). Another cause for failure is some peoples confused mind. Yes, they want to try a personal development method, and they sometimes test several, but they dont know why or with what objective! They are muddled up and incapable of fixing a precise training plan or clear objectives. Yet, they are the two mainstays of subliminal success. You may have the most powerful car in
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the world but if you dont know where to go, youll go round in circles until you run out of petrol! In the same way, with the subliminal method, you have the key to success, but if you dont know which lock to put it in, you wont open any of the doors to success! Other individuals have concentration difficulties and seem incapable of focusing for more than a few seconds on one subject. This flaw is widespread in our society of appearances and diversity where the mind has no time to concentrate for a few moments on one objective. We are permanently submerged in sounds, music, noises, images, ideas, etc., leaving little room for sustained and constant reflexion. Do this test immediately by listening to your environment. There is almost certainly, at this moment, a discussion going on not far away, a TV or a radio on in your home or your neighbours home, a car horn in the street, or a bird singing under your window. Your mind is pursued by an uninterrupted flow of thoughts, emotions, feelings brought about by your senses, etc. since the day you were born, and even before, in your mothers womb! In these conditions, it is difficult, even impossible, to keep your concentration for more than a few minutes, or even a few seconds. This is another reason for the daily brevity of subliminal training. If you have trouble keeping your concentration, the chapter Reinforce your concentration power will help you solve this problem. Its practice is indispensable in order to take better advantage of your initiation. Indeed, you must be able to remain focused on your training for five to ten full minutes. During this time, you must be isolated from the rest of the world, and completely submerged in this method.

This requires strict observance of certain principals you will find in the following chapter: Preparing subliminal success. The first quality required to succeed in life is self-honesty. It is important not to lie to yourself. Of course, under no circumstances must you lay the blame on anyone else, but you must frankly highlight the "main reasons for your improbable failures"



If you are brave enough, you will have acquired a quality that will be useful to you all your life. Your sincerity, especially concerning your failings, shortcomings, faults, etc. is indispensable to progress, whether it is in the field of subliminal application or any other. It is simple common sense. Accept yourself as you are, and you will have a solid basis on which to change. Do not deny your true personality with its inevitable faults, otherwise you will never progress because your foundations are illusory. They will disappear under your feet just as soon as a real problem comes along. So, even if its painful, do not lie to yourself and start by getting rid of your foibles thanks to our advice. A durable and irreversible change can generally be obtained after three weeks of using the subliminal method. If you have any of the faults above to previously get rid of, you can add a week more. This makes a total of a good month to build solid foundations for a happy life and the realisation of all your dreams. As has already been highlighted, do not take this time indication literally. It gives an average time span based on hundreds of cases. Perhaps you will need more time, but it is also possible that you will take less time! The only way to know, is to try. How fast you acquire subliminal power depends on your personal history, the problems to solve, your previous foibles you must get rid of, your motivation, and how often you practice. Therefore, it depends on a number of factors which are specific to you and which only you can modify. In short, the rare reasons for your improbable failures could be: a lack of motivation, a superficial mind, boastfulness, laziness, mind confusion, lack of organisation, complex thoughts, and a concentration problem. If you have one or several of these problems, dont be embarrassed or feel guilty. We all have faults and mental resistances. Your initiation will automatically get rid of them through practising the subliminal method or appropriate exercises.



Organise your objectives It is essential, from the start, to know where youre going or, at least, to determine the outline of your personal development in order to establish an organised development plan. This represents several advantages. First, you wont risk stagnating in your progression because you will have a schedule to stick to. You know what you want. Be careful however not to fix too strict deadlines for the realisation of your desires. Their accomplishment depends on a certain number of psychological factors that do not allow a too strict "order of battle". If you develop a framework that is too limited, you will risk neglecting and/or accelerating certain stages of your subliminal learning. It is preferable to plan an organised progression for the realisation of your dreams rather than impose a too strict time limit. In other words, say to yourself, for example: "I will first beat my timidity before consecrating my time to my enrichment" instead of "I must no longer be timid in two weeks and become rich the week after"! Everyone has his own rhythm. Perhaps the deadlines you fix yourself are more a result of your impatience than a respect for your real progression speed. So plan your evolution, but without imposing limits that are too strict. Therefore, you could decide to find the woman of your dreams within a month, but, if you havent found her at the end of this time, do not abandon this method because you think it is therefore ineffective! The paths of personal development are complex. Perhaps you will need more time than first expected to find the right person, because of a disturbing personal experience, previous disappointments, your requirements, the correct positioning of the necessary astral conjunctions, etc. At the start of your subliminal initiation, one thing is promised: the assured realisation of each of your dreams within a deadline which is proportional to your regularity of practice. The advantage of an organised plan is to follow your progression, note down your successes which will definitely be the best proof of the efficacy of subliminal power and your fundamental motivation factor. This progress follow-up is important in order to see your evolution and reinforce your energy and consistency of practice. Youll then see the accomplished changes.



You will realise that it is possible to change, and that a little effort, when you are determined to provide it, can lead to great results! The other advantage of an organised plan is that you wont risk abandoning half way through because of a too superficial or too repetitive utilisation of subliminal power. By remarking your degree of success and personal evolution, you wont lose the thread of your progression. You will genuinely advance without weakening in precise areas. Preserve this vigilance permanently, and you will be assured of seeing your ideas through to the end. Never let your attention stray from your personal evolution plan through cowardice, laziness or negligence. The subliminal method has been developed to be flexible and progressive in order to naturally thread the different stages together with a minimum of attention and will.

Eulogy of simplicity Our hyper-technological civilisation and intellectual education have ended up convincing us that complexity is a guarantee of success. According to the believers in this philosophy, one absolutely must follow long studies and work furiously to achieve success. We have lost the taste for simplicity which is in fact one of the factors of efficacy. You can regain this value which is in fact cultivated by the subliminal method. This discrepancy between the dominant ideology of complexity and facility of the subliminal method explains a great number of failures regarding its application, even a total rejection from the outset, without even trying it! Many people do not understand or do not wish to understand that five to ten minutes a day are sufficient to totally change your life. The comment heard the most are: "What! My whole life I have been told that I have to go through long university studies to achieve success and you claim that it can be done in just a few minutes a day!" "Its not possible. This method is too simple to be effective!" "Life is complicated and requires a lot of effort. I dont believe in miracles!" "I am a scientist. It took me many years to understand my discipline. Youre not going to tell me that in just a few such short sessions, all your dreams can come true!"
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All these declarations demonstrate the damage done within peoples minds through a certain dictatorship of complexity. By reasoning in this way, these people do not realise that they are depriving themselves of an authentic progression method. They are therefore quick to contradict. The only reply to give them is a simple question: "Have you ever tried the subliminal method?" In general, 98% of the time, they havent even attempted to test it out! This omission is even more alarming because, most of the time, it is the opinion of intellectual people (or so-called) or/and with a scientific mind. These pretentions are even more outrageous, since experimentation and reproducibility are the basis of serious scientific theories! Therefore, dont be pedantic like these people and test the subliminal method before you criticise it (you will always be within your total rights to do so). This book is certainly your guide for life, but it cannot do the work for you. Now, its your turn!



Chapter 5
The conditions of practice

Before really launching yourself into the subliminal method itself (you have already been immersed in its philosophy since the start of this book and the Exercise in detecting your mental restrictions is considered as your first subliminal sance), it is important to respect certain conditions to begin your initiation under the best auspices. The exterior conditions are the environment favourable to effective practice. The interior conditions are the mental frame of mind necessary for your rapid progression.

Exterior conditions Amongst these, where you choose to practice is important. It must always be the same place; calm and isolated from all "parasites": noise, inopportune telephone calls (unplug your line during your ten minutes training). You must be protected there, so that you are not disturbed unawares (if you are able to lock this place, this is even better), sheltered from all sorts of solicitations. Also, avoid practising too close to meeting or appointment times, unless they are at least half an hour before or after your sance. Indeed, your mind risks being too preoccupied to reach the degree of concentration necessary for your experiment. If you have to see someone after, this should not be done too close in time to avoid any mental pressure. Indeed, during your practice, you may sometimes feel like prolonging your sance by up to a quarter of an hour because it will put you in a very pleasant physical and psychic state. This prolongation reinforces the efficacy of subliminal power. Therefore, if you can put in the extra time, if only once or twice a week, your wishes will be granted more quickly! This recommendation is not only valid in terms of efficacy, but also in terms of pleasure, because you will feel quite a lot of it during your subliminal method experiments. This is in fact an essential motivation factor.
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You absolutely must demonstrate, permanently or several times in the day, a certain eagerness to reach this tonic moment, which is not only aimed at efficacy but also total relaxation of the body and mind, this is indispensable if only to evacuate the inherent stress of modern life. If at the same time, during your sance, you feel the desire to extend the profound state of relaxation obtained for a few minutes more, your training will charge you even more effectively with psychic and physical energy. Of course, the ideal situation would be to prolong this body and mind stimulation all day, because this is the best defence against interior or exterior aggressions. Progressively, you will get to this stage, but start with ten minutes. This will already be good progress! If you are really motivated by the realisation of a particular desire and if you follow the subliminal method to the letter and with conviction, two to three weeks of daily practice will assure 98% efficacy regarding the accomplishment of this wish! It is also advised to start your practice on a light stomach, a long time before or after meals to avoid digestion problems, too heavy meals, fuelled with alcohol, or even the simple digestion process requires a lot of nervous energy which you will need during your experiment.

The time slot The best times to practice are in the morning when you wake up and the evening before going to bed. The morning is good because you are (normally) well rested and intellectually available. Physiological fatigue and stress have (normally) been eliminated during your sleep and you are not yet preoccupied by the problems you may encounter during the day. If you get up early, choose a time when you wont be disturbed by parasitic thoughts emitted by your human environment. On the contrary, if you do it in the evening, the ideal moment for practice is the time just before you go to bed. In this case you will benefit from the reinforced efficacy of the nocturnal activities of your mind, which are insufficiently exploited by most of us. Furthermore, your sleep will be more restful and regenerating and will come more easily, even if you sometimes suffer from insomnia. Other advantages: your dreams will be rich, pleasant, active and your nightmares will disappear.



The most favourable time is between midnight and 1 oclock in the morning. You will considerably reduce mind perturbation because of a diminution of the mental emissions from most people who are, in general, in bed at this time. Also, noises are rarer, which will facilitate your concentration. Practice in your bedroom because it is easier to lie down, sit down, or even go directly to sleep afterwards, or else practice in a room where you can also easily do this. At night, your unconscious continues to work independently of your conscious and therefore what you have acquired from your pre-sleep sance will materialise more quickly. Your very clear, vivid and pleasant dreams will be rich in information. They will provide the answers to your problems or indicate the practical ways to satisfy your desires. If you practice at any other time of the day, your efficacy will be more random. Indeed, all the conditions already mentioned should be united (isolation, silence, possibility to lie down, deadline of fifteen minutes, etc.). This is the most difficult for most people who work during the day. Nevertheless, if you have the opportunity, do it. If it is easier and more permissible for you to practice at lunchtime, then why not ? Try out different possibilities according to your timetable. Adopt whatever suits you the best. The Subliminal method adapts itself to all circumstances as long as you respect the basic conditions of its practice. The progression notebook On a small table, keep a "progression notebook" which will allow you to reread the progress already made, and note your evolution before a sance, this is a good source of motivation. Likewise, after the subliminal phase, you can record your reflections and possible new directions to take in your new life. As you can see, subliminal practice doesnt require any equipment or complicated implementation conditions. Anyone can easily do it. Interior conditions The mental preparation of your subliminal sance is also important. For the whole time before you start, think of the pleasure you are going to experience during your session, your motivations and what you expect from it. This evocation should even monopolise you, at least during the last hour before your sance.



Be careful, because "monopolise" does not mean "obsession" which is a morbid deviation of sensitivity during which the person cannot stop themselves from thinking of something. Here, it is a question of relaxed interest where the notion of pleasure is taken into account. The thoughts about your next sance should be motivating and not annoying like an obsession is. An obsession is more like suffering whereas thinking about your next training session should put a smile on your face. You should be eager to start. This exhilarating emotion could also be tainted by fear of the unknown, concern that you wont be good enough, failure, etc. These feeling are good as long as they do not paralyse your action. If one day, before starting your subliminal phase, you feel the slightest sensation of weariness, lack of enthusiasm or the impression you will be doing a chore, theres no point in starting. Put off until tomorrow what you dont want to do today. This is one of the only cases where a break in your daily discipline is tolerated. Indeed, the notion of pleasure and joy should always predominate. So examine your motivations again, and reread what you have accomplished and written down in your personal progression notebook. Youll soon regain your lost drive. Youll often see that the bad reasons for which you no longer wish to respect your commitment are often resistances from your conscience. You will be stronger after you have detected and eradicated them. If, in spite of this, your enthusiasm remains insufficient, dont force yourself either, but accomplish your initiation within a maximum deadline of forty-eight hours so as not to lose the benefits already acquired. If you follow this procedure, even if you force yourself a little, you will quickly regain the lost energy and training motivation. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of the wonderful benefits that are on offer for you. Its as if you were a mango tree covered with delicious fruit. All you have to do is reach out to grab some and yet, youre not doing it. Change is within your reach. You are the only one who can initiate the necessary effort to taste one of these delicious fruits. Do not deprive yourself of such pleasure.

Would you voluntarily refuse the joys of life? Thats what you would be doing if you neglected to accomplish the short daily practice required by the subliminal method.


At the beginning of each sance, you never start from nothing but from previously acquired knowledge. You are the fruit of a union between two beings, an education, a culture, a mode of thinking. You are a wealth of experiences, feelings and ideas. Even negative ones can help you. Use your basic knowledge which will be your best launch pad towards a new life.



Chapter 6
Introduction to the subliminal mechanism

Scientific experimentation has shown that there is not just one subliminal method but several. Some are based on the visual process by the intermediary of images that are imperceptible to the conscious eye, others are based on auditory aids using music cassettes with sounds that are inaudible to our conscious ear. The main problem with the techniques offered on the market is that they rely precisely on images you cannot see or words you cannot hear! Our unique process is based, on the contrary, on voluntary use which is directed at subliminal phrases to consciously repeat at your rhythm. To facilitate its assimilation, initiate yourself into our technique step by step, at first. Then, take possession of it and use it as you wish. Carefully follow this procedure and you will get full benefits from subliminal power to: - Make others react in the way you want. - Assure your financial and material well-being. - Make your dearest wishes come true. - Be one of the privileged people who succeed in life. Follow our advice to the letter and you will reap the best fruit for a happy and harmonious existence. You will no longer be like the majority of people who always have doubts, dont believe in anything, and will forever remain prisoners of their difficulties: failed sentimental life, lack of money, no selfconfidence, failures in all areas, etc. Do not let your life pass you by, like them. In any case, subliminal power is already at work in you since you voluntarily opened yourself up to its influence from the first pages of this book. It would be a shame to stop what you have already brilliantly begun half way through!



Using music The efficacy of your subliminal steps will be reinforced by the use of music as background sound. To do this, simply choose your favourite music style, as long as it is soft, and preferably repetitive and instrumental, in other words, without voices. This is to avoid parasites in your suggestive phase or ideas emerging from your unconscious. New Age, classical, relaxation or oriental music is recommended.

The tone of suggestions The formulae used during the three stages of our unique subliminal method fits precise criteria. Simplicity Do not use formulae that are too complicated or too long, but simple words and brief, eloquent phrases. A concrete language Avoid expressions that are too abstract and use very concrete formulae, expressing your thoughts with precise and realistic words. Affirmation All your phrases must be affirmative and not include negations, even to get rid of faults. Every negative expression has its affirmative equivalent. Therefore, instead of saying: "I dont want to be scared anymore", say: "I want to be more courageous" The active mode Your phrases must be formulated in an active form and not a passive one in order to give a positive impulsion to your suggestions. This way, they will be implanted more rapidly in your unconscious. They will be more effective in the short term and you will forge a resolutely... active mind!



Emotionalism The more your suggestions express desires that evoke positive emotions, the more intensity and motivation you will put into your words. They will therefore be deeply anchored in your unconscious. The main positive emotions are love, joy, pleasure, sensitivity, aestheticism, cheerfulness, etc. Visualisation Do not hesitate in calling upon the wonderful resources of visualisation by using expressions that stimulate your imagination. Also, imagine scenes representing you in desired situations to reinforce the effects of the subliminal method. Emphasis To implant your suggestions in a durable manner in your unconscious, pronounce them slowly and with emphasis, avoiding theatricality. Push them into your mind by carefully insisting on each word and by taking the time to immerse yourself in their signification. Never pronounce them in a distracted manner or too rapidly otherwise you risk annihilating their positive effects. Directivity Each subliminal formula must be directive and impose an active, almost authoritarian tone to your sance. You must put all your will and resolution into it if you want to submit your unconscious. Avoid phrases that are too long and imprecise expressing a lack of trust in the method and/or yourself. For example, do not say: "I think that the subliminal method will perhaps help me change my life", but "The subliminal method will be my solid support to modify my existence" Repetitiveness This method also called monoideism privileges the repetition of a small number of formulae rather than the enunciation of a large quantity of suggestions. To facilitate concentration and avoid dispersion of the mind, it is therefore preferable to select a few suggestive phrases, but to use them several times over. This facilitates memorisation and simplifies the sequence of sances. Another advantage: they will be easier to remember in the hours following the sance.
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Organisation Your suggestions must express your dearest desires. You will then invest the necessary intensity and motivation to formulate them. You will be more concerned and concentrated to express them during your daily sance. They will therefore be deeply anchored in your unconscious.

Final advice for assured success Studies carried out on the numerous subliminal, auditory or visual methods, have shown that their efficacy was similar, whether the people subjected to this method were previously informed of it or not! In other words, being aware of whether we are the subject of a subliminal experiment or not, does not influence the outcome. The method offered here takes this scientific fact into account by proposing a controlled subliminal power procedure. The master words of your practice must be pleasure and will. Indeed, you must accomplish each sance only if you really want to, not because you feel you have to and it must not be treated as a chore. You must start your sance stimulated by strong motivations and with the intention of spending an instructive and joyous time. The sances must not be too long so as not to complicate the assimilation process or compromise its efficacy, hence the advice in the paragraph "The tone of suggestions" We can never remind you enough that previous to your initiation you must give the subliminal method a chance. So, always adopt an open attitude, even faced with the most surprising formulae or indications. Youll have all the time in the world to criticise them or doubt them after having tested them! The three phases of subliminal practice are short and illustrated by simple and directive formulae. Do not carry on with your normal daily life too quickly after a sance. Take advantage of what you have learned between two training sessions, notably of the deep level of bodily relaxation reached and the mental well-being obtained. Starting your usual activities must be done progressively by conserving the positive state of mind of your sance for as long as possible, especially if later on you must carry out tasks that require a certain vivacity and great precision.



Start or retake them slowly. Accelerate the rhythm gradually. You will therefore reach a level of rapidity and perfection that is superior to what you were previously able to reach. Even though we insist on the conscious and controlled nature of the subliminal method, there is no question however of using it on another person to make them accomplish things they consciously refuse, without them knowing about it.If someone refuses your advances, a child refuses to obey you, your boss refuses a pay increase, etc., you must not subject them to inappropriate manipulation. For example, by making them listen to a cassette within which you have hidden suggestive formulae. The immense efficacy of the method lies in the consciousness of the formulae induced. The mind and the moral limits of these people would oppose such a resistance that a certain amount of time would be needed before your hidden messages influence them. Indeed, before each application, you must open a gap in the mind by accepting to use the method, but also by questioning yourself and accepting the real reasons that hinder your spiritual and material well-being. This would not be the case for your involuntary guinea pigs.



Chapter 7
The three subliminal phases

As we have already specified, the controlled subliminal methods objective is to voluntarily and consciously take advantage of its wonderful power by elaborating suggestions yourself and carrying out the sance however you wish for as long as you wish. According to your availability and motivation, you will practice between five and ten minutes a day. Nevertheless, an extra five minutes, making fifteen minutes in all, will reinforce the efficacy and rapidity of results. Since each sance is split into three phases, if you consecrate five minutes to each of them, you will avoid the headache of monitoring your practice time each time when you practice for just 10 minutes. (10 minutes divided by three equals 3.33 min.!) The three stages of the subliminal method are: 1- Mind-body relaxation 2- Lowering the threshold of the usual conscience 3- Free emergence of unconscious suggestions or voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller. Previously to the first phase, you must learn the basics of

Abdominal breathing Most of the time, we breathe too quickly and incorrectly. Usual thoracic breathing (or pulmonary) does not really allow us to obtain a calm mind and the liberation of bodily or nervous tensions. To do this, it is important to practice abdominal breathing which consists of exhaling by sucking in the stomach and inhaling by pushing it out. These two abdominal phases of the abdominal breathing cycle are to be carried out voluntarily but without exaggeration.



For correct practice, you need to concentrate on your normal breathing rhythm without forcing it. Breathing conscience leads to a natural and automatic deepening of your respiration. Conscious breathing test - Lie or sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. - Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing starting with an exhalation. When you exhale, b e conscious of your expiration. When you inhale, be conscious of your inhalation. - Passively be aware of your breathing; on your exhalation then your inhalation. This process is simple, but oh so effective! - After five minutes, open your eyes and notice the state you have reached. You are no doubt a little (or much) more relaxed in your body and mind. Imagine what this technique would bring you if you practiced it for longer and /or more often! It is advised to carry out this breathing exercise several times a day, especially in the hours preceding your sance. Take advantage of every calm moment or time alone to do it. A minimum of five minutes is required each time. Theres no maximum limit. Train progressively and advance at your own rhythm from the start. Certain people can maintain this breathing conscience all day. They considerably improve their performances, dynamism and results! Begin with five minutes a day, then ten, then fifteen Follow your own progression. Always practice with pleasure, otherwise you could breathe for hours without getting anything from it. It is better to do ten minutes conscious breathing with pleasure than ten hours of breathing with constraint. If you are alone in the office or your colleague has left the room practice conscious breathing. If you are at home, and your children have not yet returned from school practice conscious breathing. If you are on public transport Practice conscious breathing. If you are stressed out or tired practice conscious breathing. If you have an important meeting, an exam, or a competition to prepare practice conscious breathing.
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Abdominal breathing, used before and during action, provides great concentration, better vigilance and durable and impressive results. This breathing conscience is truly the secret of vitality and relaxation. It is also the basis on which your subliminal sance lies. Practice it in the first phase, but if you prepare it beforehand for about twenty minutes spread throughout the day, you will reach body and mind relaxation quicker. If you use it regularly in the hours before your sance, the mind-body relaxation phase will be no more than a formality that will take you just a few minutes. This previous training will allow you to shorten your real breathing practice time during the sance and consecrate more time, concentration and energy on steps 2 lowering the threshold of your conscience and 3 t h e f r e e e m e r g e n c e o f unconscious suggestions or voluntarily unconscious suggestion. You will therefore reach the last two stages of the subliminal process in the best conditions because you will have prepared your body and mind for effective lowering of the threshold of rapid conscious and for effective free emergence of suggestions or voluntary unconscious suggestion.

1- Mind-body relaxation The first subliminal phase consists of reaching a state of mental and bodily relaxation to allow complete focus on your energy in each sance. Indeed, if you are ill, if you suffer from pain, if you are depressed or under stress, a part of your vital force is monopolised by the fight or resistance against these negativities. It is therefore not available for your training. It is important to obtain a state of deep relaxation to calm body parts or emotions that are too harmful. This mind-body serenity is reached by practising abdominal breathing, body visualisation-relaxation and mind pacification.

Body visualisation-relaxation Once you are used to the abdominal breathing, move on to practising body visualisation-relaxation which consists of relaxing the body by visualising its different parts. This leads to the disappearance of tension accumulated during the day, or even over several days, simply by following ones breathing rhythm. Proper body relaxation is indispensable and the best preparation for total concentration on phases 2 and 3.



Begin your body relaxation training from now. It should rapidly become as natural as walking or breathing abdominally. Body relaxation - Lie or sit down comfortably in a calm place, then close your eyes. - Practice about a dozen abdominal breathing cycles until your breathing becomes slow and deep. - Progressively relax while visualising all the parts of your body in the following order: foot, calf, left thigh, foot, calf, right thigh, buttocks, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, hand, forearm, arm, left shoulder, hand, forearm, arm, right shoulder, arm, the middle and then the top of your back, the back and then the top of your head, forehead, jaw, the point located between your eyebrows at the root of your nose, called the pineal gland in the Western world (third eye in the Orient). It represents the most important subtle centre of the human being, that of ultimate Knowledge. This detailed version of body relaxation which is indispensable for a good subliminal sance can be shortened if it takes up too much of your time in the beginning. Indeed, there is a shorter version, but you must replace it with the long version after a few days in order to reach a truly deep level of relaxation. Short version - Lie or sit down comfortably in a calm place, then close your eyes. - Practice about a dozen abdominal breathing cycles until your breathing becomes slow and deep. - Progressively relax (visualising) all parts of your body in a global manner in the following order: lower members, buttocks, abdomen, chest, upper members, back, face, and the point located between your eyebrows. After practising one of these two versions, you will notice total muscular relaxation and a peaceful state of mind, which will nevertheless be even greater if you use the longer version.

Mind pacification Normally, if you do the body relaxation well, you should experience great mental calm. You are practically ready to move on to step No.2 of the lowering of your conscience. However, if your mind is still in a confused state, interfered
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by too many thoughts or preoccupied, complete the previous exercise (long or short version) with the following: - Once you have reached bodily relaxation, say: "My body is perfectly relaxed (really feel this sensation, or else start the body relaxation phase again). My mind is starting to progressively feel the same state of pacification. I will count up to 5. At 5, I will be completely at peace" (Now you). "1. My body is completely at ease, my mind also feels the same wellbeing "2. After the two breathing cycles to come, my mind will be calmer "3. First cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "5. There, my mind is completely relaxed. It is in harmony with my body"

It is important to not only repeat these formulae mentally, but to really feel the sensations associated.

2- Lowering your conscience threshold Dont forget that, first and foremost, your mind is not your enemy. It helps you in your daily life to react to both pleasant solicitations and annoying aggressions from the outside world. Indeed, it is thanks to this that you can understand and practice this subliminal method at the moment. You must not rebel against it but simply weaken its usual defences to allow the necessary suggestions to emerge or be instilled for an improvement of your condition. At the start of this second phase, you have already practised the abdominal breathing several times, and you have reached a state of deep body and mind relaxation thanks to phase 1. Even though it was recommended you practice the two parts of the mind-body relaxation separately (body relaxation-visualisation, and mind pacification) in order to memorise them well, this is not the case during a sance, it is important to continue phase 2 directly after phase 1. To facilitate the assimilation of this second subliminal stage, lets start the method from the beginning.



A) Preliminary phase Abdominal breathing practice for about twenty minutes throughout the day. B) Subliminal sance. Phase 1. Mind-body relaxation - Lie or sit down comfortably in a calm place, then close your eyes. - Practice about a dozen abdominal breathing cycles until your breathing becomes slow and deep. - Progressively relax (visualising) all parts of your body in the following order (Bodily relaxation, short version at the start): lower members, buttocks, abdomen, chest, upper members, back, face, and the point located between your eyebrows. C) Mind Pacification (option) - "My body is perfectly relaxed (really feel this sensation, or else start the body relaxation phase again). My mind is starting to progressively feel the same state of pacification. I will count up to 5. At 5, I will be completely at peace. "1. My body is completely at ease, my mind also feels the same wellbeing "2. After the two breathing cycles to come, my mind will be calmer "3. First cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "5. There, my mind is completely relaxed. It is in harmony with my body " D) Phase 2. Lowering the threshold of the conscience. - With your eyes closed, and remaining conscious of your breathing rhythm that has become calm, say: "There, I am now in a state of total mindbody relaxation and ready to lower the threshold of my conscience. I will count up to 5. At 5, my degree of mental defence will be zero, my conscience will allow (of your choice): the free emergence of my unconscious suggestions or the voluntary implantation of suggestions in my unconscious. "1. My conscience is not my enemy, but a precious ally. At 5, it will be in a state of relaxation as deep as my body and mind "2. I can already feel that it is beginning to lower its defences. (Do not be content with having this formula in your mind, but really feel the sensation
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associated). After the two breathing cycles to come, it will be completely open to (of your choice): the free emergence of my unconscious suggestions or the voluntary implantation of suggestions in my unconscious "3. First cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more "5. There, my conscience threshold is completely lowered. It is ready (of your choice) for the free emergence of my unconscious suggestions or the voluntary implantation of suggestions in my unconscious" This long version prepares the ground for phase 3 by highlighting its two options. This last stage is unmistakeably the most important of the whole method. Nevertheless, if at first, this long version seems a little complicated, apply the short version below: - With your eyes closed, and remaining conscious of your breathing rhythm that has become calm, say: "There, I am now in a state of total mindbody relaxation and ready to lower the threshold of my conscience. I will count up to 5. At 5, my degree of mental defence will be zero and my conscience open" "1. My conscience is not my enemy, but a precious ally. At 5, it will be in a state of relaxation as deep as my body and mind "2. I can already feel that it is beginning to lower its defences. After the two breathing cycles to come, it will be completely open "3. First cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more "5. There, my conscience threshold is completely lowered. It is ready for phase 3"



3- Free emergence of unconscious suggestions or voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller. In fact, as its name suggests, this phase 3 can be found in two variants according to the required goal. At first, at least for one week, it is advised to practice the first: the free emergence of unconscious suggestions. This will get you well used to the whole method, for at least eight days, the average time for it to integrate into your daily routine. This first "passive" practice lets your hidden abilities freely emerge to the surface of your conscience. It also allows you not to waste too much energy, not to disperse, and progressively gets you used to the procedure of a sance. The two options of phase 3 are not carried out separately but immediately after phases 1 and 2. First possibility. Free emergence of unconscious suggestions Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows: - Keeping your eyes closed and monitoring your abdominal breathing, say the formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mind-body relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, suggestions (or my hidden abilities) will freely emerge from my unconscious. "1. My unconscious is my precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely let the suggestions or hidden abilities I need to really change my life emerge. "2. From my unconscious more and more suggestions and hidden abilities emerge. After two breathing cycles to come, my conscience will be completely receptive to these suggestions and hidden abilities. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious sends me suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious sends me suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my unconscious sends me even more suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious sends me even more suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. "5. There, my conscience is completely receptive to suggestions or hidden abilities sent by my unconscious"
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- Remain in this state and let all the information emerging from your unconscious come. Do not censor anything. Accept all ideas, images, thoughts, even the (apparently) most absurd ones, the craziest, and most unrealistic (in appearance). If these suggestions reach your conscience, then they have their purpose, whatever form they may take. Be content to be a passive receptor. Do not judge anything. The unconscious has its own logic which is often very different to our own. - Open your eyes and slowly come back to your usual conscious state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "there, this subliminal sance is now over. I will go back to my usual activities (or I am going to sleep, if you do this before bedtime). " As an option - In a notebook, give an outline of the main suggestions that reached your conscious during the sance. It is highly probable that, from the start, you experience a strong influx of ideas because your unconscious is an almost inexhaustible reservoir at your service. So, note down only the first ten suggestions or hidden abilities that appear. Of course, your attitude depends on the time you can spend autoanalysing. In any case, remind yourself that if you were able to memorise these subliminal inspirations - they are now implanted in your conscience. You are totally free to nurture them, and use them as you wish or even reject them! You can let them follow their own path in your mind or think about them from time to time during the day. Your suggestions will automatically immerse into your next thoughts after a psychological phenomenon period called incubation after which an idea that has reached your conscious ends up influencing your behaviour. If you have time, practice your own analysis. Think about the meaning of your subliminal ideas and try to learn lessons. However, do this a little later, on the same day or the next day. But in any case, do it before your next sance or at the start of it. Whatever solution you choose (incubation or analysis), the suggestions implanted in your conscious will end up changing your mental state and directing your actions.



2nd possibility. Voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller. The second solution to get the most out of phase 3 is to voluntarily implant suggestions into your unconscious. It is advised not to experiment this until after at least one weeks practice of free emergence of unconscious suggestions. This second possibility requires good mastering of the subliminal method. After eight days of the first option, you should be sufficiently used to it, and you can then apply conscious implantation of your desires into your unconscious quicker and more effectively. Once your conscious threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, do the following: - With your eyes closed and being aware of your abdominal breathing, say the following formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mind-body relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, I will freely implant a suggestion in my unconscious. "1. My unconscious is my other precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely receive a suggestion I need in order to really change my existence. "2. My unconscious is totally receptive. After two breathing cycles to come, my suggestion will be definitively and resolutely implanted in my unconscious. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). I inhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). I inhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). "5. There, my unconscious has definitively and durably received my suggestion, which, from now on, will change the course of my life" - Remain in this state and visualise your suggestion, imagining yourself in the situation described. For example, if you want to earn a lot of money, visualise yourself surrounded by material riches, or wads of bank notes, a very healthy bank account, etc.
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Do not censor anything. Imagine your whole idea, image, or thought, even the craziest, most unrealistic or unimaginable (for now) to reach your goal. If you form these suggestions, then they will take on a purpose, whatever their form may be. This time, be an active transmitter. Invest yourself in your visualisations. The unconscious has its own logic which is often very different to our own. Engrave your ideas there in any possible way - even in ways that are the most original or apparently impossible to do. - Open your eyes and slowly return to your usual conscious state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "There, this subliminal sance is now over. I will return to my activities (or I am going to sleep, if you do this just before bedtime)" As an option - In a notebook, give an outline of the main suggestions implanted during the sance. Of course, your attitude depends on the time you can spend autoanalysing. In any case, remind yourself that if you were able to memorise these subliminal ideas - they are now implanted in your conscience. You can let them follow their own path in your mind, thinking about them from time to time during the day. Your suggestions will automatically immerse into your next thoughts after a psychological phenomenon period called incubation, described previously. If you have time, think about their meaning and try to learn lessons from them. Otherwise, do it a little later on the same day or the next day. In any case, do it before your next sance or just before you start it. Whatever solution you choose (incubation or analysis), the suggestions implanted in your conscious will end up changing your mental state and directing your actions. Think about your suggestions and visualisations as many times as possible during the day. Adapt your behaviour to them by materialising the situations imagined in your subliminal sances as much as possible in your real life. You will ensure the durable implantation of a desire in your unconscious by invoking it for fifteen consecutive daily sances. This is the average duration for making any wish come true, under the condition that you practice
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the subliminal method regularly, with conviction and an open mind.

Warning Often, your wishes will be granted before this time, but it could also be the case that you need more time to reach your goal. If this is the case, do not blame the subliminal method (it has been proved for years by hundreds of people). Please remember that the indicative duration given is just an arithmetical average. Therefore, for some it took less time, but for others, more! If you exceed this deadline, do not blame yourself or think that you are inferior to others. If this should happen, instead of reproaching yourself, learn to get to know your own speed and personal development. Then, stick to this rather than trying to force nature. Furthermore, this duration varies according to your desires. Therefore, someone who found the love of their life within ten days would perhaps need a month to obtain a pay-rise, when for another individual, the opposite would be true!

The subliminal method is flexible. All things considered, remember that the deadlines for making your wishes come true proportionally become shorter with regular practice.




So far, you have studied the subliminal method in a detailed and fragmented manner. To facilitate your training, you will find below a condensed layout of the two ways of using subliminal power, without the corresponding commentaries. Complete subliminal method for the free emergence of unconscious suggestions A) Preliminary phase Abdominal breathing practice during the day. - Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing, starting by breathing out. When you exhale, be aware of it. When you inhale, be aware of it. You must passively be aware that you are breathing, exhaling and then inhaling. B) Phase 1. Mind-body relaxation. 5 MIN. - Lie or sit down comfortably in a calm place, then close your eyes. - Practice about a dozen abdominal breathing cycles until your breathing becomes slow and deep. - Progressively relax (visualising) all parts of your body in a global manner in the following order: (feet, calves, thighs) left then right; buttocks, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, (hands, forearms, arms) left then right; shoulders, bottom, middle then the top of your back, the back and top of your head, forehead, jaw, and the point located between your eyebrows at the root of your nose, called the pineal gland. C) Mind pacification (option) - If your mind is not totally at peace, say: "My body is perfectly relaxed (really feel this sensation, or else start the body relaxation phase again). My mind is starting to progressively feel the same state of pacification. I will count up to 5. At 5, I will be completely at peace 1. My body is completely at ease, my mind also feels the same wellbeing "2. After the two breathing cycles to come, my mind will be calmer "3. First cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease



"4. Second cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "5. There, my mind is completely relaxed. It is in harmony with my body" D) Phase 2. Lowering your conscience threshold. 5 MIN. - With your eyes closed, and remaining conscious of your breathing rhythm that has become calm, say: "There, I am now in a state of total mindbody relaxation and ready to lower the threshold of my conscience. I will count up to 5. At 5, my degree of mental defence will be zero, my conscience will allow (of your choice): the free emergence of my unconscious suggestions or the voluntary implantation of suggestions in my unconscious. "1. My conscience is not my enemy, but a precious ally. At 5, it will be in a state of relaxation as deep as my body and mind "2. I can already feel that it is beginning to lower its defences. (Do not be content with having this formula in your mind, but really feel the sensation associated). After the two breathing cycles to come, it will be completely open to the free emergence of my unconscious suggestions. 3. First cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering. "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more "5. There, my conscience threshold is completely lowered. It is ready for the free emergence of my unconscious suggestions E) Phase 3. Free emergence of suggestions. 5 MIN. Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows: - Keeping your eyes closed and monitoring your abdominal breathing, say the formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mind-body relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, suggestions (or my hidden abilities) will freely emerge from my unconscious.



"1. My unconscious is my precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely let the suggestions or hidden abilities I need to really change my life emerge. "2. From my unconscious more and more suggestions and hidden abilities emerge. After two breathing cycles to come, my conscience will be completely receptive to these suggestions and hidden abilities. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious sends me suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious sends me suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my unconscious sends me even more suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious sends me even more suggestions or hidden abilities to which I am completely open. "5. There, my conscience is completely receptive to suggestions or hidden abilities sent by my unconscious" - Remain in this state and let all the information emerging from your unconscious come. Do not censor anything. Accept all ideas, images, thoughts, even the (apparently) most absurd ones, the craziest, and most unrealistic (in appearance). If these suggestions reach your conscience, then they have their purpose, whatever form they may take. Be content to be a passive receptor. Do not judge anything. The unconscious has its own logic which is often very different to our own. - Open your eyes and slowly come back to your usual conscious state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "there, this subliminal sance is now over. I will go back to my usual activities (or I am going to sleep, if you do this before bedtime). " (Option) - In a notebook, give an outline of the main suggestions that reached your conscious during the sance () Note down only the first ten suggestions or hidden abilities that appear.



Complete subliminal method for voluntary unconscious suggestion Preliminary phase Phase 1. Body relaxation-visualisation. Phase 2. Lowering the conscious threshold. See above the complete subliminal method for the free emergence of unconscious suggestions Phase 3. Voluntary unconscious suggestion. Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows: - Keeping your eyes closed and monitoring your abdominal breathing, say the formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mind-body relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, I will freely implant a suggestion in my unconscious (Say what it is). "1. My unconscious is my precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely receive the following suggestion (say what it is) I need to really change my existence. "2. My unconscious is totally receptive. After the two breathing cycles to come, the following suggestion (say what it is) will be definitively and resolutely implanted in my unconscious. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). I inhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). I inhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion (say what it is and if possible visualise yourself in this situation). "5. There, my unconscious has definitively and durably received this suggestion (say what it is), which, from now on, will change the course of my life"



- Remain in this state and visualise your suggestion, imagining yourself in the situation described. - Open your eyes and slowly return to your usual conscious state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "There, this subliminal sance is now over. I will return to my activities (or I am going to sleep, if you do this just before bedtime)" As an option See the corresponding paragraph in the Free Emergence of Unconscious Suggestions. Progressively materialise the suggestions implanted during your sances in your daily life. By our timing we estimate fifteen minutes of total practice for the three phases. This is an average training time, and the most favourable to the realisation of your dreams. Nevertheless, a promise is a promise! You can shorten the duration of each part by using, for example, the short version of the mind-body relaxation exercise in order to complete it within the ten minutes advocated since the start. You now possess, with these two variants of the subliminal method, irrefutable weapons to satisfy all your desires and durably change your life.



Chapter 8
Little "extras" to improve your practice

Apply these two versions as you wish.

However, their wealth and

possibilities are such that it would be useful to establish a general procedure for reinforcing your concentration to avoid mind dispersion and to increase your chances of quickly benefitting from subliminal power. Also, establishing a personal fulfilment plan would be a significant "plus".

Reinforcing your concentration power As we have repeated multiple times, the success of our method depends on the brevity of your training sances which should last ten and fifteen minutes maximum. To fully benefit from these condensed training sessions, it is important to have good concentration skills and to totally immerge yourself in the subliminal method. If you have trouble focusing for more than a few minutes, or even a few seconds on the same physical or mental object, practice this concentration power reinforcement technique for a week. Then, you can benefit from the immense powers of the subliminal method with total peace of mind. Come back to this technique if you later lack or lose your concentration again over the course of your subliminal training. Concentration reinforcement exercise To do this, choose a motivating concentration aide: a photo of your girlfriend or your favourite animal, an everyday object, a candle, a coloured disc, etc. This method is based on the two first subliminal phases because to learn to focus your conscience for five, then ten and finally fifteen minutes on the chosen aide, your mind and body must be previously relaxed. This implies first doing phase No.1 - the mind-body relaxation exercise, followed by phase No.2- the lowering of your conscious threshold.



- Lie or sit down comfortably. - Close your eyes and practice twenty abdominal breathing cycles, concentrating on your natural breathing rhythm, without forcing it and always starting by breathing out. It will become deeper by itself. - Progressively relax, visualising all parts of your body in the following order: feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, hands, forearms, arms, shoulders, the bottom, middle then the top of your back, the back and the top of your head, forehead, jaw, and the point located between your eyebrows at the root of your nose, called the pineal gland. - Say: "My body is perfectly relaxed (really feel this sensation, or else start the body relaxation phase again). My mind is starting to progressively feel the same state of pacification. I will count up to 5. At 5, I will be completely at peace. "1. My body is completely at ease, my mind also feels the same well-being "2. After the two breathing cycles to come, my mind will be calmer "3. First cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "5. There, my mind is completely relaxed. It is in harmony with my body. "I am now in a position to totally concentrate on (name your concentration aide)" - Open your eyes and focus your attention for five minutes on it. (Set a timer on your watch or alarm clock). Describe your aide in detail (its shape, colour, components, volume, etc.) - Close your eyes again and continue "seeing" this object and all these details. - Open your eyes again and verify the exactitude of your visualisation. If you are surprised by the pre-programmed timer going off, then you really were concentrating on your aide. Otherwise, start the whole procedure again until you reach this result. When you have succeeded, programme ten then fifteen minutes of concentration. After a week of this daily training, evaluate your concentration skills. If you are still at five minutes, we advise you to continue for an extra week, otherwise you will have problems concentrating on the whole subliminal method, which lasts from ten to fifteen minutes! If you can do ten or fifteen minutes (this is even better) continuous concentration, you can begin the subliminal method.



Developing an organised satisfaction plan

Even though the subliminal method is one of the most effective and rapid personal development methods, it is nevertheless recommended not to use it in a manner that is too weak-willed or disorganised, otherwise you risk missing its wonderful possibilities. It is fundamental to have a plan of attack in order to develop controlled and successful progression. You can of course use its fabulous power to solve specific and precise problems in your private, professional or social life. It will always be of great help to you on an ad hoc basis. However, if you are aiming for a real and total transformation, it is important to forge a longterm personal satisfaction plan. To do this, you must determine, then organise your objectives. If you were asked the question straight out: "Why and how do you plan on using the subliminal method?" You wouldnt have trouble finding good reasons why. However, having said that, you would no doubt have more trouble determining in which order to start because you no doubt have many desires to satisfy at the same time in very different application areas. Where should you start? By finding the love of your life? Attracting luck in games? Winning a lot of money? Satisfying your sexual desires? Making friends? Getting a promotion?, etc. You must have these desires and/or many others! To determine the progression that best suites you, do the following Subliminal organisation exercise. Assimilating this technique will be made easier by the fact that it is based on the basic subliminal method and on the principal of monoideism (the repeated enunciation of the same suggestion or motivation). - Lie or sit down comfortably in a calm place, then close your eyes. - Practice about a dozen abdominal breathing cycles until your breathing becomes slow and deep.



- Progressively relax (visualising) all parts of your body in a global manner in the following order: (feet, calves, thighs) left then right; buttocks, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, (hands, forearms, arms) left then right; shoulders, bottom, middle then the top of your back, the back and top of your head, forehead, jaw, and the point located between your eyebrows at the root of your nose, called the pineal gland in the Western world (or third eye in the Orient). - Once you have reached bodily relaxation, say: "My body is perfectly relaxed (really feel this sensation, or else start the body relaxation phase again). My mind is starting to progressively feel the same state of pacification. I will count up to 5. At 5, I will be completely at peace. "1. My body is completely at ease, my mind also feels the same well-being "2. After the two breathing cycles to come, my mind will be calmer "3. First cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my mind is relaxing. I inhale, my mind is at ease "5. There, my mind is completely relaxed. It is in harmony with my body" It is important to not only mentally repeat these formulae, but to really feel the sensations evoked by them. - Keeping your eyes closed, and conscious of your breathing rhythm which has become deep, say: "There, I am now in a state of total mind-body relaxation, and ready to lower my conscience threshold. I will count to 5. At 5, my degree of mental defence will be lowered, and my conscience will allow the free emergence of my dearest unconscious motivations and desires. "1. My conscience is not my enemy, but a precious ally. At 5, it will be in a state of relaxation as deep as my body and mind. "2. I can already feel that it is beginning to lower its defences. (Do not be content with having this formula in your mind, but really feel the sensation associated). After the two breathing cycles to come, it will be completely open to the free emergence of my dearest unconscious motivations and desires. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering. "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more. I inhale, my conscious vigilance threshold is lowering even more. "5. There, my conscience threshold is completely lowered. It is ready for the free emergence of my dearest unconscious m o t i v a tions and desires. - Remain in this state of well-being, totally opening yourself up to the suggestions emerging from your unconscious. Let them express themselves
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in your mind. Do not censor anything. Do not even suppress the craziest and most unrealistic ideas, especially in the sexual area. There are no morals other than those you build for yourself throughout your life. You can satisfy all your desires and fantasies under the condition that it is not at the expense of someone elses physical or mental integrity. Furthermore, the subliminal method is compatible with all religious, political, cultural or philosophical ideas. - Write down in your progression notebook, a l l t h e desires that appeared during this sance, without any censorship, we repeat, and in the order you want them to come true. The dreams that today seem the most impossible to reach will be tomorrows reality if you use the subliminal method daily. This organisation exercise will be the cornerstone of your entire evolution because, you will regularly note down your progress and verify the follow-up of your progression plan.



Chapter 9
The main subliminal areas

At this point in your initiation practice, you have no doubt practised the subliminal method successfully on an ad hoc basis or within the framework of organised progression. Subliminal power is so powerful and its application areas are so vast that it is difficult to fix too strict a framework on your training. Indeed, each of us has particular experiences and specific problems to get rid of in our own way and at our own rhythm. To impose too rigid instructions to follow would only hinder your progression. Since the start of the subliminal method, it has been possible, with experience, to improve it in order to make it more effective. Just five years ago, thirty minutes of training was needed per day to obtain results! Now, ten to fifteen minutes are enough to obtain the same results. Is it possible to condense this technique even more? Honestly, we dont think so. We have reached the minimum acceptable practice time, at least if we want to offer a serious personal fulfilment method and not just another illusory miracle recipe! Here, you are using the latest and most accomplished version possible. We cannot do better than this. However, there are so many subliminal application possibilities that it sometimes disorientates users. Indeed, even the most advanced users share some surprises with us each month and the discoveries resulting from their practice. They sometimes even discover original applications we had never even imagined! We have therefore had to arrange a certain number of application areas to facilitate the use of subliminal power. We suggest below some variants adapted to several main subliminal areas. They will allow you to refine your initiation, improve your practice and vary the contents of your training sessions. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, this chapter will enrich your experimentation, re f re s h the r o u t i n e i n t o which you may have fallen, stimulate your motivation or help you to rectify errors generally made in the application of the subliminal method.



The main application areas are: 1- Private life: meet your soul mate, improve your family life, start or consolidate a relationship, reinforce parent-children relationships, satisfy your desire and sexuality 2- Inner self: attract respect, make the most of your qualities, get rid of your foibles, protect yourself against people and ill-fate, develop your hidden psychic powers, read others thoughts, etc. 3- Professional life: Earn more money, find or change your job, get a promotion 4- Social life: Make friends, cultivate relationships, accelerate your social promotion Each of these fields includes the most common application areas of everyday life. They are treated in a general manner in order to adapt them to your current situation easier. These four sectors are not inexhaustible. You can complete them according to your own wishes, but at least they indicate which variant to use. To show the great diversity of subliminal possibilities, the first two variants will be based on voluntary unconscious suggestion, and the last two on the free emergence of unconscious suggestions.

1- Subliminal variant to energise your Private Life Meet your soul mate, improve your family life, start or consolidate a relationship, reinforce parent-children relationships, satisfy your desire and sexuality The private life area must take priority because it concerns the emotion domain; deep feelings which often condition our behaviour in other aspects of our life. If we want total happiness, priority is often given to what we can reach in our private life. Human sensitivity needs a solid base on which to express itself, so that we can be sensitive, but not slaves to our senses, especially with regards to sexuality.



The subliminal variant offered here concerns meeting your soul mate. You can then apply this example to other situations concerning your Private Life by simply rearranging the terms used. Warning The application of the subliminal method variants is facilitated by the fact that they include the same three basic phases (Mind-body relaxation, Lowering of the usual conscience threshold, the free emergence of unconscious suggestions or voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller.) Since the first two are the same, they will not be repeated, but you will be instructed to refer to the basic subliminal method. Having already used them, you shouldnt have any difficulties practising them. However, phases 3 of each area of application will be explained because they are slightly different. To get full benefit from these subliminal variants, it is recommended to practice them for at least fifteen minutes. Being already used to the different practice conditions and to the three stages of the basic method, you shouldnt have much trouble concentrating in order to quickly obtain the best advantages. 1- Mind-body relaxation See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 2- Lowering your usual conscience threshold See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 3- Voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller. Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows: - Imagine that a slightly translucent yellow bubble is progressively emerging and growing out of your chest. - Concentre all your a t t e n t i o n o n it. See it i n d e t a i l . Appreciate its perfect circular shape and yellow surface colour. - Make it grow until it completely encircles you. - Imagine that you are bathing in its light until you feel a sensation of peace and calm. - Immerse yourself in this state for five minutes. - Concentrate on your breathing again. Do five deep abdominal breathing cycles (inhale + exhale).
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- Keeping your eyes closed, continue concentrating on your abdominal breathing, and say this formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mind-body relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, I will freely implant the following suggestion into my unconscious: 'Thanks to the subliminal method, I will now find the love of my life" "1. My unconscious is another precious ally to achieve this. At 5, it will be energised and will freely receive my desire to find the love of my life who I need to truly change my existence. "2. My unconscious is totally receptive. After the two breathing cycles to come, my powerful desire will be definitively and resolutely implanted in my unconscious. 3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion to find the love of my life. (If possible visualise yourself in a situation favourable to this encounter as well as the person if you already know who it is). I inhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion to find the love of my life. (If possible visualise yourself in a situation favourable to this encounter as well as the person if you already know who it is). "4. Second cycle: I exhale, the desire to find the love of my life is being implanted even further into my unconscious. (If possible, visualise yourself in a situation favourable to this encounter as well as the person if you already know who it is). I inhale, the desire to find the love of my life is being implanted even further into my unconscious. (If possible, visualise yourself in a situation favourable to this encounter as well as the person if you already know who it is). "5. There, my unconscious has definitively and durably received the desire to find the love of my life who, from this moment on, will change the course of my life. (If possible, visualise yourself in a situation favourable to this encounter as well as the person if you already know who it is)" - Remain in this state and visualise your suggestion by imagining the situation described. - Open your eyes and slowly come back to your usual conscious state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "There, this subliminal sance is now over. I will go back to my activities (or I will go to sleep if you do this just before bedtime). The desire to find the love of my life is solidly implanted in my unconscious"



- Then, as soon as you have the opportunity, if possible immediately after this sance, when your visualisations are still "fresh", write down in your notebook the general outline of the suggestion implanted in your unconscious. Practice advice To facilitate the realisation of a desire, practice this same exercise daily for at least a week or until the actual realisation of your desire. Do not censor anything. Accept all ideas, images, thoughts, even the (apparently) most absurd, craziest, and most unrealistic ones (in appearance), in order to facilitate the materialisation of your deepest wish. If you implant these "crazy" suggestions in your unconscious, then they have their own purpose, in whatever form you do it. The more original you are in your ideas and visualisations, the more chance they have of being durably implanted in you. Let your imagination express itself and you will no doubt be surprised by its richness on which your existence depends. Indeed, if you already limit your creative power in your mental secret garden where no-one can judge or see you, how can you expect your dreams to come true in reality? Be an active transmitter. Invest yourself in your visualisations. The unconscious has its own logic which is often very different to our own. Engrave your ideas there in any way possible, even the most original or apparently impossible to materialise. Also, start all actions in the desired direction or take advantage of all favourable situations or chances to realise your suggestion, which will rapidly present themselves. If we take our example, you will suddenly meet strangers you like, or perhaps you already know the person you want, opportunities will be presented to you to attract their attention, invite or seduce them. Be vigilant and open to all signs to avoid missing the opportunity of your lifetime. Tell yourself that the suggestions implanted in your conscience will always end up changing your mentality and directing your actions, as long as you are regular in your practice of the subliminal method. During the day, remember your suggestions and visualisations as often as possible to accelerate the effects of the wonderful power started in your first practice session.



2- Subliminal variant to boost your Inner Self Be lucky, attract respect, make the most of your qualities, get rid of your foibles, protect yourself against people and ill-fate, develop your hidden psychic powers, read others thoughts, discover hidden possibilities After the emotional area, your Inner Self must be reinforced second because our thoughts, words and actions depend on its richness and solidity. Being able to solidify your qualities and discover your resources is a considerable skill for succeeding in life. "What is essential is invisible to the eye" said the great French writer Antoine de Saint- Exupry. This citation could be the motto for this part, as this is how much our Inner Self, which is inaccessible to others, needs to be abounding in order to obtain real happiness. The subliminal variant offered here concerns the reinforcement of your qualities. You may then apply it using a simple transposition of terms to other situations in the Inner Self field of action. Warning Please read the previous subliminal variant warning Previous to the first phase, make a list of qualities that you would like to have. Choose those which are the most important to you. We will use the example of willpower. 1- Mind-body relaxation See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 2- Lowering your usual conscience threshold See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 3- Voluntary unconscious suggestion by the controller. Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows:



- Imagine that a white, slightly translucent pyramid is progressively emerging and growing out of the middle of your chest. - Concentrate all your attention on it. See it in detail. Appreciate its perfect conic shape and the white colour of its surface. - Make it grow until it completely encircles you. - Imagine you are bathing in its light until you feel a sensation of peace and calm. - Immerse yourself in this state for five minutes. - Concentrate again on your breathing. Do five deep abdominal breathing cycles (inhale + exhale). - Keeping your eyes closed, continue concentrating on your abdominal breathing, and say this formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mindbody relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, I will freely implant the following suggestion into my unconscious: 'Thanks to the subliminal, I will gain more willpower" "1. My unconscious is my precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely receive my desire to have the willpower I need to really change my existence. "2. My unconscious is totally receptive. After two breathing cycles to come, "willpower" will be definitively and resolutely implanted in my unconscious. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion to have more willpower. (Visualise yourself in a situation where you are using this quality). I inhale, my unconscious receives my suggestion t o h a v e m o r e w i l l p o w e r . (Visualise yourself in a situation where you are using this quality) "4. Second cycle: I exhale, the desire to have more willpower is being implanted in my unconscious even more. (Visualise yourself in a situation where you are using this quality). I inhale, the desire to have more willpower is being implanted in my unconscious even more. (Visualise yourself in a situation where you are using this quality). "5. There, my unconscious has definitively and durably received the desire to have more willpower. (Visualise yourself in a situation where you are using this quality). This genuine mental weapon which, from now on, will change the course of my life" - Remain in this state and visualise your suggestion by imagining yourself in the situation described.
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- Open your eyes and slowly return to your usual conscience state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "There, this subliminal sance is now over. I will go back to my activities (or I will go to sleep if you do this just before bedtime). The desire to have more willpower is solidly implanted in my unconscious" - Then, as soon as you have the opportunity, if possible immediately after this sance, when your visualisations are still "fresh", write down in your notebook the general outline of the suggestion implanted in your unconscious.

Practical advice: See the paragraph corresponding to subliminal variant No.1.

3- Subliminal variant to boost your Professional Life Earn more money, find or change your job, get a raise, hold a better job position The professional life application area is unrecognised to the subliminal method, as its area of activities (shown above under the main title) seems to escape our will. Yet, whether it is to become rich, find a job or get a promotion, our active cooperation in materialising these dreams is fundamental. The subliminal variant offered here concerns money earnings. You may then apply this using a simple transposition of terms to other "activities" in the Professional Life field of action. This exercise is based on the free emergence of unconscious suggestions. Warning Please refer to subliminal variant No.1 1- Mind-body relaxation See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 2- Lowering your usual conscience threshold See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method.



3- Free emergence of unconscious suggestions Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows: - Imagine that your body is slowly rising above the floor, up to a distance of about fifty centimetres. - Once at this height, remain stationary and see yourself floating. - Imagine your fatigue leaving you in the form of black crows progressively abandoning the different parts of your body: feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, hands, forearms, arms, shoulders, jaw, forehead, hair, the back of your head, your upper and lower back. - When you have completed this mental operation, remain suspended in the air in a deep state of relaxation. - Bring your body back down slowly and mentally reintegrate your physical envelope. - Concentrate again on your breathing. Do five deep abdominal breathing cycles (inhale + exhale). - Keeping your eyes closed, continue concentrating on your abdominal breathing, and say this formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mindbody relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, I will be ready to listen to my unconscious from where all the suggestions that can tell me how to earn more money will freely emerge. "1. My unconscious is a precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely let suggestions emerge that will tell me how to earn the money I need to truly change my existence. "2. My unconscious is totally receptive. More and more suggestions concerning ways to earn money are beginning to flow from my unconscious. After the two breathing cycles to come, my conscience will be completely open to these ideas. "3. First cycle: I exhale, my unconscious sends me suggestions concerning the way to get more money and to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious sends me suggestions concerning the way to get more money and to which I am completely open. "4. Second cycle: I exhale, my unconscious sends me even more suggestions concerning the way to get more money and to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious sends me even more suggestions concerning the way to get more money and to which I am completely open.



"5. There, my conscience is completely receptive to the suggestions emerging from my unconscious that can tell me how to earn more money. Suggestions which, from now on, will change the course of my life" - Remain in this state and let the all the information emerge from your unconscious. Do not censor anything. Accept all ideas, images and thoughts, even the (apparently) most absurd, the craziest and most unrealistic ones (in appearance) - Open your eyes and slowly return to your usual conscience state, programming, for example, a formula such as: "There, this subliminal sance is now over. I will go back to my activities (or I will go to sleep if you do this just before bedtime). I have decided to put all the ideas, even the most surprising ones concerning the best way to earn more money into practice " - Then, as soon as you have the opportunity, if possible immediately after this sance, when your visualisations are still "fresh", write down in your notebook the general outline of the suggestions captured during the sance concerning only the problem in question, in this case: how to become rich. Practical advice: See the end of subliminal variant No.1, completing it with the following remarks that are specific to the free emergence of unconscious suggestions. Do not censor anything. Accept all ideas, images and thoughts, even the (apparently) most absurd, the craziest and most unrealistic ones (in appearance), in order to facilitate the materialisation of your deep desire. If these so-called "crazy" suggestions have emerged from your unconscious, then they serve their purpose, whatever the form in which they appear may be. The more these associated ideas and visualisations are original, the more you will memorise them durably and rewardingly.

This time, be an active receptor, ready to listen to your unconscious. Invest yourself in your visualisations. The unconscious has its own logic which is often very different to our own. Conserve its inspirations in any way possible, even the most original or (apparently) impossible to materialise.



4- Subliminal Variant to boost your Social Life Make friends, cultivate relationships, accelerate your social promotion, gain access to public responsibility Social life is another favourite area of the subliminal method as it is so important to maintain or improve your relationships with your entourage to lead a balanced life and facilitate its ascension in society. The subliminal variant offered here concerns the action of making friends. You may then apply it using a simple transposition of terms to other "activities" in the Social Life field. This exercise is based on the free emergence of unconscious suggestions. Warning Please refer to subliminal variant No.1 1- Mind-body relaxation See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 2- Lowering your usual conscience threshold See the paragraph corresponding to the basic Subliminal Method. 3- Free emergence of unconscious suggestions Once your conscience threshold has been lowered at the end of phase 2, proceed as follows: - Aloud or deep inside you, affirm your "resolution" of the day, the reason why you are doing this exercise: "I want to make friends" - Practice your abdominal breathing. As you inhale, tell yourself that the air you are breathing is made up of golden powder (the spiritual colour for regeneration). - Stop breathing, pause for a moment and see this golden powder descend down to your feet, surround them and purify them. - Exhale while imagining that your nostrils are leaking a black powder full of the impurities that you have just cleaned. - Before starting the next breathing cycle, pause. - inhale the golden powder again - Pause again and "see" this golden powder descend, swirl round your legs and purify them. - Exhale while imagining that your nostrils are leaking a black powder full of the impurities that you have just cleaned.
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- Before starting another breathing cycle, pause. Then carry out the same breathing visualisation to purify your arms, your stomach, your chest and your head. - Concentrate on your breathing again. Do five deep abdominal breathing cycles (inhale + exhale). - Keeping your eyes closed, continue concentrating on your abdominal breathing, and say this formula: "There, I am now in a state of total mindbody relaxation, the threshold of my conscience has lowered. I will count up to 5. At 5, since my conscience is open, I will be ready to listen to my unconscious from where all the suggestions that can tell me how to make friends will freely emerge. "1. My unconscious is a precious ally. At 5, it will be energised and will freely let suggestions emerge that will tell me how to make the friends I need to truly change my existence. "2. My unconscious is totally receptive. More and more suggestions concerning ways to make friends are beginning to flow from my unconscious. After the two breathing cycles to come, my conscience will be completely open to these ideas. "3. First cycle. I exhale, my unconscious is sending me suggestions concerning the way to make (more) friends to which I am open. I inhale, my unconscious is sending me suggestions concerning the way to make (more) friends to which I am open. "4. Second cycle. I exhale, my unconscious is sending me even more suggestions concerning the way to make (more) friends to which I am completely open. I inhale, my unconscious is sending me even more suggestions concerning the way to make (more) friends to which I am completely open. "5. There, my conscience is completely receptive to the suggestions emerging from my unconscious and telling me how to make (more) friends. Suggestions which, from now on, will change the course of my life"



- Remain in this state and let all the information emerging from your unconscious emerge. Do not censor anything. Accept all images and thoughts, even the most absurd, craziest and most unrealistic ones (in appearance) - Open your eyes and slowly return to your usual conscience state, programming for example, a formula such as: "There, this subliminal sance is now over. I will go back to my activities (or I will go to sleep if you do this just before bedtime). I have decided to put all the ideas, even the most surprising ones concerning the best way to make (more) friends into practice" - Then, note down the general outline of the suggestions concerning the problem treated, in this case: how to make friends Practical advice: See the end of subliminal variant No.3.



Multiply your psychic powers, attract luck and even more money into your life This gift activates the pleasure centre. It is a little as if you were experiencing a wonderful and permanent dream. In this state of serenity, you magnetise your mind to attract luck and money. This technique has allowed those who have used it before to win a small fortune. This gift is based on the marvellous resources of hypnosis, and more specifically autohypnosis or the state of magnetic resonance with the forces of the universe, controlled by you. It is one of the simplest techniques to put into practice to achieve your goal. Each time, you will need the hypnosis disc (see the image below). It is advised to affix it to a wall or ceiling rather than hold it out in front of you to avoid arm fatigue which will soon catch up with you and disturb your concentration. - Sit comfortably on a chair, preferably with a back to rest your head on, with your feet flat on the floor, or lie on your bed, with your arms alongside your body and your legs together. - Practice your abdominal breathing - Concentrate your attention (eyes and mind) on the autohypnosis disc. - During this time, say over and over again: "The more I stare at this disc, the more relaxed I am My eyelids are getting heavy, heavier and heavier My eyes are closing" - When your eyes are closed, introduce some positive formulae regarding the problem to solve.



Use the autohypnosis disc technique before using the subliminal method for being lucky (Variant No.2) or earning more money (Variant No.3). This will accelerate the already fast results obtained thanks to subliminal power.

Autohypnosis disc



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